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Chapter 16 Massacre

Xiao Jingxuan arranged the security and went to rest with everyone. Although the enemy tribe was not big, he was still a new recruit after all, and the training time was too short.

At that time, Xiao Jingxuan led the troops towards the destination. All the soldiers had their faces covered, and their horses' hooves were wrapped with steps.

The army arrived near the tribe smoothly. Xiao Jingxuan began to arrange, with one hundred people in each direction, southeast, northwest, and northwest. To prevent anyone from escaping, another hundred people were left to hold down the formation. He took almost six hundred people and rushed towards the tribe in front of him.

Although the enemy is a small tribe, there are still people standing guard.

When they saw the enemy attack, the guards panicked. In fact, this place was very barren and generally no horse thieves visited. In addition, it was far away from other tribes, so it was very safe.

Unexpectedly, someone would make a surprise attack while everyone in the clan was sleeping.

The guards began to shout and beat the war drums nearby.

But it was too late. Xiao Jingxuan and everyone had already started to kill towards the camp.

No one was left behind wherever they passed, and the battle lasted for a long time. The battle did not end until daybreak.

It was not because the enemy was strong. The enemy could only fight with thirty or fifty people, and most of them surrendered.

After resolving the battle, facing the captives, Xiao Jingxuan asked everyone who had never seen blood to stab them with a knife to see blood.

Seeing someone vomiting because of murder, Xiao Jingxuan smiled. He laughed.

He shouted loudly to all the cavalry: "Brothers, when our butcher knives hit innocent old, weak, women and children, we are actually no better than pigs and dogs. War is a man's business and has nothing to do with them."

But, brothers, they provide soldiers, food and information for the barbarian butchers.

They are also the accomplices of the reason why our Longzhou counties have ten houses and nine empty houses.

Now we are going deep behind enemy lines for what purpose. It is to make us strong, so that when the enemy attacks next time, we will not be helpless when we see our fellow villagers being killed.

For the sake of our family, I don’t mind becoming an executioner or a butcher. If any of you can’t bear it, you can join the army or leave the army.”

After finishing speaking, Xiao Jingxuan summoned the officers and began to discuss. First of all, it was the war horses. Although not many were captured this time, all the cavalry were forced to replace their inferior horses.

Xiao Jingxuan pointed to a place on the map and said: "Here, put the captured goods here. Li Xiaoyun, you take Baiqi and send the supplies here, and then leave twenty people to guard them. After sending someone to notify Fengzhou, let them

Wei Ming sent people to deliver supplies and finally met me here.

The rest of you can do a few votes with me and set off."

Xiao Jingxuan took the remaining people and started looting again. Xiao Jingxuan's principle was to leave no one behind. After plundering seven or eight tribes, Xiao Jingxuan knew that he had to stop.

Nowadays, Fengzhou is still too weak. If it falls into a tight siege, I am afraid that more than a thousand people like him will have to stay here. After Xiao Jingxuan led everyone back to the gathering place, he returned to Fengzhou with the baggage and auxiliary troops.

As soon as Xiao Jingxuan left, Krutai sent a large number of guerrillas to investigate the surrounding area.

The political system of the barbarians is different from that of the Wei Dynasty and other countries. It is composed of the Hutu Khan tribe and the six king tribes.

The grasslands near Fengzhou are under the jurisdiction of the Krutai King's tribe. Now nine tribes have been exterminated. This inevitably alarmed the Krutai King's tribe.

But it's too late now. While the Crutai King's Rangers were searching hard on the grassland, Xiao Jingxuan had already led everyone back to Fengzhou.

After everyone returned to Fengzhou City, Xiao Jingxuan asked Wei Ming to count the supplies.

After the inventory, everyone was very happy. In addition to nearly 3,000 war horses, there were also more than 5,000 cattle and sheep, and countless furs of all kinds.

In addition, a lot of gold, silver, soft goods, weapons and equipment were also looted.

Of course, the weapons and equipment are a bit crude. Originally Xiao Jingxuan didn't want them, but the barbarians were short of iron, so getting more weapons would weaken their entire race.

However, it was precisely this kind of behavior that prevented King Krutai from suspecting Wei Wei.

Because the weapons and equipment of the Wei Dynasty were far more powerful than those of the barbarians.

At this time, Fengzhou City was already in some shape, at least the outer city walls were somewhat warped.

Although there are no buildings in the city yet, it is relatively flat because the ruins have been cleared away to build the city wall.

For the convenience of defending the city, Xiao Jingxuan set up four military camps in the southeast, northwest, and stationed four infantry troops. The cavalry was also stationed outside the south city.

Now there are some civilians in the city. These are the survivors of the war, most of them are young and strong.

Wei Ming assigned them to the team building the city, and the women and children assigned them to do work such as sewing and mending.

Originally, Wei Ming only planned to feed these people when they were working, but now that Xiao Jingxuan has gained a lot from this trip, he has denied Wei Ming's petty behavior.

Pay wages to all civilians, including those who help. At the same time, Xiao Jingxuan also began to let some people who were willing to settle in Fengzhou City build residences in specific places.

Now, although the supplies are almost there, Fengzhou's strength is still too weak. Xiao Jingxuan wrote another letter and gave it to the Governor of Longzhou, his uncle, hoping to increase Fengzhou's military strength.

