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Chapter 363 still alive

 Pick her up?

Xiao Chen threw his cell phone on the bed, looked at the roof, and pondered the old fortune teller's words.

Although the old fortune teller is a bit unscrupulous, you still have to listen to his words!

Especially since he had been thinking about it for so long, and finally came up with these two words, it was definitely not just a casual comment!

Therefore, Xiao Chen, who knew the old fortune teller fairly well, could not ignore his words!

Originally, he had some thoughts, and Su Yunfei even made such a joke when he was alive.

What a joke?

Of course it’s a joke about being a brother-in-law!

However, I didn’t say whether I was dating Su Qing or Su Xiaomeng at that time.

But if you say that you go out to date Su Qing because it is really good for you, what will happen?

Shouldn't feelings be pure and not mixed with anything else?

Otherwise, this is a kind of blasphemy against feelings!

The most important thing is that Xiao Chen has not yet thought about developing a relationship...especially since the other party is Su Yunfei's sister!

Xiao Chen lit up the cigarette, took a few deep breaths, and continued to struggle.

When he finished smoking a cigarette, he turned over and sat up. Forget it, how it was before is how it is now, let everything take its course!

Besides, after helping her solve the trouble, he has to go to Naga. Even he doesn't know whether he can come back alive!

Therefore, it is useless to think too much!

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen felt at ease. If you think about today's things today, let's leave it to tomorrow to worry about tomorrow's things!

Plans can never keep up with changes, this is no joke!

Xiao Chen put out the cigarette in his hand and stepped out of the room. He had to tell Su Qing the good news.

The Su sisters were sitting on the sofa chatting, and there was a Korean Oppa on the TV!

Because Xiao Chen reminded her several times, Su Xiaomeng no longer deliberately pursued the speed of cultivation.

Haste makes waste, and if you really get carried away, it will be too late to regret it!

Therefore, Su Xiaomeng returned to her previous life rhythm, watching two episodes of TV series at night, eating some snacks, and practicing ancient martial arts while sleeping!

Things in the company were developing in a good direction, and Su Qing did not go back to her room to do anything, and rarely chatted with her little sister.

Seeing Xiao Chen come out, the two sisters looked over.

"Brother Chen, come over and watch TV."

Su Xiaomeng greeted.

"dont see."


"The male lead is not as handsome as me."


Su Xiaomeng was speechless, this guy was even more shameless.

Su Qing looked at Xiao Chen with questioning eyes, and the latter nodded slightly.

"Xiaomeng, it's almost time, why don't you go back to practice and sleep?"

Su Qing saw Xiao Chen nodding, knowing that he had something to tell her, and it was not convenient for his little sister to know.

"Ah? What time is it? I'm watching another episode."

"Stop looking, it's already too late, hurry up."


Su Xiaomeng looked at her sister and then at Xiao Chen, what are they going to do?

Otherwise, why are you pushing yourself so hard?

"Okay, then I'm going to bed... Sister, aren't you going to sleep?"

"Me? I'll go to sleep right away."

Su Qing nodded.

"Well, then I'm going upstairs to practice. Good night, brother Chen, and good night, sister."

Su Xiaomeng stood up, and after finishing speaking, she jumped upstairs.

"What's up?"

Seeing her little sister going upstairs, Su Qing asked in a low voice.

"About your parents."


Su Qing trembled and her eyes widened.


"I... let's go to your room to talk."

Su Qing said, raised her head and glanced upstairs, and whispered to Xiao Chen.


Xiao Chen nodded, turned around and walked towards the room.

Su Qing followed closely and then opened the door ajar.

"What's going on? Is there any news?"

As soon as she came in, Su Qing couldn't wait to ask.

"There is no news, but I know they are still alive."

Xiao Chen looked at Su Qing and said.


Su Qing's body trembled again, and her eyes even turned red.

Over the years, she has been looking for clues about her parents. She gritted her teeth and did not dare to think about the worst outcome!

She kept telling herself that her parents must still be alive and the whole family would be reunited...

Even, on how many nights, when she woke up from her dream, her pillow would be wet with tears!

As time went by, she felt that she couldn't even deceive herself. If her parents were fine, why didn't they contact her?

Could it be that something really happened to them?

But even if something happens, she doesn't intend to give up, even though...she is already prepared for the worst!

Now, suddenly Xiao Chen told her that her parents were still alive, how could she not be excited?

"You, how did you know? Didn't you say there was no news about them?"

Su Qing stared at Xiao Chen without blinking.

"Well, although I don't have any information about them, there are other ways... Do you believe in Feng Shui? Do you believe in Yi Xue? Do you believe in fortune telling? Do you believe in physiognomy?"

Xiao Chen asked softly.

If she doesn't believe it, then Xiao Chen doesn't know how to explain it to her. I'm afraid she won't believe it even if he explains it!

In the eyes of too many people, these things are superstitious and untrustworthy!

