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Chapter 007 Fear

The closer you get to the big green eyes, the more dangerous you are.

Along the way, Shen Qin encountered attacks from more than a dozen low-level strange creatures.

However, for his abilities, no matter how many low-level weirdos there are, they only give him experience.

When it comes to powerful weird abilities, it's not just about suppressing them through numbers.

For example, Shen Qin's "unobservable" ability, whether one object or ten objects observe his existence, he can instantly take away the other person's life or form of existence.

Unless the opponent's level of weird rules is equal to or higher than his.

Otherwise, Shen Qin's strange abilities would be almost unsolvable.

Of course, being almost unsolvable does not mean that it is completely unsolvable.

If people from the National Bureau are willing to use weapons of mass destruction in the area where Shen Qin is, they can deal with him without actually observing his presence.

Before acquiring the new strange ability 'Mirror Image', it was almost impossible for Shen Qin's ability to evade the power of weapons of mass destruction. However, even if he could evade it now, he would probably have to pay a heavy price.

After all, Shen Qin is different from other weirdos. His mortal body is not only his advantage, but also his biggest weakness at present.

Soon, Shen Qin found the stairwell leading to the ceiling.

When he left the floor and entered the stairwell, a strange feeling suddenly came over him. There seemed to be something staring at him in the dark stairwell, which made him feel an inexplicable chill down his spine.

Sure enough, the so-called safe passage is not a safe place.

Shen Qin raised his legs and walked towards the top floor. After walking for a while, there was still no trace of the top floor door.

At the same time, the strange atmosphere around him became stronger and stronger.

There seemed to be something about to move in the dark space.

Suddenly, Shen Qin felt that his body stiffened, as if he was imprisoned by something, and he could not even make any sound. Gradually, many invisible hands wrapped around his body, and the pain of ghosts and ghosts was clearly heard in his ears. The screams stimulated his spirit and reason, and seemed to be trying to assimilate Shen Qin with them.

"It's so uncomfortable, so painful. Come and feel the pain with us."

"Why, why do you torture us like this? I hate it so much. I hate it so much."

"Come down and stay with us, come down and stay with us, why are we the only ones suffering so much, and everyone has to suffer together."

"Come on, join us, join our big family, come on."

Various messy and harsh sounds continued to enter Shen Qin's brain. The strong mental attack gave him a splitting headache and made him feel irritable.

"Made, you're making so much noise, get out of here!"

Shen Qin forced himself out of control and shouted angrily.

An irresistible and strange force swept out, and in an instant countless strange and evil spirits disappeared, including the strange ones in the stairwell.

[Kill level 3 weird creatures, gain the weird ability ‘Fear’, weirdness value 20. 】

Another high-level weirdo?

I got new weird abilities twice in a row, so lucky.

As the name suggests, fear magic is to create mental hallucinations to put the subject into a state of fear.

Previously, Shen Qin couldn't move his body and couldn't even make a sound. This was one of the characteristics of being affected by the fear spell.

The strangeness in the stairwell was eliminated by Shen Qin, and the strange stairwell immediately returned to normal. Then Shen Qin easily reached the top floor of the abandoned building.

Through the door wall, Shen Qin could clearly sense the terrifying and strange aura of the big green eyes behind him.

In Shen Qin's eyes, the rich and strange energy was like thick blood-colored mist overflowing from the door wall, rolling slowly.

An ordinary person, standing behind the door wall at this moment, would probably just feel that his whole body was cold and strange, but he couldn't tell what was going on.

Shen Qin took a deep breath, stepped forward and slowly pushed open the iron door on the roof.

On the other side, the three survivors were hunted down by numerous low-level weirdos. They had no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth.

They relied on the magic tools in their hands to fight against low-level weirdness. However, human power has its limits after all. Moreover, the magic tools in their hands only sealed the second-level weirdness. Only the captain was the holder of the third-level weirdness. It's not a combat type of trick.

Most of the weird creatures chasing them right now are second-level weird creatures. How can they withstand them?

"Captain, please leave quickly and leave me alone."

The female weirdo's face was pale and she was sweating profusely. Her physical strength had reached its limit. Suddenly a determined look appeared in her eyes and she shouted loudly.

"Don't say stupid things."

The male weirdo grabbed the female weirdo and forced her to run away.

"If this continues, we will all die here."

The female weirdo said with an ugly expression.

The captain's expression was extremely serious. He obviously knew that running like this was not an option. Sooner or later, their physical strength would be exhausted. As long as they were trapped in the abandoned building, they would not be able to escape the strange attack.

After hesitating for a moment, the captain shouted resolutely: "Enter the stairwell!"

Rather than facing numerous low-level weirdos at the same time, he would rather face a more powerful weirdo.

At least the probability of surviving smoothly in the face of a strange thing is much higher.

The longer they hold on, the greater the chance of waiting for a rescue team to arrive.

A man and a woman did not hesitate and followed the captain back to the strange stairwell again.

When they entered the weird stairwell again, the low-level weirdness behind them suddenly stopped, and their figures hesitated.

It seems that there is something in the stairwell that scares them, and they dare not chase into the strange stairwell.

Seeing this scene, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief in vain. They could finally rest for a while.

"Don't let down your guard. There is very likely to be a more terrifying monster hidden in the stairwell. From now on, the three of us will stare at each other and then slowly walk up."

The captain's nerves remained tense, and he spoke cautiously.

After hearing each other's words, the two nodded slightly.

This method can prevent some of them from disappearing suddenly, while others don't know anything.

The captain originally thought that they would be trapped in the stairwell by something strange again, and they would have to use magic tools again to get out.

Soon he discovered that they had successfully reached the new level without encountering any strange attacks.

It's strange, this doesn't fit the weird style.

Is it because it has already captured a person and is full? How is that possible?

No matter what, Weiwei didn't attack them, which was a good thing for the three of them.

Otherwise, given their current weak condition, they may not be dangerous and strange opponents in the stairwell.

If he uses the power of the twice-sealed trick, he might really be sucked into a mummy.

Boom boom boom!!!

Suddenly, a strong vibration came from the abandoned building, and the three of them lost their balance for a moment.

The female weirdo couldn't help but sit down on the stairs, grinning in pain——

"It hurts! What's going on?!"
This chapter has been completed!
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