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Chapter 81 Return to Innate

Looking at the courtyard in front of him, Xiao Jingxuan was slightly surprised, because there was nothing else except a thatched house and a few vegetable fields surrounded by fences.

You know, it's winter at this time, and the vegetable fields are empty, with a thick layer of snow piled up.

Perhaps because of the boudoir, Yang Yi did not invite Jam Hsiao into the room, but moved a chair out of the house for Jam Hsiao to sit on.

Then he went to the other side of the hut and started boiling water. Seeing this scene, Xiao Jingxuan couldn't help but ask questions.

"Miss Yang, are you the only one on this top of the mountain? Where is your master?"

"My master has traveled all over the world, and now I am the only one on the top of the mountain."

"It's a single lineage. The sect that the girl belongs to is really depressed."

Regarding Xiao Jingxuan’s jokes, Yang Yi did not belittle herself.

"My sect is a hermit sect, so it is normal for the number of people to be sparse."

"I wonder which school the girl studied under?"

"Jingming Sect."

Xiao Jingxuan thought for a long time and had never heard of this sect. So he pointed to the place where the two of them passed when they came and asked.

"Where is that? Why do I feel a little weird?"

"That's the Sword Tomb. It's the place where the swords of our ancestors of the Jingming Sect are buried. If you don't have my leadership, don't go there without permission. You'll easily be attacked by a group."

"Now that I'm here, how can I go down the mountain so easily?"

Hearing this, Yang Yi was stunned.

"If you don't come down from the mountain, what are you going to do on the mountain?"

"Of course it's to capture the girl's heart."

"You... are a scumbag."

Faced with Xiao Jingxuan's straightforward words, Yang Yi was ashamed and angry. She didn't know what to say for a moment. She simply returned to the house.

Xiao Jingxuan was not idle either. He cut down some trees in the nearby woods and built a simple residence next to the thatched house.

After setting up his residence, Xiao Jingxuan began to practice martial arts in the snow.

After Xiao Jingxuan finished practicing, he returned to the house, but when he saw the bedding and some food left at the door, Xiao Ning laughed happily.

After hearing Xiao Jingxuan's laughter, Yang Yi, who lived next door, was ashamed and angry.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Xiao Jingxuan has been on the top of the mountain for more than half a month.

On this day, Xiao Jingxuan had just gotten up and planned to practice, but he heard Yang Yi next door say angrily: "Stop practicing today, follow me down the mountain to buy some things."

After hearing this, Xiao Jingxuan had no intention of continuing to practice.

Shamelessly going to Yang Yi's courtyard to have breakfast, the two simply carried two frames and flew down the mountain.

As the saying goes, "It's easy to go up the mountain, it's hard to go down the mountain." This sentence makes no sense at all. After Xiao Jingxuan flew down the mountain, he looked at the steep mountain wall and said to Yang Yi speechlessly.

"Yang Yi, remember to help me when you go back to the mountain. With my current martial arts, going up the mountain is still a bit difficult."

Hearing Xiao Jingxuan's words, Yang Yi smiled very happily.

At the foot of the mountain, there were no supplies to buy in the village where Xiao Jingxuan once lived. So, the two of them went to the nearby market to buy things.

Although this market is not very prosperous, it has everything you need.

Jam Hsiao and Jam Hsiao were strolling leisurely in the market. Jam Hsiao deliberately lagged a few steps behind, following Yang Yi, looking at Yang Yi's back, slightly in a trance.

Perhaps feeling the burning gaze behind her, Yang Yi turned around and urged Xiao Jingxuan to hurry up.

The two quickly bought the necessary items in the market and began to return.

When passing by a jewelry stall, Xiao Jingxuan looked at the dazzling array of jewelry and began to choose.

After selection, Xiao Jingxuan selected a butterfly hairpin, which is very exquisite.

Although it is silver, the style is very attractive to Xiao Jingxuan. After paying the money, Xiao Jingxuan wrapped the silver hairpin and put it in his arms.

All this was caught by Yang Yi, but when Xiao Jingxuan paid and turned around, Yang Yi immediately turned around and walked forward. She did not want to look at Xiao Jingxuan.

After returning to the foot of the mountain, Xiao Jingxuan looked at the steep mountain wall and handed the rope to Yang Yi with a wry smile on his face.

Yang Yi did not take the rope, directly took Xiao Jingxuan's hand and flew directly to the top of the mountain.

After arriving at the top of the mountain, Xiao Jingxuan was extremely surprised. You must know that Xiao Jingxuan used to be half-stepped into the spirit when he didn't practice his kung fu. But at such a height, it takes a lot of effort to get up.

However, Yang Yi actually flew up with her directly. The key is that Xiao Jingxuan didn't use any strength in the middle.

"Yang Yi, what state are you in now?"

Yang Yi looked at the surprised Xiao Jingxuan and felt quite happy.

"Guess." After saying that, he took the things and returned to his courtyard.

Looking at Yang Yi's retreating figure, Xiao Jingxuan sighed.

"It seems that we need to work harder, otherwise I'm afraid that my husband will be weak in the future."

However, Xiao Jingxuan did not expect that his muttering voice would be heard by Yang Yi in the distance.

When Yang Yi heard Xiao Jingxuan's muttering, she was a little dumbfounded. This person is really thick-skinned.

As winter turns to spring, the snow on the mountains melts quickly.

On this day, Xiao Jingxuan was clearing out several vegetable plots outside the house with a hoe, and even built a chicken coop next to the vegetable plot.

