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Chapter 95 Comfort

After returning to the palace, Xiao Jingxuan began to busy himself with official duties. Every day, the study room was filled with memorials, waiting for Xiao Jingxuan's review.

However, with the existence of the cabinet, Xiao Jingxuan has become a lot more relaxed.

Except for the memorials from the censor's desk and the secret guards, the rest of the memorials were reviewed by the cabinet members first and then submitted to Xiao Jingxuan.

The cabinet office is also located in the palace, not far from Xiao Jingxuan's study.

Every day, the chamberlain would send the reviewed memorials from the cabinet to Jam Hsiao’s study.

Xiao Jingxuan only needs to write "acceptance" or "inaccuracy" after the cabinet's opinion.

However, when Chen Feng saw several memorials from the Ministry of War, he immediately became unhappy.

This was Zhang Changning's memorial to request the expansion of the Navy. However, after it was submitted to the Ministry of War, it was not approved by the Ministry of War. However, according to the regulations, after the Ministry of War has issued its opinions on handling such major military affairs, it still needs to be reported to the cabinet.

Therefore, this memorial with the word "not allowed" was forwarded to the cabinet, and the cabinet chief assistant Ding Weiran's handling opinion also only had the word "not allowed."

In addition to the chief minister, there are also the signatures of five cabinet ministers. Seeing this, Xiao Jingxuan frowned and said to the chamberlain beside him.

"Pass an edict to summon Gongsun Sheng, Minister of War, Tang Wanyi, Minister of Military Affairs, Qi Biao of the Cabinet, and Qu Qingshan to come and see me."

"Yes, I will obey the orders."

After having a cup of tea, the four of them came to the study together through the communication.

Looking at the four people standing under the stage and saluting respectfully, Xiao Jingxuan sighed and said, "Come out for a walk with me."

After saying that, Xiao Jingxuan took the four of them to the garden not far from the study. (The harem was rebuilt from several mansions near the former city lord's palace, so the previous dynasty also had its own small independent garden.)

After arriving at the pavilion in the garden, Xiao Jingxuan took a few people to sit down. The maids quickly brought tea and snacks.

Xiao Jingxuan waved away the others and began to chat with a few people.

After a few pleasantries, Xiao Jingxuan changed the subject and talked about Liu Xiu.

Several of them were once generals in the army and had heard about Liu Xiu's affairs.

We know that Liu Xiu once had a close relationship with civil servants when Xiao Jingxuan was traveling, which touched Xiao Jingxuan’s negative side. However, we don’t know much more.

Xiao Jingxuan began to tell a few people that Liu Xiu not only had close ties with civil servants, but also placed private individuals at will in the military.

In order to better control the military power, they even replaced the officers assigned to the Guards Battalion. This was simply lawless.

However, even if this is the case, Xiao Jingxuan plans to give him a chance to be responsible for farming. If there is a chance in the future, he will re-enable it.

But the Youzhou Iron Armor case made Xiao Jingxuan furious.

Judging from the results of Zhao Gang's interrogation, more than fifty people were arrested by the generals, patrol camps, and checkpoint guards along the way.

This is still inside the country, and the security is not very tight. However, Pingzhou is a border town, and goods entering and leaving must be strictly inspected.

As the commander-in-chief of Pingzhou, three thousand pieces of armor were transported out of the city, but the commander-in-chief had no idea about it.

Is this possible? Even if it is possible, the other party will not do it because the risk is too great.

This was no longer an ordinary crime, but Xiao Jingxuan still did not punish Liu Xiu. Instead, he gave him a title and allowed him to become a rich man in Beijing.

You must know that this is three thousand armors. In Xiao Jingxuan's army, only officers above the guerrilla general level are eligible to distribute this type of full-body armor infantry.

Among the cavalry, only the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry are fully equipped. As for other cavalry units, only officers above the rank of captain can distribute them. This shows how valuable this kind of full-body armor is.

After saying this, Xiao Jingxuan changed the topic and looked at the four people who were thoughtful.

"The four of you are different. If I don't explain some things clearly, I'm worried that you will continue to muddle along and muddle along."

So, Jam Hsiao next made it almost clear what he said. If he didn't explain clearly, Jam Hsiao was worried that these people wouldn't understand.

"It is true that a large part of the reason why I transferred you out of the army is to weaken your military power.

There is no way, nowadays, most of the generals in the army are from Xiaowei, which is not conducive to uniting the interests of all parties, so people must make sacrifices to make way for those who come after them.

The second point is that the military affairs of the DPRK and China also need to be handled by generals who know the military. If this kind of power is given to civilian officials, I am afraid that these civilian officials will do whatever they want."

After hearing Xiao Jingxuan say these words, the four of them knew that Xiao Jingxuan was telling the truth and did not make excuses.

Seeing how many people were thinking deeply, Xiao Jingxuan continued.

"After I led my army to conquer Hengzhou, a scout came to report that Yu Wenyue led his troops to attack. Do you know the fear on the faces of the generals at that time?"

Before anyone could answer, Xiao Jingxuan continued to speak.

"Although I understand them very well. Yu Wenyue is famous as a brave guard, so it is normal to be wary. However, if one day we fight Dugu Chi, will we abandon our weapons and surrender?"

