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Chapter 4520 Poached and poached!

 "Haha, you also see that this is a good thing?"

When Xiao Chen saw the appearance of the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, he smiled and stepped forward.

"This monument is filled with the power of faith."


The spiritual root of heaven and earth patted the monument, then jumped up quickly and soon sat on the top of the monument.

Xiao Chen raised his head and looked up, what does this little guy mean?

Is there something on the sacred monument?

He thought for a while, then flew into the air and reached the top of the monument.

The power of faith here is even stronger.

But apart from the power of faith, he found nothing else.

"No matter, let's find a way to move away first, then go back and study it slowly."

Xiao Chen muttered and flew down from the sacred monument.

That's right, he didn't plan to devour the power of faith here, but... wanted to move the entire sacred monument away!

If you devour it here, you can devour as much as you want.

What if the God of Light comes back?

Furthermore, he felt that apart from the power of faith, this monument was the real treasure.

You’ve come here, moving out is the right way to go!

I moved away and went back to study carefully.

"Wolfe never showed up, what happened?"

Xiao Chen patted the monument and his eyes fell on the name on it.

"Catlin... the one at the top should be the name of the God of Light, right? His name is Catlin?"

Xiao Chen muttered to himself and looked down one after another.

At the bottom, he saw Wolfe's name.

"Does the weakest god only deserve to be at the bottom?"

Xiao Chen said contemptuously and vaguely understood something.

Does the position on the monument also represent the strength of the god?

The God of Light is the strongest and is at the top.

Wolfe is the weakest, at the bottom.

"Wolf's name is almost invisible. It must be related to his death... Just now, Senior's name seemed to appear faintly, but now it is invisible again."

Xiao Chen raised his hand and touched the name on the monument. What is the connection between this monument and the gods?

"What will happen if you erase the name on it? It won't... kill the god directly, right?"

Xiao Chen's eyes lit up, but when he thought about it again, he thought it was impossible.

If that's the case, it's too simple.

He tried it and found that the name was not written on it, but appeared on it and could not be erased.

He didn't continue to try, what if the gods were summoned back?

"If my name appears on the monument, will I also become a god? Forget it, never mind, let's move out first."

Xiao Chen said and started to circle around the monument.

The sacred monument stands on the sacred mountain and is connected to the sacred mountain.

In this case, it is impossible to receive the bone ring.

"I don't know how much is buried, I hope it's not much."

Xiao Chen used the Xuanyuan knife as a shovel and started digging.

Just now, while he was hiding, he was thinking about how to take the monument away.

After much deliberation, he decided that it would be too difficult to carry it, so he could only put it into the bone ring.

To be included in the bone ring, two conditions must be met.

First, the monument has no life; second, it is off the ground, to be precise, it is independent.

Therefore, as soon as he was sure that the sacred monument was lifeless, he would dig it out... and then dig out the sacred monument and put it into the bone ring.

He was touching around just now, partly out of curiosity, and partly because he wanted to study whether the sacred monument was alive.

Like some artifacts, there will be a spirit of the weapon... Xuanyuan knife, doesn't it have an evil dragon spirit?

After some exploration, he determined that the sacred monument should have no life and no weapon spirit.

Then all that's left is excavation.

"Brother Long, I'm sorry for you. Once you put the monument away, you will be swallowed up by the power of faith..."

Xiao Chen said while digging.

"When the time comes, your seal may be unlocked in minutes... How strong were you in your heyday? Can you kill a god with one blow?"

The Xuanyuan knife, which can cut iron like clay, is also very useful as a shovel.

Although the sacred mountain is hard, it is nothing in front of the Xuanyuan Sword.

Soon, Xiao Chen dug out a large section.

"Hasn't it bottomed out yet?"

Xiao Chen frowned.


The Heaven and Earth Spiritual Root jumped down from above and circled around Xiao Chen, seeming to ask... what are you doing?

"I want to take this monument away..."

Xiao Chen responded and patted the sacred monument. Isn't this thing integrated with the sacred mountain?

Growing on the sacred mountain?

Not too possible.

Keep digging!

"If it doesn't work, let's pull up the weeping willow tree upside down... and see if we can pull up this monument."

Xiao Chen was thinking about it while digging wildly.


Suddenly, there was movement, and the monument shook.

Xiao Chen paused and suddenly raised his head, his eyes filled with vigilance.

He had no choice but to be careful, just in case there was any danger.

"Did you dig to the bottom?"

After Xiao Chen saw that there was no other movement, he relaxed a little and pushed the monument hard.


The monument shook.

"It's really over."

Xiao Chen looked excited and jumped out of the hole he dug.

Then, he took out the rope from the bone ring, wrapped it around the sacred monument, and then pulled hard.

The sacred monument shook even more violently, and even... the sacred mountain trembled faintly.

"Isn't this sacred monument a boundary stone?"

Suddenly, Xiao Chen came up with the idea that if he took away the sacred monument, the Guangming Mountain would not collapse because of this, right?

