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Chapter 016: Dawn Project (for further reading)

"What is the highest level of treatment?"

Shen Qin looked at Su Lina, the special commissioner of the National Bureau. He was not in a hurry to agree, nor was he in a hurry to refuse.

Joining the Weird Bureau is also beneficial to Shen Qin. If he wants to gain more and more powerful power, he must eliminate more and more powerful weird creatures. The main task of the Weird Bureau is to eliminate the weird creatures that cause trouble.

In other words, after joining the Weird National Bureau, he will have more opportunities to come into contact with more and more powerful Weirds, thereby quickly increasing his strength.

It's just that after joining the Weird State Bureau, his future actions may be more or less restricted, and he is a person who hates being restrained. After gaining strength, it strengthened his belief in freedom.

Hearing this, Su Lina not only did not feel any disappointment, but a look of joy appeared in her eyes.

She is not afraid of the other party making demands, but she is afraid that the other party will not make the demands.

After all, the other party is willing to make demands and conditions, which means they still have room for negotiation.

For a powerful fifth-level weirdo, as long as the other party does not make demands that violate their principles and bottom line, they can satisfy the other party.

The purpose of the existence of the Weird State Bureau is to eliminate the weirdness that causes trouble and maintain the stability of the human social world.

In order to achieve their ultimate goal, they will do whatever it takes.

"Five insurances and one fund, an annual salary of 10 million, paid in advance, task remuneration will be settled separately, plus a two-story, 150-square-meter single-family villa in the inner city, and we will privately grant you the status of a special agent of the National Bureau of Investigation , has the right to mobilize police officers from the Security Bureau, and can enjoy the highest level of welfare subsidies and various social preferential policies."

Su Lina nodded and introduced slowly.

Good guy, with an annual salary of 10 million, it’s better to pay it in advance.

This annual salary does not require Shen Qin to do anything for the Weird State Bureau. The money he can get for nothing as long as he lies down is equivalent to his free living expenses every year. It is mainly done by the Weird State Bureau to prevent weird people like them from being short of money. There are some criminal actions that disrupt society.

Although it cannot be said that such incidents can be completely eliminated, it can prevent most of the weird people from going astray because of money.

Of course, in addition to annual salary.

They also provided a two-story, 150-square-meter single-family villa in the inner city, which made Shen Qin marvel at the generosity of the weird State Bureau.

Note, it’s the inner city! Not the inner city!

The inner city is the inner city, but the inner city is not the inner city.

There is an essential difference between these two titles.

The inner city is the core of the entire human society. The headquarters of the Weird State Bureau is in the inner city. The houses in the inner city are extremely expensive. A two-story single-family villa with an area of ​​150 square meters is not available. It's impossible to get two to three hundred million.

As the population gradually grows and recovers, the currently occupied land resources are limited. In the future, housing prices in both inner and outer cities will probably continue to rise until the population is full.

Of course, the most important thing is not housing prices, but food!

Land resources are limited, which means the food they can grow is also limited!

The situation of human society is becoming more and more urgent.

It is precisely because of this that eliminating Weird and regaining more land resources has become the top priority of the Weird National Bureau.

A powerful fifth-level weirdo can play a huge role in this.

This is also one of the important reasons why the Weird Country Bureau wants to lure Shen Qin into the Weird Country Bureau at any cost.

I reject!

Shen Qin wanted to reject her loudly, but they gave her too much.

10 million per year, and a house comes with it!

He had never seen so much money in his two lifetimes combined.

"I understand the treatment. Please propose your conditions. What do I need to do for you?"

After all, Shen Qin has been a man for two generations, and he still understands some basic principles of life.

There is no free lunch in the world. If you want to get something, you have to pay something.

"We only have one condition. We only need you to spare no less than one month every year to participate in the Dawn Project and help us try our best to regain the land lost to Weird. In addition, our Weird Country Bureau will often publish tasks on the official website. You can optionally accept the mission, there are no mandatory requirements for this."

Su Lina hesitated for a while, then spoke clearly without changing her expression.

"Project Dawn? What does it do? Explain it?"

Shen Qin looked puzzled.

Listening to what the other party said just now, he could probably guess a little bit that it should be related to regaining the lost land.

"The Dawn Project, to put it bluntly, is a new city construction plan. However, the construction of the new city must first eliminate all threatening weird and terrifying creatures in the new city area. Every year, we will arrange for many weird people to go to the stronghold of the Dawn Project. , opening up new urban territory.”

"The Dawn Project is the most important part of the continuation of human development. It is of great importance. Although we hope that you can participate in the Dawn Project, all contributions you make during this period belong to you."

Su Lina, special commissioner of the National Bureau of Investigation, explained.

"Contribution? What's the use?"

Shen Qin asked subconsciously.

"About this, you will know once you go there. The content of the Dawn Project is a top secret of the National Bureau of Investigation. I can only tell you so much."

Su Lina shook her head and answered firmly.

Shen Qin pinched the beard on his chin and thought for a moment.

"Let me ask one last question. Does the Dawn Project you mentioned have to solve a lot of weird things?"

"There are so many! And the Dawn Project is extremely dangerous. Even weirdos above level three may suffer heavy casualties."

"Okay, I agree."

Hearing this, Shen Qin immediately agreed happily.

The more weird it is, the better.

He was afraid that there would be too few weirdos to kill, which would be a waste of time.

"Great, let's sign the contract. You can take a look at the contents of the contract first."


Shen Qin took the contract from the other party and read it carefully from beginning to end. It introduced in detail the various benefits and benefits provided by the Weird State Bureau, as well as the conditions and confidentiality obligations that Shen Qin needed to fulfill. Finally, Shen Qin Qin signed his name at the signature place.

In fact, both parties know very well that in this chaotic world, the so-called contract is just a piece of waste paper. The strong one has the right to tear up the contract or overturn the table at any time. All they can do is try their best to maintain this relative balance. Relationship.

Signing a contract is just a formality process.

Whoever takes it seriously is a cutie.

After signing the contract, Su Lina, the special commissioner of the Weird State Bureau, looked much more relaxed and her smile seemed much more sincere.

Then she took out a black box from behind her.

Opening the black box, there were several small notebooks inside.

"Mr. Shen Qin, welcome to become a member of our Weird Country Bureau."

"This is your real estate certificate. From today on, this single-family villa is your private property."

"Also, this is the identity document of a special agent from the National Bureau. Please be sure to keep it. If you lose it, please tell us immediately and we will help you deal with it immediately."

"In addition, your wiring specialist will contact you later. If you have any other questions or ideas, you can tell her. By the way, please take this thing."

After she finished speaking, Su Lina took out a black object from her waist and placed it on the table.

Seeing that dark thing, Shen Qin couldn't help but be a little stunned——
This chapter has been completed!
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