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Chapter 19 Battle of Toyosu

The barbarians outside the city did not immediately encircle Fengzhou, but instead sent troops to the north city.

After identification, the barbarians under the city should be the cavalry of King Krutai. Looking at the flags, there should be no soldiers and horses of the Khan's tribe.

Facing only 50,000 barbarian cavalry, the generals were a little relaxed. After all, there were tens of thousands of people in the city, and with the addition of auxiliary troops, young and strong, the total force could reach more than 15,000.

As a defender of the city, this force should be enough.

However, what surprised everyone was that the Barbarian Cavalry did not launch an attack immediately. Instead, they began to set up camp in the distance.

At this time, Lei Ben said: "General, the enemy is still playing the same trick as Lingzhou. How about tonight..."

Xiao Jingxuan shook his head and said: "How many barbarians were there in Lingzhou at that time? How many barbarians are there now? Just wait and see, if the enemy can't move, I won't move."

At this time, there was also a burst of discussion among King Krutai's tribe.

It turns out that this time the barbarians sent out more troops than last time because last winter was too cold.

Many cattle and sheep have frozen to death on the grassland. If enough food is not looted this year, I am afraid that many people will starve to death on the grassland.

The generals of the King of Krutai had great disagreements over whether or not to attack the city, and how to attack the city.

This time, the barbarians were led by the second prince of the Khan tribe, Ulihan. The tribes of King Krutai, King Tuya, and King Teqin sent troops to assist. The tribes of King Zari, King Woruji, and King Kelei

It serves as reinforcements.

The barbarians claimed to have dispatched one million troops this time, but in actual strength they dispatched 300,000 troops.

Among them, Hutu Khan's tribe dispatched 100,000 troops. The three royal tribes each dispatched 70,000 troops, and Zhali and other royal tribes each dispatched 50,000 troops as backup.

It can be said that the strength of the barbarians this time is far greater than last year. Last year, although the barbarians finally retreated, in terms of harvest, the barbarians were not considered a great defeat.

In the end, the commander of King Krutai decided to carry out Prince Ulihan's order and contain the enemy.

On the third day after King Krutai's troops moved to Fengzhou, Xiao Jingxuan also received news from Longzhou.

However, judging from the news obtained this time, the barbarians put their main attack direction in Shuozhou, and the enemy this time can be regarded as using their strengths and avoiding weaknesses. Instead of obsessing and attacking the city, they focused their main energy on looting.

Because not all the people are in the city, and not all roads are blocked by the city gates.

It's just that in the eyes of the barbarians, the benefits in the city are relatively large, and they are also worried about the dispersion of troops and the loss of retreat.

But now that the barbarians have dispatched so many troops, they are just looking for a decisive battle. I don't believe that as a border general, you can watch the people under your rule being killed.

After reading the contents of the letter, Xiao Jingxuan also had a headache. The strategy of the barbarians this time was quite effective. They used their strengths to avoid weaknesses. The Wei army was good at defense, and the barbarian cavalry also had outstanding combat power.

Xiao Jingxuan had no good solution at this time. In desperation, he summoned the generals to start discussions.

But what can be done? The strength is insufficient. Some of the five thousand cavalrymen have been in the army for less than a month. Except for the backbone of the army, the longest for others is only half a year.

The same is true for infantry. If you are defending a city, infantry is still useful. But if you are outside, 5,000 infantry cannot stop a charge of 5,000 cavalry.

The number of cavalry in Krutai outside the city does not match the intelligence. The intelligence said that Krutai dispatched 70,000 troops, but the enemy in front of them only had 50,000 in full force. Could it be that they were following the Khan's troops?

But even if he knew it, it would be useless. With Fengzhou's strength, there is really nothing he could do.

Xiao Jingxuan saw that the generals had no good suggestions, so he ordered daily exercises and strengthened training. As for the civilians, they continued to build the city wall.

Every day, Xiao Jingxuan would go to the top of the city to watch the movements of the barbarians, and also sent many rangers to the surrounding areas. However, as time passed by, Xiao Jingxuan still did not wait for the opportunity to fight.

On this day, Xiao Jingxuan had just finished inspecting the various camps and then returned to the city to watch the enemy's movements.

At this time, a knight on horseback came to the city, quickly climbed up the city tower, and handed over a message.

Xiao Jingxuan took a look at the intelligence and fell into silence. After a while, he said to the soldiers beside him: "Send the order, beat the drum and gather the generals. Discuss matters on the tower."

After receiving the order, the soldiers went to the turret of the city tower and started beating drums.

After a while, the generals arrived at the tower.

After the generals were greeted by the generals, Xiao Jingxuan handed them the information in his hands and asked them to circulate it one by one.

After everyone read it, everyone was filled with indignation.

The barbarians began to plunder the people again. Although there were not many people at the border this time because of the last robbery, the enemy abandoned the city this time, the battle lines went deeper, and more people suffered.

Xiao Jingxuan looked at the generals and said: "Everyone, the enemy's cavalry has crossed Longzhou and penetrated deep into Qingzhou. Hundreds of thousands of people have left their homes in Ningzhou. We must do something and cannot allow the enemy to continue to be so rampant.


