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Chapter 1128 You go to Africa

The man's back hit the sofa, and he was extremely dissatisfied.

Of course, I am not dissatisfied with Rong Shu, but with the person who rang the doorbell so late.

Rong Shu pretended not to see the unhappiness on the man's face, and hurriedly sat up from the sofa, arranging her messy hair and clothes, "Someone rang the doorbell just now, did you hear it?"

While she was sorting it out, she asked the man next to her.

The man was also arranging his clothes at the moment. Listening to her words, compared to her nervousness and panic, he seemed as calm as he could.

Even if someone comes, they can't make him lose his composure at all.

He patted his sleeves, crossed his legs up and down, and then replied slowly: "I heard it, someone is here, why are you so panicked?"

Looking at the woman who stood up and started to adjust her pants again, Fu Jingting raised her lips and said: "Besides, this is our place. Someone is coming, but we, as the owners, are so panicked. People who don't know better think that we are in other people's territory."

Doing bad things."

After saying this, Rong Shu was stunned on the spot and blinked in confusion.

Yes, this is her place.

Everything she and Fu Jingting do here is reasonable.

So, why should she be so flustered and guilty just because someone is coming?

People who don't know really think that she and Fu Jingting went to other people's territory to do bad things.

Rong Shu held her forehead, dumbfounded, "I reacted too much, but it was also a subconscious reaction. After all, when someone suddenly came when I was doing that, anyone would have an overreaction. After all, I was afraid of being discovered."

Fu Jingting chuckled.

"Okay, go and open the door." Rong Shu brushed her hair around her ears and walked towards the entrance.

Fu Jingting stood up and took her wrist, "I'll come with you."

He wanted to see who came to disturb his good deeds so late.

It's best that that person comes here for business, otherwise...

Fu Jingting narrowed his eyes slightly, and a cold and dangerous light burst out from his eyes.

The people outside the door didn't know what was going on, but suddenly felt very cold.

He couldn't help shivering, and then rubbed his arms.

Suddenly, the door in front of me opened.

The figures of Rong Shu and Fu Jingting appeared at the door.

When the people outside the door saw the two of them, they immediately put their hands down from their arms and stood up, "Mr. Fu, Miss Rong, good evening."

"Assistant Zhang?" Rong Shu saw the person outside the door clearly and couldn't help but feel a little surprised on her face.

Fu Jingting also frowned, "What are you doing here?"


Assistant Zhang was about to answer when he saw Fu Jingting's face turned extremely cold, "You'd better have something important to do, otherwise you can pack your bags and go to Africa for inspection tomorrow."

"What?" Assistant Zhang couldn't believe what he heard. He was so shocked that his glasses slipped from his eyes to the bridge of his nose.

What's going on?

who is he?

Where is he?

What did he do?

Why was Mr. Fu assigned to the African expedition team?

Assistant Zhang was standing outside the door now, with a look of doubt on his face, and his whole body was sluggish.

Rong Shu covered her lips and burst into laughter.

This laughter also made Assistant Zhang calm down and look at Fu Jingting with a bitter look on his face, "Mr. Fu, did I do something wrong? Why did you let me go to Africa so well?"

Fu Jingting pursed his thin lips tightly, "Do you need a reason? Just go if you are told. What are you talking about?"


"Okay Jingting." Rong Shu took the man's arm and said with a smile: "Don't scare Assistant Zhang."

She knew why the man arranged for Assistant Zhang to go to Africa.

He must have been angry that Assistant Zhang suddenly came over to interrupt him when he was about to do something like that, so he deliberately retaliated against Assistant Zhang and sent Assistant Zhang to Africa.

She knew very well how petty men were.

Rong Shu shook her head in amusement.

Assistant Zhang blinked in confusion, "Scared me? Miss Rong, what do you mean? Are you playing some game, such as truth or dare? Mr. Fu lost, so he treated me like this out of anger?"

All it takes is to make it clear that Fu Jingting cannot afford to offend innocent people.

Fu Jingting naturally heard it, and his handsome face darkened again.

It seems that I really can’t keep this assistant.

I really want to send it to Africa to shine.

Rong Shu also didn't expect Assistant Zhang to be so ambitious and imaginative that he could even come up with it when they played truth or dare.

However, I have to say that Assistant Zhang had the same idea.

Although they didn't play Truth or Dare, Fu Jingting didn't lose either.

But that's what they were playing, and Fu Jingting did do this to Assistant Zhang because he was angry.

"At eight o'clock tomorrow morning, you can fly directly to Africa. You don't need to pay for the air tickets. Let the finance department pay for it." Fu Jingting waved his hand and ordered.

Assistant Zhang became anxious, "Mr. Fu, you can't do this. You can't take your anger out on me just because you lost the game. I'm innocent."

Rong Shu smiled and her shoulders were shaking.

Yes, Assistant Zhang decided that Fu Jingting wanted to transfer him because he lost in a game.

And she and Fu Jingting didn't intend to explain.

After all, it's not easy to say that kind of thing.

So let Assistant Zhang misunderstand it.

"Okay Assistant Zhang, Jing Ting is teasing you. He can't send you to Africa." Looking at Assistant Zhang's anxious look, Rong Shu comforted her with a smile.

Assistant Zhang's eyes lit up, "Miss Rong, is it true? Mr. Fu really won't send me to Africa."

"Who said I can't?" Fu Jingting stared at him coldly.

"!!!" Assistant Zhang was confused again for a moment.

Rong Shu rolled her eyes and patted the man's arm angrily, "Okay, what are you doing? Don't scare Assistant Zhang. If you really send Assistant Zhang to Africa, where can you find such an understanding person in a short time?

Your assistant?"

That's it.

Assistant Zhang nodded quickly.

Fu Jingting pursed his thin lips.

Rong Shu added: "What I'm talking about is that Assistant Zhang didn't mean it just now."

"He disturbed us." Fu Jingting frowned and pointed at Assistant Zhang.

Rong Shu shook her head helplessly, "So what? It's just a little later. What's the big deal? After Assistant Zhang leaves later, we can continue?"

As soon as these words came out, the low pressure around Fu Jingting disappeared without a trace in an instant, replaced by joy and joy.

Anyone can feel his good mood at this moment.

When two people talk, they talk next to each other and in a very low voice.

Assistant Zhang couldn't hear what the two said, but he could feel that Fu Jingting was in a good mood after Rong Shu said a few words, and he couldn't help but sincerely admire Rong Shu.

Miss Rong is indeed Miss Rong. Just a few words can turn Mr. Fu from a powder keg that is about to catch fire at any time to a gentle and considerate good man.

Sure enough, there is a fact in this world that things create and restrain each other, and one thing subjugates the other.

No, this is what happened to the man and woman in front of him.

"How is it? Are you still angry now?" Rong Shu didn't know that Assistant Zhang was slandering her and Fu Jingting in her heart at the moment. She poked the man with her elbow and asked.

The man coughed lightly against his lips and said, "I'm not so angry anymore."

"Since you're not angry anymore, don't scare Assistant Zhang. He does his best to do things for you. What should you do if you get scared?" Rong Shu looked at Assistant Zhang and said.

Assistant Zhang was very moved and said, "Miss Rong, you are so kind to me."

Rong Shu smiled at him and said, "Assistant Zhang is too polite. Don't worry, Mr. Fu will not let you go to Africa now."

"Mr. Fu, is it true?" Assistant Zhang looked at Fu Jingting expectantly, wanting to hear Fu Jingting's answer.

This chapter has been completed!
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