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Chapter 54 Bandit

After Xiao Jingxuan left Yingzhou on horseback alone, he did not stop and traveled day and night. It took him eight days to finally leave Fan Yang.

Although he left Fan Yang secretly, there were too many people who wanted to kill him. Whether they were powerful people in the country, barbarians or the Yan Kingdom, they all wanted to kill them before they could kill them.

Therefore, necessary protection must be done. After leaving Fan Yang, Xiao Jingxuan found a clothing store, changed into a long gown, and changed the way he combed his hair to cover his iconic two strokes of white hair.


At the same time, he sold his war horse and bought a mule for transportation. In order to better hide his identity, Xiao Jingxuan bought a complete set of official supplies, a schoolbag, pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and a fan.

After buying these things, Xiao Jingxuan did not find a place to change them in the market, but left the market and found a secluded and uninhabited place outside the city.

After putting on these, Xiao Jingxuan's image finally changed dramatically. Xiao Jingxuan looked at the reflection on the water and felt relieved. You know, even if someone comes after Xiao Jingxuan with a portrait of Xiao Jingxuan, he may not be able to recognize him.

So, for the rest of the journey, Xiao Jingxuan pretended to be his scholar with peace of mind and drove slowly towards Liangzhou.

Although Xiao Jingxuan's destination was Liangzhou, because time was not so urgent, Xiao Jingxuan did not go directly to Liangzhou.

On this day, Xiao Jingxuan came to Yizhou City, found a tavern, and started eating and drinking.

Xiao Jingxuan used to go to the tavern frequently, maybe because of his different mentality, he had never carefully watched all kinds of customers before.

Now that I am traveling deeply, it is quite enjoyable to calm down and listen to the diners talking nonsense about family affairs, interesting stories about the world, and court news.

Especially when some diners mention themselves, the words they use to describe themselves. Generally speaking, people's evaluation of themselves is pretty good. But I don't really like the nickname given to myself. The nickname "Butcher" doesn't suit me at all.

While Xiao Jingxuan was struggling with this nickname, another person came to the restaurant. A woman, a woman who looked very charming.

With the arrival of this woman, the entire noisy restaurant instantly became quiet.

Everyone began to whisper about this woman. This woman was very beautiful. The key was her dress, which was so bold that it would make people blush.

Although in our modern eyes, it is just like a suspender skirt wrapped in a layer of gauze.

However, in Xiao Jingxuan's era, although the people's customs are open, they are not open to this extent.

The most important thing is that this woman feels very pure, as pure as a piece of white paper.

The woman glanced around the restaurant and saw that there were no empty seats around, then walked straight towards Xiao Jingxuan.

The woman came to Xiao Jingxuan and whispered softly: "Master, I wonder if the little lady can share a table with him?"

Xiao Jingxuan's face turned red. To be honest, Xiao Jingxuan was still a little reluctant to talk to women, especially strange women.

After hesitating for a while, he said, "Girl, if you don't mind being rude, please feel free to do so."

After saying that, he started to eat.

Seeing the dull look of the man in front of her, the girl couldn't help laughing. The silver bell-like laughter made Xiao Jingxuan a little overwhelmed, but she still endured the meal and finished the meal.

After finishing the meal, Xiao Jingxuan quickly called the waiter. After paying for the meal, he stood up and left with his book basket on his back.

Holding the mule, Xiao Jingxuan was annoyed as he walked. He was a general commanding an army of tens of thousands, how could he be made like this by a little girl.

No, I'm not Xiao, how could I be so unbearable? It's the charm technique. Xiao Jingxuan came to his senses. It's because of the charm trick that he is so unbearable.

My master sealed my meridians and suppressed my strength. Even my murderous aura was suppressed unconsciously. That's why I was so unbearable.

After thinking about this, Jamel Xiao felt much better. After strolling around the city, Jamel Xiao continued to set off and walked outside the city.

In the evening, when Xiao Jingxuan walked to a secluded official road, he saw more than 20 gangsters armed with steel knives emerging from the forest.

I saw these gangsters surrounding Xiao Jingxuan. A man who looked like a leader shouted: "I opened this mountain and planted this tree. If you want to live forever, leave money to buy the road."

Xiao Jingxuan has been on the battlefield for many years, how could he be afraid of these people? When he was about to draw his sword to deal with these people, he suddenly realized that he did not bring a sword, and then sadly remembered that his martial arts was blocked.

Thinking of this, Xiao Jingxuan had to say in a low voice: "My lords, I am a traveling student and I don't have much money. Please let me go."

The bandit leader circled around Xiao Jingxuan and said fiercely: "Traveling students, bah, in this chaos of war, how can any student dare to travel around? I think you are toasting instead of having to drink fine wine. Brothers, give it to me."


So, several bandit men came to Xiao Jingxuan and started searching.

The first thing is Xiao Jingxuan's book basket. In addition to pens, ink, paper and inkstones, there are only a few books and a change of clothes. Apart from this, there is nothing else.