One thousand cavalry was too few, and even some medium-sized barbarian tribes did not dare to take action. And the number of small tribes was too small.

In the following days, Xiao Jingxuan will be even busier. The first thing is the training of the army. Not only the cavalry, but also the training of the infantry must be put on the agenda. After all, next year, the barbarians will inevitably invade again.

The second is the construction of Fengzhou City. The current construction speed is too slow, and we must find a way, otherwise it will be difficult to form an effective defense when the barbarians arrive.

The third is the reorganization of the troops. The number of auxiliary troops still needs to be increased. So many war horses must be utilized.

The inferior horses previously used by the cavalry had long been used by Xiao Jingxuan on the auxiliary soldiers.

The effect is still good. The uncle of the auxiliary soldier has been greatly improved.

Xiao Jingxuan plans to increase the number of auxiliary troops, and then divide the auxiliary troops into two. One rate will continue to serve as auxiliary soldiers, and the other will serve as cavalry. If there are two thousand cavalry in hand, Xiao Jingxuan can do a lot of things.

Soon, Xiao Yan replied. When Xiao Jingxuan saw that it was a reply, he was filled with disappointment, because if his uncle agreed, he would issue an official document instead of replying to the letter.

However, when Xiao Jingxuan read the letter, he was not completely disappointed because his uncle only replied one sentence.

"Everything awaits the Holy Judgment."

Alas, it seems that the Xiao family has indeed declined.

Nowadays, although the Wei Dynasty is powerful, its monarchical power has declined. There are four powerful clans in the court that are restricting it, and there are also many military leaders and tails at the border who cannot be defeated.

If it weren't for the fact that there were many people loyal to the emperor among the Twelve Guards army, the chaos would have started long ago.

Although the Xiao family is the head of the Liangzhou army, since Xiao Jingxuan's grandfather Xiao Qi entered the court, he has been loyal to the late emperor and will not become a representative of the nobility.

However, I heard that many things happened in the first year of Jian'an. First, Xiao Chengen, who was born in a family of generals, was abolished in martial arts and became a cripple who could not lift his shoulders or pick his hands. Then the old Duke died of illness.

The entire Xiao family ushered in decline. Although in the end, my father inherited the title, the title of Governor of Liangzhou was never given to the Xiao family again.

Among them, the most important one is the world-famous Liangzhou Iron Cavalry, which has been reduced from an army of 200,000 in its heyday to only 50,000 left today.

While other local dignitaries and the imperial court thought they were a snake, Xiao Yan didn't even dare to make the decision privately by adding a few more soldiers.

However, what is gratifying is that the soldier who sent the message said that the imperial court had shipped 50,000 prisoners to Longzhou.

Don't think too much, they are not from the barbarians, but from the enemy soldiers and people captured during the battle with the Chu State in the south.

This was so good that Xiao Jingxuan ordered people to select fifty good horses from the horses captured by the barbarians and send them to his great-uncle.

Then he attached a letter from himself. There was only one request, and that was to ask for people. He hoped that his uncle could support some people and build Fengzhou City in advance.

Do you want to know how much it costs to build a new city? Even with funding from the court, it is difficult.

The most rare thing about building a city is the materials. Stones are okay and can be obtained locally, but the glutinous rice used for gluing is expensive.

Moreover, civilians also need food, clothing, housing and transportation. If they increase their manpower, they will still have to continue looting.

But you have to be careful this time, otherwise you will be easily surrounded.

Xiao Jingxuan selected another 2,000 people from the infantry to serve as cavalry, and selected a few people who performed better in the last robbery to serve as the first generals.

As for the infantry, Xiao Jingxuan asked Wei Ming, the auxiliary soldier, to send people to various places to recruit 2,000 people to serve as auxiliary soldiers, and told Wei Ming to strengthen training.

In the next few days, Xiao Jingxuan began to train the newly selected cavalry.

Of course, step-by-step training will definitely not work, and Xiao Jingxuan does not plan to train these people well now. As long as they can ride a horse, that will be enough.

As for the rest, let’s talk about it on the battlefield.

While training, Xiao Jingxuan began to send sentry riders around, hoping to find out the situation of the surrounding tribes.

After finding out the situation of the tribe, Xiao Jingxuan disappeared in Fengzhou City with a thousand cavalry and two thousand mounted infantry.

This time, Xiao Jingxuan’s destination is the Zari King Tribe, which is adjacent to the Krutai King Tribe.

The Zhali King's tribe is close to Yinchuan County. Yinchuan was also the county that suffered the most damage in this war. Therefore, the barbarians' awareness of prevention is not too high.

Although the manpower has increased, Xiao Jingxuan did not target the medium-sized tribes at the beginning, but still practiced with the small tribes.

After all, he still has two thousand recruits at his disposal.

In the previous plunders, Xiao Jingxuan arranged for new soldiers to be the main attackers, while veterans were on guard all around.

This will also allow the new recruits to see blood.

After plundering four more small tribes, Xiao Jingxuan saw that the troops were almost trained, and basically everyone had seen blood. Then he started to kill the medium-sized tribes he had explored before.

This chapter has been completed!
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