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Volume 1: Sacrifice the Sword with Your Body: The Awakening of Promise Chapter 2: The Way of Using the Sword

Jianmen, somewhere in the vast sword training field, there are groups of Jianmen disciples wearing white robes and holding long swords gathered here.

When they arrived on the field, their positions slowly formed a circle from all four sides, and a huge long white stone pillar was erected in the center in front of them. The left and right sides of the pillar were inlaid with several

An iron ring, and thick black chains are connected to the ring.

In the past, this time period was the time for the Sword Sect disciples to practice their sword skills. However, at this moment, they did not compete with each other in sword skills as usual. Instead, they focused their attention on the huge stone pillar in front of them.

It's just that what they are looking at is not the stone pillar in front of them, but the person who is tied up with black iron chains on this stone pillar.

This man's hair was disheveled, his face was pale, his eyes were hollow, and his shriveled lips were obviously caused by severe dehydration. There was a bright red streak on his extremely handsome face, and the blood left there was very shocking.

Said, it also snakes into the collarbone, making it impossible to tell whether the robe originally worn is red or dyed with blood...

Not only that, looking through the damaged clothes on the person's body, faintly visible traces of being severely beaten by a whip were visible on the skin.

Right now, he is tied to that stone pillar quietly without anyone noticing...

His name is Mo Yi, and his identity is the chief disciple of the Sword Sect and the senior brother of the group of people in front of him. In addition, he also has an identity that everyone knows, that is, the master of the Sword Sect, Mo Tiankuo.


It's just that after a series of recent changes, his identity and status in the sect have plummeted. At this moment, he has long lost the glory of the past.

A year ago, his mother Yi Shilan disappeared suddenly and mysteriously for unknown reasons when she went to the imperial capital to purchase daily commodities needed by the sect.

Not long after, his father Mo Tiankuo also left through the door after getting clues about his mother's whereabouts.

However, when he went to the imperial capital to search for Yi Shilan's whereabouts, he didn't know what happened during this period. Jian Tiankuo also suddenly became missing and has not returned yet.

The two most important people in life disappeared one after another. This made Mo Yi, who had been waiting in the door, anxious, and the elders of Jianmen who learned the news were like people on a hot pot.

Ants are generally restless.

Neither the sect leader nor his wife knew whether they were alive or dead. This was undoubtedly a big earthquake for a sect.

The reason why Jianmen is so strong and firmly occupies the leading position in the Upper District is that, in addition to relying on the foundation accumulated by its ancestors, the biggest reason is because of the leader of Jianmen, Mo Tiankuo.

The sixth generation master of the Sword Sect is a half-step sword master. And this level of strength is already among the top in the entire Upper District.

Jianmen is one of the five top forces in Shang District. It is also recognized as the most powerful sect among the five forces. In front of this sect, the status of the other four major sects in Shang District is higher than that of the former.

It would appear to be extremely inferior.

The main reason why Jianmen has such a supreme status in Shang District is because this sect carries the word "sword".

What is a sword? It is easy to understand if you understand it literally.

The so-called sword is nothing more than a sharp killing weapon in the world. But it seems to be such a simple and easy-to-understand thing, but in this world it seems extremely complicated.

Many factors are due to the fact that this world is called "Sword Realm".

This is a world where one majors in swordsmanship and minors in martial arts.

In this world, both humans and the other two major races all advocate sword cultivation. They believe in swordsmanship and have an almost fanatical mentality towards swords.

All in all, most of the cultivators in the Sword Domain are basically sword cultivators. However, practicing swordsmanship in this world is not as easy as imagined.

Compared with martial arts, the practice of practicing swordsmanship is more demanding. To practice swordsmanship, in addition to mastering sword skills and sword energy, practitioners must first obtain certification in swordsmanship.

The so-called kendo certification: "The way of the sword depends on fate. The cultivator cultivates his sword heart, forges his sword bones, and understands his sword thoughts. Then luck comes to his body, and the energy of the sword is transformed into the elixir. Later, he seeks to unite the human sword with the sword, and practice

With regard to the Supreme Sword Pattern, enlightenment will follow, and finally the cultivation of the sword will be achieved."

To put it simply, practitioners who want to become a sword cultivator must obtain the so-called "Sword Level Certification", otherwise it will all be in vain.

Only the body of a cultivator who possesses the "Sword Pattern" can absorb the vitality of heaven and earth and convert it into sword energy, thereby storing it in his or her Dantian.

However, this is different from martial arts in that martial arts cultivators in the Sword Domain can directly absorb vitality and store it in their Dantian. As long as they cooperate with the corresponding cultivation techniques, they can circulate the vitality in their bodies and use it to fight and kill enemies.

The source of power in a sword cultivator's body is the sword energy in his Dantian. Even more than that, sword energy is fundamentally different from vitality. Sword energy alone is far more powerful than ordinary vitality.

The general combat power of sword cultivators in the Sword Domain far exceeds that of other martial arts cultivators at the same level. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are invincible at the same level.

The strength of the sword cultivator is well known in this world, and it is also recognized by the righteous way as the only existence that can compete with the demons.

It is precisely because of this fact that countless righteous practitioners are so eager to become a sword cultivator.

As a sect that specializes in swords and all of its members are extremely powerful sword cultivators, there is no doubt that the strength of the Sword Sect is recognized as the strongest among all the forces in the Upper District.