In the bag tied to the mule, there were only a few steamed buns and a water bag. As for Xiao Jingxuan, only a dozen taels of scattered silver were found.

"Master, this guy is not a fat sheep. He might just be a poor traveling scholar."

"Damn, bad luck."

"Master, why don't you tie this poor man to the cottage, so that he can teach the children in the cottage a few words?" The boss thought about it for a moment, and then looked at Xiao Jingxuan carefully.

"Okay, that's it, let's go back to the mountain."

Just like that, before Xiao Jingxuan could quibble, he was pushed and pushed by these bandits to the bandit's lair.

Different from Jam Hsiao’s imagination, this bandit den is not like the copycats that Jam Hsiao had seen before.

This is exactly like a village. It's just that this village is a little more remote.

After being escorted into the village, Xiao Jingxuan began to look around.

The wooden houses in the village were scattered in an orderly manner. After a cursory look, there were about two hundred houses. Looking at the children playing on the road and the farmers busy in the fields, Xiao Jingxuan was a little curious, so he asked the two bandits who were escorting him.

: "My lords, are you sure this is a bandit's den?"

I saw one of them reaching out and hitting Xiao Jingxuan on the head, and said: "Can you speak? We are villagers who form a stronghold to protect ourselves. This is a bandit's den."

Xiao Jingxuan raised his tied hands and said: "I wanted to believe that you are villagers, but reality slapped me hard."

After hearing Xiao Jingxuan's words, the man felt a little embarrassed and said: "It's an accident for you. You came from the wilderness. You thought you were a fat sheep, but you didn't expect that you were a poor scholar."

At this time, another person also said: "Okay, just stay here with peace of mind. I will let you go after a while."

Xiao Jingxuan was a little speechless, did he really think he was a fool? At first, he said that he would be allowed to teach. It would be weird if he could be let go in the short term. He didn’t know how long it would take for him to break through the meridians blocked by his master and regain his strength.

Fortunately, these people did not make things too difficult for Xiao Jingxuan, but placed him in an empty house in the village, saying that after meeting the clan elders at night, he could teach in the village tomorrow.

This room is not bad, although it is not big, it has pots and pans, sheets and quilts, and everything it needs.

After walking such a long way, Xiao Jingxuan was indeed a little tired, so he lay on the bed and rested.

However, as soon as I lay down, someone came to look for me, saying that it was an elder who invited me.

Following the arrival, Xiao Jingxuan came to the largest house in the village. This house is located in the center of the village.

After arriving at the house, Xiao Jingxuan looked at three old people sitting side by side on the front seat. It seemed that they were what they called clan elders.

Xiao Jingxuan cupped his hands and said: "In my early life, Pingzhou Jinxuan, I met three clan elders."

The leader of the clan, an elder, said with a smile: "It turns out to be Mr. Jin. This time it's the young man in the village who is rude. Please don't blame Mr. Jin."

"Don't dare, don't dare."

"I wonder if your husband is willing to enlighten the children in the village. Don't worry, sir. If you don't want to, I can let you go down the mountain."

If the few strong men outside the door could not draw their swords. Seeing the kind-faced clan elder in front of him, Xiao Jingxuan almost believed it.

"Xiaosheng is willing."

The clan elder was very satisfied when he saw that the scholar in front of him was so knowledgeable.

"Sir, don't worry. Everything you need in the village will be prepared by me. Although the cost of food and clothing is not as good as outside, I will never let you be wronged."

"Come here, take sir back."

After Xiao Jingxuan said goodbye, he followed Qing Zhuang outside the door and returned to the previous room.

After a night's rest, early the next morning, the man who escorted Jam Hsiao yesterday came over to inform Jam Hsiao to go to class.

"Don't you know this big brother's name?"

"My name is Niu Mancang. Sir, just call me Erniu. Sir, breakfast has been sent to the private school. I will take Mr. there."

Xiao Jingxuan nodded and followed Er Niu to the private school.

What surprised Xiao Jingxuan was that the private school was actually set up in the place where Xiao Jingxuan's family met Xiao Jingxuan yesterday.

After arriving at the private school, three clan elders greeted them at the door of the private school. The leading clan elder smiled and said: "Sir, I have been wronged in this rural place. From now on, this will be the place where you teach."

, if there is anyone who is naughty and does not listen to the teacher's teachings, please ask the teacher to beat him to death, and he will be beaten to death without worry."

Hearing this, even though Xiao Jingxuan was captured by them, I felt quite comfortable.

"Sir, you must do your best."

Under the welcome of the elders, Xiao Jingxuan walked into the house. The decoration of the whole house was very different from yesterday. There was a desk and a stool in the front, and there were more than 20 small tables in the hall.

Every seat was occupied by children of all sizes. The oldest was about eleven or twelve years old, and the youngest was only five or six years old.

Seeing these children sitting quietly in their seats, Xiao Jingxuan nodded with satisfaction. His teaching career began.
This chapter has been completed!
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