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Chapter 956 This is war!

 The soldier looked at the black muzzle of the gun, and his body trembled even more.

"No, no... I said, we have to report every half hour."

"Half an hour? When was the last time you reported?"

Xiao Chen raised his eyebrows and asked.

"When you finish talking, I will wake him up too. If you two said it at different times, it means you lied to me!"

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, the soldier dared to lie and said hurriedly: "It was ten minutes ago."

"Ten minutes ago?"


"Didn't you lie to me?"

"No, really not."

Xiao Chen nodded, he also felt that the soldier did not dare to tell lies.

"So, we still have twenty minutes, which is enough!"

The soldier was a little curious when he heard Xiao Chen's words. What did he mean? What are they planning to do?

However, he didn't have the courage to ask.

"For the sake of you telling the truth, I won't kill you."

After Xiao Chen finished speaking, he struck the soldier on the neck with a knife.

In fact, it's not that he was merciful, but that leaving these two people behind might be of some use!

For example, if you suddenly contact them over at the golf course, at least someone will reply!

"Hurry up and bring the things up."

Xiao Chen didn't look at the two soldiers anymore and said to Leng Feng and the others.


This time, Zhang Dalu did not go down, but stayed on the top of the mountain to look at things and the two prisoners!

Xiao Chen and the others got off the bus quickly.

"Brother Chen, why did it take you so long to come down? What happened?"

When Xu Bing saw them coming down, he hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

"Well, something happened. There were soldiers from the Bang Kingdom on the mountain, but they have been resolved."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"That's good."

Afterwards, they moved their things, and Xu Bing drove the two pickup trucks to a secret place and followed them up the mountain.

This time we didn't have to deal with the Bangguo soldiers, so the climbing speed was much faster.

"Take them all out and set them up!"

Xiao Chen glanced at the golf course. It was brightly lit and soldiers on patrol could even be seen.

Several people opened the box and took out the rocket launchers. Sanyan also took out the large sniper rifle and placed it on a big rock.

He adjusted the scope and pointed it at the golf course.

Immediately afterwards, explosives and other items were also taken out.

"Brother Chen, what are these explosives used for?"

Zhang Dalu couldn't help but ask.

"To blow up the golf course, of course."

"Ah? It's so far away, how can we explode?"

Zhang Dalu was stunned for a moment.

"Brother Chen, are you planning to use a drone to blow it up?"

Xu Bing asked what he thought of.

"Yeah, why not bring so many drones here?"

Xiao Chen nodded.

"But there are so many drones and we only have seven remote controls. How can we blow them up?"

Xu Bing asked doubtfully.

"The purpose of getting seven remote controls is to let you experience the feeling of bombing...otherwise, we don't need to get the remote controls at all."

"Ah? Then how to use a drone?"

"You'll find out later."

Xiao Chen said mysteriously.

After everything was ready, everyone looked towards the golf course.

"Stop looking and start, lest things change later."

Xiao Chen said something and pointed a rocket launcher at the golf course.

The others also took their places. Zhang Dalu and Xu Bing were very excited and were finally going to have a big fight!

After Xiao Chen took aim, he did not take action immediately. Instead, he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Bai Yu, are you ready?"


"Then it's time to take off."

Xiao Chen said, looking at the drone on the ground next to him.

Just now, they have installed explosives on the drones. Each drone weighs three kilograms. It is absolutely powerful!


Following a crackling sound in the receiver, fifty-seven drones on the ground were seen slowly flying up.

This scene made Leng Feng and others stunned.

How can a drone fly if no one is controlling it?

"This is...remote control?"

Xu Bing is a drone enthusiast. After being surprised, he immediately understood.

However, it’s amazing to control dozens of drones at once!

"Well, with remote control, these drones will fly over the golf course in a moment."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Brother Chen, how many people are conducting remote control? Can you cooperate?"

Xu Bing asked curiously.

"One person will definitely cooperate well."

Xiao Chen nodded.


Xu Bing was shocked. One person controlled fifty-seven drones. This...he couldn't even think about it!

Just when he thought that these drones were probably flying randomly, he saw that the drones formed a formation and even flew around in a circle, performing several tricks.

This made Xu Bing even more dumbfounded.

"Bai Yu, stop showing off, wait for my order."

Xiao Chen said something into the phone.


Fifty-seven helicopters were parked in the sky, like an air force team!

"Okay guys, stop looking at the drones, it's time for us to get started!"