Mo Tiankuo and his wife disappeared. At first, everyone still had hope that maybe one day the two people would come back together. However, as the days passed by, the months passed quietly in the blink of an eye. During this period, they

Not even a single person came back, and the disciples who had been sent out one after another to investigate all returned without success.

The life and death of the sect master and his wife were uncertain, which made the entire Jian Sect feel extremely uneasy.

It can be said that the sect cannot be left without a master for a day, otherwise there will be chaos. If something special happens to a top force like the Jianmen, the enemies who are secretly holding on to this piece of fat will not miss the opportunity.

When faced with such crises, the selection of the sect leader has become the top priority of Jianmen. In terms of qualifications and strength in the entire Jianmen, the only ones who can compete for the position of sect leader are the two deputy sect leaders of the Jianmen.


However, no one expected that the process of selecting a sect leader would be full of twists and turns.

Just last night, Yu Lingkong, one of the two deputy sect masters, was suddenly killed, and the murderer was Mo Yi, the chief disciple of the Sword Sect!

As soon as this news came out, the entire sect was shocked in the blink of an eye. Everyone never expected that Mo Yi would kill a fellow sect, and the deceased was actually the deputy sect leader of the sect.

Killing a fellow sect member is a serious crime in the Jianmen sect, not to mention that the person who died was the deputy sect leader of the sect. The Jianmen sect is the sect that abides by the sect rules the most. Although Mo Yi himself is the son of the sect leader, the prince breaks the law and is guilty of the same crime as the common people.

The rules of the sect have always been to be merciless, and Mo Yi killed a fellow sect member, which is a crime worthy of death!

According to the current situation, Mo Yi can be regarded as the "original senior brother". All because he was deprived of the title of Jianmen's top disciple, and at this moment he has become a person who everyone shouts about

Kill the criminals of the Sword Sect.

But for him, this sudden change only happened in one night!

Killing a fellow sect member is the most unforgivable felony in the Sword Sect, let alone the person he killed was a highly respected senior member of the sect.

But what no one knows is that he is completely innocent in this matter. It can be said that he was completely framed. But the truth has become more and more serious in a direction that is beyond his control.

Even though he had been blessed with various auras before, when his family's life and death were uncertain, he no longer had the biggest support in the sect. At first, he might still be able to rely on his own strong strength to survive, but a major event happened not long ago.

But it has made him give up struggling completely...

"I never thought that one day I would be in such a situation. What a trick of fate!"

As if thinking that his death was approaching, Mo Yi couldn't help but bring up a smile, but this smile was full of bitterness and unwillingness.

The feeling of falling from the altar and becoming a sinner that everyone could punish was enough to torture him deeply.

Nowadays, the insiders in the entire Jianmen are the real murderers who framed him, but among those who are completely unaware of the matter, a few are making wild guesses and doubting the truth, while the majority basically agree that he is the so-called

of murderers.

The most terrible thing is that there are all human and material evidences at this moment. For this reason, he can't explain it and has no way to solve it.

After all, last night in Yuxiao Pavilion, Yu Lingkong died of poisoning due to sudden poisoning, and he himself was at the scene. Not only that, the Chinese medicine Yu Lingkong drank was brewed by him himself.

In this way, he naturally became the only murder suspect.

However, no one knows that the reason why Yu Lingkong died tragically is actually a conspiracy, and it is also an overall situation that only targets Mo Yi. It is a pity that he himself fell into it stupidly and had nowhere to escape.

It was not that Mo Yi was careless when it came to this matter, it was all because he did not expect that the two people he had always trusted would actually plot against him secretly.

All in all, he was defeated by the endless tricks of a group of conspirators, and when he had no strength to compete, he could be regarded as completely admitting defeat.

But whenever he thought about it, Mo Yi couldn't help but grit his teeth. He had always treated those two people well, but what he got in exchange was their betrayal and various frame-ups.

As the saying goes, you know people but don't know their hearts. In this game, he was completely defeated. Not only did he lose completely, but he also had no chance to make a comeback. Because tomorrow he would suffer the biggest and most terrifying torture in his sect.

This is the so-called "punishment of one hundred swords".

The punishment of a hundred swords is the ultimate punishment and the highest torture used by the Sword Sect to punish criminals. Since the founding of the sect, it is said that no one can survive such torture.

The so-called "Hundred Sword Punishment" means that a total of one hundred sect disciples from the inner and outer sects of the Sword Sect, each holding a short sword, will execute the punishment once and cut off pieces of skin from the criminal alive.

Meat and bones.

Peel off the skin first, then cut the flesh, and then cut the bones. When there is no skin on the criminal, start cutting the meat. When all the skin and flesh are gone, then start cutting the bones.

During this period, the position of the criminal's head will be kept intact, and before execution, the sect will forcefully take a brain-protecting pill on the criminal, allowing the criminal to experience the pain while not being completely cut off for a while.

After losing his temper, even if the criminal has only one head left in the end, he will still survive.

However, with the delay of the brain-protecting pill, the pain that is worse than life and death is still gradually amplifying, and this punishment and pain will only stop after the drug's effect is completely over.

Such a cruel punishment is unique in the world, and has made countless people frightened after hearing about it.

The punishment of a hundred swords has never been executed in the past hundred years, and now Mo Yi is probably going to be the first person to be punished with a hundred swords in the past century...
This chapter has been completed!
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