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Chapter 1209 Unscrupulous Man

Rong Shu smiled, "You are truly a profit-seeking businessman. Compared to you, I am not qualified at all."

The man rubbed her hair, "Now you have just taken this step. After a long time, you will become an old man in the shopping mall, and you will be like this, but this is not a bad thing, and don't think it is bad. As a businessman,

Just do what a businessman should do, not to mention, if I plotted against that person just now, then that person just now was plotting against me? And he was using you to plot against me."

"I know, but I think you seem to like that person's scheme against you just now." Rong Shu raised her head and looked at the man with a half-smile.

The man curled his lips and said, "I quite like it. After all, he is praising you, so I am happy to jump in on such a plan."

"Humph, you're such a mouthful." Rong Shu couldn't hide the sweet smile on her face.

Soon, the elevator arrived.

The two walked out of the elevator and returned to the apartment.

After changing her shoes, Rong Shu hung her bag aside, looked at the man who was still bending to change his shoes, and said, "You go take a shower first, and I'll make soup for you."

Hearing the word "making soup", Fu Jingting was confused, but then he thought that this soup was not that soup. After taking a deep breath to suppress the nausea in his heart, he nodded gently, "Okay, I'll go first.

I’ll put some water on you in a moment.”

"Yeah." Rong Shu responded, took off her apron and walked into the kitchen.

The man stood there and watched her go in, then turned and walked in the other direction.

In the kitchen, Rong Shu opened the refrigerator, took out the beef bones and some dried mushrooms that her secretary had sent back to the refrigerator yesterday, and started to wash her hands and make soup.

Mrs. Lu was very careful. Perhaps she had considered early in the morning that she did not have the tools to cut off the big bones, so the big bones that were delivered had been cut early in the morning.

In this way, it is very convenient for her to make soup.

Rong Shu put the cleaned bones into the pot, covered the pot, turned the heat to medium, then soaked the dried mushrooms in the hot water, clapped her hands, and the first stage of the soup-making process was completed.


When the mushrooms are almost soaked, stew them together with the bones for two to three hours, and the soup will be completely ready.

Now that Rong Shu had just put the big bones in, she could smell a faint fragrance. If it was cooked in a while, the taste of the soup would be much more fragrant.

Rong Shu leaned over, took a deep sniff, smiled with satisfaction, then took off the apron from her waist, prepared to go out, and let the soup cook slowly.

As a result, as soon as he turned around, he ran into a hard wall of flesh.

The wall was moist and hot, and it also exuded a clear mint aroma, which smelled very good.

Rong Shu raised her head, looked at the man's handsome face and ink-like eyes, and said angrily: "Fu Jingting, you walked without making a sound. You suddenly appeared behind me and scared me!"

It turns out that the wall of flesh just now was the man's chest.

Listening to Rong Shu's reproach, the man pursed his thin lips innocently, "I made a sound while walking, but you were too focused and didn't hear it. I didn't dare to call you, for fear that you would be shocked and burned."

The tone was rather aggrieved.

When Rong Shu saw this, she couldn't say anything she wanted to say to hurt him later, and she was too embarrassed to say it.

After all, his behavior made her feel soft all of a sudden. If she tried harder, she would not be able to say anything anymore.

This bitch man really had a good handle on her. He knew what she was going to do, so he would show her off in a certain way and eat her to death.


Rong Shu was helpless and a little funny at the same time.

At this time, the man suddenly put his hand on her forehead and asked, "Did it hurt just now?"

Rong Shu shook her head, "No, of course. Your chest is a little hard, but it's also made of flesh. How can it really hurt? But did you feel pain when I hit it?"

She looked up at the man, her eyes full of concern.

The man shook his head slightly and smiled, "No."

"That's good, but..." Rong Shu squinted at the man's open chest, twitched the corners of her mouth and said, "Fu Jingting, can you put on your nightgown? I gave you this nightgown specially.

What you bought is a serious nightgown, which does not reveal the chest. It's better for you. The belt is loose and exposes such a large part of the chest. What do you want to do? Although the heating is on in the apartment and it is not very cold.

But it’s winter after all, aren’t you afraid of catching a cold?”

The man looked down at his chest, a dark light flashed in his eyes, and replied with a slight hook on his thin lips: "I won't catch a cold. As for what I want to do by wearing this, can't you tell?"

"What can I see?" Rong Shu raised her head and looked into the man's eyes, catching the dark, hot look in the man's eyes.

At that moment, her heart skipped a beat.

What does this dog man want to do? What does this look mean?

Rong Shu subconsciously stepped back, feeling the urge to escape.

The man realized what she was doing, stretched out his big hand, put his arm around her waist, pulled her into his arms, and said in a hoarse and low voice: "I dress like this to show you and give you benefits."

I knew it!

After listening to the man's words, these four words suddenly appeared in Rong Shu's mind.

She knew this was what the dog man meant just now.

It’s true, the dog man is always making fun of her, seducing her and wanting to do that kind of thing with her.

Is it possible that as long as dog men have private time, all they have in their minds is those things?

Rong Shu looked at the man steadily, expressing deep doubt in her heart.

She leaned her upper body back slightly and put her hands on both sides of the man's shoulders, trying to distance herself from him.

There was no way, the man had restrained her waist, and she couldn't push him away, so she could only use this method to distance herself from him.

"Who wants these benefits from you? Fu Jingting, please be more serious." Rong Shu turned her head slightly and did not look at the man.

The man saw her ears turning red and smiled lowly.

The laughter has a deep and deep feel, just like a cello, and is very pleasant to the ear.

It makes people feel numb all over after listening to it.

"Why am I not serious? I have always been serious." The man stared at her, "I am very serious."

Rong Shu rolled her eyes, "What are you serious about? How can you be serious like you? You deliberately wear clothes like this... Come on..."

"What are you doing here?" the man asked with a glint in his eyes.

How could Rong Shu say that the man was seducing her?

What if after talking for a while, the man asks, "Have you been tempted by me?", then how should you answer?

If the answer is no, will the man become even crazier and try to do something else to seduce her?

If the answer is yes, then should the dog man push his limits and take the next step?

In short, she couldn't answer no matter what she said.

Rong Shu had a headache and closed her eyes, "It's okay, Fu Jingting, please let me go quickly. I'm going to take a shower."

When I was making soup, there were some oil stains on my clothes.

She had to change clothes and take a shower as soon as possible, otherwise it would become more and more unbearable as time went on.

I always feel like there is something dirty on my clothes and I feel uncomfortable all over.

However, if a man were so obedient, he wouldn't be Fu Jingting.

Fu Jingting still hugged Rong Shu tightly, lowered his head and pressed his forehead against hers, and asked in a low voice, "You haven't answered me yet, what are you doing?"

Rong Shu pushed the man, "What's there to know? I'm talking, I've forgotten what I was going to say just now, so don't ask me again, there's no point in asking me again."

Anyway, she just wouldn't tell him.

The man saw her thoughts and sighed with regret.

I wish she could be more frank and say it directly.

The man chuckled helplessly, "Okay, then I won't ask this anymore. You can let me go if you want, but you have to answer me first. Don't you like how I do this?"

This chapter has been completed!
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