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Chapter 244 The Contest of Men

 On the way, Tong Yan looked at Xiao Chen several times, opened her mouth, and wanted to say something, but when the words came to her lips, she didn't know how to speak.

On the contrary, the handsome face looked like it was stained with red makeup.

"What's wrong? Just say what you want to say?"

Xiao Chen noticed the strange look on Tong Yan's face and asked with a smile.

"No, it's nothing."

Tong Yan shook her head in panic, her face couldn't help but feel hot.

Xiao Chen was wondering, what's wrong with this little girl? Is it difficult to say something?

Inside the car, the atmosphere was a little weird.

In order to break the weird atmosphere, Xiao Chen asked casually: "Tong Yan, you just said you were an old classmate, were you a high school classmate? Or a college classmate?"

"High school classmates."

"Oh, the camaraderie between classmates is indeed different. We should get together more often."

"Some classmates keep in touch. The person who started the party tonight is the class monitor of the senior year of high school. He just came back from abroad."

"Haha, the returnee elites? They should be developing well!"

"I don't know. I haven't had much contact since I graduated from high school..."


The two chatted casually, and the Maserati roared and sped towards Lauren's Cafe.

After more than half an hour, they arrived at Lauren's Cafe.

Xiao Chen stopped the car, the two of them got out of the car and walked into the coffee shop.

"Welcome, do you have an appointment?"

The waiter at the door asked with a smile.

"Yes." Xiao Chen nodded and glanced around, "Tong Yan, call your classmates and ask where they are."


Tong Yan agreed, found the number, and dialed it.

"Hello? Xiaoyan, are you here?"

"Well, we're already here, at the door."

"We are on the second floor, come up quickly."


Tong Yan hung up the phone and went to the second floor with Xiao Chen.

Lauren's Cafe can be considered high-end in the whole of Longhai!

The decoration is very elegant, everything is in Western style. In the center of the roof, there is a huge crystal chandelier hanging, shining with light!

The coffee shop has two floors, with a hollow in the middle. There is a stage in the center of the first floor with a piano on it.

A handsome pianist is playing "Romeo and Juliet". The notes beat gently, making people's hearts calm down.

As soon as Xiao Chen and Tong Yan went up to the second floor, they saw a girl who could score 85 points already waiting.

When she saw Xiao Chen next to Tong Yan, she couldn't help but be stunned, why was there a man?


Tong Yan saw the girl in a daze and said hello to her.

"Xiaoyan, why did you bring a man here?"

The girl reacted and asked urgently.

"Didn't I just tell you that I was with my friends?"

"But...but you didn't say it was a boy, I thought it was a girl!"

The girl is a little anxious, what should I do in this situation?

"Brother Chen, let me introduce you to Zheng Ying."

Tong Yan introduced it to Xiao Chen.

"Hello, my name is Xiao Chen, nice to meet you."

Xiao Chen smiled and nodded at the girl. She seemed a little... not welcoming to him?


Zheng Ying nodded, and then looked at Xiao Chen carefully. Well, at first glance, he was very handsome.

Immediately afterwards, she began to guess Xiao Chen's identity and what was his relationship with Tong Yan?

Could it be that he is Tong Yan's boyfriend?

You know, she and Tong Yan are best friends and they know each other quite well!

In her memory, Tong Yan seemed to have never dated a man...

Moreover, if the two had nothing to do with each other, with Tong Yan's temperament, would she bring this man here?

Thinking about what might happen next, Zheng Ying felt a headache. She regretted calling Tong Yan over!

Tonight is a party initiated by monitor Sun. When he was in the third year of high school, he fell in love with Tong Yan, and he chased her for a year without getting any response!

Now, he came back from abroad, organized a party, and invited Tong Yan by name!

Everyone knows what he is thinking!

Zheng Ying couldn't imagine what kind of sparks would arise when these two men met!

"Xiaoyan, did you do it on purpose?"

Zheng Ying pulled Tong Yan aside and asked in a low voice.

"Deliberately? What do you mean?"

"You know that Sun Jianyu likes you, but you still bring a man here?"


"Honestly, what is your relationship with this man?"

When Tong Yan heard what her best friend said, she glanced at Xiao Chen from the corner of her eye and hesitated: "Friend."

"Are they really just ordinary friends?"

"No... how ordinary."

Tong Yan thought of what she said to Xiao Chen and whispered.


"Don't ask any more questions. I'll tell you another day."

"Can you let him leave first?"

Zheng Ying glanced at Xiao Chen and asked.

"If he leaves, then I will leave too."

"Come on, I'm afraid of you... Sun Jianyu is here!"

Zheng Ying was about to say something else, but when she glanced out of the corner of her eye, a young man was walking over.

"Zheng Ying, Xiaoyan, what are you talking about?"

A young man with a good temperament came over with a smile.

When his eyes fell on Tong Yan, his eyes couldn't help but light up.

"Xiaoyan, I haven't seen you for three years, and you are even more beautiful... Come, give me a hug according to Western etiquette."

Sun Jianyu said, opening his arms and going to hug Tong Yan.

Tong Yan looked at Sun Jianyu's open arms, took a step back, stretched out his right hand, smiled politely and said: "Thank you, Sun Jianyu, welcome back to China."


