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Chapter 4347 Great supplement

 In the evening, everyone came to the restaurant.

"Tonight...eat something different."

Xiao Chen smiled and said that he was also looking forward to what the strange beast would look like.

"Third brother, what's different?"

Zhao Laomo asked curiously.

"We'll find out later."

Xiao Chen smiled mysteriously and asked everyone to sit down.

"Come on, Xiaogen, you also have a seat today..."

He asked Tiandi Linggen to sit next to him, and not only prepared a wine glass for it, but also prepared chopsticks in a decent manner.

"Can it eat?"

Qin Lan and others were speechless.

"Who knows, eating or not is indispensable without a sense of ritual. It should be there, but it must be there."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Xiaogen, if you don't want to eat, drink more."


Tiandi Linggen didn't stop after this scene, and he kept mumbling something since he sat down.

It can be seen that he is very excited.

"Let's serve."

Xiao Chen turned his head and said something.


The waiter nodded and started serving the dishes.

Everyone quieted down, and they were all curious about what to eat tonight.

Soon, the waiter brought the dishes.

Not only the waiter came, but also the chef.

"Master Xiao, this is the most tender piece of meat from the beast..."

The chef introduced Xiao Chen like a soldier waiting for a general review.

Obviously, in their view, cooking dishes they have never cooked before is a test of their cooking skills by Xiao Chen.

A good chef will determine the best way to cook an ingredient.

"We made a total of eight dishes for this beast, grilled, fried, stewed..."

The chef continued to introduce.

"Oh? Haha, everyone eats one fish and eight animals. How about you guys? You eat one animal and eight animals?"

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Master Xiao, we have tested it and it is not poisonous..."

The chef said again.


Xiao Chen nodded.

"Come on, let's try the food."

"Okay, Master Xiao."

The chef responded.

"Is this a strange beast from Xiaoyao Valley?"

Chi Feng reacted.


Xiao Chen nodded.

"I collected a few strange beasts... I'm going to come back and try them."

"An alien beast? A mutated beast? Can this be eaten?"

Zhao Laomo frowned.

"I think the innate-level beasts will have a great tonic effect...Old Zhao, if you don't want to eat it, forget it."

Xiao Chen said.

"What? Innate level? You must eat it, it must be very delicious and very nourishing."

When Zhao Laomo heard this, he became energetic. He must have a taste of the innate-level beasts.


Tiandi Linggen sat on the chair, looking at this, then at that... His little face was full of smiles.

"Come, let's eat, let's raise a glass together and welcome home..."

Xiao Yi picked up the cup and smiled.

Everyone raised their glasses and clinked them.


The next second, everyone burst into laughter, and Tiandi Linggen also picked up the cup and imitated them to clink glasses... But because it was too small, he couldn't reach it, so he simply stood on the chair.

But even so, it's still not enough.

Everyone looked at its cute appearance, smiled, moved closer to it, and clinked their cups with it.


Tiandi Linggen raised his head and drank heavily.

"He's still a little drunkard."

Xiao Yi was joking.

"Yeah, if it hadn't been drunk, I really wouldn't have been able to catch it."

Xiao Chen smiled and carefully explained what happened at Lingyun Cliff.

Flowers are lacking and red wind, and occasionally replenished.

After hearing what Xiao Chen said, everyone laughed even harder because they were caught like this.

The Heaven and Earth Spiritual Gen didn't understand it. Seeing everyone looking at it and laughing, they also put on smiling faces in response.

Everyone was even more happy when they saw its cute appearance.

"Here, let's try some exotic beasts... I have collected a lot of them. If they are useful, we will eat more next time."

Xiao Chen greeted, and everyone began to enjoy the strange beasts they had never enjoyed before.

When Xiao Chen took the first bite, his heart moved, it was really useful!

What a big supplement? It was all his guess before, but now... he is sure that it is really a big supplement.

The meat contains rich energy, which is completely different from ordinary meat.

Of course, ordinary meat also has energy, otherwise why would you eat it?

But the two are not the same thing.

Not only Xiao Chen discovered it, but Xiao Yi and the others also discovered it.

"It's really... not only has energy, but it's also delicious."

Zhao Laomo's eyes were bright.

"Amitabha... After the wine and meat passed through his intestines, the Buddha remained in his heart."

The ghost Buddha Zhao Tathagata whispered the Buddha's name and also took a bite.

"Old monk, how can you eat meat?"

Zhao Laomo said deliberately.

"What you eat in your mouth is meat, but if you don't think about it in your heart, it is no longer meat..."

Ghost Buddha Zhao Tulai said calmly.


Everyone was speechless. What kind of... absurdity is this?

However, they didn't say much. This was not the first time that Ghost Buddha Zhao Rulai had eaten meat and drank wine...

He eats meat and drinks, it all depends on his mood.

Except for women, Ghost Buddha Zhao Tathagata seemed to have never abstained from anything else... especially killing.

"Eat more."

Xiao Chen said to the girls.

"The benefits to you should be extremely great..."


The girls nodded.

"The feeling of satiety is very strong. I feel full."

