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Chapter 91 Hengzhou

After more than ten days of marching, Xiao Jingxuan finally arrived at the foot of Yizhou City. Looking at the heavily guarded Zhao army on the tower of Yizhou City and the arrow towers lined up inside, Xiao Jingxuan knew that Yuwen Tuo had made all preparations for this matter.


At this point, all that's left is fighting. I'm afraid it's impossible to persuade them to surrender like Youzhou.

Seeing this, Xiao Jingxuan began to arrange for each battalion to set up camp. Unfortunately, when setting up camp, the Zhao army in the city did not choose to make a surprise attack.

Xiao Jingxuan ordered Gongsun Sheng to serve as the commander-in-chief of the siege, with Lei Ben assisting him.

He took Ye Xiong, Yang Xiong, and Zhou Tong's own troops to surprise Hengzhou.

As for Huangfu Song, who was about to arrive, he was ordered to assist in the siege.

The night after the order was issued, Xiao Jingxuan quietly led the cavalry and marched towards Hengzhou.

Today, the army besieging the city still has almost 70,000 troops, which is enough. However, Xiao Jingxuan still asked Gongsun Sheng to be careful.

Although Hengzhou City is not big and there are not many defenders, it is extremely prosperous.

Because Xiao Jingxuan was leading cavalry this time, this operation was mainly based on surprise attacks.

Xiao Jingxuan ordered that almost five to six hundred capable warriors from the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry and the pro-army troops be selected to disguise themselves and enter Hengzhou City first.

After the army arrives, they are waiting for an opportunity to control the city gate and welcome the army into the city.

Xiao Jingxuan traveled day and night, and finally spent four days arriving in a remote dense forest thirty miles away from Hengzhou.

It was already late at night, and Xiao Jingxuan could only order the army to rest and wait until early tomorrow morning to launch an attack on Hengzhou immediately.

When the army rested, Xiao Jingxuan called Xiao Ran and asked him to send someone to inform the internal response in the city to prepare for the response tomorrow.

After Xiao Ran stepped back, Xiao Jingxuan also began to close his eyes and rest.

Sometimes I have to lament the wonder of fate in this world. At this time, not far from where Xiao Jingxuan’s army camped, a fight actually broke out.

I saw a woman facing the siege of dozens of people, and she was already overwhelmed.

The martial arts skills of both sides of the battle are quite extraordinary, at least they are at the late stage of innate cultivation.

Seeing that she was outmatched, the woman could only retreat while fighting. Soon, the two sides were getting closer and closer to Xiao Jingxuan.

Soon, the sounds of the battle between the two sides entered Xiao Jingxuan's range of perception.

Xiao Jingxuan frowned and looked towards the direction of the battle. Originally Xiao Jingxuan did not want to care about these trivial matters, but now the army is marching. If the news is leaked, it will cause some variables in tomorrow's battle.

After thinking for a moment, Xiao Jingxuan decided to go and have a look, so he got up and flew towards the direction of the battle.

The surrounding soldiers saw their king flying away and quickly followed.

Soon, Xiao Jingxuan was standing on a branch, quietly watching the two sides fighting.

Both sides of the battle did not notice Xiao Jingxuan's existence and were still fighting selflessly.

Xiao Jingxuan was slightly distracted when he saw the woman being besieged.

What's going on recently? Why do I keep running into old friends? It turns out that the woman being besieged is none other than Xiao Jingxuan's old friend, Zhao Waner, the saint of Xuanyin Palace.

When Xiao Jingxuan was lost in memories, the pro-soldiers quickly followed, and the movements of the pro-soldiers soon alerted both parties to the fight.

In order to prevent variables, both sides struck harder. Suddenly, the battle became more exciting.

Xiao Ran saw the two sides fighting and immediately understood the reason why his king left.

With a wave of his hand, his troops immediately surrounded both sides of the battle, and each of them took out their weapons and began to prepare for battle.

Seeing the arrival of the pro-army troops, Xiao Jingxuan could no longer hide himself, so he could only fly down from the branches.

As Xiao Jingxuan landed, more than a dozen swords flew out from around him, forcing all the dozen people who were surrounding Zhao Waner to retreat.

With Xiao Jingxuan's action, the battle temporarily fell into a confrontation.

Xiao Jingxuan looked at Zhao Waner and said with a smile: "Waner, long time no see."

Zhao Waner saw the person coming clearly with a rather resentful look in her eyes. She said, "Yes, long time no see."

Seeing Zhao Waner's look, Xiao Jingxuan quickly changed the topic.

"Who are these people?"

Zhao Waner looked at the dozen or so people surrounding her and said, "These are the leaders of the righteous path who believe they are right."

After Zhao Waner finished speaking, a man who looked like a leader walked out of the other party and said: "This general, we are disciples of Qingyun Temple, and this one is a demonic witch. Please help me, general."

After hearing this, Xiao Jingxuan said with a smile: "Since ancient times, knights have used martial arts to break the ban. I have a bad impression of you. Let's do this. I don't care about your grudges. But now I am marching. In order to keep it secret, you can stay in the army temporarily.


After Xiao Jingxuan finished speaking, without waiting for their answer, he said to Xiao Ran: "Take them down and let them go after tomorrow."

When the other party heard Xiao Jingxuan's words, they knew they couldn't be kind, so they all prepared to take action.