The generals were silent for a while. Lei Ben looked around, raised his hands and said: "Sir, our manpower is limited now, and there are Krutai's cavalry watching outside. There is not much we can do. If we are not careful, we may be in trouble."


Xiao Jingxuan thought for a while and said: "I have made up my mind. I have sent my order to the generals. The five cavalrymen will attack at my south gate tonight. Lei Ben will be responsible for the important task of defending the city for the time being. Wei Ming will assist from the side. The generals must not disobey."

After speaking, he handed the sword in his hand to Lei Ben and said: "Anyone who disrespects the general's orders will be killed without mercy."

After saying that, he glanced at the infantry general with a warning look.

Seeing everyone taking the order, Xiao Jingxuan said gently to Lei Ben: "Lei Ben, I will hand over Fengzhou City to you. Be careful in everything. As long as you can defend Fengzhou City, you will have done a great job."

Lei Ben said excitedly: "The general has taken orders, the city is here and the people are there."

Xiao Jingxuan nodded. "You and I are assured, cautious, and courageous, but remember, never leave the city. No matter what the situation is outside, defend Fengzhou."

After that, he said to the generals leading the cavalry: "You go back immediately and prepare. Each of you carries three days of dry food. Go down and prepare."

After everyone retreated, Wei Ming stayed. Xiao Jingxuan said to Wei Ming: "Wei Ming, you are the last line of defense I put in Fengzhou. If Lei Ben can safely defend the city, you must help him with all your strength, but

, if he wants to leave the city, I want you to do it easily."

After speaking, he took out a letter from his arms and said: "This is the warrant I wrote. If Lei Ben insists on leaving the city, you will produce the warrant and take over the power of city defense."

Wei Ming took the order respectfully and said: "The last general will live up to the general's trust."

After arranging these, Xiao Jingxuan looked into the distance and said lonely: "I'm not rational either. The most important thing I should do now is to defend the city, but I can't just watch the barbarians wreak havoc. I have to do something, even if I have to pay


At that time, Xiao Jingxuan was riding a horse at the gate of the south city. Looking at the five thousand cavalry behind him, Xiao Jingxuan said: "Everyone, follow me out and fight to the death. I can't guarantee that I will charge at the front, but I promise that I will be the last

A retreating departure."

After saying that, the city gate slowly opened, and the suspension bridge at the city gate was slowly lowered.

Xiao Jingxuan quietly left Fengzhou City with everyone, and the army headed south.

Xiao Jingxuan's goal this time is very simple, that is to destroy the enemy's marauding rangers.

Now we are in the territory of the Wei Dynasty. Although Xiao Jingxuan is not familiar with the terrain, most of Xiao Jingxuan's cavalry are from the surrounding areas and they know the terrain very well.

Xiao Jingxuan placed his army in a mountain village near Lingzhou, and then sent out patrol scouts around.

For the safety of the army, Xiao Jingxuan did not allow the army to leave the station on weekdays. After waiting for three days, a ranger finally came back to report that the barbarian marauding army was discovered.

This army was small in number, about a thousand men. Since it was escorting a large amount of food, grass, baggage, and captured people, the march was not very fast.

When the sentry pointed out the enemy's location on the map, Xiao Jingxuan frowned.

The surrounding area is very open, which is perfect for cavalry combat. If there are enemies..., thinking of this, Xiao Jingxuan continued to look at the map.

After a while, Xiao Jingxuan stood up and said to the five guerrillas surrounding him: "Everyone, this time, Zhao Hu, Lu Xu, Ye Xiong, and Xu Ce will come with me to intercept them.

Li Xiaoyun is staying here. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack and is extremely unsuitable for cavalry operations. I want you to set up more traps at the mountain pass and help us enter the mountain at any time. These mountains behind us are our last resort.

Gao Xiaohui, you lead people to set up an ambush here. If I fall into the ambush, you will be responsible for responding.

From now on, all ministries will act according to plan."

After saying that, Xiao Jingxuan led three troops and horses and headed towards the destination.

After leaving the mountain, Xiao Jingxuan began to be careful about his whereabouts, trying to avoid major roads and start from small paths.

In this way, Xiao Jingxuan led everyone to a place where the enemy must pass in advance.

This is a slope, not steep, which is more suitable for cavalry charges.

Xiao Jingxuan is quite satisfied with this place.

After inspecting the battlefield, Xiao Jingxuan said to the accompanying generals: "This time we must wipe out all the enemy troops. Zhao Hu, you are at the front of the slope. Once you see us attacking, you can take advantage of it and knock down the boulder.

Wooden stakes block the enemy's path and trap them to death.

Then charge from front to back, Lu Xu, you are at the rear, block the enemy's retreat, charge from back to front.

I will personally lead the rest of the troops and charge directly downwards from the center to try to decide the outcome in one battle."

Xiao Jingxuan's strategy is actually very simple, and he doesn't know whether it will work or not. Most of his subordinates are new recruits, so he doesn't know what the outcome will be.

However, now that the arrow is on the string and has to be fired, there is no other choice.

After making these arrangements, Xiao Jingxuan and others looked for hidden spots around the slope and lurked. For this reason, they were all caught up in the trap.

Now it depends on when the enemy will arrive.
This chapter has been completed!
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