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Chapter 2248 simple and rude

Kameda Fuji and others have already walked out.

Xiao Chen and the others stood up and followed them out without any hesitation.

Soon, Kameda Fuji and others got into the car and roared away.

Hei Yi started the car, followed quickly, and merged into the traffic flow.


Xiao Chen took out the weapons from the bone ring and gave them to Hao Jian and others.

"Tonight... the three-foot green blade is stained with blood, fighting for me, China!"

Hao Jian lightly tested his edge and said slowly.

"Then I kill with my killing knife, and I specialize in chopping off the heads of devils!"

Xiaodao also answered.


Everyone laughed after listening to what the two said.

Xiao Chen glanced at the killing knife in his hand, and his consciousness entered the bone ring space.

Originally, he was hesitant when he stored the Sesshou Knife, but the knife was lost inside it not just once or twice.

What if I really lost my Sesshouto? It would be really painful.

Didn't look at Xiao Dao and treated Sesshō Dao like his daughter-in-law, and almost fell asleep holding her in his arms!

If I really lose it, the knife will go crazy.

But after he put it in, he paid attention to it for a long time and found nothing happened, so he felt relieved.

Now that I have taken it out, there is no change in the bone ring space.

"They sped up."

Suddenly, Heiyi said something and then accelerated to follow.

"Did you spot us?"

Qin Jianwen sat up straight and looked at the two cars in front of him.

"probably not."

Hei Yi shook his head. He was quite confident in his driving skills.

"Find a place with less traffic and prepare to do it."

Xiao Chen also looked forward and said.


Black nodded.

"How to do it? Stop their car?"

"How can you end the battle quickly without giving them time to react?"

Xiao Chen looked at the car in front and asked playfully.

"Stop the car and let everyone take action. Kill the others first... and leave the energy to the three of you. The battle should be over as quickly as possible."

Qin Jianwen thought for a while and said.

"No, that's too slow."

Xiao Chen shook his head.

"How to do that?"

Qin Jianwen was startled.


Xiao Chen chuckled, took out two individual rocket launchers from the bone ring, and threw one to Li Hanhou.

"One person per car, it will explode!"

"Blow it up directly? Aren't you going to capture Fuji Kameda alive?"

Qin Jianwen was startled.

"Fuji Kameda is not weak in strength, and there are two energy masters beside him. They will definitely protect him... So even if the car explodes, they probably won't die."

Xiao Chen said calmly.

"Of course, you can't blow up the car all at once. Dahan, aim at the wheels and overturn the car. Can you do that?"

"no problem."

Li Hanhou nodded.

"Forget it, you should just blow up that one. Just blow up that one directly... Without energy, if the car explodes, everyone will definitely die."

Xiao Chen pointed to another car and said to Li Hanhou.


Li Hanhou nodded and skillfully opened the sight of the individual rocket launcher.

"Are you sure it was just blown over and not directly bombed?"

Qin Jianwen asked.

"Haha, don't you still believe in my level? Dahan, get ready to take action."

Xiao Chen smiled, picked up the individual rocket launcher, and opened the skylight.

"This... is the way to end the battle in the shortest time! Except for Hua Jin, everyone else will die, or they will be seriously injured!"

Qin Jianwen curled his lips, you are too rude!

Just when Xiao Chen and Li Hanhou were about to take action, the car in front seemed to notice something.

"The car behind seemed to have come out of the bar and has been following us."

A master of energy transformation looked at the car behind and said in a deep voice.

As a master of energy transformation, his intuition is very keen... When there was a lot of traffic just now, he didn't pay attention, but if he is still following them now, there may be a problem.

"Following you from the bar?"

Another master of energy transformation also frowned and looked behind him.

"you sure?"


The Huajin master nodded.

"How about we stop the car and check the situation?"

"Don't worry about them for now, and then we'll see...if they are really following us, then kill them directly."

Kameda Fuji didn't pay much attention and said coldly.

His grandfather is about to enter the semi-innate stage, and by then...his status as Kameda's best in the island country will also rise with the tide!

Coupled with his own strength and talent, he will be the most dazzling talent in the island country!

Therefore, he who was already arrogant naturally became even more arrogant, and seemed to not take everything seriously.


Just when the Huajin master nodded and glanced at the rearview mirror, his expression suddenly changed wildly.

I saw two people appearing on the roof of the car behind... To be precise, there were two people leaning half out of the sunroof.

They all held something in their hands and pointed it at the vehicle they were in.

"That's... a personal rocket launcher?"

Although they are from the mixed martial arts world, they are familiar with weapons and so on.

"No, jump out of the car quickly..."

This energy-transforming master also reacted quickly and gave a sharp shout.


Kameda Fuji was stunned, what do you mean?


Before Kameda Fuji could react, a loud noise was heard.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the car next to me being lifted up by a ball of flames, and then... turned into a fireball.


The fireball exploded in mid-air, sending debris flying.

"I've given you time to prepare. If you can die here, don't blame me."

