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Chapter 502: Secret Base

"I don't know about this." The receptionist shook his head, "Miss Rong, you can call and ask."

A smile appeared on Rong Shu's lips, "Okay, I'm sorry to trouble you."

She turned and walked outside.

Back in the car, Rong Shu took out her cell phone and dialed Lu Qi's number.

However, what came from the phone was not Lu Qi's voice, but a cold mechanical female voice, "Hello, the number you dialed has been turned off. Please call again later..."

Rong Shu frowned and took the phone off her ear.


It's actually turned off?

What happened to him?

Biting her lower lip, Rong Shu stretched out her finger, tapped the screen a few times, and dialed a number again, this time to Mrs. Lu.

Mrs. Lu's phone was not turned off and was answered quickly.

Mrs. Lu's gentle voice came, "Shu Shu, why did you remember to call your aunt?"

Rong Shu smiled and replied: "I miss you, and I want to ask you something by the way."

"What are you talking about?" Mrs. Lu sat on the sofa, sipping coffee elegantly.

Rong Shu leaned back in her seat, "Auntie, I want to know if Aqi is at home?"

"Aqi?" Mrs. Lu shook her head, "He's not here. At this time, he should be in the company."

"He's not in the company." Rong Shu replied, rubbing her temples.

Mrs. Lu put down her coffee and said, "Not at the company?"


Mrs. Lu pondered for a moment, "It should be that he went out to socialize or inspected the factory. Shu Shu, if you want to find him, just call him and ask."

"I called him, but his phone was turned off." Rong Shu held her forehead and said helplessly.

Mrs. Lu shrugged her shoulders, "Then there's nothing I can do. That child is very stubborn sometimes. He wants to hide and no one can find him. By the way, Shu Shu, you can't find him. Plus, he's

You suddenly disappeared, did you have a conflict?"

Rong Shu replied with a blank look: "No, Aqi and I didn't have any conflicts. He called me before and we had a good chat, but then his mood suddenly changed. It was like this after that.

, so I’m also very puzzled.”

"What did you talk about? Can you tell Auntie about it? Auntie will help you analyze it," Mrs. Lu suggested.

Rong Shu nodded in agreement, and then roughly told the contents of the phone call between herself and Lu Qi.

After Mrs. Lu listened, she suddenly fell into silence.

Rong Shu's heart sank, "Auntie, why didn't you say anything? Did I really offend Ah Qi somewhere?"

"No." Mrs. Lu smiled, but her expression was a little helpless, "You didn't offend him, it's his own problem."

"His own problem?" Rong Shu tilted her head, becoming increasingly confused and asked, "Auntie, do you know what happened to Aqi?"

"That's almost it. That boy knows that he missed it again." Mrs. Lu sighed, "Actually, I told him to show his courage and not hide it, but he didn't listen every time. Now it's okay

There is no hope again. I see, this is all his own doing."

"Aunt..." After hearing Mrs. Lu's words, Rong Shu felt a little confused. She vaguely guessed something, but she was not sure.

Mrs. Lu said again: "Okay Shushu, don't worry about that brat. Just let him hide. He will come back after a while. I'll hang up first. I've made an appointment with some wives to go out and have sex."

It’s almost time for beauty treatment.”

"Okay." Rong Shu nodded.

After the call ended, she threw the phone on the passenger seat and raised her hand to pinch the bridge of her nose.

Don't care about Aqi?

How is it possible?

She and Lu Qi have been friends for more than 20 years and have grown up together, and this time Lu Qi suddenly became wrong, which seemed to have something to do with her. She left him alone, her conscience couldn't bear it, and she was sorry for the friendship of more than 20 years.

Therefore, she must find him no matter what.

Rong Shu tapped her fingers lightly beside her temples, thinking about possible places to go after landing.

After thinking about you for a while, her eyes suddenly opened wide and her body suddenly sat up straight.

She thought about it.

She thought of a place where Ah Qi might go.

That's the park they used to go to.

She remembered that when she was eight years old, she was slapped by Li Xiuzhi once, and then she ran out of the house sadly, and happened to meet Lu Qi who came to the Rong family villa to play with her.

After Lu Qi learned that she had been beaten, he scolded Li Xiuzhi. When Li Xiuzhi was furious and fought back with a broom, Lu Qi grabbed her and ran out of the villa, and then took her to a park.

That park was a long-abandoned park, and it was also Lu Qi's secret base. There, she could talk and laugh to her heart's content, and she would not hear Li Xiuzhi calling her noisy, nor would she see Li Xiuzhi's disgusted eyes.

So in the end, it became her secret base.

Every time Lu Qi called her and asked her to hang out, they would meet up at the secret base.

It can be said that that secret base carries all the happy memories of her and Lu Qi's childhood and adolescence.

But I don’t know when she never went to their secret base again?

Counting the time, it seems to be six years ago.

She has never been there since she married Fu Jingting six years ago.

If Ah Qi hadn't suddenly disappeared this time, she might not have even remembered that they had a secret base.

Taking a deep breath, Rong Shu felt a little ashamed, then put the car into gear and started the car.

About forty minutes later, the car stopped at an old abandoned BC building.

Rong Shu opened the door and got out of the car. She looked up at the rusty park sign with two characters missing. She had recently raised her eyebrows slightly, and a trace of nostalgia flashed in her eyes.

Six years later, she finally came to this place again, full of laughter and laughter.

Withdrawing her gaze, Rong Shu walked into the park.

As she walked, she looked at the environment of the park, trying to see if there was anything different from the past.

Soon, Rong Shu walked to the end of the park and saw the person she was looking for on an old swing.

Lu Qi turned his back to her, with his head slightly lowered. He grasped the iron chains on both sides of the swing with both hands, and tapped his feet forward and backward on the ground to rock the swing.

Rong Shu walked over on high heels.

Lu Qi heard the sound of high heels hitting the ground, his tiptoes stopped, and the swaying swing immediately stopped.

He loosened the chains on both sides and sat upright, then slowly turned his head.

He originally thought that the visitor was some stranger who came in out of curiosity.

Unexpectedly, the person who turned around and saw was Rong Shu.

Lu Qi immediately stood up from the swing and looked at her in surprise or surprise, "Baby, why are you here?"

"Surprised?" Rong Shu asked without answering.

Lu nodded, "Of course, you haven't been here for many years. I thought you had forgotten about this place, so what on earth did you think about coming here?"

he asked.

Rong Shu's red lips moved and she replied, "I couldn't find you, so I started telling the truth about where you were going, and then I thought of this place. I didn't expect that you were actually here."

Lu Qi was very excited, "So, you came to see me specifically?"

"Yeah." Rong Shu nodded, "You suddenly hung up the phone in a bad mood. I was a little worried, so I went to your company to look for you first. The front desk of your company said that you weren't there and didn't know where you were, so I told you

You called, but your phone was turned off. There was nothing I could do, so I contacted my aunt again and asked if you were at home, but you were still not there, so I finally found this place."

This chapter has been completed!
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