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Chapter 151 The greatest luck

 At five o'clock, when Xiao Chen was drifting in a daze, his cell phone rang.

He picked it up and saw that it was Li Hanhou calling.

"Hello? Dahan, what's going on?"

"Brother Chen, are you busy tonight?"

"I shouldn't be busy. I have something to talk about."

"My mother asked you to come over for dinner tonight."

"Ah? Oh, okay, I'll be there later."

Xiao Chen was stunned for a moment, but nodded quickly. He hadn't seen Mother Li for several days, and he just happened to go over to take a look at her body.

"Well, I'll wait for you then!"

After Li Hanhou finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Xiao Chen put down his phone and rubbed his aching head.

Just now, he has been thinking about the research project that can develop the human brain. Can people really become smart through some kind of drugs or acquired genes?

If this were the case, the world would probably be in chaos!

In the past, he had heard a lot about developing the human brain, such as 'skull drilling', etc., but these were all created by European religions and had no scientific basis!

Xiao Chen shook his head vigorously to dispel some random thoughts, got off the bed, picked up his notebook, opened the door and walked out.

"finish watching?"

Su Qing was sitting on the sofa in the living room, seemingly waiting for him.

"Well, I've almost finished reading. I also took photos of those code characters and am going to ask a friend to translate them." Xiao Chen nodded.

"You won't reveal any secrets, right?"

Su Qing asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, the person I'm looking for is absolutely reliable, and I won't give them all away."

Xiao Chen said seriously.


Su Qing nodded, she chose to believe Xiao Chen.

"Where do you put this notebook?"

Xiao Chen raised the notebook in his hand and said to Su Qing.

"I don't know. I don't think it's safe to leave it in the villa... How about you send it back to Aunt Cai tomorrow?"

Xiao Chen thought for a while and nodded: "Okay, then I will send it back tomorrow."

"Do you think the research topics in it are reliable? Are you surprised?"

Su Qing took the notebook handed over by Xiao Chen, touched it gently, and asked.

"Fortunately, I think it's pretty reliable..."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Did you find any clues?"

Su Qing sat up straight. She read the notebook dozens of times, but she still found no clues.

"A little."


"You said your parents do research, then who do they work for? An organization? Or a country? There are so many research topics that cannot belong to just two of them!"

Xiao Chen said seriously.

"I don't know. I also discovered this problem. At first I thought they were people from the country, but I didn't think it was right! If they were people from the country, the military wouldn't send people to talk to them..."

"So, our top priority is to figure out two things. One is what the password characters record, and the other is who your parents are working for!"


Xiao Chen looked at Amelia Su and hesitated: "In the Su family, does anyone know anything about the situation?"

"should not."

Su Qing thought for a while and shook her head.

"Then we can only check it bit by bit. I'll find someone to crack these password characters first!"


The two didn't talk much about the contents of the notebook, after all, Xiaomeng was still at home.

"Su Qing, I won't be eating at home tonight. Dahan called me just now and said that his mother asked me to go there for dinner."

"Okay, then go ahead."

"You and Xiaomeng, please don't go out."


After the two chatted for a few more words, Xiao Chen went back to the room to change clothes.

Su Qing went upstairs with her notebook, opened it and started reading again.

A few minutes later, Xiao Chen drove out of the villa and headed straight to Longjiang.

About half an hour later, Xiao Chen arrived there.

"Brother Chen, you are here."

Li Hanhou heard the sound and ran out with a simple smile on his face.

"Well, Dahan, help me get my things in."

Xiao Chen opened the trunk and took out the supplements he bought for Li's mother.

"Brother Chen, you can come as soon as you come, why do you need to buy something?"

Li Hanhou took it and said something.

Xiao Chen glanced at Li Hanhou and curled his lips: "Dahan, how long have you been in the big city, and why have you become unlovable? Don't say such hypocritical words in the future... I will try to do this to you!"


Li Hanhou held the tonic in one hand and scratched his head: "I heard them all say that."

"Okay, let's go in!"

Xiao Chen shook his head and walked into the villa courtyard.

"Achen, you are here."

Mother Li was also very happy to see Xiao Chen.

"Well, Auntie, how are you feeling these days?"

"I feel very good and have strength all over my body..."

Xiao Chen nodded, observed Mother Li's complexion, and nodded: "Well, we are still in the recovery period, so we should pay more attention to rest..."

"Haha, I haven't done anything all day long. I just need to rest... Dahan, put your things down and let Ah Chen sit down quickly. You can chat with him. I'm still making soup in the kitchen..."

Mother Li said with a smile.


Li Hanhou nodded and put down the supplements in his hand.

"Auntie, do you need my help?"

"No, no, no, you sit down and have a rest. Today, auntie will show off her skills and let you try her craftsmanship."


Xiao Chen smiled and nodded.

Mother Li turned and walked into the kitchen, while Li Hanhou chatted with Xiao Chen.

"Dahan, are you used to living here?"

"It's very good. My mother also likes it here."

"Ah That's good."

