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Chapter 26 Back to Beijing

Xiao Jingxuan took everyone back to Langtou Mountain. Under the leadership of Wei Ming, Xiao Jingxuan had a good visit to Langtou Mountain.

Seeing the auxiliary soldiers working enthusiastically, Xiao Jingxuan nodded with satisfaction.

He said to Wei Ming on the side: "It's been a hard time."

"It's not hard for the general to be in the army, it's hard for the commander-in-chief to lead the soldiers on the battlefield."

"This Langtou Mountain is my nail in the barbarian tribe. If you can manage this nail well, it will be a great achievement."

From now on, Langtoushan will become the Wei's bridgehead against the barbarians, and you will be the vanguard of the Wei's attack on the barbarians."

Langtou Mountain is not one mountain, but consists of more than a dozen peaks. At this time, there were many kidnapped barbarian youths in this place.

Xiao Jingxuan looked at these people and said to the left and right: "After I die, I am destined to go to hell. I hope all this heinous sin will be returned to me."

After speaking, he said to Li Xiaoyun: "When we are a teacher, take the barbarian girls back to Fengzhou City and sell them, then find some people who are good at castration in Fengzhou City, castrate all the remaining barbarians, and then work in Langtou Mountain.

Wei Ming, remember, you must not let a living barbarian leave Langtou Mountain, otherwise, you will be the sinner of the Wei Dynasty."

Li Xiaoyun and Wei Ming responded in unison.

After Xiao Jingxuan stayed in Langtou Mountain for two days, he returned to Fengzhou with the cavalry and part of the captured baggage.

Although the capture this time was very generous, it also resulted in the loss of a lot of cavalry.

When we set out, there were almost 23,000 people, but now we have returned, including the injured, there are only more than 15,000 people.

However, this battle not only caused heavy losses to the Krutai Royal Tribe and the Zari King Tribe, but also wiped out almost dozens of small and medium-sized tribes under the two tribes, greatly weakening the two royal tribes.

Moreover, Xiao Jingxuan believes that with the continuous fighting under his command, these new recruits will complete their transformation and become world-famous elites.

After returning to Fengzhou, Xiao Jingxuan returned to his home. As soon as he returned home, Yan Shuer came over to remove Xiao Jingxuan's armor, change his clothes, and even put away the bath water early.

However, after getting along with each other for more than half a year, Xiao Jingxuan is no longer shy and has become thick-skinned.

Faced with Yan Shuer's careful care, she felt a little at ease.

Time flies, and the years are fleeting. In the blink of an eye, it is the autumn of the 20th year in Jia'an.

Xiao Jingxuan had just returned from the grassland expedition at this time. After arranging the chores in his hands, Xiao Jingxuan returned to the house.

I thought that after I returned home, Yan Shuer would take off her armor and clothes as usual.

Unexpectedly, Yan Shuer came over and brought a message. A messenger came to the living room.

Xiao Jingxuan was stunned when he heard the news, but he quickly thought about it. It seemed that he was going back to Beijing.

Under Yan Shu'er's service, Xiao Jingxuan took a bath and then slowly came to the living room wearing regular clothes.

As soon as the messenger saw Xiao Jingxuan, he knelt down on one knee, took out a letter from his arms and handed it over.

"I am sending a letter to the Young Master on the order of the Duke. Please give me a reply after reading it."

Xiao Jingxuan took the letter and read it.

As expected, my father said in the letter that he was about to return to Beijing to report on his work and that he had to prepare in advance.

After reading the letter, Xiao Jingxuan sighed and said to the messenger: "When you go back, tell your father and say that I know."

After the messenger left, Xiao Jingxuan sat quietly in the living room.

I have been in the northwest for four years. In the spring of the sixteenth year of Jia'an, I went to the northwest to participate in the war. Now, it has been twenty years since Jia'an. Time flies.

After sitting in the living room for a long time, if Yan Shuer hadn't prepared the meal and came over to ask Jamel Xiao to eat, Jamel Xiao would probably still be reminiscing.

At the dinner table, Xiao Jingxuan looked at Yan Shu'er who was picking fish bones for him and said: "Shu'er, I may have to return to the capital in a few days. You pack up and go back to the capital with me."

Yan Shuer was very happy to hear this and said, "That means we can see my father and mother."

Last year, Xiao Jingxuan officially brought Yan Shuer into his house and became his concubine.

Xiao Jingxuan nodded, smiled and said: "Of course."

Hearing Xiao Jingxuan's affirmative answer, Yan Shuer said happily: "Then I will go to the warehouse to clean up later and prepare some gifts for father and mother."

"Well, as long as you are happy."

Xiao Jingxuan is now a third-grade general. No matter how frugal and honest he is, his family assets are getting richer and richer.

Two years ago, Xiao Jingxuan's family only had one maid, one concierge, and one cook.

However, since he was granted the title of Third Grade and Yan Shu'er arrived, the number of slaves in the family also increased.

The number of people has increased from the original three to sixteen now. When I return to Beijing this time, I have more things to pack.

Two days later, Xiao Jingxuan officially received the imperial edict to recall him.

Although he has never met this supreme king who ruled the Wei Dynasty, it does not prevent Xiao Jingxuan from despising him.

As a majestic emperor, it is really a disgrace to his status to let powerful clans and clans in the court rule, and the local government is full of powerful people.

After receiving the imperial edict and entertaining the chamberlains who came to announce the edict, Xiao Jingxuan asked people to notify the generals in the army and began to explain the affairs.

This time, Xiao Jingxuan was nominally back to Beijing to report on his duties, so Xiao Jingxuan asked Wei Ming to keep an eye on Langtou Mountain and handed over the city's defense to Lei Ben. The cavalry was temporarily handed over to Li Xiaoyun and Zheng Qiaoan to command.