Especially people with higher education claim to only believe in science and not these crooked ways!

As everyone knows, real masters believe in these things!

Including those in the imperial court!

How many Feng Shui masters have been raised in Zhongnanhai? How many Yixue masters have been raised?

It is said that when Boss Mao and Chiang Kai-shek fought, they both used Qimen Dunjia... Of course, Xiao Chen didn't know whether this was true or not.

"I believe."

To Xiao Chen's surprise, Su Qing nodded.

"you believe?"

"Yes." Su Qing nodded: "But, what does this have to do with my parents?"

"A while ago, I took a picture of you and Xiaomeng, and then sent it to a fortune teller... He is very powerful, very powerful! Just now, he called me and said that through the faces of you two sisters, I can predict

I see your parents are still alive."


Su Qing was a little excited again.

"Well, really."

Xiao Chen nodded, but felt a little weak in his heart. Fortunately, at this time, Su Qing only saw the news about her parents, and didn't care at all about when he would take pictures!

Because, that photo was taken secretly by him!

"What else did the fortune teller say? Did he tell me where my parents are? Are they doing well? When can I find them?"

The strong woman in the shopping mall was just an ordinary girl who wanted to find her parents. She asked impatiently.


Xiao Chen smiled bitterly when he heard Su Qing's machine gun-like questions, but he was also a little moved in his heart!

This is the love children have for their parents!

"Xiao Chen, tell me quickly!"

Seeing that Xiao Chen was silent, Su Qing asked urgently.

"This... Su Qing, he is just a fortune teller, not a god."

Xiao Chen smiled bitterly and used the old fortune teller's words to block Su Qing's words.


Su Qing opened her mouth, "Yeah, what's wrong with me?"

As she thought about it, she shed tears. When will she be able to find them?

Xiao Chen watched Su Qing cry and comforted: "Su Qing, I believe in the old fortune teller. If he says your parents are alive, then they must be alive... Although there is no other news for the time being, but they are still alive, isn't it the best news?


"Yes, they are still alive, which is the best news..."

Su Qing nodded gently, tears streaming down her face.


Suddenly, the ajar door burst open, and a figure rushed in from the outside.

Xiao Chen and Su Qing were both startled and turned to look over.


Xiao Chen was a little surprised when he saw the visitor.

Because he was in the villa and Su Qing was crying, he devoted himself to comforting her and did not pay attention to the surroundings.

Therefore, Su Xiaomeng's appearance still surprised him. Didn't this girl go upstairs to sleep?

Su Qing was equally surprised. She looked at her little sister and didn't even bother to wipe the tears on her face: "Xiaomeng, why are you here?"

"Sister, is what you just said true?"

Su Xiaomeng's eyes were also a little red, staring at her sister.


"Mom and dad are still alive."

"Well, it's true."

Su Qing nodded lightly. She rarely talked to her younger sister about her parents because she didn't want to increase her burden!

In her opinion, the little sister should not think about anything, just study hard and be happy!

As for your parents, let your eldest brother and you take care of them!

However, since she bumped into her, there was no need to hide it.

"Where is the fortune teller? I want to see him."

Su Xiaomeng's eyes turned redder and she turned to look at Xiao Chen.

"This...can't be seen."

Xiao Chen shook his head. The old fortune teller was missing all day long. If he didn't call, he wouldn't be able to find him at all.

Moreover, he also knew that the old fortune teller would definitely not see the two sisters.

"Sister, are your parents really still alive?"

Su Xiaomeng looked at Su Qing again, her tears finally unstoppable.

"Little Meng, don't cry. My parents are definitely still alive, and we will definitely find them."

Su Qing reached out and hugged her little sister, comforting her and also comforting herself.

She also needs to encourage herself to believe that her parents are really still alive... and that one day they can be reunited!

Xiao Chen looked at the two sisters hugging each other and sighed in his heart, old guy, you must not make a mistake, otherwise... your face will be beaten into a pig's head!

In a villa, the environment is dim.

"Tomorrow afternoon, Qingcheng Company will hold a press conference. You think of a way to create some trouble."

A cold voice sounded.


"What a great scene, but it was all ruined... I didn't get what I wanted, damn guy!"


"Did you find what I asked you to check?"

"Already found."

"Bring it to me tomorrow."

"Yes." The voice paused and continued: "Now that it has been destroyed, what should we do next?"

"I know it well, no need to ask any more questions."


"By the way, go and do something for me."

"Please say."

"Break the legs of those six guys and let them know that if you make the wrong choice, you will have to pay the price!"


"Go for it!"


A figure on the opposite side stood up and left.

After he left, the remaining people picked up the phone on the table and dialed a number.

Soon, there was an answer, but there was no sound. It was eerily quiet.

However, the people here still spoke coldly.

"Cancel all actions temporarily and wait for my order!"


This chapter has been completed!
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