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Chapter 665 Fu Shisui

Seeing that he was so happy about her return, Rong Shu couldn't help but raise her red lips, "Well, I'm back. How about it? I didn't break my promise and didn't leave. I came back on time, right?"

Fu Jingting hummed.

Rong Shu pulled up a chair and sat down next to the sofa, "Can you get up?"

"No." Fu Jingting shook his head and looked at her pitifully.

Rong Shu sighed, then stretched out her hand, "I'll pull you."

Fu Jingting put his hand on hers.

After Rong Shu took hold of him, she pulled him up from the sofa with a strong force, "Sit tight and don't fall back."

"Yeah." Fu Jingting nodded obediently.

Seeing how obedient he was, Rong Shu couldn't help but touched his head curiously, "Fu Shisui, I didn't expect you to be so funny when you're drunk."

"Fu ten years old?" Fu Jingting looked at her with confusion.

The next second, he grimaced unhappily, "Who is Fu Shisui? Are you attracted to another man?"

He asked loudly, as if Rong Shu was a heartless person.

Rong Shu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "What are you talking about? Who has fallen in love with another man?"

"You!" Fu Jingting stared at her.

Rong Shu blinked, "Who am I attracted to?"

She pointed at herself.

Fu Jingting pursed his thin lips and his eyes were red, "Fu is ten years old!"

"Uh..." The corners of Rong Shu's mouth suddenly twitched fiercely.

She has a crush on Fu Shisui?

Well, what he said is correct.

Rong Shu held her forehead and said, "Fu Jingting, you are really stupid. It is you who I am talking about, Fu Shisui."

Fu Jingting was stunned, "I am Fu Shisui?"

"Yeah." Rong Shu nodded.

Fu Jingting darkened his face again, "You're talking nonsense. My name is Fu Jingting, not Fu Shisui."

"Fu Shisui is the nickname I gave you." Rong Shu rolled her eyes at him.

Fu Jingting finally understood.

It turns out that Fu Shisui is really him.

He finally calmed down, looked at Rong Shu and asked, "Why do you call me Fu Shisui? I'm already over ten years old."

Rong Shu said with a half-smile: "Why? Of course it's how you look now, just like a ten-year-old child, Fu Jingting. I'm looking forward to how you look after you've completely sobered up. I think you'll look back on all your childish behavior today.

Do we have to find a hole in the ground to crawl into?"

"Ah?" Fu Jingting obviously didn't understand, and there was some confusion on his face.

Rong Shu waved her hand, "Forget it, let me tell you all this. You can't understand it now. Let's eat first."

After saying that, she picked up a bowl of millet porridge from the tray and handed it to the man's hand, "Have it, don't knock it over."

Hey, she felt like she was really taking care of a child now and had to worry about whether he could hold the bowl.

Fu Jingting held the bowl obediently.

Rong Shu saw that he was holding it firmly and that the bowl didn't tip over, so she felt relieved and went to pick up her own bowl of millet porridge.

She was also hungry now. In the morning, she didn't have breakfast because she was worried about him.

Until now, I have been so hungry that I can’t stand it anymore.

Rong Shu stirred the porridge in the bowl with a spoon and began to eat it in small bites.

After eating a few mouthfuls, she felt that the man was staring at her and the porridge in the bowl did not move.

Rong Shu stopped the spoon in her hand and looked at the man, "Why are you looking at me? Aren't you going to eat?"

Fu Jingting's thin lips moved but said nothing.

Rong Shu sighed, "What's wrong? You don't know how to eat by yourself?"

Fu Jingting looked at her but still didn't speak.

His appearance made Rong Shu quite worried.

Yes, children are cute, but sometimes you don’t know what they are thinking.

Therefore, when facing children, sometimes I feel powerless.

Just like it is now.

Rong Shu put down the porridge in her hand, then took the porridge in Fu Jingting's hand, scooped up a spoonful and handed it to his mouth, "Open your mouth."

Fu Jingting obeyed and opened his mouth.

