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Chapter 1366 Past Letters

Rong Shu hummed, "He is indeed a good person."

Although Fu Jingting was not happy with her calling other men good.

However, Lin Tianchen was an exception. He didn't think there was anything to care about.

After that, the old lady asked Rong Shu some other questions. After learning that Rong Shu would indeed not cause any problems to herself because of being pregnant with this child, she was completely relieved.

After that, Rong Shu knew what it meant to live as a national treasure.

The old lady and Feng's mother completely regarded her as a porcelain doll. They were afraid that she would get cold or hungry if she bumped into it, so they took good care of her.

She couldn't help but feel very funny.

She is just pregnant and not really that fragile.

But the old lady and Feng's mother took care of her as if she were a fragile baby, which made her feel funny and also very touched in her heart.

In the evening, during the New Year's Eve dinner, the old lady did not hide it from everyone and told everyone about Rong Shu's pregnancy.

Wang Shuqin and Fu Jinglin had the biggest reactions.

After Wang Shuqin was surprised, she curled her lips and felt that God was really short-sighted and let Rong Shu get pregnant at this time. No wonder the two suddenly remarried.

Of course, Wang Shuqin is not an absolutely bad person. Although she doesn't like Rong Shu and doesn't like Rong Shu's pregnancy, she doesn't intend to do anything to Rong Shu.

She knew very well that she couldn't stop two people from being together. If that was the case, then why did she care so much about what happened between them?

At most, he just muttered a few words in his mouth without intending to actually do anything.

Fu Jinglin was simply happy, and kept talking about how he was going to be an uncle. He also said that after the child was born, he would ask his nephew or niece to play basketball.

In short, everyone except Wang Shuqin was happy to hear about Rong Shu's pregnancy.

Rong Shu naturally noticed Wang Shuqin's reaction, but she didn't care and didn't bother to pay attention.

But in her heart, she still kept a secret mind and decided that if Wang Shuqin dared to do anything to her, she would never let Wang Shuqin go.

After the New Year's Eve dinner, everyone sat around in the hall to watch the New Year's Eve.

Fu Jinglin was a teenager who couldn't sit still. After watching for a while, he ran out to set off firecrackers and play with fireworks.

The old house is located in the suburbs and there are few buildings around it, so fireworks and firecrackers can be set off.

Fu Jinglin pulled Assistant Zhang out.

Assistant Zhang didn't want to play with him at first, but the nature of human beings is so sweet that he became really addicted after a while.

The two men, who were quite different in age, were having a great time setting off fireworks and firecrackers in the yard.

Wang Shuqin knew that they didn't like her and she was not welcomed, so she didn't stay here long and left on the pretext of going back to her room to sleep.

Fu Jingting cannot stay out for long periods of time and must rest in bed frequently, which will be more helpful for his recovery.

So Rong Shu didn't stay too long. Not long after Wang Shuqin left, she pushed Fu Jingting back to her room to rest.

The old lady also strongly agreed that they should go back and rest quickly, not only for Fu Jingting's body, but also for Rong Shu's body.

Rong Shu's body also requires her to stay in bed frequently, so she doesn't need to take things like keeping up with the New Year's Eve too seriously. She can just keep watching for a while.

What's more, at this age, the old lady's mental state is not very good, and she falls asleep frequently even if she stays for a while.

After Rong Shu and the others left, the old lady could just go back and rest, without having to hold on to accompany the two young people.

Just like that, except for Fu Jinglin and Assistant Zhang who were having fun all night, everyone else in the family went back to their respective houses.

Rong Shu pushed Fu Jingting back to their room.

Well, before the day before yesterday, this was Fu Jingting's room alone, but now that they have remarried, it is indeed a room for the two of them.

Rong Shu took Fu Jingting's coat and hung it up, while Fu Jingting was sitting by the bed, holding the gift she had given him during the day, and was opening it happily.

He had long wanted to see what was inside, but he had resisted opening it during the day.

Now that there were only two of them, he didn't have to hide and tuck it in, he could open it openly and take a look.

Rong Shu saw him opening gifts, smiled, and went to the bathroom to wash up without disturbing her.

Here, Fu Jingting finally opened the box. What was inside was not a precious gift, but a yellowed and old letter.

Fu Jingting recognized at a glance that those letters were written by him. They were replies he gave her when she was a pen pal in the past.

Fu Jingting put the box on his lap and took out all the letters inside. It was such a thick pile that he almost couldn't hold it.

These letters are all divided into categories and organized according to date.

Fu Jingting saw the first reply to her at the top, his thin lips curved with a hint of nostalgia, and his big hands couldn't help but touch the letter.

They got acquainted through the use of floating bottles on the Internet. At that time, he randomly salvaged and found her floating bottle with her mood written in it.

After reading it, he felt that she was quite pitiful, and then he replied to her and comforted her.

Since then, they have added friends, exchanged each other's real contact addresses, and started a pen pal trip.

He still clearly remembers the content of the first letter he wrote to her.

Fu Jingting opened the first letter and couldn't help laughing when he saw his handwriting that was still a little immature and not sharp enough.

Then, he opened the letters one by one and read them one by one.

He had long forgotten the contents of some letters, but some of them were deeply impressive to him and he still remembered them very well.

But whether it has been forgotten a long time ago or has never been forgotten, when I watch it again now, I have a different feeling. It is good to relive the process of falling in love with her.

"It seems that you like this gift I gave you." Rong Shu had already finished washing, came behind him, bent down and lay on the man's back, and said in a soft and delicate voice.

Fu Jingting carefully put the letter back into the box, his voice low and hoarse, "Of course, this is the best gift I have ever received. I didn't expect you to give me this."

Rong Shu hugged the man's neck, "Actually, at first, I didn't know what to give you. I thought about it for a long time, and finally thought of something, so I decided to give them to you. These are what you wrote to me.

, now it can be regarded as returning to its original owner, how about it? After so many years, will you have a different feeling when I see the letters you wrote in the past again? "

"Of course." Fu Jingting nodded, and then looked at her guiltily, "I'm sorry, I didn't keep what you wrote to me, and Gu Manyin burned it."

At that time, he was still under hypnosis, and he always thought that Gu Manyin was Maple Leaf.

So when Gu Manyin suggested that she was already by his side and there was no need to keep those letters, he agreed.

Just like that, all those letters were burned by Gu Manyin.

"It doesn't matter." Rong Shu shook her head, knowing that she couldn't blame the man, and replied with a smile: "At least what you wrote to me is still there. This is enough proof of our past."

"I will keep these carefully and will not let anyone have the opportunity to destroy them." Fu Jingting hugged the box tightly and said firmly with narrowed eyes.

Rong Shu hummed.

Then Fu Jingting took out his pocket and took out an exquisite small gift box for her.

Rong Shu was slightly stunned, "Is this?"

"A New Year's gift for you." Fu Jingting looked at her and smiled, "As my wife, how could I not prepare a gift for you."

This chapter has been completed!
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