At this time, Yang Yi had already prepared the meal and asked Jamel Xiao to stop what he was doing and prepare to eat.

Putting down the hoe in his hand, Xiao Jingxuan looked at Yang Yi and said: "Yang Yi, can I change my name in the future? I keep calling you by your name, and I feel that my seniority is much lower."

When Yang Yi heard this, she burst out laughing. However, after thinking for a while, she said, "My master usually calls me Xin'er."

After saying that, Yang Yi felt it was inappropriate again, but it was already too late.

"Xin'er, do you want us to be a couple that elopes? I will farm and you will cook."

The two of them spent another day happily chatting and joking like this.

With nothing to do, Xiao Jingxuan not only renovated the two thatched huts, but also cleared a yard in front of the door.

In the yard, Xiao Jingxuan also made a dining table and two deck chairs. Although his skills are limited, he can make do with it.

In addition to studying martial arts every day, Xiao Jingxuan also has a few moves with Yang Yi when he has nothing to do.

Although he is not Yang Yi's opponent, Xiao Jingxuan feels that he is making huge progress every day.

Moreover, truths that I had not figured out before have also been realized in the past few days.

As time went by, Xiao Jingxuan's martial arts became higher and higher, and finally, when summer came, he finally broke through to the innate realm.

Fortunately it was rebuilt, otherwise it would not have been so fast.

However, with Xiao Jingxuan's breakthrough in realm, he finally felt the pressure coming from the sword tomb.

Moreover, this kind of coercion also produced a hint of hostility towards Xiao Jingxuan.

It seems that if Xiao Jingxuan is not careful, he will be killed by Jianzhong.

He shook his head, maybe it was an illusion.

Xiao Jingxuan can only comfort himself in this way.

After dinner, Jam Hsiao and Yang Yi watched the night for a while, then went back to their houses to sleep.

Late at night, when Xiao Jingxuan was sleeping soundly, he saw dozens of sword energy suddenly shot out from the sword tomb and headed towards Xiao Jingxuan.

Just when the sword energy was about to reach the hut, Xiao Jingxuan finally became alert and immediately got out of bed. He used Dao Gang to protect himself.

Finally, the first wave of sword energy was blocked. It felt like the second wave of sword energy was about to hit.

Xiao Jingxuan did not dare to neglect. He flew directly across the roof. Using his fingers as swords, he fought with the flying sword energy.

Xiao Jingxuan's swordsmanship emphasizes the enemy but not himself. Not only is it majestic, but the key moves are also very fierce.

However, even so, he was still no match for the sword energy in the sky. Helplessly, Xiao Jingxuan began to go all out, displaying a monstrous murderous aura.

I saw that the originally clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and lightning flashed in the sky from time to time.

Facing the sword energy in the sky, Xiao Jingxuan did not retreat but advanced, directly heading towards the sword tomb to kill.

At this time, Yang Yi had also woken up long ago and watched Xiao Jingxuan fight against Jian Zhong. She did not intervene.

However, when Xiao Jingxuan's overwhelming murderous aura filled the air, Yang Yi's expression also changed.

The look he looked at Xiao Jingxuan was quite complicated.

And Jam Hsiao couldn't care about Yang Yi at this time. Although just looking at the battle situation, it seemed that Jam Hsiao had the upper hand, but if you look carefully, you can see wounds starting to appear on Jam Hsiao's body.

Moreover, the sword in Xiao Jingxuan's hand was also bright and dark, and it was obvious that he could not hold on for much longer.

Just when Jam Hsiao thought he would die, Yang Yi moved, and Yang Yi stood in front of Jam Hsiao and stretched out a finger.

A protective shield was seen surrounding the two of them, and the sword energy that filled the sky could not break through the barrier of the shield.

After a while, the sword energy turned around and returned to the sword tomb. The entire top of the mountain suddenly fell into silence.

Yang Yi carried Xiao Jingxuan to her room, put Xiao Jingxuan on the bed, then sat cross-legged on the futon not far away, and began to rest with her eyes closed.

At noon the next day, Xiao Jingxuan opened his eyes with difficulty. Looking at the decorations around him, he knew that it was Yang Yi's room.

He stood up and crossed his legs and started exercising to recover his body. Not to mention, yesterday's Jian Gang was really amazing.

He had just recovered to the innate realm, so he was indeed no match for that sword energy.

In the evening, Xiao Jingxuan finished his treatment, got up and walked out of the house. He saw Yang Yi sitting on the recliner, looking into the distance in trance.

Coming to Yang Yi and sitting on another recliner, Xiao Jingxuan also asked his question.

"What was that sword energy yesterday?"

"It's the sword energy in the Sword Tomb. Because you broke through yesterday, the Sword Tomb thought there was a foreign enemy, so it took action."

It turns out that there is a spirit in the sword tomb. After finding out, Xiao Jingxuan felt relieved and sat on the recliner with peace of mind, watching the sunset in the distance comfortably.

"Xin'er, prepare some food for me later, I'm starving to death."

Strangely, Yang Yi did not answer Xiao Jingxuan. After a while, she said: "Jingxuan, why don't you go down the mountain tomorrow."

After hearing what Yang Yi said, Xiao Jingxuan did not react immediately. Instead, he said casually: "Okay, is there anything missing at home? You can make a list later, and I will go to the market to buy it tomorrow."

Yang Yi solemnly turned around, looked at Xiao Jingxuan and said: "No, I want you to leave the Sword Tomb and return to the place that belongs to you."

This chapter has been completed!
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