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Chapter 3445 The call from the ancestral land

 The eyes of Xiao Chen and others were all attracted by the Wolf King's order.

Xiao Chen was also surprised. Unexpectedly, it was not the wolf head who reacted, but the Wolf King Ling.

"It's really a reaction."

Leon was very excited, this was what he proposed.

Before Xiao Chen and others could react, the light on the Wolf King's Token disappeared and returned to its previous appearance.

The whole process took less than half a minute and did not attract too many people's attention.

At the same time, on the throne of the Wolf Palace, the old patriarch who had his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes.

His usually dull eyes now glowed with brilliance, and his gaze seemed to see the situation on the wolf's head through the palace.

"Is it the Wolf King's order?"

The old patriarch muttered to himself, then looked away and showed a smile.

"Sure enough, the Wolf King's Order can easily activate the power of the Wolf God... from the same lineage, it's really God helping me."

Soon, he stopped smiling, closed his eyes again, and returned to his usual appearance, without any movement.

On the wolf's head, Xiao Chen felt a little strange. For a moment just now, he felt that someone was staring at this place.

He looked around and saw no one.

So, where did that strange feeling just come from?

"It doesn't seem like it's staring, it's an indescribable feeling."

Xiao Chen frowned and muttered to himself.

"Xiao Chen, what are you muttering about?"

Leon asked.


Xiao Chen shook his head, suppressed the strangeness in his heart, and looked at Wolf King Ling again.

"Why didn't the Wolf King's order respond again?"

Leon asked again.

"How do I know? I don't know what happened just now."

Xiao Chen was not angry. After feeling the Wolf King's order, it seemed to be a little different from before, but he couldn't tell what was different.

However, he was too lazy to care about it. He continued to put the Wolf King's Token on the wolf's head and run the 'Chaos Art' to devour the energy on the wolf's head.

Not only him, but also the bone ring, emitting a faint light and constantly devouring it.

"Still no response?"

Xiao Chen was very surprised. Is it because he swallowed too little energy?

There's so much energy on the wolf's head that you can't even feel it?

Or what?

"Try swallowing more."

Xiao Chen made a decision, but he did not act immediately, but looked at Bai Ye.

"Xiao Bai, can you still persist? If you can't persist, go down and wait for us."

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Bai Ye was startled at first, and then realized that Brother Chen was going to cause trouble!

"Okay, then I'll go down and wait for you. I already feel very uncomfortable."

Bai Ye nodded, pretending to be in pain.


Xiao Chen nodded and looked at Amos, Leon, and David. They were all very capable. If anything happened, they could handle it.

"I'm going down first."

Bai Ye turned around and left without any more ink marks.

After Bai Ye left a distance, Xiao Chen accelerated the operation of the 'Chaos Art', and the devouring power on his right hand became even greater.

Not only did his own devouring power increase, the devouring power of the bone ring also increased a lot.

The majestic energy poured into the bone ring and Xiao Chen's body, making his breath a little unstable.

Xiao Chen could clearly feel that his martial arts cultivation was constantly improving.

If he hadn't suppressed it, he probably would have been able to break through.

He was able to break through before on Vulcan Island, but he was suppressed by him.

But now... the feeling of breaking through is even more obvious.

"Suppress, suppress it for me..."

Xiao Chen thought to himself, he must suppress his cultivation and constantly lay a solid foundation!

In the past, when the old fortune teller said, "Innateness is the basis," he didn't understand what it meant, but now he understands.

Innate, that is, building the foundation.

The basis is the foundation.

While suppressing his cultivation, Xiao Chen also felt the wolf's head carefully, but there was still no movement.

This wolf head has a lot of energy, but for some reason, it feels like something is not quite right.

The 'gods' of the island country do not have so much energy. As long as they 'transform', they become gods.

This wolf head has so much energy, but it seems like a dead thing.

Otherwise, why would there be no movement?

But even though it was a dead thing, the pressure was real, and the feeling it gave him was lifelike.

Therefore, this wolf head gave him a feeling that something was not quite right.

"Alive, but also dead? This... vegetable? No, a vegetable wolf?"

Suddenly, this thought flashed through Xiao Chen's mind, and his expression became strange.

If it is a 'plant wolf' state, it can be explained, but will the wolf god be a plant wolf?

Thinking about it, he felt ridiculous.

"Amos, you said the wolf god protects this place. Did the wolf god... show any miracles?"

Xiao Chen turned around and asked Amos.

"Hmm? A miracle?"

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Amos was stunned for a moment and hesitated.

"Isn't that coercion a miracle?"

"Aside from coercion? Nothing else?"

Xiao Chen asked again.

"It should be gone."

Amos thought for a moment and shook his head.

"However, according to records, the Wolf God has shown miracles, and many tribesmen can also receive the power given by the Wolf God..."

"The wolf god gives strength."

Xiao Chen frowned. If it was a plant wolf, that wouldn't be right. It could give the werewolf power, which means it is 'alive' and conscious.

"We have all received the power given by the Wolf God in our ancestral land."

Leon interjected.