Xiao Chen said, putting his cell phone aside and leaning in front of the sight of the rocket launcher.

Leng Feng and others were also excited and put their hands on the launch button.

On the golf course, groups of soldiers were patrolling.

At this time, they had no idea that in a few seconds, a large number of rockets would arrive and bomb the golf course!

There were a few soldiers still smoking cigarettes and chatting about something.

"Xiao Song is dead. Damn the perpetrators. If they dare to come again, I will definitely kill them!"

One of the soldiers gritted his teeth and said.

"Yes, Minister Lu said that they should be killed and their bodies hung up to dry!"

"These Chinese people should all die!"

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one!"

Xiao Chen's cold voice was like a life-threatening curse. When it stopped on '1', he pressed the launch button.


There was a dull sound, and a ball of fire flew out of the rocket launcher and headed straight for the golf course.

Immediately afterwards, Leng Feng and others also pressed the launch button.

Bang bang bang...

Dull sounds continued to be heard, and streaks of fire streaked across the night sky, extremely bright!

"Look, what is that..."

"Is it a meteor shower?"

Several soldiers on patrol noticed the fire in the night sky.

"no no……"

As the fire got closer and closer, they had a look of horror on their faces. This was not a fucking meteor shower, but...a rocket!


The first rocket landed on a house.

There was a huge explosion, and the whole house was blown up instantly.

The people inside didn't even react, they were torn to pieces directly.

"The power is not bad."

On the top of the mountain, Xiao Chen looked at the destroyed house through the scope, nodded with satisfaction, and then pressed the launch button again.


The sound of explosion enveloped the golf course.

Immediately afterwards, a piercing alarm sounded... However, since this thing doesn't sound, it's of no use.

Unless you are deaf, you will definitely hear the explosion.

However, most people were confused and no one knew what happened.

Some people just came out and were immediately enveloped by rockets and blown to pieces before they even asked a word.

The entire golf course is in chaos!

"Here he comes again, they come back again!"

Kasri ran out of the house, looked at the fire everywhere, and said tremblingly.

"what should we do?"

Thors also turned pale.

"Run, find a safe location...run!"

After Kasri said that, Saya ran away.

Thors was stunned for a moment and followed closely.


The explosions continued, and the number of casualties continued to rise.

On the top of the mountain, Xiao Chen stood up straight and looked at the golf course with flames everywhere, showing a cruel smile.

This is war!

"Yuanbao, did you see it? We have avenged you...keep watching, the excitement is still to come!"

After Xiao Chen finished speaking, he took out a remote control and patted it with his left hand.

When he took the picture with his left hand, he saw that the golf course, which was already full of flames, became even more dense with explosions.

Balls of flames ignited, causing countless casualties!

These are all bombs that Xiao Chen came to plant before, and now they have exploded!

Leng Feng and others were stunned, while Zhang Dalu widened his eyes and muttered to himself: "Now I finally know why those bombs were used..."

"Guys, it's time for our air force!"

Xiao Chen bent down and picked up the remote control of a drone, controlled it, and flew towards the golf course.

Leng Feng and others also hurriedly picked it up and followed closely behind.

"Damn, after playing with drones for several years, this is the most enjoyable experience!"

Xu Bing held the remote control and muttered.

"Bai Yu, let's start."

Xiao Chen picked up the phone and said something.

As he finished speaking, the drones that had been hovering in mid-air also flew towards the golf course in a mighty manner.

Normally, these drones would be useless.

He probably can't even get close, so he will be shot down.

But right now, the golf course is in chaos, with screams and cries incessant, and no one notices the drone.

Soon, the drone arrived above the golf course.

"When it falls, it will explode."

After Xiao Chen finished speaking, he controlled the drone and flew towards the system.

He had just blown it up with rockets, and in order to prevent accidents, he decided to blow it up again with a drone.


Someone discovered the drone, raised his gun, and was about to shoot down.

But before he could shoot, the drone fell downwards and exploded at the same time!

"Common, Beibi."

Xu Bing shouted excitedly, controlled the drone to fall, and then detonated the explosives.


Explosions continued to sound, but some drones were blown up by someone and exploded in the air.

But soon, many soldiers became desperate!

Because dozens of drones flew in in a mighty manner, crashing in all directions and exploding constantly.


The entire golf course was enveloped by the explosion!

All the soldiers were desperate.

Xiao Chen looked at the golf course with half of the night sky reflected in red, his face expressionless.

This is war!

War has no mercy, only cruelty!

This chapter has been completed!
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