After arranging these things, Xiao Jingxuan took Xu Ce and forty soldiers to escort the family to the capital.

Xiao Jingxuan looked at Fengzhou City getting further and further away, and Xiao Jingxuan felt a little emotional. He might not be able to return here for the time being.

Because he brought his family with him, it took Xiao Jingxuan a month and a half to return to the capital.

Xiao Jingxuan is a side general, so after arriving in the capital, he cannot return home. He needs to meet the emperor before he can return home.

Therefore, Xiao Jingxuan took Yan Shuer to live in the inn. After settling in, Xiao Jingxuan went to the palace alone to hand over the sign.

Unfortunately, I did not receive the summons immediately.

After returning to the inn, Yan Shuer came over with tea. After handing the tea to Xiao Jingxuan, she asked: "Xuan Lang, have you seen His Majesty in the palace? Can you go back home?"

Xiao Jingxuan shook his head and said: "Not yet, let's wait for the meeting tomorrow morning."

Yan Shuer pouted and responded.

Seeing Yan Shuer's appearance, Xiao Jingxuan immediately coaxed: "Don't worry, I just wash up and tidy up today. After the morning meeting tomorrow, I will take you to meet your parents. Smile..."

At midnight, Yan Shuer came to Xiao Jingxuan's room and changed Xiao Jingxuan into official uniform.

Looking at Yan Shu'er who was working hard, Xiao Jingxuan held Yan Shu'er's hand and said: "Shu'er, don't worry, when I go to court, we will return to the Duke's Mansion, and when we formally inform our parents, we will get married."

Yan Shuer blushed and said, "Listen to Xuan Lang."

Although Xiao Jingxuan brought Yan Shuer into his house in Fengzhou, he never informed his parents. In addition, Xiao Jingxuan had not yet opened a house, so the two parties had not consummated the marriage.

After getting dressed, Xiao Jingxuan came outside the palace and waited to attend the court meeting.

Unexpectedly, after arriving, I found out that the generals were not qualified to participate in the court meeting and needed the emperor's approval or summons.

In desperation, Xiao Jingxuan could only wait at the palace gate.

Xiao Jingxuan waited from the fourth watch until dawn. When he heard the bell, Xiao Jingxuan knew that the court meeting had begun.

He thought he would be summoned soon, but Xiao Jingxuan had to wait for an hour before he heard the guard shout again: "The general of Xuanfeng Prefecture, Xiao Jingxuan, has an audience. The chief general of Xuanfeng Prefecture, Xiao Jingxuan, has an audience."

I saw the guards on guard passing the news one by one, all the way to the ears of the eunuch in charge at the gate of the palace.

Then, the eunuch in charge began to check Xiao Jingxuan’s official photo and official seal, and then asked someone to search Xiao Jingxuan’s body.

After completing this, he asked the little eunuch on the side to lead Xiao Jingxuan to the court.

After arriving at the Jinluan Hall, Xiao Jingxuan began to kneel three times and kowtow nine times, and then shouted long live three times.

I saw a voice coming from directly above: "Raise your head."

Xiao Jingxuan raised his head, but he could not look straight ahead, so he could only lower his eyes and look at the ground.

"Get flat."

"The general will thank His Majesty for his grace."

After Xiao Jingxuan finished speaking, he kowtowed respectfully before daring to stand up.

"Well, the Governor of Longzhou reported to the border that you have made a lot of achievements in Fengzhou. The Hanlin Academy drafted a decree to pardon Xiao Jingxuan and make Xiao Jingxuan the general of Zuojin Wuwei and Pingmanhou. In addition, he was rewarded with a palace and gold.

One thousand taels."

Xiao Jingxuan was stunned. Although he had made a lot of contributions, this reward was too generous.

He quickly stepped forward, knelt down and said, "I will thank Heaven for my kindness. Long live my emperor."

"Well, let's get flat."

Xiao Jingxuan quickly stood up and found a seat to the side to stand.

Xiao Jingxuan thought that the dust had settled, but who knew that as soon as he stood up, a courtier came out and said, "Your Majesty, although General Xiao has made great achievements, he is still young and may not be able to shoulder this important task."

Immediately afterwards, another minister stood up and confirmed what the previous minister had said.

As the minister finished speaking, the whole court became lively, and many ministers immediately stood up and seconded the proposal.

Some ministers even said: "First of all, the territory has not been opened and the territory has not been expanded, and the second has not been protected by King Qin. The position of Marquis is enough to reward him for his contribution and comfort him for his hard work."

Xiao Jingxuan glanced quietly and found that the opposing ministers occupied three-quarters of the entire court, and only a small number of ministers remained silent.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Jingxuan felt a little funny. Zuo Jinwu Guard was one of the guards of the palace, and the total number of soldiers was not large. The total number of Jinwu Guards and horses was only 10,000.

Although he has the right to guard the palace, it does not benefit him.

Seeing everyone's objections, the emperor thought for a while and said: "Let's do this, Xiao Jingxuan, since you come from Zuo Xiaowei, then I will change your name to General Zuo Xiaowei."

After hearing the emperor's words, Xiao Jingxuan quickly came out to express his gratitude.

But there was a storm in my heart. As the Supreme Being of the Nine-Five-Year Plan, I have a golden tongue and must carry out my words even if they are wrong.

However, it would be absurd to retract one's decision just because the ministers objected.

Xiao Jingxuan did not dare to show the slightest dissatisfaction, it didn't matter to him anyway. It was just time to take a rest.

This chapter has been completed!
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