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Chapter One Hundred

After Xiao Jingxuan chatted with Zhao Waner for a while, he took care of the maid to serve the dishes.

After having dinner with Zhao Waner, he walked with her in the yard for a while, then got up to say goodbye and went to Yang Yi's yard.

At this time, Yang Yi did not rest, but was playing with a few children.

With the arrival of Xiao Jingxuan, the children also became happy.

Xiao Jingxuan took off his boots, lay on the soft couch, and teased the children.

Seeing that it was getting a little late, the maid on the side hugged the three young highnesses and started to rest.

After the children were taken away, Yang Yi also waved away the serving maid, and then sat next to Jam Hsiao.

"What? Are you worried?"

"Well, one thing is that in this war, I had a chance to destroy Zhao Guo, but it is estimated that the two Yuwen family's top spiritual masters did not kill me. It's too annoying."

Seeing Chen Feng's deflated look, Yang Yi actually laughed.

"Hey, Xin'er, your man is exhausted outside, and you're still laughing?"

Seeing that Xiao Jingxuan was a little angry, Yang Yi quickly held it back to prevent herself from laughing out loud. It took a while before she calmed down.

Seeing Yang Yi's appearance, Xiao Jingxuan really lost his temper.

"Okay, don't be angry, Xuan Lang, there is nothing you can do about it. You are worried about them, and they are also worried about you. It is normal."

"In the realm of divine connection, one step leads to another. Now, I have barely entered the middle stage of spiritual connection. I don't know when I will reach the peak. But even if I reach the peak, it is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands. Is this a stalemate?


Yang Yi considered the words and said, "They are waiting for an opportunity, and you also need time?"

"Timing? You all talk about timing, but you don't know where the timing is?"

After hearing Jam Hsiao’s complaints, Yang Yi thought about it and planned to give Jam Hsiao some tips.

"Xuan Lang, do you know how those people became the pinnacle of divine connection?"

After seeing Xiao Jingxuan shaking his head, Yang Yi continued to speak.

"A hundred years ago, the world was in chaos, even more chaotic than it is now. These people began to recruit people and formed a force. Then they gathered their luck and made breakthroughs along the way."

After hearing Yang Yi's answer, Xiao Jingxuan had some more questions in his mind.

"Then how did you and your master break through? I once met the old man at the Sanyuan Guanfa Hall. He is halfway to the realm of heaven and human. According to him, he has passed five hundred years."

"The reason why Master and I were able to break through is because our paths are different.

Including the elders of Sanyuan Guan, those of us are not practicing martial arts to be precise.

We are monks, and we have always practiced ancient secret techniques.

As for others, including you, they follow more of a martial arts path, but they are not pure and have some shadows of heresy."


"Well, you have read the collections of Sanyuan Temple and Jianzhong. You should know that in ancient times, there was a way, which is the way of the emperor. To practice this way is to follow the path of destiny. What you practice should be the superficial part of it."

"Is that good or bad?"

"If it is the authentic way of the Emperor, it is naturally good. However, after all, what you are practicing is only superficial. There are too many restrictions. The more luck you absorb, the greater the restrictions. In the end, you may become the master of luck.


After hearing Yang Yi's words, Xiao Jingxuan fell into deep thought. He did not expect that relying on luck to increase his cultivation would have such hidden dangers.

The reason why Xiao Jingxuan was able to break through to the middle stage of spiritual enlightenment was also with the help of luck. Could it be that in the future...

No, my fate is up to me and not up to God.

Seeing Xiao Jingxuan's appearance, Yang Yi comforted her.

"It's okay, you didn't absorb much luck, there won't be any bad consequences."

"What are those at the peak of their spiritual powers waiting for? Is it that they are waiting for their luck to return to one person?

No, if that's the case, they might as well assist Emperor Jia'an wholeheartedly, that would be faster?"

Xiao Jingxuan thought for a long time, but couldn't come up with any clue. Yang Yi thought for a while before speaking.

"They are waiting, waiting for the sky to collapse, waiting for the demon to appear, waiting for the heaven to open, waiting for..."

Before Yang Yi finished speaking, she heard a loud noise in the sky.

It was thunder. Xiao Jingxuan was very surprised. When he came, the moon was bright and the wind was clear. How could there be thunder?

At the strange moment, I saw blood flowing out of the corner of Yang Yi's mouth.

Xiao Jingxuan quickly stepped forward, held Yang Yi's shoulders, and checked Yang Yi's physical condition.

Yang Yi covered her chest and said, "It's okay. It's just a backlash. It will take a few days to heal."

Seeing Yang Yi's look, Xiao Jingxuan regretted very much. He shouldn't have asked this question. If Yang Yi hadn't said the last words, then there would be no backlash.

After carrying Yang Yi to the bed and covering her with a quilt, Xiao Jingxuan sat aside and looked after her.

However, Xiao Jingxuan's heart could not be calm at this time.

It turned out that these people were waiting for a great change in the world, including Emperor Jia'an, who was waiting for this opportunity.

Are you waiting for the return of ancient times to the world? Xiao Jingxuan recalled the scene on the eighth floor of the Dharma Hall in the Three Yuan Temple.

There are densely packed tablets, but they are orderly and hierarchical. If these immortals and gods are really allowed to reappear, I wonder what will happen to the world?

