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Chapter 65 Expedition (3)

Xiao Jingxuan was holding a magic weapon at this time, and was frantically slashing every barbarian who appeared in front of him.

One after another, Dao Gang wasp pupae came out. It can be said that the firepower was full. The other soldiers under his command were the same, and they all worked hard to kill the barbarians.

Because everyone knows that as long as one of these barbarians escapes to report the news, the entire army is in danger of being destroyed.

The bravery and ferocity of Fan Yang's cavalry were fully demonstrated at this moment.

Scenes of cruel and iron-blooded scenes were staged all over the battlefield. No matter whether they were old, weak, women, children, or barbarian masters, as long as they stood in front of the army, there was only one result, and that was death.

However, Xiao Jingxuan was relatively lucky. Although there were some warnings from the barbarian cavalry, time was too fast and many barbarian cavalry were not ready for battle and fell to Fan Yang's cavalry.

In this battle, the performance of Hu Yanzhuo, Gongsun Sheng, and Huangfu Song was truly remarkable. The result was also very impressive.

Facing the ferocity of the Wei cavalry, this barbarian tribe finally got cold feet. As some timid people put down their weapons, like falling dominoes, more and more barbarians surrendered.

Facing the surrender of the barbarians, Xiao Jingxuan temporarily accepted it and immediately ordered to collect the surrendered troops.

Anyone who surrenders will be spared death. As Xiao Jingxuan's military order was issued, some of the guards who knew the barbarian language began to shout Xiao Jingxuan's military order in barbarian language.

Soon, more barbarians put down their weapons, and the shouts of killing in the entire camp finally subsided.

The battle that lasted for four hours was finally over. Seeing the soldiers under his command starting to clean the battlefield, Xiao Jingxuan looked a little sad.

This tribe is about a hundred miles away from the Khan Court, and it only takes half a day for the army to attack. If the battle here is seen by the Khan Court's cavalry, then Fan Yang's cavalry may not have the courage to face the 10,000 gold tent wolf cavalry.

Odds of winning.

Needing to speed up, Xiao Jingxuan called the generals of various ministries and ordered those who were willing to fight to be selected from among the slaves to join the ministries. Then all the wounded soldiers and baggage were left behind and handed over to Wei Ming.

The army immediately set off to the Khan's court and could not stay. Time is money now.

When watching the generals go down to prepare, Xiao Jingxuan left Wei Ming behind.

"General Wei, I will hand over the wounded soldiers to you. In addition, all the prisoners will be killed without leaving a single one alive. After doing this, return to Langtou Mountain immediately and organize defenses in case anything changes."

"General, why don't I let the deputy general take care of it, and I will take half of my subordinates to fight with the general."

Xiao Jingxuan shook his head.

"No, remember, on the way back, you must stay up day and night. Try to avoid the barbarians."

"Yes, the general will take the order."

After explaining this, Xiao Jingxuan began to assemble the troops.

Xiao Jingxuan rode a war horse and inspected the front of the array. Without any big reason, he directly ordered to set off.

After this battle, Xiao Jingxuan left behind almost 5,000 wounded soldiers and almost 3,000 corpses of those who died in battle. Although 2,000 people were selected from slaves, the combat effectiveness of these slaves can be imagined.

Xiao Jingxuan did not expect these slaves to have much fighting power. After going to the battlefield, he would not take more care of these slaves. He could only resign himself to fate.

By the time the army galloped up and arrived thirty miles away from the barbarian Khan's court, it was already noon the next day, and it was not conducive for the army to move out at this time.

Therefore, Xiao Jingxuan could only order the army to hide and wait for nightfall.

Fortunately, since most of the cavalry under his command wore barbarian white coats, they were still able to hide under the cover of heavy snow.

As time passed little by little, soon the night slowly fell.

There must be masters in the barbarian Khan's court. Once the army reaches more than ten miles away from the Khan's court, it will be discovered by these masters.

Therefore, the army must move quickly. And the troops must be divided into several groups. One group needs to quickly deal with the Golden Horde Wolf Cavalry that has not yet reacted. One group needs to deal with the cavalry stationed in the Khan Court. The other group needs to attack the Khan Court directly.

Golden Account, get rid of the Barbarian Emperor.

After assigning their respective tasks to the generals, Xiao Jingxuan pulled out the magic weapon in his hand, pointed forward, and gave the order to attack.

So, as the iron cavalry was about to be needed, they began to charge towards the barbarian Khan's court.

Sure enough, as Xiao Jingxuan expected, when the army was still ten miles away from the Khan Court, they were discovered by the barbarian's feelings.

However, it would be useless for experts to notice this, because the reaction speed of ordinary cavalry is definitely not as fast as the charging speed of cavalry. Moreover, after all, the main force in the war is still ordinary soldiers.

As the arrowhead of the entire army, Xiao Jingxuan and the guard battalion under his command quickly rushed through the enemy's horseback and headed towards the main camp.

However, unless they block their charging route, the average barbarian will not let Xiao Jingxuan and others slow down even a little.

Because Xiao Jingxuan's goal is very clear, that is, the golden tent of the barbarians and the barbarian emperor who rules the barbarians.

