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Chapter 46 The Great Victory (2)

Jam Hsiao led his bodyguards to charge at the front of the army. As the ladder was set up, Jam Hsiao boarded the ladder.

Xiao Jingxuan held a shield in one hand and a sword in the other. There was no need to hold on to the ladder, and he quickly stepped on the ladder and rushed towards the tower.

Of course, the personal guards around Xiao Jingxuan were not bad either. They were all very skilled and quickly attacked the tower.

However, even if Xiao Jingxuan's martial arts skills are high, he cannot block the power of the boulder.

Seeing that Xiao Jingxuan was about to attack the tower, the Yan army guarding the city began to throw boulders at Xiao Jingxuan frantically.

It was okay to have two pieces, Xiao Jingxuan could still resist, but faced with the violent impact of dozens of boulders each, Xiao Jingxuan's speed was finally affected.

Fortunately, although Xiao Jingxuan was blocked, the pressure on the other guards was greatly reduced, and soon the guards attacked the tower.

With the progress on the personal guard side, the resistance on Xiao Jingxuan's side has become much smaller.

Soon they also attacked the city tower. A mass killing began on the city tower. At this time, the internal forces in the city also began to launch a battle to seize the gate.

Since all the city walls were attacked, the Yan army also lost control of the city.

Ye Xiong's men began to gather and attack the North City Gate.

Although the city gates are also guarded, compared to the city gates, the city towers are the most dangerous. Therefore, there are not many soldiers guarding the city gates.

Soon, shouts of killing were heard at the city gate. However, Xiao Jingxuan had no intention of focusing on the city gate at this time.

Xiao Jingxuan kept slashing and killing the approaching Yan army. However, no matter how powerful Xiao Jingxuan's martial arts was, the Yan army besieging Xiao Jingxuan did not decrease, but instead killed more and more.

It’s no wonder that just by relying on the armor on Xiao Jingxuan’s body, Yan Jun also knew that Xiao Jingxuan’s official position was not small. Perhaps, the opportunity to lift the siege of Shuncheng lies in Xiao Jingxuan.

However, these Yan Army soldiers underestimated Xiao Jingxuan too much and also underestimated themselves.

As a half-step innate master, Xiao Jingxuan would never be besieged to death by a group of minions.

Every time Xiao Jingxuan swung his sword, he would take away the life of a Yan Jun. As more and more people were killed, the corpses of Yan Jun around Xiao Jingxuan were almost piled up into a mountain.

As shouts of kill rang out in the city, Xiao Jingxuan knew that Ye Xiong had entered the city. The battle was almost over.

Seeing that the situation was over, the Yan army's will to fight finally collapsed and they began to flee in all directions.

However, Jam Hsiao’s mercy is only for soldiers who lay down their weapons and surrender. Jam Hsiao will not be merciful to deserters.

The battle ended soon. Xiao Jingxuan stood on the tower, looking at the corpses on the ground, filled with emotions.

At this time, Xiao Jingxuan's personal guards also began to return to their positions, guarding Xiao Jingxuan.

The remaining soldiers began to clean up the battlefield.

At this time, the generals of each battalion came to the North Tower and reported their respective losses to Xiao Jingxuan.

The siege battle was indeed the battle with the highest casualties. After listening to the report from his subordinates, Xiao Jingxuan sighed with emotion for a long time.

Although the Wei army was several times larger than the Yan army defending the city, this battle was definitely not a great victory.

In this battle, the Wei army suffered more than 3,000 casualties, more than 2,000 serious injuries, and no less than 8,000 minor injuries.

Although the Yan army also killed more than 4,000 people and captured about 1,000 people, such heavy casualties still left Xiao Jingxuan injured.

Although the battle was over, the Wei army could not rest because Xiao Jingxuan needed to start repairing the city wall and preparing supplies. After all, reinforcements from Yingzhou were expected to arrive soon.

Soon, scouts came to report that the reinforcements from Yingzhou were not far from Shunzhou, probably only eighty miles away.

This time, Yingzhou's reinforcements included 50,000 infantry and 40,000 cavalry, almost all of them were dispatched.

And Xiao Jingxuan only has 40,000 people in his hands, and the enemy forces on the opposite side are several times his own.

After hearing the news, Xiao Jingxuan ordered all ministries to seize the time to prepare, and he began to discuss with the generals in the turret on the tower.

Faced with the current situation, Gongsun Sheng suggested staying in the city and defending it, using the city's defensive power to continuously consume the enemy's troops.

Zhou Tong suggested that the entire army leave the city and use the mobility of the cavalry to fight the enemy.

However, Hu Yanzhuo's suggestion made Xiao Jingxuan's eyes light up, which was to leave a small number of the army to defend the city, while the large force spared the enemy and went to attack Yingzhou.

As long as Yingzhou succeeds, the enemy will lose the supply of food and grass, and there will be chaos. At that time, the army will take advantage of the situation and rush to kill the enemy in one fell swoop.

After listening to Hu Yanzhuo's suggestion, everyone nodded in agreement with this strategy.

However, there are not enough troops. If you want to hold back the enemy, Xiao Jingxuan must leave at least 20,000 troops. The remaining people may not be able to break through Yingzhou.

Just when everyone was frowning, Xiao Jingxuan thought for a moment.

"In this way, I will lead Ye Xiong's troops and guards to attack Yingzhou. As for Shunzhou City, I will leave it to you."

"Commander, no, it's so difficult to capture Yingzhou with five thousand soldiers and horses."

"Yes, Commander, there is plenty of food and grass in Yingzhou City, and there are also many soldiers and horses left behind. I'm afraid it will be difficult to capture it for a while."