Rong Shu fed him the porridge from the spoon.

He chewed twice and swallowed the porridge.

Seeing this, Rong Shu was angry and funny, "It's not that you don't know how to eat your feelings yourself, but you feed them to others. Fu Jingting, do you really think of yourself as a child?"

"No." Fu Jingting shook his head in denial.

"Okay, stop making excuses." Rong Shu rolled her eyes at him, then scooped up another spoonful and fed it to him.

He still opened his mouth obediently.

Isn't this why I want her to be fed?

Rong Shu resignedly fed him spoonful after spoonful.

What can I do if I don’t feed?

If you don't feed him, he will keep staring at you with such pitiful eyes that she can't bear to see you.

Moreover, if you really don't care about your man, you will be the only one who feels hungry and distressed.

After finishing a bowl of porridge, Rong Shu put the bowl aside, picked up a water glass and handed it to him, "Rinse your mouth."

Fu Jingting came here by himself now and drank some water to rinse his mouth.

Rong Shu picked up a basin and asked him to vomit in it.

He did the same.

After that, Rong Shu handed him a tissue and asked him to wipe his mouth.

This time, he didn't understand. He stared at her and made it clear that he wanted her to come.

A few black lines slid down Rong Shu's forehead, "Okay Fu Jingting, I finally understand. Although you are stupid now, you have a clear mind and know what things can be done by others and what things cannot be done."

For example, feeding porridge, someone else could do it for him, so he let her feed it.

But for things like gargling, no one else could do it for him, so he did it himself.

But now, others can do things like wiping his mouth, and he is no longer moving.

He has planned everything.

However, in the face of Rong Shu's anger, Fu Jingting seemed not to understand and looked at her with confused eyes, "Huh?"

Rong Shu's mouth twitched again.

Forget it, what is she fussing over with a drunkard?

When he woke up, she was taking care of him.

Rong Shu rubbed her temples and resigned herself to wiping the corners of Fu Jingting's mouth again.

After wiping, he lay back down.

Only then did Rong Shu have time to pick up her porridge and continue eating.

Fu Jingting kept looking at her with his eyes open.

Rong Shu asked while eating, "Now that you've eaten and drank enough, let's take a nap. After a nap, Jingting will be over, and you won't have to suffer anymore."

But Fu Jingting shook his head and said he didn't want to sleep.

He was obviously very sleepy, but he was very stubborn and refused to close his eyes.

Rong Shu didn't force him and let him go.

Anyway, as long as he stays in this mood and doesn't get so angry or even commit self-harm as his grandmother said, that's all.

Furthermore, if he doesn't sleep now, he will fall asleep if he can't hold it any longer.

Thinking about it, Rong Shu ignored Fu Jingting and quietly ate the porridge in the bowl.

After eating, she had just put down the bowl and was about to take it out for cleaning. The man who had been quiet on the sofa suddenly said, "It stinks."

"What?" Rong Shu suddenly turned her head to look at him.

Is he saying she stinks?

Fu Jingting opened his thin lips and said, "I smell bad and want to take a bath."

Rong Shu rolled her eyes.

Well, it turns out he was talking about himself again.

Then it'll be fine.

Rong Shu crossed her arms, looked at the man jokingly and replied, "You also know that you smell bad?"

After drinking so much wine, my whole body smelled like alcohol. After a few hours of air fermentation, it was strange that it didn't stink.

She originally thought that she would let him take a shower after he was completely awake.

Unexpectedly, he couldn't bear it now and shouted to take a bath.

Forget it, it would be better to let him take a bath and sleep later.

Rong Shu reached out and pulled him up, "Let's go, I'll help you to your room."

Fu Jingting hummed and stood up from the sofa.

But he really had no strength and could not stand firmly on his feet.

Therefore, as soon as his feet landed on the ground, his body fell forward, and Rong Shu also fell down with him.

Finally, Fu Jingting fell face down on the ground. Rong Shu screamed in fright and fell on his back.



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