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Chapter 14 Recruitment (2)

Seeing that his uncle was about to drive people away, Xiao Jingxuan bowed his hands and retreated.

Afterwards, he went to select soldiers under the leadership of Xiao Yan's bodyguard.

There were only a hundred people, so Xiao Jingxuan randomly picked among the shabby military camps, trying his best to pick some who were literate and had some special skills.

After selecting these people, Xiao Jingxuan went back to the commander's tent to say goodbye to his uncle. After some instructions, Xiao Jingxuan said goodbye and left.

Before leaving, Xiao Jingxuan bought another hundred horses and some grain and grass, and then took these people and two horses back to Lingzhou.

After returning to Lingzhou, Xiao Jingxuan summoned thirteen people, including Lei Ben, and more than a hundred people, and found a place to gather at the south gate of Lingzhou City. After setting up camp, Xiao Jingxuan sat with everyone in the middle of the camp.

stand up.

Xiao Jingxuan looked at everyone and said: "Everyone, I have already met the Governor of Longzhou. There are only so many people who can support him. The Governor will return to Longzhou in three days.

In this way, our troops are divided into two groups, leaving thirty cavalrymen, and the rest all go out to recruit troops, in groups of five, to recruit troops in the surrounding areas.

There is no cap. How many you can recruit depends on your ability. You can form your own team. The time limit is ten days. The requirements are normal. You must be young and strong. The remaining people will go to Longzhou with me to receive the ordnance, baggage, and food. Is there any problem?


Everyone took orders one after another.

After the people dispersed, Xiao Jingxuan became worried. Now that the northwest has just gone through war, I'm afraid there are not many people who can be recruited.

Moreover, Fengzhou doesn't know what the situation is yet, so he still needs to prepare early.

In the afternoon, Xiao Jingxuan was preparing to have dinner with the soldiers. Unexpectedly, at this time, a cavalryman on duty at the camp gate ran over and said: "There are people transporting food. They are coming over."

With doubts in mind, Xiao Jingxuan came to the camp gate (it was said to be the camp gate, but in fact it was just two cavalry patrolling.) He saw a general waiting with a ration team in front of him.

After seeing Xiao Jingxuan, the general raised his hands and saluted, and said: "General Xiao, you are polite. I am the grain officer of the army. I have come to reward the army on the orders of the commander-in-chief."

After saying that, he handed over a warrant to Xiao Jingxuan. Xiao Jingxuan took the warrant and saw that it was the eldest prince who had sent a hundred loads of grain and grass, some meat, a hundred jars of fine wine, fifty war horses, twenty sets of armor, and hundreds of bows.

Zhang, with thousands of arrows and hundreds of swords and shields.

Looking at the list of supplies in the warrant, Xiao Jingxuan sighed secretly. The eldest prince was really generous. Those war horses and armor alone were priceless things.

It was not easy to repay this favor. He folded the order quietly and said with a smile: "Thank you for your hard work, General. Why don't you go into the camp and have a drink."

"I don't dare. I have to go back to resume my life. Please ask the general to take stock of the supplies so that I can go back and resume my mission."

"So, thank you very much." After saying that, he said to the cavalry guarding the door: "Come here, please move the things back."

After the knight at the door received the order, one of them returned to the camp to gather men.

Xiao Jingxuan acted as a secretary and began to count the quantity of supplies. After seeing that the quantity was about the same, he handed it over to the visitor (he just stamped the list of supplies.)

After the grain inspector left, Xiao Jingxuan and everyone brought the supplies back to the camp.

Looking at the supplies and more than 40 donkey carts in the camp, I feel a little headache, this is a big favor.

The next day, the people in the camp began to slowly set out to recruit soldiers from various places.

Xiao Jingxuan originally planned to go to Longzhou, but this camp full of supplies couldn't just be left like this.

So he and the people who stayed behind set up tents and built fences.

After spending two full days, Xiao Jingxuan was still a little satisfied looking at the simple camp.

Although this camp can only defend against gentlemen, not villains. With the current manpower, it is already very good to be able to do this.

On the third day, Xiao Jingxuan rushed to Longzhou with ten cavalrymen, leaving twenty cavalrymen behind to guard the camp.

Before leaving, he asked Zhang Sheng, the general of Zuo Xiaowei, to take care of him. Although Xiao Jingxuan's cheap uncle seemed to have little strength now, even if Xiao Jingxuan was killed, he would not believe it. Zhang Sheng had no power of his own in Lingzhou.

The trip to Longzhou went very smoothly. Xiao Jingxuan not only received the luggage and food for 5,000 people, but the key was to return 900 war horses.

Although this war horse is an inferior horse from Longzhou, it can be used temporarily, right?

After borrowing a troop from his uncle to help escort the supplies, Xiao Jingxuan returned to the military camp.

When Xiao Jingxuan arrived at the military camp, he was a little surprised to see the barracks. The originally desolate military camp was now full of life.

Each barracks also began to be erected. If it weren't for the cavalry guarding the door, Xiao Jingxuan would have thought that he had gone to the wrong place.

When I returned to the camp and asked, I found out that various recruitment points were bringing back the young men recruited one after another. Because the time has not yet come, the recruitment has not ended yet.

Two days later, after the conscription was over, all the ministries returned to the camp. At this time, the camp was already looking quite good.