Xiao Jingxuan raised his hand to stop the generals who wanted to speak.

"I know, I don't expect to capture Yingzhou with only 5,000 men. Even if we do, so what, if we can't stop the enemy's counterattack, I intend to dispatch another 20,000 infantrymen from Pingzhou to help me capture Yingzhou."

"Commander, by the time the infantry arrives at Yingzhou, I'm afraid the day lilies will be cold."

"Yeah yeah."

Hearing the generals' agreement, Xiao Jingxuan said with a smile: "I know, but there should be some horses, mules and the like in Pingzhou, which can increase the marching speed of the army.

Yingzhou is about four hundred miles away from Pingzhou. It is estimated that the army can reach Yingzhou in six days with a rapid march. In other words, eight days, only eight days, the army can reach Yingzhou. By then, it will naturally be possible to capture Yingzhou.


After hearing Xiao Jingxuan's words, the generals discussed it for a while and felt that this plan was feasible.

Xiao Jingxuan looked at the generals and said: "During my absence, the army will be led by Hu Yanzhuo. The rest of the army will assist you."

"The last general takes orders."

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Jingxuan called the personal guards and arranged for the personal guards to go to Pingzhou to mobilize troops.

Before leaving, Xiao Jingxuan specifically told his personal guards that when deploying troops, they must remind the general that they must stay in hiding day and night. Be careful to avoid the enemy's secret sentries.

After the guards left, Xiao Jingxuan stared at the map for a long time.

"Shunzhou City probably won't be able to delay the enemy for that long, and must slow down the Yan army's march.

Let's do this, Ye Xiong and Gongsun Sheng, you two and your cavalry will go with me to harass the enemy and slow down the Yan army's march. The rest of you, step up and consolidate the city defense."

"The last general takes command"

Afterwards, Xiao Jingxuan galloped towards the Yan army with more than 10,000 riders.

The Yan army has 90,000 troops, including 40,000 elite cavalry. In order not to be entangled by the enemy, Xiao Jingxuan's plan was to attack at night.

When Xiao Jingxuan led the army to the vicinity of the Yan army, Xiao Jingxuan ordered the army to rest and wait for nightfall.

Xiao Jingxuan took several personal guards to personally observe the enemy's situation near the enemy camp.

Looking at the enemy camp, the tents were set up in an orderly manner, and there were baggage vehicles surrounding the city outside the camp, acting as a temporary wall.

There were many soldiers on patrol in the camp. After watching for a long time, Xiao Jingxuan could not find any flaws.

After returning to the army, Xiao Jingxuan summoned Gongsun Sheng and Ye Xiong. He began to assign tasks. Xiao Jingxuan divided the army into three groups and took turns harassing the enemy.

No matter how many enemy troops are killed, there is only one purpose: to prevent the enemy from resting in peace.

If the enemy sends troops to pursue you and there are few people, then lead the enemy troops to a farther place to deal with them.

If there are a large number of enemies, run to densely forested areas so that the enemies will not dare to pursue you.

Xiao Jingxuan decided to attack first, followed by Ye Xiong and Gongsun Sheng last.

After deciding on the strategy, everyone began to wait.

Just after Youshi, Xiao Jingxuan led four thousand soldiers and horses towards the enemy camp. In order to hide, all the horses' mouths were muzzled, and the horses' hooves were also wrapped in thick cloth.

However, Xiao Jingxuan was disappointed. It turned out that the Yan army deployed a large number of rangers outside the camp.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Jingxuan was speechless and could only launch a strong attack. Fortunately, there were not many enemy rangers.

After taking care of the rangers, the enemy also discovered someone was attacking them, and the entire military camp began to move.

Xiao Jingxuan could only let his men fire two rounds of rockets and then retreat with his troops.

Soon, a large number of cavalrymen chased Xiao Jingxuan from the enemy camp.

The enemy was so powerful that Xiao Jingxuan could only lead the enemy troops towards the nearby mountains and forests.

Sure enough, seeing the complicated terrain, the enemy general decisively ordered the troops to give up the pursuit, turn their horses around and return to camp.

After seeing the enemy general retreating, Xiao Jingxuan also breathed a sigh of relief. He had too few men in his hands. If the enemy general was confused and continued to pursue, he would have to spend a lot of time.

In addition, Xiao Jingxuan did not lead his troops to join the army, but instead set up an ambush around them.

Because I had made an appointment with Gongsun Sheng and others to meet him here.

However, the result disappointed Xiao Jingxuan. With the arrival of Ye Xiong and Gongsun Sheng, a few people chatted and Xiao Jingxuan knew that the enemy's losses were not heavy.

Moreover, following Xiao Jingxuan's sneak attack, the enemy deployed a large number of cavalry on the periphery, causing the night attack plan to fail.

Spreading out the map, Xiao Jingxuan and others began to look for places on the map where they could set up an ambush.

However, there are not so many ambush locations. If the enemy army is small, there are several suitable ambush locations, but the enemy has 90,000 troops.

After staring at the map for a long time, Xiao Jingxuan said helplessly: "The Yan army is really hot this time. In this way, at Mao hour, we will lead the army to make another sneak attack. Whether it succeeds or fails, this time, we must not be reluctant to fight.

If nothing can be done, Gongsun Sheng will lead his troops to return to Shunzhou immediately, and I will take Ye Xiong to Yingzhou."

"Yes, I will obey your orders."

Immediately afterwards, at exactly 4 o'clock in the morning, Xiao Jingxuan led the army to launch a sneak attack on the Yan Army camp on time.
This chapter has been completed!
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