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Chapter 396 You Are Not Gu Manqing, Are You?

Gu Manqing's eyes flashed.

What she said was indeed nonsense.

But so what, as long as I can hide the secret of the red mole.

"My thoughts are the same as Cheng Huai's. I don't believe the nonsense you say to defeat you." Rong Shu frowned and spoke.

Gu Manqing bit her lip, "Everything I said is true."

"Since it is true, then tell me who the fortune teller is?" Rong Shu asked.

Gu Manqing's eyelids drooped, "I don't know, I met him by chance. He told me my fortune and then left."

"Haha, it's full of flaws." Cheng Huai laughed angrily.

Gu Manqing squeezed her palms and said, "I know you don't believe it, but that's the truth."

"Okay, since you are so stubborn and refuse to explain, then I will investigate it myself. After I find out the secret of this red mole, I will be the first to settle the score with you." Rong Shu patted the armrest of the wheelchair and said, "Cheng Huai,

I’ve asked all the questions that need to be asked, let’s go and leave the rest to the police station.”

"Well, I just want to go back and discuss it and expose her fake love affair." Cheng Huai nodded.

Gu Manqing's expression changed, "You want to expose me?"

"You have betrayed us by attacking Rong Shu. Do you think we will let you continue to be Gu Manqing? And don't you want to be Gu Manqing all the time? That means you are already unwilling to help us.

You have to do something to bring down the Gu family, because you know that once the Gu family falls, even if you really become Gu Manqing forever, you will not be able to live the luxurious life you have now." Cheng Huai looked at her and said sarcastically.


Gu Manqing's expression turned pale, and her thoughts were obviously exposed.

Just like what he said, she didn't want to be Li Zhaodi again, she just wanted to be Gu Manqing.

But if she continues to be Gu Manqing, then the Gu family and Sansheng must exist, otherwise everything she did today will be meaningless.

Therefore, when she attacked Rong Shu, she had already decided to side with the Gu family.

Seeing Gu Manqing's silent expression, Cheng Huai laughed at himself.

He boasts that he has a good eye for people. In all his life, he has never missed anyone.

But now, it has fallen into the hands of such a woman, which is really embarrassing.

"Okay, Li Zhaodi, cherish your remaining wealthy days, because soon, you will become Li Zhaodi again." After saying that, Cheng Huai pushed Rong Shu out of the interrogation room.

Gu Manqing lowered her eyelids to cover the darkness under her eyes.

Change back to Li Zhaodi?

Impossible, and she will never allow it!

Outside the police station, Cheng Huai pushed Rong Shu towards her car.

On the way, she kept her head down, touching her bandaged wrist, as if she was thinking about something.

Seeing this, Cheng Huai couldn't help but ask, "Are you still thinking about your red mole?"

Rong Shu hummed, "Yeah, I have to think, Li Zhaodi's behavior of destroying my red mole was so strange, but she refused to tell the reason, so I always have a knot in my heart."

"Li Zhaodi attacked you because she thought you would reveal her identity. Didn't Chen Xiuzhi also tell you before that the red mole could threaten Li Zhaodi's identity? And the identity Li Zhaodi cares about most is Gu Manqing, so wouldn't it

The real Gu Manqing has a red mole on her wrist, and then Li Zhaodi thought you were the real Gu Manqing, so..."

"How is that possible?" Rong Shu interrupted him dumbfounded, shook her head and said, "How could I be Gu Manqing? I am my parents' biological daughter. Have you heard that my parents hugged their daughter outside?

Do you want to raise it?”

"That's not true." Cheng Huai shrugged.

"Isn't that enough?" Rong Shu rolled her eyes at him.

Cheng Huai chuckled, then thought of something and stared down at her face.

Although Rong Shu couldn't see it, she could feel his gaze and couldn't help but frown, "What are you doing?"

"Rong Shu, did I tell you a long time ago that your eyes are very similar to Mrs. Gu?" Cheng Huai looked into her eyes.

Rong Shu raised her hand and touched it, "Yes, my foot is injured. You told me that when you accompanied me to the hospital."

"That's right, I still think it's the same now. Plus Li Zhaodi is acting weird towards you, so it's not impossible that you really are Gu Manqing." Cheng Huai said, touching his chin.

Rong Shu was startled for a moment, and her hand on the armrest of the wheelchair couldn't help but tighten a lot, "No, it's just that the eyes are similar, but not other parts. You can't just rely on the similarity in eyes to say I'm Gu Man."

Qing, aren’t Li Zhaodi’s eyes very similar to Mrs. Gu?”

"That's true." Cheng Huai nodded, "But no matter what, your red mole always revolves around Gu Manqing's identity, so I'm going to find out about the real Gu Manqing and see if there is anything wrong with him.

If you have red moles, especially on your wrists, Rong Shu, you might really be Gu Manqing. At that time, I hope you'd better get a paternity test with Gu Yaotian and his wife."

Rong Shu bit her lower lip and said nothing.

Because she still doesn't think she is Gu Manqing.

If he is true, then what does his hatred towards the Gu family mean?

So she would rather accept that she is not the daughter of the Rong family than accept that she is really Gu Manqing.

Seeing Rong Shu's resistance and fear, Cheng Huai thought about it for a moment and knew the reason.

He sighed and comforted: "Don't worry, didn't you just say that your parents have never adopted a daughter, so the possibility of you being the daughter of the Rong family is still the highest, and didn't you just check it from Nanjiang?

My own life experience, so..."

"I know." Rong Shu closed her eyes and managed to calm down, "Let's go first."

Seeing that she didn't want to talk more about this topic, Cheng Huai also shut his mouth and continued to push her forward.

As soon as they left the police station, the police station notified Gu Yaotian and his wife to come to the police station.

Gu Manqing has admitted to attacking Rong Shu, so the police station will naturally notify her parents.

When Gu Yaotian and his wife heard that Gu Manqing had injured Rong Shu and was arrested, they almost fainted.

Because they just entered Gu Manyin, they didn't expect that just a short time later, Gu Manying also entered.

The most important thing is that both daughters were sent in by Rong Shu.

This made Gu Yaotian angry and couldn't help but wonder if the Gu family and the Rong family were in conflict.

Otherwise, why would they care about their family and fall into the hands of the Rong family one after another?

"Honey, what should I do?" Mrs. Gu panicked and started crying, "We have lost Manyin, we can't lose Manqing. That child Manyin has a grudge against Rong Shu and I understand that he will target Rong Shu, but why?

Now Manqing is also targeting Rong Shu? What on earth is going on?"

Gu Yaotian's face turned dark and ugly, "You ask me, who should I ask?"

"..." Mrs. Gu choked for a moment, and then she realized that she had indeed asked the wrong person.

He was always with him at home, and it was indeed impossible to know the reason.

"Okay, let's go to the police station first and understand the situation." Gu Yaotian took a deep breath and stood up from the sofa.

Maybe it was because he stood up too fast, or maybe because he was so angry when he heard that Gu Manqing had been arrested that he was short of energy and blood. He staggered and almost fell down.

Mrs. Gu quickly supported him and asked anxiously and worriedly, "Husband, what's wrong with you, are you okay?"

Gu Yaotian closed his eyes slightly to adjust his physical condition, then waved his hand, "I'm fine, let's go, hurry to the police station and find a way to rescue Manqing."

Gu Manyin didn't care. After all, the crime was serious and it wasn't his own, so he could ignore it.

But Manqing is different. She is his biological daughter and his only daughter. He must save her no matter what!

This chapter has been completed!
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