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Chapter 844 One person fights a group!

 "Haha, it's very simple. I will tap your acupuncture points, and then you will have various reactions."

Xiao Chen looked at Marshall and said with a smile.

"If you touch my acupuncture points, I will have various reactions? For example?"

Marshall became somewhat interested.

"For example, if I tap your smile point, you can't help laughing!"

After hearing Xiao Chen's words, not only Marshall didn't believe it, but even the Chinese doctors didn't believe it.

Although they know where the smile point is, if they click on it, there won’t be much of a reaction at all!

If you click on something, it will make people laugh so hard, or even die from laughter. That is just nonsense in novels or TV series.

"Really? You can try it."

Marshall thought for a moment and nodded.

He was no longer so afraid. In his opinion, Xiao Chen would not do anything to him in front of so many people and Chinese officials.

"Okay, do you want to cry? Or laugh?"

Xiao Chen asked with a smile.


"Well, I'll satisfy you."

Xiao Chen nodded, his mind was running, and he pointed like a sword. His inner energy penetrated his fingers and pointed at Marshall's body.


Marshall felt pain, but soon his eyes widened.

Because...he wants to laugh!

No, he didn't want to laugh, but his body wanted to laugh, and his mind couldn't control his body's reaction at all!

"Ha...no, I don't want to laugh, haha, hahaha..."

Marshall tried to hold it back, but he couldn't help it at all, and he still laughed out loud.


The people at the scene looked at Marshall laughing and their eyes widened.

Their first reaction was shock, their second reaction was wonder, and their third reaction was... Could this Marshall be a trap?

But thinking about it again, I think it’s impossible.

The next second, their eyes widened even more. If Marshall wasn't a trustworthy person, then Xiao Chen really knew how to tap acupuncture points?

"Haha...hahahaha...hahahahaha...I don't want to laugh. Come on, stop."

Marshall shouted.

"This is enough?"

"That's enough, that's enough."

"Oh, don't you need to prove it for a while?"

Xiao Chen asked with a bad smile.

"No, no need."

"Well, now that you've experienced laughter, let's experience crying again."

Xiao Chen said and poked Marshall again.

Marshall, who was laughing so hard one second, was in tears the next second.

"Oh...I don't want to cry."

Marshall couldn't control his tears at all and kept streaming down his face.

"Now, do you believe that there are acupuncture points on people's bodies?"

"Believe it, I believe there are acupuncture points."

Marshall nodded vigorously, feeling too uncomfortable.


Xiao Chen nodded with satisfaction, foreign devil, you dare to say that Chinese medicine is superstitious, you know nothing!

When China had traditional Chinese medicine, Australia was still a kangaroo world!

After Xiao Chen helped Marshall untie the acupuncture points, he gasped for air and quickly wiped the tears from his face.

It’s so embarrassing, it’s really embarrassing.

In front of so many people, I cried and laughed, and even had runny noses coming out.

He now regrets that he just said that Chinese medicine is superstitious.

"Come, let me let you feel the meridians again."

Xiao Chen said to Marshall.

"No, no, no, I believe people also have meridians!"

Marshall was startled and waved his hand quickly.

What a joke, just feeling the acupuncture points made him so embarrassed.

If I feel my meridians again, I will have no shame in this circle from now on!

"It's really unnecessary? Then you believe in the two meridians of Ren and Du and the eight meridians of Qi Meridian?"

Xiao Chen asked with a half-smile.

"I believe it!"

Marshall nodded vigorously.

"I take back what I just said and I apologize for what I just said!"

"Well, if you still doubt Chinese medicine in the future, then come to me. I have hundreds of ways to let you know that Chinese medicine is not superstitious."

Xiao Chen patted Marshall on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"No, Chinese medicine is very powerful."


Xiao Chen nodded with satisfaction.

"I'm going down first."

Marshall didn't dare to stay longer, for fear that Xiao Chen would make him feel something again, so he turned around and left.

Xiao Chen smiled, jumped off the stage, and returned to his seat.

"Can you do acupuncture?"

Hua Yixuan asked in surprise.

"Of course, it's a joke."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Let's talk about this another day."


After what happened just now, Xiao Chen has become the focus of the audience.

Many people looked at Xiao Chen and discussed in low voices.

Who is this guy?

Why haven't you heard his name before?

Could it be that he comes from some family of traditional Chinese medicine?

To be so powerful at such a young age, there is only one explanation that can explain it!

Many people who want to target Chinese medicine hesitate at this time.

They are also afraid of being criticized like Johns and Marshall again!

For a time, those who were eager to try it all became intimidated.

"Haha, you scared them so much that they didn't dare to speak."

Hua Yixuan felt the gazes and atmosphere around her and said with a smile.

"Then it's necessary. What is the aura of overlord? This is it!"

Xiao Chen said proudly.


Not far away, Liu Wei looked at Xiao Chen and secretly gritted his teeth.

This guy is not a country doctor at all!

However, if this is the case, he can't swallow this breath!

"You bastard, you don't have to be proud, you won't just let it go!"

