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Chapter 744 Celebrate

"Looks good." Rong Shu turned back to the man next to her head and replied.

"Really?" The man also looked at her sideways.

Rong Shu nodded, "Really, although the presentation is not good yet, the color of the dishes still looks okay. As a beginner, it deserves encouragement."

As she said this, she gave the man a thumbs up.

Originally, she thought that even if he learned to cook, the dishes he made would definitely not be good.

But now she realizes she was wrong.

Although I haven’t eaten it yet and I don’t know the taste, but by smelling the aroma and looking at the color, I know that even if the taste is not great, it is definitely not unpleasant.

Seeing Rong Shu marveling at him, the corners of Fu Jingting's lips curled up.

Then, he let go of her waist, pulled out the chair next to her, took her hand, pushed her onto the chair and sat down, picked up a pair of chopsticks and put them into her hands, urging: "Try it quickly, see.

Let’s see how it tastes.”

"Okay." Rong Shu replied with a smile.

It just so happened that she was really curious about the taste of the dishes he cooked.

Rong Shu adjusted her chopsticks and then looked at the dishes in front of her. She seemed a little confused about which dish to eat first.

Fortunately, she has never been a person who likes to be particularly entangled, so she quickly made a decision and moved towards the dish closest to her.

Fu Jingting cooked three dishes in total, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, shredded pork with green peppers, and fish-flavored eggplants.

And these are all ordinary home-cooked dishes, and they will basically never be served on the Fu family's dining table.

After all, the Fu family chefs are all Michelin chefs, and they are not good at traditional Chinese food. She estimates that Fu Jingting has never seen these dishes before.

After all, when Assistant Zhang usually orders food for him, he won't order these, but mostly high-end dinners in hotels.

So when she just saw that he was cooking these ordinary dishes, she was very surprised.

But then she put away her surprise when she thought that every chef who was new to cooking basically started with these common home-cooked dishes.

Rong Shu was holding scrambled eggs with tomatoes in front of her. Under Fu Jingting's gaze, she slowly put the red tomatoes and yellow plum blossoms into her mouth.

"How is it?" Fu Jingting pulled out the chair next to her, sat down next to her, and asked immediately.

Rong Shu didn't answer him because she was still chewing and couldn't speak.

After she chewed it a few times and swallowed it, she turned to look at the man.

Although the man's expression is still as cold and indifferent as usual, if you look closely, you can still see that the man is a little nervous at the moment.

Was he worried that her answer would not be good after a while?

Thinking of this possibility, Rong Shu laughed, "I can't answer now because I only ate one of the dishes and haven't eaten the rest yet. I'll tell you after I try them all."

"Okay, you eat." Fu Jingting picked up his chopsticks and put the remaining two dishes on the plate for her.

Rong Shu tasted it again.

During this period, Fu Jingting kept looking at her.

He didn't ask her how it tasted again, but as she ate each piece, his brows furrowed even more, and the tension in his eyes became more intense.

Seeing the man's nervousness, Rong Shu only felt funny.

She thought that apart from her, no one else could make him feel nervous.

But I have to say that she was quite happy to see him nervous for her.

At least it shows that his huge mood swings will only happen to her.

After finishing the food on the plate, Rong Shu put down her chopsticks, pulled the paper towel aside and wiped her mouth.

"Rong Shu." Fu Jingting called her, clearly meaning that he wanted her evaluation.

But Rong Shu deliberately ignored him and took a sip from the water glass beside her.

Fu Jingting pursed his thin lips into a straight line and shouted again, his voice low and hoarse, "Rong Shu!"

Rong Shu knew that the man was a little anxious, so she smiled and stopped showing off. She pressed her hands and looked at the man, "Okay, okay, I won't wait any longer. Don't get excited. I'll just say that."

"Say it!" Fu Jingting raised his chin slightly, waiting for her to speak.

Rong Shu looked at him for a while and gave a thumbs up again, "This tastes good!"

Seeing the woman's thumbs up, Fu Jingting felt relieved.

Although he has confidence in his craftsmanship, there is no guarantee that she will like it.

After all, everyone has different standards for taste.

But the result was good and she still liked it.

Fu Jingting wanted to control the corners of his lips that continued to rise, but he couldn't.

He had no choice but to clenched his fist and put it against his lips to block the raised corners of his mouth. After a slight cough, he deliberately said calmly: "As long as it's good, eat it."

After saying that, he put a lot of vegetables on her plate.

Rong Shu looked at the pile of vegetables on the plate, which was almost piled up into a mountain. The corner of her mouth twitched, and she felt a little confused about whether to laugh or cry.

But the man was obviously a little distracted at this moment. He didn't even think that she might not be able to finish the meal, and he planned to put it on her plate.

Seeing this, Rong Shu quickly grabbed his wrist to stop him, "That's enough, that's enough. Stop clamping it. If you clamp it any longer, I really won't be able to finish it. It will be wasted by then."

Fu Jingting held the chopsticks and looked at her plate. He raised his eyebrows slightly and found that there was indeed a bit too much.

After being praised by her just now, he was a little carried away and lost his sense. He just kept thinking about giving her food to let her eat more.

I didn't expect so many to be caught.

Fu Jingting put down his chopsticks, "Sorry, I didn't pay attention. It doesn't matter. I'll eat if you can't finish it. It won't be wasted."

Rong Shu held her head and smiled at him, "You said this yourself."

"Yes, that's what I said." Fu Jingting nodded.

Rong Shu picked up her chopsticks and put part of the plate on his plate, "Okay, you can eat it. This is what you made. I can't eat it alone. You should also eat more. After all, you have worked hard."


"It's not hard work." Fu Jingting replied with an awkward smile.

Rong Shu suddenly thought of something and stood up.

Fu Jingting looked up at her, "What's wrong?"

"It suddenly occurred to me that I still have a bottle of red wine." Rong Shu threw away her chopsticks and said, "Let's have a drink. This is your first time cooking for me, so you should celebrate."

As she said that, she was going to get the wine.

Fu Jingting took her hand and said, "No, it's just a meal, no need."

"Of course it is necessary." Rong Shu looked at the man seriously, "Many firsts are worthy of commemoration or celebration. People must have some romance and sense of ceremony, otherwise life will be boring. And this is why I value you.

My cooking performance, please wait."

After smiling at him, Rong Shu took out her hand and quickly went to the study.

Fu Jingting looked at her trotting back and chuckled, his brows so gentle that he seemed to be drowning.

What she said just now made him very happy.

Who says that in a relationship, only what a woman does needs to be valued, men need it too.

Rong Shu, on the other hand, valued what he cooked for her. Even if it was just an ordinary meal, she wanted to celebrate with him.

This attention shook his heart.

Soon, Rong Shu came out with red wine, which was unopened.

Fu Jingting reached out and took the red wine, "I'll open it."

"Okay, here you go." Rong Shu also handed over the wine opener.

She didn't fight with him, after all, it took strength to pull out the cork.

Just let men do this kind of thing.

Fu Jingting started to open the wine. As he opened it, he looked at the description on the bottle and couldn't help but be surprised, "This wine is not bad."



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