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Chapter 482 Rong Shu's collapse

Mrs. Lu nodded and said, "That's right."

"This is impossible!" Rong Shu stood up suddenly, shook her head emotionally, and said with an extremely pale face: "How could I not be my parents' biological daughter?"

"What? Baby, isn't Uncle Rong and Aunt Rong's biological daughter?" Lu Qi had just returned from calling Father Lu when he heard Rong Shu's shocking words and was stunned.

He quickly came to Mrs. Lu and said, "Mom, do you know what you are talking about? How can the baby not be the biological daughter of Aunt Rong and Uncle Rong?"

"I'm right, I know what I'm saying, but it's the truth." Mrs. Lu sighed.

Rong Shu's body trembled violently, her face became paler and her pupils were dilated, "No, this is impossible, this is impossible!"

"Yes, Mom, how is this possible!" Lu Qi also refused to believe it. He looked at Mrs. Lu, "Last time, I told him that the baby I first saw at the Rong family when I was a child was not a baby. At that time, the baby was already

I had doubts about her life experience, so I made a special trip to Nanjiang to find out whether I was a child of the Rong family. I also asked you later. You said that the baby I saw for the first time was a relative or friend of the Rong family.

Our child, the baby, is Uncle Rong’s child, why are you saying otherwise now?”

Rong Shu also looked at Mrs. Lu with red eyes, full of expectation and hope, "Auntie, are you lying to me? I am my parents' child!"

"I'm sorry Shushu, my aunt did lie to you, but not this time, but the last time. Last time I did say that the child was the child of a relative of the Rong family. I just didn't want to make you sad, but in fact, that child was you.

The biological child of your parents, but that child did not live for more than five months, so your father made a special trip to the orphanage and brought you back, just to replace that child and prevent your mother from being depressed because of the death of that child.


These words instantly extinguished the fire of hope in Rong Shu's heart.

She swayed, and finally couldn't stand any longer, and fell down on the sofa. Her whole body was completely lifeless, as if she had lost her soul.

I see……

No wonder my grandfather kept the photos of the children of relatives and friends so carefully in his study, because they were not the children of relatives or friends at all, but my grandfather’s real granddaughter.

Grandpa lied to her. She was not his granddaughter, but a fake, a fake who came out of an orphanage and didn't know who her parents were.

The parents she has called since she was a child are not hers, her grandfather is not hers, and even the name Rong Shu is not hers.

She is just a wild child who has replaced the real tolerance of everything!

Thinking of this, Rong Shu twitched the corner of her mouth, revealing a desperate and painful arc.

Seeing Rong Shu like this, Lu Qi felt very uncomfortable.

He looked at Mrs. Lu angrily, "Mom, why are you telling Darling this? Last time, didn't you already say that the child was from a relative of the Rong family? At that time, you obviously wanted to hide Darling's identity. Since you want to

If you hide it, you will hide it for the rest of your life, why do you want to expose it now?"

Mrs. Lu also knew that saying this made Rong Shu uncomfortable, but she had to say it.

She took a long breath and said, "That's because after I lied, I felt very uneasy. I didn't know whether I was right or wrong in lying. After I came back, I looked through the photos of Lina during her lifetime and remembered what Lina said to her.

My explanation, so I decided to tell Shushu, because if I don’t tell it now, Shushu will still know it in the future.”

"Who said that? How could she know if you didn't tell her?" Lu Qi clenched his fists.

Mrs. Lu looked at him, "Do you really think so? I didn't reveal any of Shushu's identity before, but Shushu still found out about the child and began to doubt her own identity. Do you really think this kind of thing can be hidden?

For a lifetime?”

"This..." Lu Qi choked.

Mrs. Lu added: "Actually, even if I don't tell Shushu her true identity today, she will still know it in the future."

Speaking of this, she looked at Rong Shu, "Shu Shu, your parents have a very long-term vision. They know that even if Tiansheng Group is founded, there is no guarantee that Tiansheng Group can continue to exist, and they cannot guarantee whether they will

You died suddenly in an accident one day, so they gave you a generous deposit when you were very young."

"Funds?" Rong Shu raised her eyes.

Mrs. Lu nodded, "Yes, they just thought that if Tian Sheng died one day, or if they had an accident one day and left you alone, you would not have difficulty living because of it, so they left a sum

The funds are handed over to the bank. When you are thirty years old, the bank will officially tell you about this, and then ask you to take your parents' detailed information to the bank to go through the procedures for receiving the funds. At that time, you will

You will find that in the information, your parents’ blood types are different from yours, so I said, even if I don’t tell you today, you will still know your identity.”

"This is actually happening." Lu Qi exclaimed.

Rong Shu bit her lower lip tightly and said nothing.

Mrs. Lu patted her shoulder, "Shu Shu, don't blame your aunt for telling you this. My aunt is doing it for your own good. Because of your identity, it is impossible to hide it for the rest of your life. Your parents left you that fund.

, it can also explain that your parents do not intend to keep it secret from you, because you have the right to know your identity, so your mother left me this box and asked me to give it to you when you know your identity.

, but I think it’s best to hand it over to you as soon as possible and tell you your identity.”

"Why?" Lu Qi was a little confused.

Mrs. Lu looked at him like a fool, "Because if you tell Shushu earlier, Shushu will be more receptive, because she can know how she came to Rong's house, and if Shushu discovers that she is not Rong,

She will think more about her children."

At this moment, Lu Qi was speechless.

Because what Mrs. Lu said is true, if she tells Rong Shu now, Rong Shu will know that she came to the Rong family due to the double expectations of Aunt Rong and Uncle Rong, which is better than Rong Shu herself knowing her identity later.

Rong Shu herself knew that if she was not a child of the Rong family, she would probably think about some things that are both real and non-existent, simple and complicated, and she might even do something crazy because of this.

"Shu Shu." Mrs. Lu leaned down and hugged Rong Shu gently, "Auntie knows that you feel very uncomfortable now and cannot accept it, but I hope you don't think too much about it. Although you are not their biological child, you are still in their hearts.

, you are their biological child, and they love you, do you understand?"

"I know..." Rong Shu's tears fell on the back of her hands, her voice choked with sobs, "I know they love me very much and treat me as their own, otherwise they wouldn't have planned so much for me.

I just... just really can't face the change of my identity calmly..."

What Mrs. Lu told her really made her world collapse.

She has been growing up under the care of her parents since she was a child. Although her mother passed away when she was five years old, her father still treats her as always.

In this way, she could not doubt that she was not their biological child.

However, she is really not their biological child...

She didn't understand why God would play such a big joke on her.

This chapter has been completed!
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