After hearing Xiao Jingxuan's words, the four of them quickly knelt down and confessed their guilt.

Xiao Jingxuan did not help a few people, but said coldly.

"You're guilty, what's your crime? Get up."

After a few people got up, Xiao Jingxuan spoke again.

"I am saying these things today just to reassure you. Don't think wildly and just do your best."

After the four people retreated, a person walked up to Xiao Jingxuan. This person was Zhao Gang.

After saluting, Zhao Gang began to report in a low voice.

"Back to the king, according to the secret investigation by the secret guards, the Iron Armor case involves some generals in the army. However, the secret guards have no right to investigate them. The minister came here specifically to request an order."

Xiao Jingxuan sighed and said: "Please order? Please close the case openly and let me investigate secretly."

"But, Your Majesty..."

Before Zhao Gang could finish speaking, Xiao Jingxuan interrupted Zhao Gang.

"That's enough. I have reduced the military power of the generals who are most suspected. What else do you think I can do?"

Seeing that Zhao Gang did not continue to speak, Xiao Jingxuan also planned to continue to click on this confidant.

"This time, although I have weakened several generals who were born in Xiaowei, I also have to increase the power of Hu Yanzhuo, Huangfu Song, and Lei Ben to balance the situation.

If I investigate the Iron Armor Case strictly, if someone with ulterior motives takes advantage of it, I'm afraid the gain will outweigh the loss."

"Your Majesty, most of the generals in the army are in the personal guard business. I am afraid that even if some people have the intention, they may not be able to do so."

"Huh, back then, I started with four thousand Xiaowei. Although Xiaowei suffered a lot of casualties after several battles, most of the high-ranking generals in the army today are still from Xiaowei.

In the Xiaowei, all the cavalrymen come from good families near Luo City, and some of them even have been tenants in the houses of powerful people for several generations. A single move can affect the whole body."

After hearing Xiao Jingxuan's concerns, Zhao Gang didn't know what to do for a while.

Seeing Zhao Gang's confused look, Xiao Jingxuan sighed and said: "Okay, for matters in the army, you should focus on secret investigation, so be cautious. Step back."

"Wei Chen resigns."

After Zhao Gang withdrew, Xiao Jingxuan rubbed his eyebrows and sighed inwardly. Being a Lord is really not easy.

After sitting in the pavilion for a while, Xiao Jingxuan returned to the study and began to deal with government affairs.

Early the next morning, Xiao Jingxuan took several soldiers to Yulin Academy.

Over the years, Xiao Jingxuan has devoted all his efforts to this academy.

Nowadays, the number of children in the academy can be said to be increasing day by day, and now it has exceeded the eight thousand mark.

And as the children in the academy grew up, Xiao Jingxuan's efforts finally paid off.

Although Xiao Jingxuan did not force these people to do anything in the future, their identities were destined to be labeled as King Yan's besties.

In the academy, many students have begun to take part in the imperial examinations, and similarly, many have joined the military.

You must know that these people are different from the big bosses in the army. These people have been practicing martial arts and literacy since they were young.

As long as you practice a little bit on the battlefield, you will definitely make a difference.

Jam Hsiao spent two days relaxing in the academy. During this period, Jam Hsiao not only inspected the students' homework, but also played games with them for a day.

Being with these innocent children, Xiao Jingxuan does not need to think too much, which also makes Xiao Jingxuan extremely relaxed.

Two days later, after Xiao Jingxuan left the academy, he went to the Guards Camp.

As the cradle of officers, the Guards Battalion is also the most courageous presence on the battlefield, and Xiao Jingxuan attaches great importance to it.

Although Xiao Jingxuan said before that the strength of the Guards Battalion was 5,000, but because many officers in the army have already entered the Guards Battalion, there are only about 3,000 people now.

In the Guards Battalion, everyone is demoted to one level. The commander is a soldier, and the team leader is the commander, and so on.

Under the leadership of Pan Hu, Xiao Jingxuan inspected various units of the Guards Battalion.

Seeing the admiration for Xiao Jingxuan in the eyes of the soldiers, Xiao Jingxuan was very satisfied, and at the same time he also thought highly of Pan Hu's ability.

Pan Hu's meritorious service is not very high, but his ability in training soldiers can be said to be the best among all battalions.

It was precisely because of this that Xiao Jingxuan transferred him to the personal guard camp and put him in command.

After the inspection, Xiao Jingxuan did not leave in a hurry, but stayed in the guard camp.

Nowadays, there are no major issues in the Yan Kingdom. The only trouble is the appeasement of Youji and other states.

However, with the presence of two important ministers, Zhang Siming and Wang Zhiyi, Xiao Jingxuan is still relatively relieved.

As for other matters, every day, the cabinet will quickly send memorials that are urgently needed by Xiao Jinxuan to the guard camp for Xiao Jinxuan to review.

Every day, Xiao Jingxuan would train with the soldiers in the guard camp, and then watch these soldiers perform martial arts in the camp.

Sometimes when the mood strikes, I will go up and give some pointers to these soldiers, and my life is quite relaxed.

This chapter has been completed!
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