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Chapter 50 Careers

Faced with the urgent need for civil servants in his hands, Xiao Jingxuan didn't have any good ideas for a while.

Nowadays, old officials from Yan State are serving as officials at all levels all over Yingzhou. This is not a good phenomenon.

And we must have our own team. For this purpose, we can only rely on public recommendation.

Xiao Jingxuan wrote about Pingzhou, Yingzhou, Shenzhou, Weizhou and Shunzhou. An examination will be held in Yingzhou in the middle of the month. Anyone with outstanding results can be appointed to an official position.

You must know that at this time, most people in various countries were able to enter official positions through grace or recommendation. Even if it was an exam, it would only be a simple test after passing the recommendation or grace.

Unlike Xiao Jingxuan, children from poor families can directly become officials after passing the exam. However, Xiao Jingxuan's policy is still welcomed by a large number of children from poor families.

At the same time, Xiao Jingxuan also visited various counties and towns under the jurisdiction of Yingzhou to gain some understanding of the situation in each county.

On this day, Xiao Jingxuan came to Lingyuan County, which is under the jurisdiction of Yingzhou. Speaking of this, I have to talk about the geography of Yingzhou in detail.

Yingzhou is considered a county, surrounded by Lingyuan County, Jianping County, Liucheng County, and county towns. Although Shunzhou, Shenzhou, and Weizhou are also under the jurisdiction of Yingzhou.

However, these places are just vast and sparsely populated, which does not mean that these places are county towns. In name, these places are all state towns, but there are no counties below them.

I walked around the county town of Lingyuan County and it was pretty good. Although it is not as prosperous as Yingzhou, it is still quite good for a northern county town.

Coincidentally, it was at this time that I heard that the county government was opening a case to hear the case.

Out of curiosity, Xiao Jingxuan also quickly walked to the county government office to watch the county magistrate review the case.

When Xiao Jingxuan arrived at the county government office, there were many people watching at the county government office. With the help of his personal guards, Xiao Jingxuan easily reached the front of the crowd.

After chatting with the people nearby, Xiao Jingxuan learned that this first case was more difficult. There was a dispute between two clans over wild ginseng mountain, and then it turned into a fight.

In this kind of case, the public is always right and the mother-in-law is right, and it is difficult to distinguish right from wrong.

Xiao Jingxuan waited with great interest for the county magistrate's verdict. However, not only Xiao Jingxuan, but also other people who heard the county magistrate's approach found it very strange.

It turns out that the method given by the county magistrate is to capture the flag. Every year, teenagers from all ethnic groups hold a capture-the-flag competition, and the winner gets the income of the mountain for that year.

Although this method involves gambling, it is much better than fighting with weapons.

The two clan elders thought about it and agreed to this method.

Next, the county magistrate handled some other disputes, some of which were pronounced in court. Some of them still needed further investigation.

After all, Xiao Jingxuan was very satisfied with the county magistrate. However, during the period of caution, Xiao Jingxuan sent his personal guards to visit some people's homes to inquire about the official reputation of the county magistrate.

In the evening, Xiao Jingxuan was in the inn, listening to the report of the guards. It was true that the county magistrate was from a poor family, with a surname of Ding and Ding Weiran. It is said that he once served as a book clerk in the army, and was later rewarded for his merits and became a

The magistrate of Lingyuan County.

Although he had only been in office for two years, he was loved by the people. During his tenure, he eliminated local gangsters and bullies, and mobilized the countryside to build water conservancy projects, build bridges and pave roads.

If I had to say I had any shortcomings, it would be that she was lustful. She was a frequent visitor to the brothel.

After listening to the report from the personal guard, Xiao Jingxuan was very satisfied. It would be a pity to be a county magistrate for such a talented person.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Send an order to transfer Lingyuan County Magistrate Ding Weiran to serve in the army. The County Magistrate has a deputy to temporarily take over."

"As commanded."

Xiao Jingxuan walked around the nearby county again, and saw that the exam time was coming soon. So he hurried back to Yingzhou.

Xiao Jingxuan thought a lot about my exam. What he wanted was someone who could do things, and he didn’t need to be highly educated. Thinking of this, Xiao Jingxuan had an idea about the test questions for the exam.

The examination questions are divided into six papers.

The first chapter is a test on notices, which is to issue a notice to reassure the people. The second chapter is a test on official documents. The third is a test on taxation. The fourth is a test on judgment. The fifth is a test on geography, and the sixth is a test on policy theory.

It can be said that this exam is very simple. As long as it is not too unbearable, Xiao Jingxuan will accept it.

Since there were no available talents under his command, Xiao Jingxuan handed over the examination registration matter to the clerk's office of Yingzhou Prefecture. He also sent two personal guards to supervise.

However, the day before the exam, Xiao Jingxuan learned from the book office that only two hundred people had signed up.

Hearing this news, Xiao Jingxuan was completely angry. Although Shunzhou, Weizhou, and Shenzhou were barren, they were still state capitals with hundreds of thousands of people, and the number of people in Yingzhou reached more than 500,000.

Let's not talk about these for now, let's talk about Pingzhou, which has a large population. Now, there are only such a few people participating in the exam.

You know, in order to arrange the test venue, Xiao Jingxuan even planned to arrange the school test.