Sun Jianyu's movements froze, and the smile on his face became a little unnatural.

However, Zheng Ying reacted quickly and smoothed things over with a smile: "Squad leader Sun, you have returned to China, so don't do the Western thing. Shaking hands is still popular in our country, but hugging is not popular."

Hearing Zheng Ying's words, Sun Jianyu smiled again and nodded: "Blame me, blame me, I have been abroad for too long, some things have become a habit..."

After saying that, he stretched out his right hand and shook Tong Yan's hand. He squeezed her soft little hand with a little force and couldn't help but feel a little shaken.

This soft little hand made him dream about it three years ago... However, he never realized his wish, and then he went abroad!

This time, he returned to China as an elite returnee, and he already regarded himself as a successful person in the future, so he had to work hard to get what he couldn't get before!

What you can’t get will always be in commotion!

Although he already has a wife, what does it matter?

Isn't it normal for an elite like him to have a few more women?

What's more, he doesn't love his wife. If his wife's family hadn't been rich, he wouldn't have chosen her at all!

Abroad, he had been paying attention to Tong Yan's news and knew about her family's plight, so he felt that an opportunity had come.

After returning to China, he saw recent photos of Tong Yan, and felt that he deserved this woman, and only he could be worthy of her!

Now, when he saw her in person, he felt even more stunning. She was more beautiful and charming than in the photos... She must be taken down!

Tong Yan felt Sun Jianyu's little movement, frowned slightly, and broke away from his hand.

"Haha, Xiaoyan, after I return to China, the first thing I do is to inquire about you... My original intention has not changed, or..."

"Sun Jianyu, let me introduce you to a friend."

Before Xiao Chen finished speaking, Tong Yan turned to look at Xiao Chen and showed a smile.

Just now, Xiao Chen had been standing nearby and watching, and he also saw something.

What kind of squad leader is Sun? He used to like Tong Yan, but Tong Yan didn’t like him!

Later, he went abroad to study, and the two of them didn't contact each other for many years. Now that he has returned to China, he plans to pursue Tong Yan again.

However, Tong Yan still didn't like him, otherwise she wouldn't have taken two steps back just now, not even a hug!

Hearing Tong Yan's words, Sun Jianyu turned around and looked, what's the matter, are you here with Tong Yan?

Just now, he thought he was the waiter leading the way!

"Brother Chen, this is Sun Jianyu whom I introduced to you on the way..."

"Hello, my name is Xiao Chen, nice to meet you."

Xiao Chen nodded. Although he said so, he didn't even bother to stretch out his hands.

Sun Jianyu looked Xiao Chen up and down, feeling a bit hostile in his heart. Who is this guy? What is his relationship with Tong Yan?

Could it be that he is her boyfriend?

No, he asked Zheng Ying before if Tong Yan didn’t have a boyfriend!

Thoughts turned around one by one, Sun Jianyu's eyes flashed with a hint of sinisterness, he smiled but didn't smile, and stretched out his right hand: "Haha, hello, I'm glad to meet you too... Come, shake your hand."

Xiao Chen noticed the viciousness in Sun Jianyu's eyes, and his heart moved, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "Okay." As he said this, he held Sun Jianyu's hands together.

When the two hands were held together, Sun Jianyu's hand obviously increased its strength.

His grip strength is very good. Even some foreigners suffered from him when he was abroad!

Therefore, he was confident that he could make Xiao Chen look embarrassed in front of Tong Yan!

But what surprised him was that as he increased his strength, Xiao Chen seemed to feel nothing, and his hands seemed to have no bones, just like dough!

Even if he tried his best, there was still no reaction from Xiao Chen, and even the smile on his face did not change at all!

He really wanted to ask Xiao Chen, boy, don't you feel pain?

However, before he could finish his thoughts, he felt the soft, boneless hand in his palm suddenly harden!

Immediately afterwards, a strong force came, and Xiao Chen's hands were no longer dough, but seemed to become a vise, slowly squeezing his bones!


Sun Jianyu gritted his teeth and tried not to scream, but cold sweat broke out on his forehead!

It hurts, it really hurts so damn much!

He felt that the bones in his hand were making a "Gaba" sound, as if they were being crushed inch by inch!

"Mr. Sun, you had a good time abroad, why did you come back? Do you plan to come back and serve the country?"

Xiao Chen squeezed Sun Jianyu's hand and asked with a smile.

"To...the motherland, gave birth to me, raised me, and trained me...After I have studied, I should...come back to serve the motherland..."

Sun Jianyu gritted his teeth and choked out these words intermittently from between his teeth.

"Haha, Mr. Sun has a patriotic heart, I admire him! We only need elites like Mr. Sun to contribute to the construction of the motherland!"

After Xiao Chen finished speaking, he let go of Sun Jianyu's right hand without making him look too bad.

"Haha... not bad, not bad."

Sun Jianyu forced a smile and hurriedly hid his right hand, which was shaking with pain, behind his back to avoid being seen by Tong Yan.

Chapter 2 today, don’t wait any longer... Chapter 5 will be updated tomorrow!

This chapter has been completed!
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