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Chapter 180 The flower girl has an appointment

On the big bed, Hua Yixuan slowly opened her eyes.


Her pretty face showed a somewhat painful expression, she raised her white fingers and gently rubbed her temples.

Suddenly, she stopped and her eyes widened. Didn't she go drinking last night? How did she come back? What happened again?

She looked down and saw that the clothes were intact on her body, and then she breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it seemed that nothing bad had happened!

"I met Chen Yu at the bar last night, and then..."

Hua Yixuan sat up and thought carefully about what happened last night. It took a few minutes for her to remember some of it.

"Chen Yu, you bastard!"

When she thought about Chen Yu drugging her, her pretty face turned cold.

Although I always felt that he had no medical ethics, I didn't expect that he was completely moralless and could even do nasty things like drugging!

Then, she thought of Xiao Chen again and felt grateful. She didn't have a good impression of him before. She thought he was talkative and frivolous, and he didn't look like a good person!

The most important thing is that he is still thinking about opening a hole in his skull. This is not the way a normal person thinks at all!

However, regardless of whether he is a normal person or mentally ill, at least he saved himself and sent her back, and did not have anything happen to her while she was drunk!

This alone is enough to make her grateful!

Just when Hua Yixuan was thinking wildly, the cell phone in her bag rang.

She took out her phone, looked at the name on the screen, and pressed the answer button: "Hi, Grandpa."

"Xiaoxuan, why haven't you answered the phone?"

A kind voice came from the receiver.

"Last night... I drank a little too much, so I didn't hear it."

Hua Yixuan hesitated and whispered.

"Oh, drink less alcohol, it's not good for your health."

"I know, Grandpa."

"I heard from Xiao Li that you were in a mood yesterday?"

"Grandpa, I can't understand..."

Hua Yixuan felt heartbroken again when she thought about what happened yesterday, so she briefly explained the matter.

"The whole society is changing. We can't change too much. We can only try not to change ourselves and not follow the trend... However, if we don't change or follow the trend, we must be prepared for a lot of bloodshed..."

The old man said slowly.


"Xiaoxuan, I give you four words to never forget your original intention."

"Grandpa, I understand."

"Okay, don't be upset. In addition to work, expand your spare time life... By the way, Xiaoxuan, have you got a boyfriend?"

"No, I don't want to have a boyfriend now."

"Haha, you're almost the same age. If you find someone suitable, just date him... Our family doesn't have many rules, as long as he treats you well."

"Grandpa, I really don't have this intention right now..."

"Okay, I know you don't want to talk about this... Let's talk about something you're interested in. How's your cancer research project going?"

"It's still ongoing, but a while ago, a miracle happened among my patients."

"Oh? A miracle? Tell me, what kind of miracle?"

"A patient with advanced lung cancer was almost dying, but after I came back from a business trip for a few days, I was discharged from the hospital and recovered very well..."

"So magical?"

The old man's voice was slightly strange.

Hua Yixuan didn't notice the weirdness in the old man's voice and nodded: "Well, her physical condition is indeed recovering well. I visited many times later to try to figure out what was going on..."

"Haha, do you understand it then?"

"Well, she was cured with folk remedies."

"Home remedies?"

"Yes, there was a young man who treated her, but after my contact, I found that the young man was not reliable, and...and..."

"And what?"

"And that young man's brain is a little abnormal. He seems to be mentally ill."


The old man over there was probably drinking tea. When he heard this, he burst into tears.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with you?"

"Ahem, no, it's nothing. What is that young man's name?"

"Xiao Chen."

"You said his brain is abnormal and he is mentally ill?"

"Well, I've had contact with him twice...and once."

Hua Yixuan told the old man the content of her last chat with Xiao Chen, and finally said: "He actually has the idea of ​​drilling a hole in his skull. Isn't he mentally ill?"

"Ha, hahaha... you little girl, you were deceived!"

After hearing this, the old man over there burst out laughing.

"Have I been cheated on?"

Hua Yixuan was stunned, what do you mean?

"That boy... no, that young man said that on purpose, to make you think that he... that his mind is abnormal, to get rid of your curiosity."

Hua Yixuan frowned, Xiao Chen did it on purpose?

"I think this young man must have some special ability to cure cancer, rather than just a simple 'recipe'. You should have more contact and communication with him to see if there are any new discoveries... If you can really discover something and promote it systematically

, how many lives can be saved, right?”


"Xiaoxuan, haven't you been doing cancer research? I think this might be an opportunity..."

"Well, I will contact him again and see."

Hua Yixuan thought for a while and nodded. He had to thank someone for helping her. It just so happened that we could chat again and see if he really had a brain problem!

If he was pretending on purpose, then this guy is hateful enough!

"Haha, okay, then I'll be waiting for your good news..."

The old man said with a smile.

Hua Yixuan frowned slightly, why did she feel like something was wrong with her grandpa today?

"Okay, let's do this for now. A certain leader made an appointment with me and asked me to help take a look at my body..."

"Yeah, you should also take care of yourself."

"Haha, okay, I'm going to die." After the old man over there said it, he muttered again: "You brat, you are still pretending to be mentally ill... Oh, forget it, your children and grandchildren will have their own blessings, why worry so much, just let it be.


Hua Yixuan didn't hear clearly, so why let nature take its course? Grandpa was really weird today!

She was quiet for a while, thought about it, and called Li Hanhou.

