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Chapter 471 Good news for Cheng Huai

"No." Rong Shu shook her head gently, "Am I such an easy person to bully? She attacked me before, and she got away with it when I was not prepared. Now I am always on guard against her. She

It is impossible to bully me."

Fu Jingting felt relieved when he heard that she was not bullied, "That's good."

"Mr. Fu, why did you call me to ask me this?" Rong Shu asked with a wink.

Fu Jingting nodded, "I'm worried that you will be bullied."

Rong Shu felt inexplicably happy, her red lips curved slightly, and her tone became much softer, "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

"Yeah." Fu Jingting responded.

After that, the two of them had nothing to say and fell into silence.

Rong Shu discovered that since she and Fu Jingting experienced falling off a cliff together, their relationship had become extremely awkward.

How to put it, first of all, her attitude towards Fu Jingting will not be as cold as before, nor can she be as cold as before, so their relationship will become strange.

Just like now, after I finished talking to him about the topic, I didn't know what to say and became silent.

In the past, she would have hung up the phone without saying hello without fear of offending him, but she couldn't do it now because he was her benefactor and she owed him a favor.

So even if you have to hang up the phone, you still have to say hello.

Thinking about it, Rong Shu took a breath, then held the phone with both hands and said to the man on the other end of the phone: "Mr. Fu, I'm almost there. I'll hang up the phone first."

I really don’t know what to say, and I can’t remain silent forever.

So the best way to solve this embarrassment is to say hello and hang up the phone

Fu Jingting also knew this. He opened his thin lips lightly and replied with a slightly hoarse voice: "Okay."

After the call ended, Rong Shu put down the phone and stared out the window in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking.

Soon, Repulse Bay arrived.

Rong Shu paid the money and got out of the car, then walked into the apartment building with her suitcase, ready to take a shower and rest for a while.

As a result, as soon as she put down her suitcase, the doorbell rang.

"Who is it?" Rong Shu frowned her beautiful eyebrows, then stood up on the armrest of the sofa, walked towards the entrance, and opened the door.

Outside the door was Cheng Huai, standing there with his hands on his knees, panting and looking extremely tired.

Rong Shu looked at him in astonishment, "Did you... run up the stairs?"

He leaned back and shook his head, opening his mouth as if he wanted to say something.

But because I was too tired, I couldn't organize my words at all. I couldn't say anything, so I stamped my feet anxiously.

Seeing this, Rong Shu felt dumbfounded. She pressed her hands and said, "Okay, okay, take a break first, calm down and talk."

Cheng Huai looked at her, nodded repeatedly, then closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

After a while, he finally calmed down and his breathing calmed down. Then he stood up straight and asked hurriedly: "Rong Shu, are you okay?"

"Huh?" Rong Shu tilted her head, "What can happen to me? Why are you asking?"

"No, I heard that you and Jing Ting fell off a cliff." Cheng Huai said, looking her up and down to see if she was injured.

Only then did Rong Shu understand what he meant when he asked her if she was okay. She shook her head slightly and said, "I'm okay, but where did you hear that Fu Jingting and I fell off a cliff?"

A Qi and Assistant Zhang blocked the incident of her and Fu Jingting falling off the cliff as soon as possible and did not spread it, so how did Cheng Huai know?

"I just came back from the capital. I went to see Jing Ting about something. After I contacted Jing Ting, I found out that something like this happened between you and him. Then I hurried over to see you." Cheng Huai raised his hand and wiped his face.

He said with a handful of sweat on his forehead.

Rong Shu suddenly realized, "It turns out he told you."

Cheng Huai nodded, "Rong Shu, what is going on? How did you and Fu Jingting fall off the cliff?"

He went to the capital to do some business a few days ago and never came back. Unexpectedly, when he came back, he heard that something like this happened between her and Fu Jingting.

And Fu Jingting actually didn't tell him the reason why this happened.

He had no choice but to ask her.

"It was Xiaochuan's rival who kidnapped me. Fu Jingting wanted to save me, so he and I both fell off the cliff." Rong Shu turned sideways to let the door out and replied concisely.

Cheng Huai walked into the room, "Li Chuan's opponent? Who is it?"

"It's just a small role, so don't mention it." Rong Shu shook her head, obviously not wanting to mention it more.

Cheng Huai shrugged his shoulders, "Okay, but you're really not hurt?"

Fu Jingting was injured and hospitalized, and she also fell off the cliff, so the possibility of being injured must be high.

However, Rong Shu shook her head and replied: "Not really. Fu Jingting protected me throughout the whole process. The most I suffered was a scratch, which is healed now. The really serious one is Fu Jingting."

"It's good that you're not hurt." After Cheng Huai confirmed that she was indeed fine, he breathed a sigh of relief, took the water glass she handed him, took a sip of water and said, "As for Jing Ting, I asked Lin Tianchen and he was not hurt either.

It's serious, the most serious thing is the arm. If you take good care of it for a few months, it will be fine."

"I know." Rong Shu sat down opposite him and sighed, "But no matter what, he was injured like this in order to save me, and I feel very sorry."

Cheng Huai looked at her and said, "What's the matter? Just repay him for saving his life. As for how to repay, we'll talk about it later. After all, repaying kindness can't be done just by saying repayment."

Rong Shu smiled and said, "That's what you said."

Fu Jingting was a life-saving grace to her. For such a great kindness, the repayment would be complete unless she took care of him until he recovered.

Her care is not enough.

Therefore, in order to repay Fu Jingting's life-saving grace, she has to start from other aspects. As for which aspect, she has no idea yet. She will only have the opportunity to repay Fu Jingting when he needs help later.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. What's the matter with you coming here to see me?" Rong Shu picked up her water glass, took a sip of water and asked.

Cheng Huai leaned back on the sofa, "It's okay, I just heard that you fell off a cliff, so I came over to see you and ask about your situation."

Although Jing Ting also said that she was fine, he was still worried because he hadn't seen her with his own eyes, so in Jing Ting's gloomy tone, he hung up the phone and came here.

"That's it." Rong Shu nodded and smiled slightly, "Thank you for your concern. I'm fine."

"What's there to thank you for?" Cheng Huai waved his hand, then thought of something, leaned forward and smiled mysteriously at her, "By the way, I have some good news for you."

"What good news?" Rong Shu raised her eyebrows, interested.

Cheng Huai narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "This time I went to the capital for a meeting, and then I heard that the higher-ups were planning to conduct random inspections of ten companies across the country."

"What do you mean?" Rong Shu's eyes showed a bit of confusion.

Cheng Huai sat forward and drew closer to her, "It means that the country is going to take action to rectify ten problematic companies in the country that have a bad reputation and often cause trouble, and then use it as a deterrent."

To warn other companies, in short, it is to eliminate some chaotic horses in the business world."

"I understand." Rong Shu bit her lip suddenly.

Cheng Huai raised two fingers and said, "Two companies in our Hai City have been targeted."

Hearing this, Rong Shu's heart skipped a beat, "Which two?"

One of them couldn't be Tiansheng, right?

In the past few months, Tian Sheng has been frequently pulled out and flogged by netizens because of his battles with the Gu family. In terms of reputation, he is definitely not a good one.

This chapter has been completed!
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