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Chapter 66 Expedition (4)

Seeing Xiao Jingxuan's gaze, the master guarding the Barbarian Emperor's body trembled, and he couldn't help but feel a little scared in his heart.

Among these four masters, the third master who died in Xiao Jingxuan's hands was the strongest, not to mention that he was not as good as him?

However, retreat is not reliable. If the four people were protecting the Barbarian Emperor and Barbarian Queen when Xiao Jingxuan first rushed in, they would still have a chance to escape. Now I am afraid that they will be dead.

Xiao Jingxuan did not hesitate and attacked directly. After the two sides exchanged more than fifty moves quickly, Xiao Jingxuan chopped off the head of the last person.

Now, there was no one to protect the two Barbarian Emperors anymore. Xiao Jingxuan looked at the Barbarian Emperor and quickly chopped off their heads before the Barbarian Emperor could speak.

Looking at Lei Ben on the side, Lei Ben immediately understood, stepped forward and picked up the head of the Barbarian Emperor and Barbarian Queen, and walked out of the golden tent.

I saw Lei Ben leading several personal guards, using spears to pick up the heads of the two barbarian emperors and barbarian queens, running back and forth in the Khan Court, shouting loudly, "The barbarian emperor and barbarian queen will die, surrender and don't kill them."


Among the barbarians, the strong are worshiped very much. Moreover, because they are nomadic and have many tribes, they do not value loyalty very much.

Therefore, when a leader surrenders, his followers will soon become members of another tribe.

As the voices of "The Barbarian Emperor is dead, surrender without killing" spread throughout the camp, the barbarian cavalry gradually gave up their resistance.

Xiao Jingxuan quickly ordered his men to speed up the cleaning of the battlefield. Now he didn't have much time left for him.

Looking at the battalion commanders who came to report, Xiao Jingxuan did not have time to listen to their results, but directly issued military orders.

"Zhou Tong, I order you to lead your cavalry to tie up all the barbarian prisoners, and then trap them and kill them all, leaving no one behind."

"Yes, the general will take your orders."

"Gongsun Sheng and Huangfu Song, I will order you two to quickly clean the battlefield and collect the loot."

"The last general takes orders."

"Ye Xiong, Hu Yanzhuo, I order you two to go to the horse pen immediately, rescue the slaves, and collect the war horses."

"The general will obey his orders."

"Lei Ben, take your personal guards and quickly collect all the equipment of the Golden Tent Wolf Cavalry, and immediately load up the spare horses."

"Yes, the general will take your orders."

After they went to do their own business, Xiao Jingxuan ordered the two personal guards to look at the door while he sat slumped in the golden tent.

Fighting against these four barbarian masters, it would be great to be alive, let alone kill them.

Xiao Jingxuan is not only seriously injured now, but the most important thing is that he has lost all his strength.

After sitting in the golden tent, closing his eyes and adjusting his breath for a while, and temporarily suppressing his injuries, the generals of each battalion also completed their tasks and came outside the tent one after another, waiting for military orders.

After Xiao Jingxuan heard the report from the personal guards, he walked out of the golden tent, looked at his favorite generals, and said: "Everyone, immediately take everything you can carry and return the same way. Quick."

After saying that, Xiao Jingxuan immediately got on his horse, and the other generals followed suit and returned to their respective troops.

Xiao Jingxuan led the army and quickly left the Barbarian Khan Court and quickly returned to the original road.

Looking at the huge team, Xiao Jingxuan couldn't help but worry that the movement was too loud.

You know, when Xiao Jingxuan and others set out from Shenzhou, there were about 52,000 people, each with one horse, and a large part of them were rogue horses.

Now, there are almost one person and five riders, and all the horses are piled with supplies.

Even Xiao Jingxuan himself was holding five horses. However, it could not affect the speed of the march for the time being.

Moreover, since the war started so quickly, the enemy would not be aware of it within a day or two.

Even if they are discovered, as long as they are smart enough, they will not pursue Xiao Jingxuan and others.

Because, the losses of the Hutu Khan tribe this time were too huge. In addition to the 10,000 golden tent wolf cavalry, there were also 5,000 light cavalry, plus the two tribes that Xiao Jingxuan had destroyed before. The Hutu Khan tribe was seriously injured this time.

Move bones.

The most important thing is that the Khan Court, as a barbarian tribe, has many high-ranking officials and dignitaries, including barbarian emperors and barbarian queens. Now they all died in the hands of Xiao Jingxuan.

However, the Barbarian Emperor has not designated a successor, and coupled with the great loss of Hutu Khan's tribe this time, I am afraid that the other royal tribes will no longer be as obedient as before.

If the strength of the Khan tribe is weakened again because of the pursuit of Xiao Jingxuan, then what awaits them is probably a battle to seize the emperor on the grassland.

It is precisely because of these considerations that Xiao Jingxuan brought so many supplies.

Due to the high speed of the army and the fact that they traveled day and night, they finally caught up with Wei Ming, who was one step ahead, after two days.

After the two armies merged, Xiao Jingxuan speeded up the march again. However, when passing by the King of Krutai, Xiao Jingxuan still kept a low profile and did not make any fanfare.

Instead, he carefully returned to Langtou Mountain.

After arriving at Langtou Mountain, Xiao Jingxuan ordered the army to rest for two days. As for defense, it was temporarily left to the troops left behind by Wei Ming.