Xiao Jingxuan summoned many people, including Lei Ben, Xiao Ran, Zhang Kui, Li Biao, He Shaodong, Zhang Wenli, Zhang Wenming, Hu Zhihao, Yuan Xiaofeng, Zhao Keshuang, Wei Ming and more than a dozen people from the Hundred Riders,

Xiao Jingxuan looked at everyone and said: "Everyone, there are more than 6,000 young men in the camp now. I plan to train here for half a month."

It turns out that Xiao Jingxuan planned to select his generals here.

So he told everyone his plan. Fengzhou City only had 5,000 soldiers.

Xiao Jingxuan planned to form a thousand light cavalry, four thousand infantry, and a thousand auxiliary troops. However, Xiao Jingxuan did not know the abilities of his men, so he decided to select suitable generals through military training.

Xiao Jingxuan appointed all these people as captains. The cavalrymen first selected suitable soldiers, and then others took turns to select them.

Each of the dozen or so cavalrymen would select a hundred men, and the fittest would survive, and the eliminated ones would serve as auxiliaries.

The remaining eight people, including Lei Ben from Zuo Xiaowei, each have 700 people. The rules are the same. They will be given quotas to be eliminated, and the eliminated people will be added to the auxiliary troops.

However, Xiao Jingxuan only has seven quotas for guerrilla generals. Whether they can get these seven quotas depends on their ability.

After everyone learned about Xiao Jingxuan's plan, they all geared up and planned to show off their skills.

So in the following time, the military camp was very lively, and all the troops were trying their best to compete for the guerrilla position.

You must know that only when you become a general can you call yourself a junior general, only when you become a senior general can you call yourself a humble officer, and ordinary soldiers can only call themselves junior generals.

Although everything has been explained, Xiao Jingxuan is not idle, but even busier.

Because I need to observe the abilities of each officer and the outstanding performers in each department.

Among the various tribes, although the cavalry has the most veterans, it is also the most difficult to train.

Because many recruits cannot even ride a horse, they need to be taught from scratch.

Don't rush into the training of cavalry, because the efforts of the soldiers alone are not enough, and the strength of the mounts under their command is still needed.

Therefore, if you go to the cavalry school grounds, you will often see soldiers training astride benches.

It is useless for an army to have good training alone; it must also have good military discipline.

Although the military regulations of the Wei Dynasty were very comprehensive, there were seven bans and fifty-four executions.

However, Xiao Jingxuan still has something to add. Of course, it’s about life.

All soldiers must wash their feet every day unless they are in war. Foot washing can not only quickly eliminate fatigue, but also prevent and treat various diseases.

Also, everyone, including Xiao Jingxuan, must line up to eat. And, as an officer, he must eat last.

At the same time, latrines were set up in each camp, and no one was allowed to urinate or defecate at will. Violators would be punished under military law.

These are pretty average. Xiao Jingxuan's biggest reform is to set up military badges. Each tenth soldier has a military badge around his neck, with his unit written on it and his name on the reverse.

Although the benefits of Xiao Jingxuan's policies cannot be seen yet, as time goes by, these benefits will be revealed one by one.

The biggest beneficiaries of these policies are ordinary soldiers. For ordinary generals, Xiao Jingxuan also has his own method. That is to teach the art of war.

You must know that most of the military strategies in this era are monopolized by various aristocratic families.

It is extremely difficult for ordinary people to learn the art of war. If Xiao Jingxuan was not proud that his master was the master of the Wuji Hidden Sect, he might not be able to learn it.

Xiao Jingxuan convened the military commanders and above every night to learn the art of war.

As time passes day by day, half a month is coming soon, and the competition is about to begin.

However, because the time was too short, it was difficult to see a person's talent, which made Xiao Jingxuan think for a long time before deciding on the candidate for Guerrilla.

As a frontier soldier, he cannot be compared with the Twelve Guards in terms of regulations. His official rank is one level lower than that of the Twelve Guards.

A guerrilla general can control thousands of armies and become a leading general. The commander of the sentry is only Zhaowu Xiaowei.

Xiao Jingxuan appointed Lei Ben, Zhang Kui, Zhang Wenli, and Hu Zhihao to temporarily serve as infantry guerrillas. The sentry commander was not appointed for the time being. The cavalry was personally commanded by himself, and two guerrillas were appointed, namely Gao Xiaohui and Li Xiaoyun. At the same time, Wei, who was a cavalryman, was appointed.

In the Ming Dynasty, he served as an auxiliary guerrilla army and was regarded as a grain supervisor.

After completing this, the troops had to leave.

But before setting off, I still have to say goodbye to some people.

First of all, there are Zhang Sheng, the general of Zuo Xiaowei, Yu Wenhuai, Qin Feng, and Hu Tieshan, the commanders of Zuo camp.

After bidding farewell to these people, there was one more person, and that was the eldest prince.

This is also the most difficult. First of all, as a side general, it is still taboo to have close contact with the prince.

Not to mention that I had inherited the favor from the King of Jin and had a good relationship with the King of Jin. Even my status as the Duke of Liang did not allow me to do this.

But after all, I had received the eldest prince's weapons and equipment, so I owed him a favor. In addition, the eldest prince was still the commander of the army. It would be against the rules not to go.

It's difficult...

But in the end, Xiao Jingxuan found a solution that was not a solution.

When the eldest prince inspected the various armies, Xiao Jingxuan went to the commander's mansion to see the ceremony, left a greeting note and then left.

This not only complies with etiquette, but also avoids violating taboos. But no one is a fool, and they all understand.

After visiting these people, Xiao Jingxuan led the army to Fengzhou City.
This chapter has been completed!
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