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Chapter 010

Shen Qin did not think about the identity of the two people in the strange national situation.

After all, even if he accidentally met someone from the weird National Bureau last night, he couldn't be targeted by someone from the National Bureau so quickly, right?

Obviously, he underestimated the action power of the National Bureau, and also underestimated the impact and shock that his solution to the strange thing on the roof would have on Ma Ke.

There was no way, Shen Qin was just an ordinary person before last night, and his thoughts had not completely changed.

You must know that what he solves is not ordinary low-level weirdness.

That's a high-level weirdo who controls an entire abandoned building!

Even in the Weird Country Bureau, there are very few strong people who can easily deal with level five weird creatures, and they generally won't take action easily.

After all, the threat posed by level five weird abilities once out of control is too great.

Shen Qin hesitated for a while, then locked the door and left.

He wanted to see if these two people were thieves.

If they are thieves, there should be a reward for catching them and sending them to a nearby police station, right?

Although the amount will certainly not be too large, mosquitoes are still meat no matter how small they are.

Besides, it is mainly to maintain the peace and order of society, and bonuses are another matter.

However, Shen Qin soon discovered that the two people behind him did not go to his home after he left, but actually chose to follow him.

Are they not thieves but kidnappers?!

Be a good boy, kidnapper!

The nature is completely different in an instant.

But this is too strange. If the two kidnappers don't keep an eye on the rich man, why should they keep an eye on him?

He has neither money nor power, so even if he were kidnapped, no one would be willing to pay to ransom him.

Isn't it funny how clever these two people are?

Or are they actually not kidnappers, but legendary murderers?!

The more Shen Qin thought about it, the more likely it became. Apart from the murderer, he really couldn't understand why they would target him.

Huh, you really treat Shen Qin like a soft persimmon, and everyone wants to come over and pinch him?

Yesterday I encountered something strange and died once, and today I encountered two perverts again.

Shen Qin was unhappy, but he was not in a hurry to take action. After all, he had to be reasonable before taking action.

After all, it would be so embarrassing if he was accidentally killed.

The opponents were just two ordinary people. If they were strange or ghostly beings, he would have driven them to pieces.

Shen Qin took a walk on the street. It looked like he was taking a walk. The two people were always following Shen Qin, using various bunkers to hide themselves. It would be difficult for ordinary people to detect their presence. They looked professional at first glance. of.

This further proves Shen Qin's conjecture that these two guys are definitely not simple.

What are their intentions? And why do they insist on clinging to them?

Is it because you are jealous that I am too handsome? So you don’t like me and want to kill me?

Well…very possible!

The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds.

It is not unthinkable that one or two perverted and weird killers will appear occasionally.

Shen Qin seemed to be planning to turn around and go home, but instead of going back the way he came, he took another shortcut.

The two followers maintained contact with the National Bureau while closely monitoring Shen Qin's every move.

Unknowingly, they followed Shen Qin to an alley near his home, a place where few people usually passed by.

What's more, it's easy for Shen Qin to deal with the two of them.

Passing a corner, Shen Qin used his strange ability to enter the mirror space and quickly moved behind the two of them.

When they found out that they had lost their target, they couldn't help being surprised and whispered quickly: "Guo Bureau, Guo Bureau, this is Goshawk. We have lost the target person. We have probably been discovered."

"Retreat immediately!"

After hearing this, the National Bureau issued the order without hesitation.


The two of them were stunned, ready to give up the mission and return to the national bureau.

However, at this moment, a ghostly figure suddenly appeared behind them, reaching out and attacking both of them at the same time.

Sensing the dangerous aura, the two of them took two steps back almost instinctively, and simultaneously took action to defend themselves, narrowly escaping Shen Qin's grasp.

Seeing that the target person appeared again, or directly in front of them, the two of them couldn't help but feel their hearts sinking. When did the other person appear behind them? Could it be that he had used some kind of weird ability?

No matter what, the other party's performance is indeed not as ordinary as shown in the data.

Before this, he had not revealed anything, but this person was hiding so deeply!

No matter what, the State Council will never allow an uncontrolled time bomb to be hidden in the city.

"You two, you followed me all the way. Do you want to rob wealth or sex?"

"Let me tell you in advance, I don't need money, let alone sex. I'm straight and don't engage in sex."

Shen Qin spread his hands and said calmly without feeling angry because of his failure.

The two looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a moment.

"National Bureau, National Bureau, we have been discovered by the target person, please give instructions on the next step."

"No matter what means you use, you must stabilize him. Our people will be here soon."

After hearing the instructions from the National Bureau, the two took a deep breath.

"You misunderstood, we are not robbers."

One of them spoke.

"Oh? Not a robber? Why are you following me if you're not a robber? You're jealous that I'm so handsome and you want to kill someone to silence me, right? It's not your fault that you're ugly. It's your fault that you want to take revenge on society for being ugly. .”

Shen Qin clasped his hands on his chest, with a bit of contempt in his eyes, and said calmly.

"No, no, no, we didn't mean that. You really misunderstood. We are from the National Bureau!"

"Haha, you are so brave to pretend to be someone from the National Bureau. What about the people from the National Bureau? You have been following me all the way since I left home. Frankly speaking of your purpose, maybe I can consider leaving your body intact. "

Shen Qin's eyes were slightly cold, and his whole body was filled with a fierce and terrifying aura, and he asked in a low voice.

"We are really from the National Bureau, and this is our ID."

Upon seeing this, the two of them couldn't help but sweat break out on their foreheads, and they quickly took out their ID cards.

They are just ordinary people with some ability. It's okay for them to deal with ordinary people, but confronting the weird ones head-on will only lead to death.

The National Bureau has just given an order, no matter what means they use, as long as they can delay the other party.

In other words, even if they reveal their identities, there will be no problem at all.

Shen Qin frowned. They didn't look like they were lying. Are they really from the National Bureau?

How could someone from the National Bureau of Investigation find him so quickly? His efficiency was unparalleled.

Suddenly, Shen Qin remembered the three people he met last night. They also claimed that they were from the National Bureau.

Not surprisingly, they probably sold themselves out.

I have just awakened the system, and I just want to seize the opportunity to gain some experience.

This wave is really careless.
This chapter has been completed!
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