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Chapter 1244 Refreshing

Rong Shu didn't notice anything strange about the man. She rubbed her eyes and her voice was still soft, "Okay..."

She stretched and finally opened her eyes completely. She looked at the man with an embarrassed smile and said, "I didn't expect that I would sleep so deeply. I'm not fully awake yet."

"When it is too cold, suddenly appearing in a very warm environment will indeed make people feel sleepy. This is normal." Fu Jingting said as he took out a bottle of canned coffee from the car heater and opened it.

, handed it to Rong Shu, "Take a few sips to wake up."

The coffee is hot, so Fu Jingting doesn't worry about her getting cold after drinking it.

Rong Shu also needed something to wake her up at this moment, and the coffee Fu Jingting handed her was a life-saving medicine.

Her eyes were bright and she quickly reached out to take it, "Thank you."

When she finished thanking her, she raised her head and took two sips of coffee.

After drinking it, her little face suddenly wrinkled into a bitter melon, "Eh...it's so bitter, what kind of coffee are you drinking?"

She brought the jar to her and examined the packaging carefully.

But the text above was not in English and she couldn't understand it.

Seeing the bitter look on her little face, Fu Jingting explained with a chuckle, "It's Blue Mountain, original flavor, not three-in-one coffee. It's what I usually drink when I'm working in the car. There's nothing else to drink in the car, only this.

It just happens to refresh your mind, so I can only let you drink this."

"No wonder it's so painful." Rong Shu stuck out her tongue, "But it's really refreshing. I'm not sleepy now."

Can you not wake up?

It's so bitter that I believe anyone who drinks it will not be able to sleep at all.

She now felt that her tongue was numb with pain.

Rong Shu stuck out her tongue again.

Fu Jingting knew that she was suffering terribly.

After all, she always likes sweet things and doesn't like bitter things at all.

Even with coffee, I drink three-in-one coffee instead of the original flavor.

So it is normal for the pain to be unbearable at the moment.

"I will put some other refreshing drinks in the car in the future. This time I didn't think carefully. I can only use this to refresh you. Just bear with it. After entering the banquet hall, drink something else to suppress the bitter taste.

Just go down." Fu Jingting comforted.

Rong Shu nodded, "I think so too, but this coffee..."

She turned around with half a can of coffee in her hand, looking troubled.

Fu Jingting saw it and said, "Don't you want to drink?"

"I can't drink it anymore. It's too bitter. It's like drinking Chinese medicine." Rong Shu said with a slight pout.

You can’t finish it and it’s hard to throw it away. It’s such a waste.

Moreover, the things men buy are always surprisingly expensive.

She couldn't bear to throw it away.

Just when Rong Shu looked embarrassed and didn't know what to do with the coffee in her hand, she suddenly felt that her palm was empty and the coffee had been taken away.

Rong Shu quickly looked around and saw that it was the man who reached out and took away the coffee from her hand.

"If you can't finish it, I'll take care of it." After the man said this, he raised his head and took a few sips to finish the rest of the coffee.

Fortunately, the can is not big either, about six centimeters in height and four centimeters in diameter.

This kind of can is the smallest can among the world standards for canned drinks.

The coffee inside is actually not particularly large, just a few sips.

Therefore, it is not an exaggerated behavior for a man to solve it in twos and twos.

Rong Shu saw the man drinking the remaining coffee, and she was still a little dazed, "That's what I drank, you..."

The man wiped the corners of his mouth gracefully, "So what?"

"Don't you dislike it?" Rong Shu blinked and asked.

The man threw the cafe into the car's trash can, with a bit of joking in his tone, "My own woman has drank it, what's there to dislike? Besides, I'd hate your saliva..."

Knowing what the man was going to say, Rong Shu blushed and quickly interrupted him loudly, "Okay, stop talking. Didn't you say we're already here? I'm awake now. Get out of the car quickly."

After saying that, she took off her down jacket, took a deep breath, and mentally prepared herself for the biting cold wind after getting off the car, then resolutely opened the car door and got out.

Seeing the woman's somewhat helpless back, Fu Jingting raised his thin lips slightly, then picked up her down jacket, opened his own car door and got out.

Assistant Zhang had already got out of the car when he parked the car and was waiting for them outside the car.

He just waited for Fu Jingting and Rong Shu to come down so that he could get in the car again and drive to park.

Of course, some people may say, since you have to get in the car and park the car later, why not just drive the car and park it together, or just wait in the car for them to get off the car and then drive to the car. Why do you have to get out of the car?

Wait, isn't this unnecessary?

For Assistant Zhang, it is really not unnecessary.

Even if it was cold outside, he didn't want to wait in the car.

After all, the couple was in the car, so why was he, a single guy, involved?

It’s disgusting!

Now that Miss Rong is asleep, Mr. Fu is responsible for asking Miss Rong to wake her up.

As for how to wake up, that is unknown.

So in order to avoid seeing something he shouldn't see, it was better for him to get out of the car.

Although partitions are good, they are not omnipotent.

No, Assistant Zhang waited for more than ten minutes.

Mr. Fu didn't wake up Miss Rong and get out of the car for more than ten minutes. It can be seen that his guess was correct. Mr. Fu must have used the slogan of waking up Miss Rong to mix in private goods and take advantage of Miss Rong.

As Mr. Fu's most effective lieutenant, he can be said to know Mr. Fu very well.

Even though Mr. Fu is usually as handsome as a human being, he is as unattainable and unapproachable as a flower on a high mountain.

But in fact they are all fake.

In front of Miss Rong, you should lick the dog as much as you want, in many colors, in many colors, in batches.

Miss Rong fell asleep, which was a good time for Mr. Fu to take advantage of her.

He didn't believe that Fu would always let him go.

Sure enough, his guess was right. If Mr. Fu really just woke up Miss Rong, it wouldn't have taken more than ten minutes.

So in these ten minutes, Mr. Fu definitely did something indescribable to Miss Rong.

Hey, man!

Assistant Zhang was complaining in his mind when he heard the car door open.

He quickly put away these messy thoughts, stood up straight from the side of the car, turned around, and saw Rong Shu and Fu Jingting getting out of the car one on the left.

"Miss Rong, Mr. Fu." Assistant Zhang greeted the two of them quickly.

While saying hello, he quietly looked at Rong Shu's expression.

Miss Rong is very easy to understand, she is typically thin-skinned and shy.

As long as Mr. Fu does something to her, she will blush easily.

Sure enough, Assistant Zhang glanced secretly and saw the blush on Rong Shu's face that had not yet dissipated.

According to his experience, this is definitely not because he is blushing because of the cold, but because he is embarrassed by something.

As expected, Mr. Fu is still the same Mr. Fu. As long as there is a slight chance, he will not let Miss Rong go.

Mano...man too.

This is a man's happiness.

Well, Assistant Zhang admitted that he really envied Mr. Fu.

But when he gets a girlfriend, he will definitely not be worse than Mr. Fu, and maybe even happier than Mr. Fu.

"Assistant Zhang." Rong Shu didn't know what Assistant Zhang was thinking. She smiled back at Assistant Zhang in response to his greeting just now.

Fu Jingting ignored Assistant Zhang, but came to Rong Shu, unfolded his down jacket, and "put your clothes on."

Rong Shu shook her head and refused, "I don't want to wear it anymore. I'm already at the hotel door. I have to put it on for a while and take it off again."

"Then take it off later. Now put it on first, don't freeze." The man couldn't help but put the down jacket on her body, insisting that she put it on.




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