Then, Xiao Jingxuan held a military meeting to summarize the expedition.

This expedition can be said to be a complete victory. In addition to the capture, it also has great political significance.

Of course, I will be even happier after hearing the results.

First of all, when the army set off from Shenzhou, there were about 52,000 people. Now, more than 18,000 people have been killed and more than 9,000 injured. In addition, about 3,000 people have been temporarily recruited.

As for the barbarians, it is difficult to make statistics. After all, many barbarians were tricked and killed by Xiao Jingxuan. However, at least 200,000 barbarians were killed.

They rescued almost 50,000 people from the lands of Yan and Wei, and robbed almost 5,000 unmarried women from the barbarians.

As for other supplies, it was even more abundant. The first was war horses. Almost 200,000 war horses were captured, and many of them were uncastrated stallions.

The number of cattle and sheep is not that big, only about a hundred thousand. However, there is a lot of beef and mutton, and the amount of various kinds of fur is even more astonishing.

As for weapons, the biggest highlight is the equipment for the 10,000 heavy cavalry. Although the craftsmanship of the barbarians is not very good, as long as they return to Fan Yang and simply modify it, it will definitely be a sharp weapon. As for other weapons, it can be


Of course, the amount of gold, silver and jewelry is really astonishing. You must know that Xiao Jingxuan captured the Khan Court of the barbarians. It is conceivable that as the center of the barbarians, there are so many rare treasures inside.

After encouraging the generals, Xiao Jingxuan let them rest, leaving Wei Ming alone to talk.

"Wei Ming, let me tell you what I have to say. Now, the world is about to be in chaos and wars are rising. Why don't you join me in making achievements together?"

Wei Ming was silent for a long time before holding back a sentence.

"General, I am General Wei."

This was rejection. However, Xiao Jingxuan did not give up, but continued: "Oh, Wei Ming, do you think I will rebel? You must have heard about my life experience."

Wei Ming nodded.

"Now I have been granted the title of King Fanyang. I am in charge of a place and have an army of hundreds of thousands. I already have everything I need. You and I have been together for several years. You should know that I am not a person with a great desire for power.

However, the world is in chaos, and I will never allow the clan to take over.

Do you know? I come from the Duke's government. If I don't join the army, as a concubine, I can't join politics. At most, I can only become the steward of a farm or the shopkeeper of a shop.

As for you, you should have a deep understanding. You come from a poor family. No matter how talented you are, if you don't join the army, I'm afraid you will become a petty official with no grade at most. At most, in a few decades, you will become a

Master of the Eighth Grade, do you think what I said is right?"

Wei Ming continued to nod.

"Now among the three kingdoms of the Central Plains, only I, the Wei Dynasty, is the strongest. However, due to the fighting between clans, I, the Wei Dynasty, have not been able to unify the world for a long time.

Nowadays, the clan is planning to divide the world and plunge the world into chaos. Are you willing to be the executioner of the clan?"

After hearing Xiao Jingxuan's words, Wei Ming fell into deep thought. After a moment, he said: "Can that be stopped?"

Xiao Jingxuan smiled bitterly and said: "Stop it, why stop it? It can't be stopped. You and I are too weak to stop the power of their sword."

After hearing this, Wei Ming made up his mind. So he knelt in front of Jamel Xiao.

"The last general, Wei Ming, is willing to serve as the commander's pawn, through fire and water, no matter what."

Xiao Jingxuan happily helped Wei Ming and said: "Wei Ming, that's great. With you helping me, it will be even more powerful."

After thinking for a moment, Xiao Jingxuan said: "Nowadays, the strength of the barbarians has been greatly reduced. The presence of Langtou Mountain will definitely make the barbarians wary and they will not be able to fight for it with all their strength.

Let's do this. You open a secret passage from the mountain to the outside of the mountain. Remember, it needs to be hidden. Keep the rest.

After a while, when I transfer a large army from Shenzhou to protect you, we will return to Shenzhou together."

"Yes, the general will take your orders."

"However, there is something I want to tell you in advance. I do not intend to let you continue to lead the army. Now, I am short of a long history under my command. I want you to give up martial arts and become civilized. What do you think?"

"I will obey the general's orders."

"Okay. You are tired during this period, so go down and rest."

After Wei Ming went to rest, Xiao Jingxuan also returned to the back office and began to heal his injuries.

Early the next morning, Xiao Jingxuan went to the injured barracks to visit the injured sergeant. Not only was he concerned about the injury, but he also checked whether the medical herbs in the wounded barracks were sufficient, whether the food was rich, etc.

After all, Xiao Jingxuan has experienced it. He remembers that when Xiao Jingxuan first arrived in Fengzhou, he was thrown into a mass grave outside the city because of his injuries. If it weren't for Cui Yingxue, he might have become ashes.

Two days later, Xiao Jingxuan ordered Huangfu Song to take his troops and horses to escort a batch of supplies and return to Shenzhou first. And, after arriving in Shenzhou, he joined Yang Xiong's troops and went to Langtou Mountain to meet them.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Jingxuan sent out scouts to explore the movements of King Woruji's tribe.

There is no way, there are too many supplies in Langtou Mountain, and there are not enough troops. Xiao Jingxuan does not dare to go back rashly.
This chapter has been completed!
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