However, as they get closer and closer to the Golden Tent, the strength of the barbarian guards becomes stronger and stronger, and their numbers also increase.

At the same time, more and more barbarian cavalry were approaching the golden tent. They whipped their horses several times, accelerated their speed, and continued to charge.

Seeing that he had arrived in front of the golden tent, there were still hundreds of guards blocking Xiao Jingxuan's way.

Xiao Jingxuan glanced at the guards beside him, then flew past the guards and attacked the golden tent.

The swords slashed forward one after another, and nothing could block his path.

Soon, Xiao Jingxuan rushed into the golden tent. However, after arriving at the golden tent, Xiao Jingxuan looked a little bitter.

Looking at the Barbarian Emperor and the Barbarian Emperor's Queen sitting in the main seat, and then at the four masters standing in front of them, Xiao Jingxuan gritted his teeth and could only continue to attack.

The four masters in front of Xiao Jingxuan are not simple. Although they are only innate masters, they are the pinnacle experts in the innate realm. One of them is even half-step to the gods.

However, these barbarian masters did not go together, leaving two people to protect the barbarian emperor. The other two also stepped forward and fought with Xiao Jingxuan.

Two against one, Xiao Jingxuan will not be timid. Xiao Jingxuan can kill some innate masters when he is half-step innate. Now, he has entered the innate realm. I dare not say that he is invincible in the innate realm, but he can be regarded as one of the top masters in the innate realm.


For a moment, the entire golden tent was filled with sword energy. The surrounding tables, chairs, benches, bottles and jars turned into sticky powder under the sword energy.

Only the position where the Barbarian Emperor is located is relatively complete because it is protected by two masters.

However, seeing that the battle situation was in a stalemate, and even Xiao Jingxuan had a slight upper hand, the two masters around the Barbarian Emperor could not stand still. They only looked at each other, and then one of them joined the battle.

Faced with a three-on-one situation, Xiao Jingxuan was only slightly struggling. However, he might not be able to kill the Barbarian Emperor.

However, at this moment, Xiao Jingxuan's personal guards finally eliminated the guards outside and rushed into the golden tent one after another.

When Lei Ben saw this situation, he immediately ordered his guards to bend their bows and shoot a hail of arrows at the Barbarian Emperor.

However, the master in front of Man Huang was not a freeloader. He immediately released his body-protecting energy and formed a huge shield in front of him, blocking the rain of arrows.

Seeing that his attack was of no use, Lei Ben immediately ordered his personal guards to attack the Barbarian Emperor. On the other side, he recruited a personal guard and whispered a few instructions.

How could it be so easy to fight against the Xiantian realm masters? Soon more than a dozen personal guards fell to the ground. However, the guards did not stop and continued to attack the masters in front of the Barbarian Emperor.

However, the attack by the personal guards still has some benefits, because they must spare the battlefield of Xiao Jingxuan and the four of them before they can launch an attack on the Barbarian Emperor.

Some smart guards took advantage of the four people fighting together and had no time to distract themselves, and took the opportunity to strike at the barbarian masters.

It was precisely because of these inconspicuous attacks that Xiao Jingxuan saw an opportunity and hacked one of them to death and injured another.

Seeing that the attacks were becoming more and more powerful, the Barbarian Emperor and the Barbarian Queen finally couldn't sit still. The Barbarian Queen, in particular, couldn't hide the panic on her face.

At this time, Lei Ben came to the sweat tent again. This time, Lei Ben had a bow and arrow in his hand.

Xiao Jingxuan took a moment to take a look, and it turned out to be his own divine bow. But it was a pity, because only the innate realm could exert its power on this divine bow. At worst, it would take half an innate step to draw this divine bow.

Although Lei Ben is a fierce general, he is only a master of the Guiyi Realm and cannot draw this magical bow.

However, what surprised him was that Lei Ben did not expect to be able to draw this magical bow by himself.

Lei Ben directed four of his men to hold the divine bow, while Lei Ben pulled the bow string, and the other person helped fix the arrow.

In other words, the masters from the six personal guard battalions worked together to control this magical bow.

Lei Ben did not aim at the Barbarian Emperor, but at the Barbarian master who was fighting Xiao Jingxuan.

Perhaps sensing the crisis, the barbarian master turned around and finally saw the divine bow being aimed at.

Although he was half-way to reach the gods, after all, he had been fighting Xiao Jingxuan for so long, and coupled with the strong sense of crisis coming from that divine bow, the barbarian master finally felt a little panicked.

Soon, Lei Ben had taken aim and shot an arrow at the master.

When the arrow was shot, several people quickly prepared to shoot the second arrow.

There was only a "swish" sound, and the first arrow did not hit the barbarian master and was dodged by him. However, Xiao Jingxuan blocked the barbarian's retreat in advance.

The sword passed by, and the barbarian master resisted the move, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and the man flew out.

Xiao Jingxuan took advantage of the victory to pursue and fired more than a dozen swords in succession. Suddenly, a burst of smoke filled the air. After the smoke dissipated, the master was seen lying on the ground, unconscious. Xiao Jingxuan took the opportunity to step forward and split his head with a knife.


After dealing with this master, Xiao Jingxuan looked at the master guarding the Barbarian Emperor.

This chapter has been completed!
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