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Chapter 1106 Turns out to be a fan

Rong Shu didn't see any malice in the girl's eyes. She only saw her daughter's uneasiness and nervousness. She couldn't help but laugh, "I believe you, but I still want to know why you secretly photographed us. Please answer me truthfully."

,May I?"

"Okay, okay." The girl nodded quickly again, then twitched her body twice, her face even more embarrassed, "Actually... I am a member of the Rich and Prosperous."

While speaking, the girl raised her eyes and glanced at Rong Shu shyly, and then quickly lowered her head. Her whole face was red, and her neck and ears were red.

Rong Shu was slightly stunned.


Isn't that the CP name of her and Fu Jingting?

She knew that there were many netizens on the Internet who were making fun of her and Fu Jingting's relationship, so she took a word from each of her and Fu Jingting's names, and then added the homophonic pronunciation to form a CP name.

In fact, this CP name is extremely down-to-earth, and it unabashedly gives people the feeling of being super rich and wealthy.

So she was particularly impressed by her and Fu Jingting's CP names.

Unexpectedly, she would one day meet her and Fu Jingting's CP fans in person.

Fu Jingting, who was picking fruits at the back, also heard the girl announcing her identity, and couldn't help but stop what he was doing and turned his head to look over.

He also knew that he and Rong Shu were fans, and he was even happy to see it happen.

After all, having CP fans means that his relationship with Rong Shu is favored by many people.

Therefore, he doesn't have any objections to CP fans who make assumptions about him and Rong Shu all day long. On the contrary, he tolerates them very much.

Who made them support him and Rong Shu?

Thinking of this, when Fu Jingting looked at the girl again, he was no longer dissatisfied. Instead, he was pleased with her no matter how he looked at her.

Rong Shu didn't know what the man was thinking behind. Now she had calmed down. She looked at the girl and smiled suddenly, "I probably understand. You are my and Fu Jingting's CP fan, so when you see me and Fu Jingting

If you appear together, you will be too excited and can't help but take pictures, right?"

If that's the case, then she can understand.

When she was a teenager, she also chased celebrities. When she met a celebrity she liked, she also liked to take pictures with her mobile phone.

The situation is exactly the same as for girls.

So she had nothing to worry about the girl's behavior just now and was completely relieved.

Opposite me, the girl saw that Rong Shu understood what she meant, and nodded again and again with an excited expression, "That's it, I became your CP fan not long after you and Mr. Fu got back together, sister Rong, and I often chat in your super chats."

Check in, if something happens to you this time, Sister Rong, I will also help you scold a lot of trolls online, you see."

The more the girl talked, the more excited she became. She didn't dare to stand too close to Rong Shu just now. Now she realized that Rong Shu was actually very gentle and easy to get close to. Naturally, she became bolder. She came to Rong Shu with her mobile phone.

He came face to face with Rong Shu and handed his cell phone to Rong Shu.

Seeing the girl's enthusiasm, Rong Shu was stunned for a moment, and then she started to laugh and cry.

This little fan is really fun.

Rong Shu flipped her hair, lowered her eyes and looked at the mobile phone handed over by the girl, and found that the girl was indeed right. She had really scolded many trolls for her.

In the list of posted comments on that person's platform, they were all words to help her and to fight back against trolls and trolls.

Seeing this scene, Rong Shu felt warm in her heart.

This little fan is really her true fan.

"Sister Rong, how are you? I'm not lying, I'm really a fan of you and Mr. Fu." The girl looked at Rong Shu expectantly with her big round eyes.

Rong Shu couldn't hold back and reached out her hand to gently touch the girl's hair, "Well, you didn't lie. Thank you, my cute little fan."

The girl opened her mouth wide and took a deep breath, and her whole body was stunned again.

Ahhhh, her hair was touched by her idol.

Isn't this a dream?

The girl raised her hand blankly and touched the spot that Rong Shu had just touched.

There is still a little warm feeling left there.

Only then did the girl become completely sure that she was not dreaming, and that her favorite idol actually touched her.

Ahhhh, she is so happy.

The girl held her heart with both hands, showed a silly smile, and looked at Rong Shu infatuatedly.

Also, Sister Rong is so gentle.

She always thought that women like Sister Rong who managed a company must be the kind of strong women who were cold, aloof and difficult to approach.

Unexpectedly, Sister Rong was so gentle. After knowing that she was not a paparazzi, she would apologize to her gently and even give her candy to comfort her.

Such a gentle idol, she is indeed a fan.

Moreover, Sister Rong also calls her cute little fan.

Seeing the girl staring at him and giggling non-stop, Rong Shu's mouth twitched, and she was even more confused about whether to laugh or cry.

Why is this little girl so funny?

"Little sister, you've come to your senses." Rong Shu smiled and waved her hand in front of the girl, calling her back to her senses.

The girl's eyes paused for a moment, then she came back to her senses and met Rong Shu's smiling eyes.

Rong Shu's eyes were very clear. The girl could clearly see her stupid look in Rong Shu's eyes. Her face suddenly turned red again. She was so embarrassed that she quickly lowered her head shyly and took back her phone.


But just halfway through taking it back, a big hand stretched out out of thin air and took away the girl's mobile phone.

The girl thought she had been robbed, so she didn't care about the embarrassment and embarrassment. She quickly raised her head to call someone, but when she saw that the person who took her phone was Fu Jingting, her words immediately got stuck in her throat and she couldn't get out.


Why, how could it be Mr. Fu?

Why is Mr. Fu using her phone?

The girl blinked her eyes, expressing confusion and panic.

Although there was nothing shameful in her phone, she still felt a little nervous, scared and panicked when she saw Mr. Fu taking her phone away.

This feeling is exactly the same as when I was in school and was caught playing with my mobile phone during an inspection by the class teacher.

For a moment, the girl bit her lower lip and froze in place, her nervousness almost turning into reality.

Rong Shu was also stunned by the scene just now, then turned around and looked at the man standing behind her who was checking the girl's mobile phone, "What are you doing? Why are you taking someone's mobile phone?"

"Take a look." Fu Jingting replied by sliding his thumb on the screen.

Rong Shu pursed her lips, "What's so good about it? Girls generally have their own privacy on their cell phones. It's not polite for you to look at a girl's cell phone. Please return it to her immediately."

The girl nodded quickly.

Just give it back to me quickly.

Fu Jingting held the mobile phone in one hand and put it on Rong Shu's head with the other. Just like Rong Shu touched the girl's hair just now, he gently touched her hair, lightly opened his thin lips and said softly: "Don't worry, I'm not the kind of person without principles.

Man, I won’t look at anything else on her phone, I’ll only look at the words she curses for you.”

"That's pretty much it." Rong Shu felt relieved.

She will not suspect that the man deliberately lied to her.

After all, what's so easy about this kind of thing?

The girl opposite didn't think that someone with Fu Jingting's status would be interested in the contents of an ordinary girl's mobile phone, and she felt relieved for a while.

Anyway, as long as Mr. Fu can't bear the other content on her phone and only reads the comments about her helping Sister Rong to curse others, then she has nothing to be nervous about.

The girl let out a breath, her body was no longer so stiff, and she relaxed. Then she looked at Fu Jingting's hand that was placed on Rong Shu's head and caressed it gently, and she grinned with an aunt's smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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