"Hey, Doctor Hua, what do you want from me?"

Li Hanhou's innocent voice came.

"Li Hanhou, do you have Xiao Chen's mobile phone number?"

"Yes, what are you doing?"

"I have something to do with him, please give me his number."

"Oh, okay, the number is..."

After Hua Yixuan wrote down the number, she hung up the phone, hesitated, and dialed Xiao Chen's number.


Soon, the call was answered.

"Xiao Chen? I'm Hua Yixuan."

"Doctor Hua? How do you have my number?"

Xiao Chen, who was eating, put down his chopsticks and asked in surprise.

Next to him, Bai Ye pricked up his ears, Doctor Hua? Is he another flower girl?

"I asked Li Hanhou and he told me."

"Oh, what does Dr. Hua want from me?"

"Xiao Chen, thank you for last night."

"Haha, it's nothing, it's just a little effort."

"Xiao Chen, are you free tonight? I'll treat you to dinner."

Hua Yixuan made the invitation, firstly to thank him, and secondly because she wanted to get in touch with him again.

"Doctor Hua, I'm sorry, there's something going on tonight..."

Xiao Chen refused, what a joke, he had an appointment with Qin Lan tonight, okay?

A date with Hua Yixuan is all about eating and drinking at most, and this girl seems to have other goals!

What about making a date with Qin Lan?

Maybe, just eat, drink, and sleep... As long as you are a normal man, you will know who to choose to date!

Hua Yixuan was stunned. This seemed to be the first time she took the initiative to ask a man to dinner, right?

Was it rejected?

"Doctor Hua, how about another day?"

Xiao Chen heard that there was no movement there, and felt that it would not be good to reject this young girl, so he added another sentence.

"Okay, when do you have time?"

If it hadn't happened last night, Hua Yixuan would have hung up the phone long ago.

"Well... how about next weekend?"

Xiao Chen casually asked for a while, and it is estimated that this girl will forget about it by then.

"Okay, I'll call you when the time comes. You go ahead and do your work. Bye."

After Hua Yixuan finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Xiao Chen put away his phone and looked at Bai Ye who was looking at him, annoyed: "What are you looking at?"

"Brother Chen, which flower girl are you?"

"The girl who Hua your sister is named is 'Hua'."

Xiao Chen rolled his eyes and said.

"It's a girl anyway..." After Bai Ye finished speaking, he glanced at Su Qing again: "What about that, let's continue eating..."

After dinner, Xiao Chen rejected Bai Ye's proposal to go have fun and prepared to go back to the company with Su Qing.

Bai Ye didn't make any strong demands. Anyway, Brother Chen won't be leaving for a short time, so he has plenty of time to play!

Well, I will find some young models for Brother Chen to play with some other day, this will definitely suit his taste!

Xiao Chen and Su Qing drove away, and Bai Ye returned to Bai's house without any further delay.

He had to tell his father about Xiao Chen's coming to Longhai!

On the way, Su Qing observed Xiao Chen with her peripheral vision. Who was he?

Bai Ye, the devil incarnate, are you so afraid of Xiao Chen?

Among the younger generation in Long Hai, who can make Bai Ye do this?

"How do you know Bai Ye?"

Finally, Su Qing couldn't help but ask.

"A few years ago, do you know about Bai Ye's kidnapping?"

Xiao Chen had already thought of the reason, and it wasn't all a lie. At least the kidnapping was true.

"have no idea."

"He was kidnapped by gangsters, and I led people to rescue him later... From this point of view, I am his savior."

"That's it?"

Su Qing is not easy to fool. If it were just like this, how would Bai Ye react?

"Then, Bai Ye pestered me and asked me to teach him kung fu... From this point of view, I am still half his master."


Although Su Qing was still dubious, she didn't ask any more questions.

If Xiao Chen wants to say something, then tell her!

I don’t want to say it, but if I ask again, I won’t get anything out of it, I’ll just get more lies!

She is a smart woman.

"Did you call Bai Ye?"

"Yes, you said that Baicao Garden is the property of the Bai family, so I thought of him... The Bai family in Longhai seemed to be the only one, but I called and asked, and it was true... Then he heard that I was in

Baicao Garden is just here."


Su Qing was speechless. Wasn't it just that Pidianpidian came?

Big pants, a big vest, and flip-flops. I guess I just got out of bed and ran here with lipstick marks on my face without even washing it!

Just when Su Qing wanted to ask something else, Xiao Chen's cell phone rang.

Xiao Chen took it out and saw that it was Xiaodao's phone number.

This is the fourth chapter today. Are you okay with it?

In fact, I also want to write 20,000 yuan a day, really, because as much as I write, how much money the website will give me... I am not mentally ill, so I naturally want to make more money, but sometimes my body does not allow it, or various unexpected circumstances... such as

The day before yesterday and the state I was in yesterday, writing was like drinking poison. It made me want to take a cold shower... But thinking about it, I've just recovered from the cold, so I'd better not commit suicide...

Thanks to ‘Xiao Zhurong’s 2-yuan red envelope, dancer Beicheng’s 8-yuan red envelope, Opera Life 899894532’s 2-yuan red envelope, KL Teacher Jia’s 2-yuan red envelope, and the mountain cockroach hunting 8-yuan red envelope’. Thank you all for your red envelope rewards...

This chapter has been completed!
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