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Chapter 68 Development

The entire Shangyuan Lantern Festival was very lively, and the bright lanterns made the entire Yingzhou look particularly prosperous.

After the Lantern Festival ended, Xiao Jingxuan devoted all his energy to government affairs.

Nowadays, the civil servants and military officers under Xiao Jingxuan are basically ready. It is time to carry out drastic reforms under his rule.

Any reform will inevitably touch those with vested interests and cause a backlash from these people. However, Xiao Jingxuan now has hundreds of thousands of troops escorting him, so he naturally does not need to worry about anything else.

Xiao Jingxuan divided the reform into six parts. The first part is taxation. Previously, Xiao Jingxuan changed the land tax to one tax per twenty, which was supported by the people.

However, there are still many gentry and wealthy families who refuse to pay this small amount of tax.

Although Xiao Jingxuan promoted Ling Tuizhi to be the chief official of the household house, due to the short time, the officials in the following prefectures and counties did not pay too much attention to it, so the problem of land tax was not solved well.

For this reason, Xiao Jingxuan plans to put a lot of effort into taxation.

The first is the reform of tax laws. Nowadays, taxation in the entire Wei Dynasty is very complicated.

The first is the land tax, three out of ten taxes, and the second is the city entry tax, commercial tax, salt tax, etc. It is very complicated.

In response to this situation, Xiao Jingxuan divided taxes into three types, one is land tax, the second is commercial tax, and the third is mining tax.

As for land tax, Xiao Jingxuan stipulates that it is one tax per twenty, so I won’t say anything more here.

The most complicated thing is commercial tax. Xiao Jingxuan did not blindly suppress and close down the brothels and casinos in the territory.

For this kind of entertainment venues, Xiao Jingxuan always adopts ten taxes and eight eight taxes. Only entertainment venues that are willing to pay these taxes can operate openly. Otherwise, they will be severely punished.

But for grain merchants, salt merchants and some shops, there is a tax of 20% per 10%.

As for some small businesses and hawkers, they charge a fixed stall fee. The specific amount to be charged depends on the location. Ling Tuizhi is responsible for the specific determination.

The last one is the mining tax. However, since the mines in Fanyang are currently government-run, the mining tax has not been opened yet.

Those who evade taxes will be punished ten times once they are discovered, and a hundred times the amount for the second time. At the same time, the children in the family will not be allowed to work for two generations. The third time will be a house raid, the family property will be confiscated, and the whole family will be fined and made into slaves.


Although Xiao Jingxuan formulated the policy very comprehensively, Xiao Jingxuan still did not hold much hope for the wealthy gentry within the territory.

These wealthy gentry families each claimed their own family status and were deeply rooted in the local area. They did not pay attention to the local government at all. Many of the assistant officials and minor officials in the local government even came from these families.

In order to solve these problems, Xiao Jingxuan specially handed over the intelligence collected by Zhao Gang to Ling Tuizhi, and at the same time temporarily handed over the Falcon to Ling Tuizhi.

This time, Xiao Jingxuan made up his mind to frighten these wealthy families, and at the same time, take this opportunity to clean up the minions of the wealthy families.

Xiao Jingxuan does not object to the existence of wealthy families, but he firmly does not allow these wealthy families to own too much land and servants.

You must know that in order to maintain their own interests, these wealthy gentry not only purchased large amounts of land at low prices during disaster years, but also maintained a large number of servants, and even hid a large number of armors and weapons in their homes.

Once trouble comes, these aristocratic families will take advantage of the situation and separatist power.

In order to limit the expansion of the family's power, we need to start from many aspects. However, the first step is to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys.

Ling Tuizhi also fully understood what Xiao Jingxuan meant, and planned to pick a few powerful and unkind wealthy families in Fanyang to practice his skills.

At the same time, Xiao Jingxuan also re-divided the areas within Fan Yang.

Jiedushi Yamen has jurisdiction over five prefectures: Pingzhou, Shenzhou, Shunzhou, Weizhou and Yingzhou.

Pingzhou has jurisdiction over five counties: Changli County, Xiangping County, Xinchang County, Wangping County and Pingzhou City.

Yingzhou Prefecture governs Lingyuan County, Jianping County, Liucheng County, and Fucheng.

Shenzhou Prefecture governs three counties, namely Shenzhou Fucheng, Wanping County and Yanghuai County.

Weizhou Prefecture governs four counties, namely Weizhou Fucheng, Changji County, Yangshan County, and Liuzhuang County.

Shunzhou Prefecture governs four counties. They are Shunzhou Fucheng, Shunping County, Shun'an County and Qiuping County.

After dividing these prefectures and counties, Xiao Jingxuan began to implement other policies.

In order to break the monopoly of wealthy families, Xiao Jingxuan first set up farms in every county, which are military villages.

You must know that these farms are not only Xiao Jingxuan's main source of food and grass, but also a place to train new soldiers and place retired and disabled soldiers.

Xiao Jingxuan stipulated that during the slack period, young men in each county must go to the farm for military training.

Although it only lasts for a short month, this move will definitely make various local forces fear it.

Of course, all policies are coherent and do not exist in isolation.

All policies are aimed at enhancing Fan Yang's strength and allowing the people to have enough to eat.