Before, when he was in the Guiyuan Realm, didn't it cause the Guiyuan Realm to collapse because he collected the boundary stones?

"If it collapses, it collapses. It's none of my business... If it really collapses, then it's okay."

Xiao Chen muttered and pulled harder.


The sacred monument slowly fell down, leaning on the edge of the pit.

"Haha, as expected, as long as you dance well with your hoe, you can't dig down any sacred monument."

Xiao Chen was so excited that he couldn't wait to press his left hand on the sacred monument.

"Boss Fuxi, this monument is a good thing, let's keep it."

Xiao Chen muttered, and as soon as he had a thought, the sacred monument... remained silent.

This surprised him. What happened?

Can't take it in?

I dug it up after all the hard work, but I can't collect it?

Isn’t that digging in vain?

If he can't take in the bone ring, he can't carry it around.

"Is there life? No?"

Xiao Chen's eyelids twitched and he looked at the sacred monument carefully. If it was alive, it would be knocked down and there would be no movement.

Then, he jumped down into the pit again and took a closer look. He found that he was indeed separated from the sacred mountain and could be regarded as an independent individual.

"Brother Fuxi, what's going on? In my eyes, you are the most powerful being."

Xiao Chen touched the bone ring and placed his hand on the sacred monument again.

As he thought, the monument burst into dazzling light.

The next second, the bone ring also burst out with light, covering the entire monument.

Xiao Chen was stunned. Is this two forces competing?

Is the monument resisting?

Don’t want to be taken into the bone ring?

"Come on, Mr. Fuxi, you are the fattest, no, you are the best."

Xiao Chen encouraged the bone ring and was a little excited at the same time. This sacred monument can actually compete with the bone ring. It must be a good thing!


I don't know if it was Xiao Chen's encouragement that worked or something else. The bone ring shone brighter, and then... the sacred monument disappeared in front of Xiao Chen's eyes.

"Damn it, Mr. Fuxi is awesome!"

Xiao Chen shouted and jumped up excitedly.

Immediately, his mind entered the bone ring.

"You...how did you get this thing in?"

When Xiao Chen entered, he saw the old patriarch looking shocked and not calm.

"Well, I thought it was a good thing, so I took it in."

Xiao Chen looked at the sacred monument on the ground and smiled with satisfaction.

"Then when you brought it in, could you tell me in advance? You almost hit me on the head."

The old patriarch was not angry.

"Really? It's okay, you're not afraid of smashing it anyway."

Xiao Chen said casually.


The old patriarch was speechless. He looked at the marks on the sacred monument and his eyelids twitched.

"How did you get it in?"

"Just dig it out first and then bring it in."

Xiao Chen replied.


The old patriarch looked at the sacred monument, then at Xiao Chen, and suddenly he didn't know what to say.

Just when the old patriarch was speechless, the face of the God of Light, who was fighting the God of Darkness, suddenly changed.

He is connected with the sacred monument.

And now...he has lost that connection!

How can it be!

Over the years, he has never lost this connection!

"Impossible, what happened!"

The God of Light looks extremely ugly. One of his biggest sources of support is the Divine Monument!

Now, the monument has lost contact with him?

He did not think of Xiao Chen and others, but first thought of Senior and Obili. What did they do?

Have they become gods?

But since they have become gods, it is impossible for him to lose the connection with the divine monument.

Could it be that... they became gods and then took control of the divine monument?

This is unlikely!

The God of Darkness looked at the God of Light's reaction and was stunned for a moment. What happened?

"Damn it!"

The God of Light roared, no matter what, he would go back and take a look.

The sacred monument is too important, both to the Holy See and to him personally!

If Senior and Obili really control his monument, then he will definitely make them pay the heaviest price!

"You haven't finished fighting yet, and you want to leave?"

Although the God of Darkness doesn't know what happened, he just doesn't let the God of Light leave.

"Bruer, get out of the way... If you dare to stop me, I will fight to your death!"

The God of Light glared at the God of Darkness and roared angrily.

This is the first time he has lost his temper like this since the beginning!

Even when he learned that the Dark Holy See and many other forces were attacking the City of Light, he had never been so out of his mind!

Listening to the words of the God of Light, the God of Darkness was surprised and even more curious, what exactly happened?

However, he knew very well that the more the God of Light loses his temper, the more serious the problem becomes.

Then, the harder it is to let the God of Light leave!

"Could it be that the Holy See of Light has been completely defeated?"

The Dark God muttered in his heart and raised the giant ax in his hand.

"Until death? Oh, God of Light, have you forgotten? I have never been threatened!"


The God of Light erupted, and a series of attacks hit the God of Darkness.

The moment the God of Darkness retreated, the God of Light turned around and left.

He didn't want to fight the God of Darkness to the death, nor did he want to continue fighting the God of Darkness. He desperately wanted to return to the Holy Mountain of Light to see what happened!

The sacred monument is the most important thing!

When the God of Darkness saw the God of Light retreating, he frowned and made a feint?

He picked up the giant ax and chased after him at top speed.

This chapter has been completed!
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