Liu Wei clenched his fists and decided to look for another chance.

The foreigners stopped moving, and some doctors from China began to come up.

After some of the traditional Chinese medicine doctors finished speaking, they would subconsciously look at Xiao Chen.

Some people even said that they should ask Dr. Xiao for advice.

No one is a fool.

They all understood that Xiao Chen's medical skills were absolutely amazing!

Let him give you some advice, and maybe he will come up with some better ideas.

And Xiao Chen did not disappoint them. The viewpoints he put forward made them feel quite enlightened.

A few people came down and made the whole exchange meeting look like Xiao Chen's special session.

However, there were many smiles on the faces of Chen Quan and others.

If nothing else, didn’t you notice that those foreigners didn’t say a word?

"Hey, Yixuan, why hasn't your grandpa come yet?"

Xiao Chen asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, but it doesn't matter whether he comes or not."


"Because of you, you can dominate everyone."

Hua Yixuan covered her mouth and smiled.

"All right."

Xiao Chen nodded.

While they were talking, someone else came up.

"I think the medical skills of our large island country are better than the traditional Chinese medicine of China."

The one who spoke was an oriental face with black hair and yellow skin.

But his Chinese is quite awkward.

Xiao Chen originally thought he was a Chinese, but when he heard what he said, he frowned, "Little devil?"

You Qi frowned even deeper after hearing what he said.

Is the medical skill of the island country more powerful than the traditional Chinese medicine of China?

Is this an international joke?

Not only him, many Chinese medicine doctors were angry. Can this guy speak?

"Xiao Chen."


"Go up and bite him."


Xiao Chen was stunned for a moment, bit him? What did you think of him?

"No, I made a mistake. Go up and confront him."

Hua Yixuan glared at the little devil and said angrily.


Xiao Chen nodded and stood up again.

When other Chinese medicine practitioners saw Xiao Chen standing up, they applauded vigorously. This was something they unanimously told the public!

"Dr. Xiao, do you have any objection to what I said?"

The islanders looked at Xiao Chen and asked.

"Nonsense, I say that the emperor of your island country is the illegitimate son of us Chinese people. Are you willing?"

Xiao Chen rolled his eyes and said angrily.


After hearing Xiao Chen's words, the scene was quiet for several seconds.

Many people were dumbfounded. Damn it, these words are sharper than "fart"!

Is the emperor the illegitimate son of a Chinese?

These words are not about offending people, they are about offending people to the point of death.

"You...what did you say?"

"Um...hey, what's your name?"

"Koizumi Kojiro."

"Oh, Xiaojiro, this is a medical exchange meeting. Let's talk about medicine! You just said that Chinese traditional medicine is not as good as the medical skills of the island countries, right? If I remember correctly, the medical skills of the island countries are in

It’s derived from Chinese traditional medicine, right?”

"It's the evolution of traditional Chinese medicine, but we are better than others... No, what did you just say about our emperor?"

Kojiro Koizumi was almost led astray by Xiao Chen.

"What's better than what's good than what's good? Then let's have a good chat..."

Xiao Chen didn't take the issue at all. After all, there would be official presence in this exchange, and it would be bad if something was said.

If there is no official statement, let alone an illegitimate child, it would be fine even if it is an illegitimate grandson.

The two of them started to argue about which one was better: Chinese medicine or Japanese medicine. In just ten minutes, Kojiro Koizumi was defeated.

Because when he quoted scriptures and said something about this or that, Xiao Chen could answer him with a casual comment.

For example, when Kojiro Koizumi said that after their research, what method was used to treat a certain disease, Xiao Chen said with a look of disgust, we used this method to treat it hundreds of years ago, and you just developed it?

He doesn't care what he says, and he can still quote scriptures and provide evidence.


The Chinese medicine practitioner below clapped his hands vigorously.

Even they have never thought that Chinese medicine could be so powerful!


Koizumi Kojiro said no more and became disgraced.

Xiao Chen simply did not step down from the stage, and stood on the stage, looking at the people below.

"Come on, who says Chinese medicine is not good? Stand up and let me take a look... Let's talk."


It was quiet for a while, and then someone stood up.

Someone took the lead, and more people stood up.

Xiao Chen scanned them one by one, it seemed like a 'team battle' was about to begin.

However, he has no fear at all. He alone is enough!

In the following time, Xiao Chen began to argue with the scholars, no, with the doctors, one person with everyone.

Hua Yixuan sat on her seat, looking up at Xiao Chen who was chatting casually, the strange color in her eyes became more and more intense.

Xiao Chen at this time, in her opinion, was so handsome!

So handsome!

"I admit that traditional Chinese medicine is powerful, but most of it is quack medicine. Do you think you can make Chinese traditional medicine rise again?"

A man with an aquiline nose looked at Xiao Chen and said in a deep voice.

He is a well-known doctor in the world, and he is also the leader of this interest group that opposes traditional Chinese medicine.

Before Xiao Chen could reply, he heard a cold voice: "If he can't do it, what about me?"

This chapter has been completed!
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