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Chapter 1372 think about it

He's not cowardly, he's just...just...

However, Lu Qi himself didn't know what it was, and his face was full of confusion.

Seeing this, Rong Shu also stood up, "Aqi, calm down first. I know what I just said was a bit excessive, but I have to say it like this, otherwise you will never know where you went wrong and you will always blame it on

Secretary Tong is at fault, and you are also at fault, so you blame Secretary Tong for everything. This is unfair to Secretary Tong. You should even blame me. I asked Secretary Tong to find you that day. To be honest

Yes, I have always regretted it."

She closed her eyes, feeling a little depressed, "If I hadn't let Secretary Tong go find you that day, wouldn't that happen to Secretary Tong and you, wouldn't Secretary Tong not be blamed by you all the time, right?

Secretary Tong wouldn’t be pregnant and it wouldn’t be so painful? I think it must be so, so I have been regretting and blaming myself. Even if Secretary Tong doesn’t blame me, I still feel sorry for myself.

I thought about telling you this clearly, but Secretary Tong stopped me, and I didn’t want to make her more sad, so I endured it.”

"Then why are you telling me this now?" Lu Qi's eyes were red and his voice was hoarse.

Rong Shu bit her lower lip, "I really don't plan to tell you this, but I have no choice. I feel bad for Secretary Tong and I'm worried about her. Secretary Tong has been scared since she got pregnant and doesn't know what to do. There will be more problems later.

After talking to me for a long time, I decided to get rid of the child. Secretary Tong never thought about giving birth to that child and using that child to threaten you to rise to power. She always wanted to get rid of the child and make a complete break with the past.

Without children, maybe there will be no more entanglements between you, so her thoughts have always been firm, but..."

She stared at him, "You ruined it. To be honest, I can't figure it out. Since you hate Secretary Tong so much and blame all your mistakes on Secretary Tong, Secretary Tong also admits that everything is her fault.

She is willing to get rid of the child and no longer have anything to do with you, and she is also willing to let go of her feelings for you and start over, so she resolutely walks into the hospital, but why do you want to stop her? It is not a good thing for you that she takes away the child.

Is it a good thing?"

This question left Lu Qi speechless.

In fact, he himself knew very well that Tong Xi should take away the child.

But for some reason, when he heard that Tong Xi was pregnant and was planning to abort the child, his first reaction was not that he was happy, or that Tong Xi had done something right.

But anger.

He was angry that Tong Xi was pregnant for not telling him, and even more angry that she actually made her own decision and chose to abort the child.

She simply didn't take him seriously.

Even in anger, he couldn't accept it at all, so he rushed to the hospital to stop her. Finally, he arranged for her to live in an unknown villa under his name and ordered her to give birth to the child.

To be honest, he still doesn't understand why he did this.

Seeing that Lu Qi was silent, Rong Shu spoke slowly, "I really couldn't figure this out at first. It wasn't until Fu Jingting enlightened me later that I understood why you didn't push Secretary Tong away even though you were not very drunk.

Why do you obviously hate Secretary Tong, and you know that you want to stop Secretary Tong from taking away the child? That’s because you have actually had Secretary Tong in your heart for a long time, and you have fallen in love with her for a long time. It’s just because of my existence that you can’t see it.

Clear your heart, you think you still love me, so you can't accept that you were with Secretary Tong while you loved me, but you really fell in love with her, so you can't accept that she took away your love.

Child, you are the one who has to stop it."

"No." Lu Qi couldn't accept it and shook his head repeatedly, "That's not the case. It's impossible for me to fall in love with Tong Xi. I don't love her!"

"If you don't love me, how do you explain your behavior?" Rong Shu walked up to him, raised her head and stared at him to question him.

Lu Qi opened his mouth and was completely speechless.

Yes, why does he behave like this?

For a moment, Lu Qi vaguely believed that what Rong Shu said was true.

But precisely because it might be true, he couldn't accept it even more and squatted down in collapse.

Seeing him like this, how could Rong Shu not feel distressed? She walked over and put her hands on his shoulders, her life gentle, "Aqi, I'm not telling you this to make you collapse emotionally. I hope you can accept your inner feelings calmly.

, of course, I also know that no one may be able to accept that they have clearly loved someone for more than ten years, and then suddenly fell in love with another person without even realizing it, but Aqi, no matter what

Whoever you love, following your heart is the most important thing. You loved me in the past, but now you love Secretary Tong, you can accept it calmly and treat Secretary Tong well."

Lu Qi's eyes were still dull.

Rong Shu sighed again, "I know it will take some time for you to accept it. I didn't want to expose your true heart, but you locked up Secretary Tong and asked Secretary Tong to announce that she went abroad to study.

Even her mother hid it. I'm afraid that you will do something wrong in the end and completely hurt Secretary Tong. It will be too late to regret by then, so I decided to tell you this to let you understand your heart. I don't want you to regret it in the future.

Ah Ah Qi."

"How could I regret it?" Lu Qi raised his head, with a cold and evil smile on his face.

Rong Shu frowned her beautiful eyebrows when she saw this, "Why not? You love Secretary Tong, but you can't accept it yet, so you will do things to hurt Secretary Tong, but you will realize one day that you

If you really fall in love with her, you will regret it when you think about what you have done to her now. I am telling you this now just to stop you and stop you from making mistakes again, otherwise you will completely hurt Secretary Tong.

Heart, there is nothing you can do even if you regret it."

No, he absolutely won’t!

Lu Qi gritted his teeth, his eyes firm, convinced that he would not regret it.

Seeing his stubbornness, Rong Shu couldn't help but shake her head, "Sometimes, accepting it calmly can make your life easier and happier, but I know that you must still be stubborn and firmly believe that you have not fallen in love with Secretary Tong, nor will you.

I regret Secretary Tong’s behavior. I can’t stop you. After all, you are an individual. But I want to say that since you chose to let Secretary Tong give birth to a child, you’d better not do anything to Secretary Tong and the child during this period.

In this way, even if Secretary Tong hurts you in the future, you will still have a chance, otherwise you will not have a chance at all, Aqi, think about it carefully."

After saying that, she got up and walked out of the greenhouse.

She had already told him everything she needed to say, but he was still unwilling to accept that he loved Secretary Tong and that he would regret what he did to Secretary Tong now, so it was useless no matter how much she said.

If that's the case, then she might as well not say anything and let her calm down by herself. Maybe he will figure it out?

And she understands him. She has told him so much. In the future, he will definitely have some changes in his attitude towards Secretary Tong. He will not treat Secretary Tong like before, but will consider it carefully.

That's why she didn't ask Lu Qi to let Secretary Tong go, because she knew that with her words, there was absolutely no need to worry about Secretary Tong's safety.

I'll let Ah Qi figure out the rest.

If Aqi could figure it out, he would naturally let Secretary Tong go.

If Ah Qi couldn't figure it out, even if she asked him to let Secretary Tong go, he wouldn't let her go, and he might even get tougher on Secretary Tong.

This chapter has been completed!
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