"The ancestral land... what about the ancestral land?"

Xiao Chen's heart moved, as if he had grasped some key point.

"Is there anyone elsewhere who has received the power given by the Wolf God?"

"should not."

Amos and Leon looked at each other and shook their heads.

"The ancestral land, it seems that if you want to find out, you still have to enter the ancestral land."

Xiao Chen said to himself.

"Figure out what?"

Amos asked, not hearing clearly.


Xiao Chen shook his head, didn't say much, and continued to increase his devouring power.

Since there is no reaction, just swallow more!

He didn't dare to devour more, for fear that he would be unable to suppress his realm and break through again, but with the bone ring, he didn't have this worry.

As Xiao Chen released the restrictions of the bone ring, the devouring power of the bone ring suddenly exploded.

Although this kind of energy devouring is invisible to the naked eye, the bone ring is like a huge whirlpool, constantly devouring energy, and Amos and Leon can still feel it.

"What's this?"

Amos frowned, he felt something was strange.

"Oh, I'm trying to communicate with the Wolf God."

Xiao Chen said casually, this wolf head is too big and has too much energy. It needs to be swallowed more to prevent it from collapsing or something.

"Try to communicate with the Wolf God?"

Leon was stunned.

"Xiao Chen, did you also hurt your brain in the fight? Within the werewolf clan, only the clan leader can communicate with the wolf god...no one else can."

"Huh? Can the patriarch communicate with the wolf god?"

Xiao Chen looked at Leon, and he felt that he had grasped another important point.


Leon nodded.

"The wolf king and the clan leader are the two people closest to the wolf god. Now that the werewolf clan does not have a wolf king, only the clan leader can communicate with the wolf god."

"Have you ever seen the patriarch communicate with the wolf god?"

Xiao Chen asked again.

"Of course, during the ancestral sacrifice ceremony."

Leon nodded.

"Ancestral land, wolf god, clan leader..."

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed, it seemed that this ancestral land was unusual.

"Xiao Chen, what are you thinking about?"

Amos looked at Xiao Chen and asked.

"I thought I was destined to be with the Wolf God, but now that I'm here, the Wolf God ignores me. I'm wondering what's going on."

Xiao Chen smiled.


Amos is speechless, you think he is destined to do it, so he has to ignore you?

What's the point?

If you see a beautiful woman and say you are destined to her, will she still have to sleep with you?

As soon as this thought flashed, Amos quickly suppressed it, sin, sin, how can you think like this? This is not an insult to the wolf god.

"I heard that the Wolf God is usually asleep, so it would be difficult for you to communicate."

Leon said again.


Xiao Chen was startled and looked astonished.

"Okay, then this sleeper is indeed a bit heavy."

Immediately, he smiled. Since he was asleep, he was not polite.

He took out the Xuanyuan Saber from the bone ring and the Nine Flames Mysterious Needle, and placed them all on the wolf's head.

"What are you doing?"

Amos frowned.

"Don't be disrespectful to the Wolf God."

"No, I just want the Wolf God to get familiar with my things. Then when I go to the ancestral land, I can better gain the recognition of the Wolf God."

Xiao Chen smiled and continued to devour.

The Xuanyuan Saber and the Nine Flames Mysterious Needle also trembled slightly and began to devour them.

Although Amos and Leon felt something was not right, they saw no reaction from the wolf god, so they didn't say anything more.


Just when Xiao Chen relaxed and thought nothing would happen, the huge wolf head suddenly shook.

The four Xiao Chens standing nearby were caught off guard and almost fell down.

Xiao Chen was startled and quickly collected the Nine Flames Mysterious Needle. At the same time, he held the Xuanyuan Knife in his hand, and his heart was full of vigilance. Was the sleeping wolf god awakened?

Amos, Leon and David also changed their expressions. What happened?

Fortunately, apart from shaking for a moment, the wolf head soon became unresponsive again.

"What happened?"

Leon asked with his eyes widened.

"Well, maybe the Wolf God turned over when he was sleeping."

Xiao Chen was talking nonsense, and after seeing that there was no danger, he put away the Xuanyuan knife.

He could feel that Xuanyuan Dao was still a little unhappy and wanted to continue to swallow energy.

Xiao Chen ignored it and threw it into the bone ring.

Is this something it is happy with or not?

If you really offend the wolf god, you won’t be able to eat and will be carried away!

Just as he was hesitating whether to continue devouring it with the bone ring, something strange suddenly arose in his heart.

This strange feeling, intermittent, seems to be a kind of calling.

Xiao Chen frowned, thought for a while, and gently placed his right hand on the wolf's head. The feeling of calling became clearer.

Then, he raised his head and looked back: "Amos, you said before, where is the ancestral land?"


Amos nodded.

"What's wrong?"

"I felt like there was something there calling me."

Xiao Chen said softly.


Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Amos and Leon both looked surprised. Was there something calling him?

"No...it's not the Wolf God calling you, is it?"

Leon's eyes widened, unable to conceal his shock. He was really hooking up with the Wolf God, no, was he communicating?

This chapter has been completed!
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