In order to resettle more refugees, Xiao Jingxuan actively opened up wasteland in various counties.

In order to be able to cultivate enough farmland before spring plowing, Xiao Jingxuan even did not hesitate to use the army.

You must know that the army itself has its own military garrison area, but in order to ensure that the subsequent refugees have enough farmland, they have to continue to reclaim wasteland.

Around the farmland, many supporting projects are needed, which does not mean just reclaiming a piece of land. The first is to build bridges and pave roads, and the second is to build ditches to divert water to the farmland.

In addition, we need to prepare cattle, farm tools, rice seeds, houses for the refugees, etc.

Farming cattle is easy to handle. Although there are not enough farming cattle in Fanyang, there are enough horses. It is precisely with these horses that we can ensure the timely development of wasteland.

Farming tools are more complicated. Pots and pans, various knives, hoes, etc. all need to be purchased.

Fortunately, there is still a sufficient amount of iron ore in Fanyang. In order to better ensure sufficient supplies, Xiao Jingxuan had to gather all the blacksmiths to start making these things in large quantities.

At the same time, in order to better recruit talents, Xiao Jingxuan decided to make the examination and selection of talents a routine.

Every spring, county examinations are held in each county. Students admitted in the county examinations can go to various prefectures to take the prefectural examinations. Finally, they go to Yingzhou to take the township examinations.

Only after being admitted in the provincial examination can one be awarded an official position. However, since there are not many official positions in Fan Yang at present, Xiao Jingxuan also included the assistant officials of each county into the official position system, and they are no longer recommended by the children of wealthy families in various places.

The content of the exam was also much more difficult than the first time. The first level was arithmetic, and the rest were covered, such as farming, calendaring, military strategism, law, the Book of Songs, etc.

You know, the reason why powerful families can survive is because these people have the right to recommend officials.

Moreover, in order to allow more children from poor families to participate, Xiao Jingxuan had people print a large number of books.

With these policies and the addition of Yulin Academy, Xiao Jingxuan believes that given time, he will be able to break the blockade of the aristocratic family and allow the children from poor families to one day make progress.

In addition to imperial examinations and tax laws, Xiao Jingxuan also made people start to study currency.

Nowadays, the currencies of various countries are not unified. Each country has its own copper coins. Some wealthy families even use silk as currency to circulate.

In order to solve this problem, and also to alleviate the financial shortage, Xiao Jingxuan planned to agree to Fan Yang's own currency.

After discussions with the left and right officials, Xiao Jingxuan decided to agree to three types of coins: copper coins, silver coins, and gold coins.

However, for better circulation, Hsiao had to improve the exquisiteness and durability of his coins.

However, current technology cannot accomplish this very well. Later, a scribe under Xiao Jingxuan came up with a solution.

That is to use the power of a waterwheel to build a workshop, which is somewhat similar to a hydraulic lathe.

After hearing the scribe's method, Xiao Jingxuan immediately promoted the scribe to the position of master craftsman in the Ministry of Household Affairs. He was responsible for the research, development and casting of coins.

According to Xiao Jingxuan's idea, according to the current market value, the specifications of the coins should be made according to 1:100:10000.

In other words, one gold coin is equal to one hundred silver coins and ten thousand copper coins. However, many things are done step by step and are not achieved overnight.

Just when all the work was proceeding in an orderly manner, the imperial court's decree arrived.

The eunuch Xiao Jingxuan who came back to deliver the edict had not been seen before. After receiving the edict, Xiao Jingxuan frowned as he looked at the edict in his hand.

Although Xiao Jingxuan publicized in a high-profile manner that he had destroyed the barbarian Khan's court, such military achievements did not intimidate the imperial court's Xiao Xiao.

The imperial edict was extremely dissatisfied with him for privately launching a war against the barbarians, and it could be said to be a severe rebuke. Moreover, he also rejected the requests for rewards from the generals in the army one by one.

Of course, the point is not this. The point is that the court not only refused to reward him, but also asked Xiao Jingxuan to disarm Xiao Jingxuan on the grounds that military pay was too high.

Moreover, the number of reductions was very large. According to the decree, Xiao Jingxuan needed to abolish 80,000 troops. Only 40,000 troops were retained in Fan Yang. At the same time, Xiao Jingxuan was asked to return to Beijing to report on his duties.

It seems that his military exploits and force have not made the elites in the DPRK restrain themselves, but have intensified their efforts.

After Xiao Jingxuan handed the imperial edict in his hand to the guard on the side, he looked at the eunuch who was waiting for a reply.

"Please, my father-in-law, please go back and report to your majesty, saying that I went to fight against the four masters of the Barbarian Emperor and was seriously injured, so I can't leave for the time being. Please ask the court to give me more time to recuperate. As for the rest, I will


After hearing Xiao Jingxuan's words, the civil and military officials who followed Xiao Jingxuan to receive the order started talking a lot.

However, Xiao Jingxuan did not come forward to appease him, but said to Lei Ben: "Lei Ben, go and pass my command to the commander-in-chief of each battalion. Ten days later, the commander-in-chief will discuss matters."

"The last general takes orders."

Why is it ten days later? Because things like Pingzhou are too far away and it takes time to travel.
This chapter has been completed!
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