Although the pro-troops were large in number, Xiao Jingxuan knew that the pro-troops could not take down these people, so he waved his hand and fired more than a dozen sword strikes at the crowd.

I saw that these innate masters were seriously injured by Xiao Jingxuan in an instant. They could no longer resist.

The pro-soldiers immediately stepped forward and took these people down. When Xiao Ran saw that Xiao Jingxuan had no intention of leaving, he immediately led the pro-soldiers to retreat.

After everyone dispersed, Xiao Jingxuan came to Zhao Waner. The two looked at each other in silence for a while.

"Let's go, come to my place and rest for a while."

Xiao Jingxuan was the first to break the silence and stepped forward to support the injured Zhao Waner.

Faced with Xiao Jingxuan’s support, Zhao Waner did not refuse. She allowed Xiao Jingxuan to help her to the army’s camp.

This is the time for a quick march. Even Xiao Jingxuan's residence is just a simple tent.

Helping Zhao Waner to sit on the bed, she encountered an embarrassing question.

That means Zhao Waner has some external injuries. Xiao Jingxuan gritted his teeth and stamped his feet. He planned to start applying medicine to Zhao Waner.

Seeing Jamel Xiao reaching out to take off her clothes, Zhao Waner was stunned. What was she doing? She didn't ask herself if she was willing? Should she refuse?

Just when Zhao Waner was still hesitating, Xiao Jingxuan had already taken off Zhao Waner's coat. However, when Xiao Jingxuan took out the wound medicine from his arms, Zhao Waner blushed and knew that he had misunderstood.

In fact, when Xiao Jingxuan took off Zhao Waner's coat, he regretted it because he was too reckless.

But it was done, so we could only continue. The atmosphere in the entire tent began to become ambiguous.

After Xiao Jingxuan applied medicine to Zhao Waner's wounds, he put Zhao Waner's coat on her.

After finishing these things, both of them sat on the bed in silence. But the atmosphere became increasingly ambiguous.

"Where have you been these years?"

Xiao Jingxuan took the lead to break the atmosphere. Zhao Waner also calmed down her mood.

"I went back to retreat for two years. Unfortunately, after I came out of retreat, everything changed."

You know, the two of them lived in the cottage for a while, and their relationship was very ambiguous.

Facing Zhao Waner's almost questioning words, Xiao Jingxuan was also embarrassed.

"Oh, I haven't seen you for such a long time, Wan'er, you are still so bright and charming."

"Really, what's the use? If not, you still can't keep the man you like."

Facing Zhao Waner's sarcasm, Xiao Jingxuan suddenly couldn't resist.

"It's already getting late, Wan'er. You should have a good rest first. I also have some military matters to deal with."

After saying that, Xiao Jingxuan escaped from the camp in embarrassment.

Seeing Xiao Jingxuan's embarrassed figure, Zhao Waner laughed out loud.

After walking out of the tent, Xiao Jingxuan waved to Xiao Ran who was not far away.

That night, Xiao Jingxuan slept outside directly.

Early the next morning, Xiao Jingxuan led the army towards Hengzhou.

When Zhao Waner was awakened by the movement outside the tent and walked out of the tent, Xiao Jingxuan had already left the camp. Seeing this, Zhao Waner was prepared to leave here in despair.

However, when Zhao Waner was about to walk out of the camp, she saw the surrounding guards immediately surrounding her.

The leader was none other than Xiao Ran, who bowed respectfully to Zhao Waner and said.

"Girl, before the king left, he gave an order for the girl to heal her injuries here. When the king returns to the army, he will naturally come to meet the girl."

Hearing this, Zhao Waner said displeasedly: "Why, I want to leave and you still want to stop me."

Xiao Ran still said respectfully: "I don't dare. It's just that the king gave a strict order before leaving. If the girl leaves, I'm afraid it will be difficult for the two hundred soldiers under his command to explain. Besides, the girl is seriously injured now, so I still feel at ease."

It’s better to live here.”

"Are you threatening me?"

"The general doesn't dare. Although these subordinates of the general have low martial arts skills, they are all warriors and can definitely protect the girl."

"It's still a threat, believe it or not, when Xiao Jingxuan comes back, I will ask him to punish you."

"The military orders are overwhelming. Please be considerate, girl. You should have a good rest. I will arrange for someone to deliver some food to the girl later."

Seeing that Xiao Ran was unable to get in, Zhao Waner could only go back to the tent to rest in depression. However, she was still a little happy despite the depression.

At this time, Xiao Jingxuan and his soldiers were heading towards Hengzhou on horseback.

Hengzhou City also opened its city gates at this time, and there was an endless flow of people coming and going.

And among the pedestrians coming and going, many of them were elite members of Xiao Jingxuan's command dressed in disguise.

Thirty miles away, the cavalry could arrive in an hour. Soon, the Yan army appeared in the sight of the Hengzhou defenders.

When the defenders sent out a signal and began to close the city gate on alert, chaos began at the city gate.

A large number of people who did not know the truth began to rush to the city. The spies also began to take the opportunity to launch attacks.

Because they were all in disguise, and because of the shouting of the internal agents, the soldiers guarding the city soon began to become confused. For a while, they didn't know what to do.

At this time, Xiao Jingxuan also began to accelerate his charge.

When Xiao Jingxuan's army rushed into Hengzhou City, it foreshadowed the outcome of this battle.

This chapter has been completed!
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