Forget it, after all, Yingzhou was first established and people's hearts were still unstable. However, when Xiao Jingxuan learned that all the wealthy families did not send a single disciple to participate in the exam, you can imagine the anger in his heart.

Is this venting dissatisfaction with the imperial court or is it to fight against oneself?

No matter what it was, Jamel Xiao couldn't bear it. He waved away the book office and glanced at the bodyguard beside him.

"Go and call Zhao Gang."


"After a while, a captain of the Guards came over."

Looking at the personal guards in front of him, Xiao Jingxuan suddenly hesitated again.

"Is there something I need you to do?"

"Please give me your instructions, Commander?"

"If you think about it carefully, you can refuse."

"I am willing to die for the commander-in-chief."

"Well, I want you to pick some people from the personal guards, and you can deploy whoever you like in the army. I want you to form a secret agent. I will personally allocate the funds."

Zhao Gang thought carefully for a while and then asked: "Commander, who are you mainly monitoring?"

"Anyone can, the imperial court, the barbarians, the Yan State, the Chu State, Southern Xinjiang, return to me some ghosts, ghosts and snake gods in my territory. Do you understand?"

"The general will understand in the end, but which one should be the main focus in the early stage?"

"First practice with the monsters and monsters in the territory."

"Yes, General, I honor your order."

"Well, let's call him a secret guard. His rank is the same as that of each camp leader. All matters will be reported directly to me, and no one else has the right to know."

"Yes, I will obey your orders."

"Go and do it."

After Zhao Gang left, Xiao Jingxuan arranged the exam for tomorrow. Now that there are so few people, some of his strategies will change.

Early the next morning, as the sun began to rise, Xiao Jingxuan wore the official uniform of the Jiedu Envoy and went to the East Gate Campus with his bodyguards to personally supervise the examination.

After arriving at the school grounds, Xiao Jingxuan sat on the general stage. At this time, the general stage had been decorated, with a pavilion on top and curtains on both sides.

There is a chair and a large case placed in the pavilion. There are also hundreds of cases placed on the school grounds, each case being several meters apart.

The examination room is surrounded by a thick wall to prevent wind.

When all the candidates were seated, the guards began to prompt them to stop the noise. Then they began to distribute the test papers.

To show fairness, all the test papers are blank sheets of paper, twelve for each person.

After the test papers were distributed, a guard held a sign and began to read it out.

"The first question is to make announcements to appease the people, taking Yingzhou as an example."

There were more than 200 candidates in total, divided into ten teams, and ten guards started talking about the questions loudly along the passage.

After half an hour, the second question began to be read out.

"The second question is about official documents, submitted to superior officials, taking tax returns as an example, the number is arbitrary."

After three hours, the guards began to collect the test papers of all candidates and then submitted them to Xiao Jingxuan.

Xiao Jingxuan sat in the pavilion and began to mark the papers. The six papers of the candidates were rolled together, with the candidates' names and place of origin marked on them.

As Xiao Jingxuan marked the papers, all the candidates were arranged to leave the examination room.

Looking at the chapter test paper in his hand, Xiao Jingxuan actually felt a little complicated inside.

Although I am a martial arts practitioner, I have also been familiar with classics since I was a child. I dare not say that I am rich in economics. However, I still know a little about the classics and history.

Now, I have read more than half of the test papers. Overall, I feel that the literary talent of children from poor families is still inferior to that of children from aristocratic families.

This is limited by the knowledge of children from poor families. However, now it can only be like this. After all, only these people can be used by themselves.

However, after reading all the test papers, Xiao Jingxuan changed his view. There are still top talents among these people.

Looking at the three test papers in his hand, Xiao Jingxuan was a little hesitant. These three test papers, whether they were about case judgment, taxation, or policy analysis, were all very well written.

For a moment, Xiao Jingxuan still couldn't judge which one was better and which one was worse.

I remembered the three names on the test paper in my hand, Wen Guokai, Li Xingyun, and Sun Nuo.

Xiao Jingxuan pointed to the ten examination papers thrown aside, and said to the guard beside him: "Except for these ten, the rest have been admitted. Tomorrow, we will go to the gate of the state government office and post a list to make it more impressive.

Publicize the names of these admitted officials."

"Remember, be stylish."

"The general will obey his orders."

After making these arrangements, Xiao Jingxuan asked curiously: "Is Ding Weiran here?"

"Come back to Marshal, I've arrived. Now I'm staying at the inn."

"Well, tell him to come and see me tomorrow morning."


Back at the mansion, Jamel Xiao lay tiredly on a chair. The deserted mansion made Jamel Xiao very uncomfortable.

The next day, after Xiao Jingxuan finished a set of boxing in the yard, he came to the living room.

"Your Majesty, Ding Weiran, pays homage to Lord Jiedushi."

"Well, no gift. Yesterday, I admitted some officials. You go and take care of them. Also, think about the system of the Jiedushi Yamen for me. Write a statement and give it to me tomorrow."

Ding Weiran was stunned. He had been a county magistrate before, but now he was only asked to serve in front of the army, and there was no official arrangement. What should he do?

Seeing Ding Weiran's look, Xiao Jingxuan understood. However, Xiao Jingxuan did not answer, just waved his hand and asked him to retreat.

This chapter has been completed!
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