Will everything in the world be controlled by them like ants? I remember that there was an incident described in the book collection of Jianzhong.

Once upon a time, there was a mortal capital that failed to pay homage to Heaven. As a result, the Emperor of Heaven ordered that the country suffer a severe drought for three years.

In the end, none of the millions of people in that country were spared, and all died of famine.

How cruel is this? There are millions of people there. Why should the people deserve it? The sin of one person affects a whole country, just to show the power of the so-called Emperor of Heaven.

Thinking of this, Xiao Jingxuan felt that the Heaven's Gate is wide open. Although it is a good thing for those strong men at the peak of the divine realm, it is not necessarily for all the people in the world.

However, those strong men at the pinnacle of spiritual enlightenment are their first hurdle, and they must find a way to get over them.

Now that I should still have some time, I must find a way to improve my strength as soon as possible.

Xiao Jingxuan waited beside Yang Yi's bed. At dawn, Yang Yi woke up.

Seeing Xiao Jingxuan who had been waiting for her all night, Yang Yi pulled Xiao Jingxuan and said.

"Xuan Lang, I'm fine. You can go and rest."

Seeing Yang Yi's pale and weak look, Xiao Jingxuan felt extremely distressed.

"It's all my fault, I shouldn't have hurt you by asking..."

Before Xiao Jingxuan finished speaking, he was interrupted by Yang Yi.

"We are husband and wife, so why bother talking so much. However, there are not many choices for you. Either you can focus on studying martial arts, or you can practice the emperor's way. Remember, you must not dabble too much before the realm of heaven and human beings.


When hearing that Yang Yi wanted to continue talking, Xiao Jingxuan quickly stopped her.

"Okay, stop talking. Don't leak the secret again. It will be bad."

"What do you think the secret is? What I'm saying now doesn't mean anything. If you still have questions in your mind, just study the Huangji Illustration more."

After hearing Yang Yi's instructions, Xiao Jingxuan nodded.

After a while, Yang Yi fell asleep again. Xiao Jingxuan took a look and found that there was nothing serious, so he called the maid and asked her to wait on her.

Xiao Jingxuan left Yang Yi's study quietly, for fear of waking her up. Then he went straight to his study.

After sitting on the desk, Xiao Jingxuan quietly looked at the Huangji catalog in his hand.

Xiao Jingxuan did not tell Yang Yi that he had Huangji Pictures.

It seems that the Huangji Illustration is not simple. But I have read the Huangji Illustration more than once, and what is recorded in it are all about the cultivation and insights of the realm of spiritual connection.

Apart from this, nothing else was recorded. Did I overlook something?

Xiao Jingxuan looked at the book in his hand, puzzled.

After putting away the Huangji catalog in his hand, Xiao Jingxuan began to deal with government affairs.

Zhang Siming and Wang Zhiyi stayed in Youheng for only two or three months, and he quickly transferred them back to the capital.

There are indeed some shortcomings, but today's Yan State does not lack grassroots officials, but rather lacks talents who can take charge of their own affairs.

Now in the cabinet, Wei Ming has temporarily gone to Wei, and there are still six people including Zhou Wei, Liu Zhenkai, Qi Biao, Qu Qingshan, Zhang Siming and later Wang Zhiyi, which is enough for the time being.

However, there is a huge shortage of officials in other ministries, and the vacancies of chief officers in many departments are taken care of by assistant officers.

For example, Xiao Jingxuan originally transferred Wang Zhiyi to the Yushitai, but not long after, he was transferred to Youheng.

By the way, I wonder how Wen Guokai, Li Xingyun, and Sun Nuo are doing now.

These three people can be said to be the best among Xiao Jingxuan's first batch of scholars. They were later appointed by Xiao Jingxuan to the local areas as county magistrates.

I asked the chamberlain to go to the official department to retrieve the secret files of the three people and check them out. From the files, it seems that the talents of the three people are quite good.

Then he looked at the waiter on the side.

"Come here, pass the order, and order the secret guards to immediately go to the state capital where these three people are located to check their official status and see if it is consistent with what is recorded in the secret file."

"Yes, little one, go and do it immediately."

Hearing the waiter's answer, Jamel Xiao raised his eyes and looked up.

Since Xiao Jingxuan captured the capital of King Yan, he retained these remaining servants in the palace.

In order to give these people some livelihood, Xiao Jingxuan appointed these people, but now the people who are left behind are all with official titles and call themselves internal ministers.

So, Xiao Jingxuan looked and asked: "When did you enter the palace?"

Upon hearing this, the chamberlain immediately replied tremblingly.

"Back to the king, the younger one entered the palace the year before last. He worked under Eunuch Liu before. Today, Eunuch Liu is off for a rest, and the younger one has come to take his place."

"Oh, what? Did your family suffer a disaster? Why are you thinking about entering the palace?"

"I dare not lie to the king. Before entering the palace, I accidentally killed someone and was sentenced to palace punishment."

After hearing the eunuch's answer, Xiao Jingxuan was thoughtful. After a while, he continued to ask.

"Do you regret it?"

But the eunuch's answer next surprised Xiao Jingxuan.

"I don't regret it, I just feel ashamed that I cut off the incense of my family to my ancestors."

Xiao Jingxuan was silent for a long time and did not ask what crime he had committed. He waved his hand and asked him to go down and deliver the order.

This chapter has been completed!
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