Soon, Qin Lan said.

"It's because the energy is too abundant. Hua Jin is already like this. If it's An Jin, he might not be able to bear it..."

Xiao Chen replied.

However, there is no An Jin around him now.

Regardless of the brothers around me or my confidante, at least they are all powerful people.

Even the energy transformation was lagging behind. He had to find a way to improve them as soon as possible, so that they could transform their energy into perfection as soon as possible, and then... establish the foundation of the Immortal Grade.

That's right, all he wants from the people around him is...immortal grade foundation building!

It’s more difficult to build a foundation on the mortal level first. If you want to build a foundation on the immortal level later, it’s even more difficult. It’s better to build a foundation on the immortal level from the beginning.

As for ordinary people like Xiao Yi, he will also find a way.

"What a great thing. I never thought at the time that the corpses of these strange beasts would be of such great use."

Hua Youque was surprised. He also noticed something abnormal inside his body.

"Not all alien beasts are like this. If you think about it, they can form crystal nuclei in their bodies, which is definitely unusual... I have basically brought back all the alien beasts at the innate level, as well as those at the half-step innate level."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Next, let's see how much improvement the energy of these strange beasts can bring us."


Everyone nodded.

Because of the presence of alien beast energy, the dinner party did not last too long.

After they had eaten enough, they went to practice separately.

"We are the only ones left..."

Xiao Chen smiled, those left behind had at least the strength of the fourth or fifth heaven.

The energy of alien beasts is helpful to them, but not too much.

Of course, no matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are still meat, and no one will dislike them.

"Do you have any clues about the divine foundation building?"

Xiao Yi looked at Xiao Chen and asked.

"Not yet. No news from the old fortune teller these days?"

Xiao Chen shook his head.

"I was originally thinking about the secret realm to see if there was an opportunity to build a divine foundation... The Dragon King said there was, but I probably didn't get it, but my improvement should be helpful for building a divine foundation."

"No news, never showed up."

Xiao Yi frowned slightly, building a divine foundation was too difficult, could it be successful?

"Then let's wait and see."

Xiao Chen is not in a hurry. This kind of thing is not something to be anxious about.

"Do the things in front of you first."


Xiao Yi nodded.

After chatting for a while, Xiao Chen took out a lot of things from the bone ring and divided them up.

"These are some of the things I got in my secret realm. They should be helpful to everyone... It is still very difficult to improve innately."

Xiao Chen said slowly.


Everyone nodded and did not refuse.

They all knew that they and Xiao Chen had been on the same boat for a long time.

Only if they become stronger can this ship go further.

After more than ten minutes, everyone left the restaurant.

Before Xiao Chen left, he expressed his affirmation and appreciation for the chef's skills... He originally thought that the alien beast would be unpalatable, but it turned out to be delicious.

But he also knew that this might be a strange beast.

Some things just don’t taste good, no matter how you cook them.

"Xiao Gen, it's time for you to return to the bone ring."

Xiao Chen picked up the drunken Heaven and Earth Spiritual Root and put it into the bone ring.

This little guy really drank a lot today.

He thought for a while and went to Qin Lan's place.

After all... this family usually relies on Qin Lan, the real 'Longshan Butler', both inside and outside, and there are also the affairs of the Longmen Group.

Therefore, he must have an attitude.

Han Yifei and the others also knew this.

Even if he talked about a little whip... Han Yifei didn't really think that Xiao Chen would be able to pass.

"Little man..."

When Qin Lan saw Xiao Chen, he smiled, stepped forward and hooked his neck.

This ripe peach never hides its delicious moistness.

"Sister Lan, you have gained weight again..."

Xiao Chen hugged Qin Lan, felt it, and said.

"Huh? Is it true or false? Is it true?"

Qin Lan's smile faded. She was still very concerned about body shape management.

"Where have I gained weight? My weight has not changed."

"I'm getting bigger again, so I'm naturally fatter... My weight hasn't changed, maybe I've gotten thinner where I should have lost weight."

Xiao Chen said with a smile.


Qin Lan was speechless, looked down, and rolled his eyes at Xiao Chen again.

"Then...you don't like being fat?"

"I like it, of course I like it. I like being thin where it should be thin, and fat where it should be fat. The fleshy feeling... it's so good."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Is this what you men consider 'slightly fat'?"

Qin Lan asked.

"Yes... being fat is the most charming, hahaha."

Xiao Chen said and hugged Qin Lan's waist.

"Don't make trouble, I have to practice tonight..."

Qin Lan slapped Xiao Chen's hand away.

"No, I'm back, and you actually want to practice?"

Xiao Chen was surprised.

"Aren't you trying to drive me out?"

"Then who asked you to get the meat of some strange beast? I need to cultivate, transform, and consume this energy."

Qin Lan said.

"Then you don't have to practice by yourself, we can do it together..."

Xiao Chen blinked his eyes.

"The effect is better...after all, you are practicing by yourself, it is meditation, and the two of us...hehe."


Qin Lan was speechless, but he didn't chase anyone away anymore and let Xiao Chen hug him.

This chapter has been completed!
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