"Brother Chen, please ask Yao Lao if his villa is for sale... If it is for sale, I will work hard to make money and buy it for my mother." Li Hanhou said in a deep voice.

When Xiao Chen heard this, he smiled: "Okay, let me ask him for you."


Afterwards, the two chatted and chatted, and they talked about Bajiquan...

"By the way, Brother Chen, what's your strength now?"

Li Hanhou thought of something and asked.

"In terms of combat power, I can fight against An Jin in the middle stage." Xiao Chen thought for a while and gave this answer.

"Dark Strength Middle Stage?!"

Li Hanhou exclaimed and widened his eyes.

"Well, that's pretty much it."

"No wonder I am not your opponent. No matter how powerful Ming Jin is, he is not as powerful as An Jin."

Li Hanhou said with admiration.

Xiao Chen looked at Li Hanhou and thought: "Dahan, the Bajiquan and Piguaquan you practice are only foreigner's moves? Don't you have any mental skills to match them?"

"No, my grandfather said that it existed before, but then it was lost."

Li Hanhou said with some disappointment.

Xiao Chen nodded, many martial arts nowadays are actually just ancient martial arts moves!

More and more internal techniques are being lost, and only moves are left. Although they are still powerful, they are not as powerful as those combined with internal techniques!

"Dahan, give me your hand."


Li Hanhou handed his broad palm to Xiao Chen, who put his fingers on it and began to diagnose the pulse.

Just at this moment, Li's mother came out of the kitchen and was stunned when she saw this scene. What is this? Is there something wrong with her son's health?

A few minutes later, Xiao Chen let go of Li Hanhou's hand, his eyes looked a little weird. Damn it, when did there come so many freaks?

After diagnosing his pulse, it was found that Li Hanhou's talent was average to above average and he had dantian constraints, but his meridians were unusually wide, even more perverted than Su Xiaomeng's!

This means that once Li Hanhou opens the shackles of his Dantian, his later cultivation will definitely be faster, and his combat power will continue to soar!

Dantian and meridians often determine a person's achievements!

Combined with his superior Dantian and excellent meridians, Li Hanhou can be regarded as a martial arts genius!

However, think about Li Hanhou, this guy is a bit of a martial arts fanatic. If he is allowed to practice ancient martial arts, his talent and his hard work will definitely make him very powerful in the future!

Thinking of these, Xiao Chen made a decision!

"Achen, what's wrong with Dahan?"

Mother Li couldn't help but ask.

"Haha, Auntie, nothing's wrong... I just checked Dahan's talent. He is suitable for practicing ancient martial arts. Well, he just practices a kind of martial arts."

Xiao Chen didn't know how to explain to Mother Li.


When Mother Li heard this, her face showed a bit of surprise. Can he still diagnose ancient martial arts talent?

"Brother Chen, my grandfather also said that I am suitable for practicing ancient martial arts, but the mental method has been lost..."

Li Hanhou sighed and said with some disappointment.

"Haha, your family's mental method has been lost. I can teach you another ancient martial arts method that is more domineering and more suitable for you."

Xiao Chen said with a smile.

"What? Brother Chen? Are you serious?"

Li Hanhou was so excited that he jumped up.

Mother Li next to her also widened her eyes, Gu Wu’s mind method?!

"Of course it's true." Xiao Chen smiled, glanced at Mother Li from the corner of his eye, and thought thoughtfully in his heart: "I happen to have a very domineering ancient martial arts technique that is suitable for you to practice."

"Brother Chen, teach me quickly!"

Li Hanhou was very excited. He dreamed of practicing ancient martial arts!

Forget it if he doesn’t know, but he still knows the existence of ancient martial arts but has no mental training. This is definitely a huge torture for him who is crazy about martial arts!

He has been thinking about it all these years!


Mother Li spoke. Compared to her son, she knew the value of ancient martial arts skills better!

Any of the lowest ancient martial arts techniques is worth tens of millions, and some of the top ancient martial arts techniques are hard to find for tens of billions!

Li Hanhou glanced at his mother, suppressed his excitement, and did not dare to say any more.

"Ah Chen, the ancient martial art is of great value, and there are always rules. It cannot be passed down to direct disciples..." Mother Li looked at Xiao Chen and said seriously.

"Haha, Auntie, although the ancient martial art is of great value, is it as great as the friendship between me and Dahan?

Besides, society is developing and progressing, and some old rules should be changed!

It is precisely because of the existence of these old rules that everyone regards their own mental methods as treasures. How many years have passed and many mental methods have been lost... If it could be popularized, what would China look like now?"

Xiao Chen smiled at Mother Li, and he remembered Yao Qihuang's words again, Mother Li is not simple!


"Also, Auntie, didn't you say that Dahan should protect me? Only if he becomes stronger can he protect me! Otherwise, he won't protect me, but I will protect him."

Seeing what Li's mother wanted to say, Xiao Chen said with a smile.

After hearing this, Mother Li nodded slowly and said with emotion: "Dahan is the greatest luck in his life to meet you!"

This chapter has been completed!
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