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Chapter 980: A Strange Hotel

Rong Shu blushed and rolled her eyes at the man angrily.

Really, the bitch man took the opportunity to tease her again!

Rong Shu put down her hand. The reporter could no longer play the role.

She was afraid that if she continued to act, he might say something else that would make people imaginative.

"I won't fight with you anymore." Rong Shu snorted and was about to return the ticket to him.

But Fu Jingting shook his head and didn't accept it. Instead, he looked at her and said, "How about coming with me to experience this so-called love hotel? This is my first time winning a prize, why don't I give you a face?"

Rong Shu was a little amused when he heard what he said, "Are you really planning to stay there?"

"If you win the lottery for the first time, you have to cash in the prize, otherwise winning will be meaningless?" Fu Jingting said with a smile.

Rong Shu thinks it makes sense.

And she also knew about this love hotel. It was very famous across the country. There were also chain hotels across the country. Because of the various themes of the hotel suites, it was very popular among couples.

Of course, she had only heard about it and had never seen it. Now she is actually a little interested.

Seeing the movement on the woman's face, a dark light flashed in Fu Jingting's eyes. Knowing that he had a chance, he added fuel to the fire and said: "I won the presidential suite. It would be a pity if I didn't go. It's equivalent to one night."

It’s 150,000.”

As he spoke, he sighed with pretense of regret.

Then Rong Shu stopped hesitating in an instant, clenched the ticket in her hand, and nodded seriously, "Go, it's not easy to win the prize, and it's still the first prize, why not go!"

Although she is not the kind of person who likes to take advantage, she is definitely not the kind of person who is wasteful.

A suite that costs more than 100,000 yuan a night is really a waste if you don't stay there.

Even if I don't pay for it myself, it still hurts.

After all, this is the first time a man has won a lottery, and men should really be allowed to experience the fun of redeeming a prize, otherwise the prize will be in vain.

Seeing that the woman agreed, Fu Jingting slightly covered the triumphant smile on his lips with his hand.

Because he knew her well and knew that she didn't like to waste, he said that on purpose.

Sure enough, after saying it, she immediately agreed.

"It's getting late. It's still a little far from the hotel. Let's go." Fu Jingting held Rong Shu's hand.

Rong Shu hummed and let the man pull her towards the car. The pace was a bit fast, and Yanran looked like she was rushing to the hotel, which made Rong Shu angry and funny.

About half an hour later, we arrived at the hotel.

Rong Shu got out of the car, stood outside the hotel door, looked up at the hotel building, her mouth twitched, and she was a little afraid to step in.

How should I put it? Maybe it’s because this is a love hotel.

Therefore, the architectural style of this hotel is very romantic at first glance. The shape of the building looks like a heart shape. Most importantly, the exterior color of the building is actually pink.

It’s like this outside, so it’s probably even more exaggerated inside.

In short, if couples don't have a certain amount of courage, they probably won't dare to step into this hotel.

The style of this hotel is really weird, especially in the surrounding square buildings, it is even more awkward.

Rong Shu thought to herself that when she saw this hotel, she was so timid and didn't dare to go in. I guess the same is true for men.

She turned her neck slightly and looked at the man standing next to her, looking up at the building as she did.

The man's thin lips were slightly pursed, his face was slightly dark, and his eyes were full of words that were difficult to describe.

Obviously, the building in front of him also shocked him.

Rong Shu chuckled.

The laughter finally made the man turn his eyes to her, lightly opening his thin lips and asking, "What are you laughing at?"

"How about it? Doesn't this hotel look a bit eye-catching?" Rong Shu teased with a smile.

Fu Jingting didn't answer, but nodded silently.

It's really eye-catching.

In fact, the appearance of the hotel is not ugly, but it is full of girlish charm.

However, against the background of the surrounding office buildings full of commercial atmosphere, it is really hard to stand.

Fu Jingting had a headache and rubbed his temples.

He never expected that the destination would be like this.

It seems that wherever you are going in the future, it is best to know about that place in advance, otherwise this embarrassing situation will happen again when you arrive.

Seeing that the man didn't speak and just nodded, Rong Shu smiled even harder, "Then what should we say now? Should we go home or continue in?"

Fu Jingting pondered for a few seconds, then suddenly gritted his teeth and squeezed out one word, "Come in!"

Rong Shu was stunned, "Go in?"

"Yeah." Fu Jingting nodded.

You've come, but if you don't go in and leave, isn't that just running away?

This is not in line with his Fu Jingting's character.

If people knew that he didn't even dare to enter a place like this, wouldn't he be laughed at?

Rong Shu didn't know what the man was thinking. She looked at the man and then at the hotel building in front of her, and the corners of her mouth twitched again.

She originally thought that he would not enter the hotel where he was so ugly.

After all, his style doesn't match this hotel at all.

Moreover, she couldn't imagine what he looked like when he entered this hotel. Just thinking about it, let alone how scary it was.

She said she would not laugh at him even if he ran away from a chance encounter.

After all, even she wanted to leave, let alone himself.

But I didn't expect that he would actually stay and go in!

"Do you really want to go in?" Rong Shu suppressed the surprise in her heart, took a deep breath, and looked at the man to confirm.

The man nodded nervously, "Of course, I'm here, why don't you come in, let's go, and face it calmly."

After saying that, he pulled her and strode towards the hotel door.

Rong Shu looked at him, dumbfounded.

If his walking posture was not so stiff and the expression on his face was not so solemn, she would believe that he was indeed facing the hotel calmly.

But he walked stiffly and had a tense expression on his face, so he didn't look like he was taking her into a hotel, but like he was taking her to a battlefield.

In short, he is really funny like this.

And Rong Shu actually laughed out loud.

Really, I’m obviously happy with the appearance of this hotel, so why do I force myself to go in?

If he is so rich, will he still waste it because he feels he can't live on it?

I'm afraid not.

This guy clearly wanted to stay with me in the hotel and experience a different kind of freshness and excitement.

Moreover, she had just searched for information about this hotel in the car. It was said on the Internet that this hotel is a paradise for lovers. Every couple who comes here, their relationship will quickly heat up.

And this really aroused her curiosity.

She was curious about what magic power this hotel had that could make couples praise it unanimously.

While Rong Shu was thinking about it, Fu Jingting had already exchanged the key card with the front desk.

When she came to her senses, Fu Jingting was refusing the introduction from the front desk and pulled her towards the elevator.


The elevator opens.

After the two of them entered, Rong Shu clearly heard the sound of relief coming from her ears.

Rong Shu turned her head and looked at the tense face of the man next to her. She finally relaxed, covered her lips and said with a smile, "Is it that exaggerated? You look nervous."

Fu Jingting looked at her sideways, "This is my first time in a place like this."

"It sounds like I'm not." Rong Shu said with a smile.

Fu Jingting was silent for a few seconds and then said: "I was the one who redeemed the prize at the front desk, so I was the one who received more ambiguous looks from the front desk."

"..." Rong Shu couldn't answer these words.

Because it is indeed true.

This chapter has been completed!
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