Xiao Chen muttered and pressed the launch button.

He deliberately arrived later than Li Hanhou because he wanted to prepare for the Huajin master in the car... After all, he didn't want to kill everyone, but wanted the Huajin master to protect Kameda Fuji.


A rocket flew out and hit the rear wheel.

The speeding car was no longer under control. The rear of the car suddenly tilted up, and then... the car flipped over and hit the ground heavily.


Xiao Chen was quite satisfied, it was almost as he imagined.

As soon as Heiyi's car stopped, Xiao Chen and others all got out of the car and walked towards the car with its four wheels in the air.


They had just taken a few steps when the car door was kicked open.

Immediately afterwards, two figures emerged from inside.

"Kaeda, how are you?"

Immediately afterwards, Kameda Fuji, whose face was covered in blood, also got out of the car.

He shook his dizzy head and wiped the blood on his face: "I...it's fine."

After all, he didn't have body-protecting Qi, so he was inevitably injured... It took two efforts to hold him down on the seat, otherwise, it wouldn't have been such a minor injury.

Except for the three of them, all the people in the car were seriously injured and dying!

The two energy masters also had injuries on their bodies, but they were not serious and looked very embarrassed.

They turned their heads and looked at Xiao Chen and his group. Who were they?

"Who...are you!"

Kameda Fuji also came to his senses at this moment, glared at Xiao Chen and others, and shouted angrily.

"Fuji Kameda, the grandson of Kameda Surun..."

Xiao Chen looked at Kameda Fuji and spoke calmly.

After hearing Xiao Chen's words, Kameda Fuji and the two energy masters around him all changed their expressions.


Although they couldn't understand what Xiao Chen said, they... could tell that it was in Chinese.

Are these people in front of me Chinese warriors?

Thinking of this, they felt chills all over. Were they really targeted by Chinese warriors?

"It's you?"

Kameda Fuji looked at Xiao Chen, as if he thought of something, his expression changed again.

He remembered, wasn't this the person he saw in the bathroom just now?

Turns out to be a Chinese warrior?

The two Huajin masters also thought about it at this time, and their eyes widened.

They... have been targeted by Chinese warriors for a long time?

"Well, it's me, we meet again."

Xiao Chen nodded. This time he did not use Chinese, but the island Mandarin.

"Haha, isn't it surprising?"

"You... Chinese warriors, how dare you show up?"

Kameda Fuji stared at Xiao Chen. In his opinion, Chinese warriors were like rats crossing the street. Everyone shouted and beat them, so they should all be hiding!

"Why don't you dare to show up...Chinese warriors are not the sick men you call them."

Xiao Chen said calmly.

"Why...why did you come to me!"

Kameda Fuji gritted his teeth and asked.

"I'm looking for your grandfather, but I can't find him. I need you to lead the way..."

Xiao Chen stepped forward slowly.

"You're looking for my grandpa? What are you looking for for him?"

Kameda Fuji frowned, and at the same time the aura of martial arts filled the air. In any case, he was also a master of Anjin Dzogchen and was very powerful.

"He took something from me, and I went to him to get it back."

Xiao Chen said slowly.

"Take something?"

Kameda Fuji was stunned for a moment, then thought of something, and his expression changed again.

"Are you... Xiao Chen?"

"Oh? It seems you have heard of me... Haha, that's the best."

Xiao Chen smiled.


The expressions of the two Huajin masters also changed. This young man... turned out to be Xiao Chen?

They shouted loudly, and Kameda Fuji even turned around and ran away.

Xiao Chen looked at their actions and couldn't help but be stunned. I am so awesome now, how can I scare the little devil like this?



Without waiting for Xiao Chen to say anything, Hao Jian was the first to take action. The Chaiyun Sword turned into a cold light and went straight towards one of them.


Li Hanhou was not slow in his movements. He roared, dragged his huge mace, and chased the other one.

"Stop running, you can't run away."

Xiao Chen also swayed and rushed towards Kameda Fuji.

Dang Dang Dang!

Hao Jian was already fighting with the master of energy transformation, sparks were flying everywhere, it was very fierce.


On the other side, Li Hanhou rounded the mace, and in one fell swoop... he broke the sword of another master of energy transformation.

"Kill everyone else."

Xiao Chen had already caught up with Kameda Fuji and said calmly.


Qin Jianwen and others nodded, came to the car with four wheels in the air, and killed all the people who were not dead.

"Xiao Chen, how dare you show up!"

Kameda Fuji looked at Xiao Chen who stopped him, showing a bit of despair.

He... heard about the things Xiao Chen did in the island country, and also heard about Xiao Chen's performance on Senshan Road.

That's why he is so scared!

"Why don't I dare to show up... Kameda Fuji, aren't you also the genius of the island country's martial arts? Are you too timid? Just like this... you still want to plunder Chinese warriors?"

Xiao Chen looked at him and said playfully.

"Didn't you just say that Chinese martial arts are nothing but sick men?"

This chapter has been completed!
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