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Chapter Fourteen Assassination

The small pavilion was half-hidden among the plum blossoms, covered with a layer of snow.

Xie Jie held the chess piece with one hand and frowned at the end of the game. After pondering for a moment, he dropped a piece and without even raising his head, he just said lightly: "Coming?"

"See Your Majesty." Ahya's heart shivered and she bowed. Seeing him waving his hand, Zhou Zhong retreated, only to find that the Jinwu guards who usually surrounded him were gone.

Only two people were left facing each other.


Xie Jie fell silent again and did not ask her to get up. He raised the corners of his lips and seemed to have a smile in his voice, but Ahaya's back was immediately soaked with cold sweat: "Miss Ahaya, you are more beautiful than Xu.

How about Beirong?"

He asked someone to check on her.

She was suddenly startled, her pupils shrank slightly, and she couldn't help clenching the hands in her sleeves.

Denying it at this time would only make her feel guilty. During that time, there were many people fleeing, so her identity may not have been exposed.

Ahaya took a deep breath and tried to maintain her composure, with a hint of sadness in her tone: "What do you want to say, Your Majesty?"

"Both my parents died in that civil strife, and Liu Nu and I were left to live in exile all the way to Daxu, relying on each other." She didn't lie, she just hid part of it, pursed her lips tightly, as if she had been poked in a painful spot, and her face turned pale.

, and with stubbornness.

"I am from Beirong, but I have never had any ill intentions towards Your Majesty. Does Your Majesty want to sentence me to death because of my origin?"

Those few words became his fault.

Xie Jie smacked lightly, his eyes reflecting the black spots on the chessboard, and he fainted: "Really? You said that your sister was kidnapped by Shen Er, and you begged me to plead grievance for you in the government office. But how did I hear that your sister was abducted by Shen Er?

There is only one slave by your side and no sisters?"

"Liu Nu is not a slave!" Aheya suddenly raised her head and looked at him, her eyes full of stubbornness, "She is my family."

"I know what you want to say." She closed her eyes and her voice sounded sad and bitter, "If you think I have ulterior motives and deliberately approached you...just kill me."

Xie Jie laughed angrily at her.

He did have the intention of beating, but it would be unfair to accuse him of shouting about beating and killing.

He is the king of Daxu. People who are close to him naturally want to find out the details. They chose this moment specifically because they were afraid that she would be frightened and run away.

Who would have thought that not only did the cat not run away, but it even put its neck on the knife and threatened him. It was simply arrogant.

He twisted the chess piece, a dark look flashed in his slightly narrowed eyes. He suddenly stood up and pinched her chin with two fingers. His tone was cold and murderous: "Do you really think that I don't dare to kill you?"

He exerted a little force on his fingertips and saw with satisfaction that a red mark appeared on her fair skin. Just as he was about to scare her again, a little warmth fell on the back of his hand.

Ahaya lowered her eyes and refused to look at him, biting her lower lip tightly with her teeth, big tears rolling down like pearls, the ends of her eyes were red, and she was stubborn and refused to make a sound.

Xie Jie felt as if he had been burned, and quickly retracted his hand, feeling a sudden pain in his head.

In a daze, there seemed to be another scene in front of him. It was also a woman, lying on the couch, crying behind his back until she couldn't breathe.

But his majestic king could only stand outside the gauze curtain, his heart was as sharp as a knife, but he didn't dare to take a step closer.

He suddenly came back to his senses, frowned, and stared at her profile for a long time before speaking slowly, with a hint of helplessness hidden in his voice.


Xie Jie stretched out his hand and wiped away her tears, his eyes flashed with confusion, and he quickly smiled, as if he was doting on her: "When did I ever say what I wanted to do to you? It was just because of your nonsense.

Momentarily angry."

Ahaya didn't move, and let his hand fall on her face. Her face cooperatively put on an aggrieved and coaxed expression, but she felt a chill in her heart.

She had no doubt that if she had not retreated in order to advance, but had shown some flaws, she would have been dead now.

Xie Jie pulled her up, as if nothing had happened just now, and changed the subject: "How is the embroidery of my purse going?"

Ahaya was startled, and tugged at the corner of his clothes guiltily, showing a flattering smile: "How could anything presented to His Majesty be so hasty?"

In fact, it has already been embroidered and is now in her sleeve.

But this time was no longer suitable to give him the purse. What she wanted was for him to think of her when he saw the purse, instead of thinking of today's dispute and her doubtful identity.

Xie Jie chuckled softly and was about to start teasing him when he heard the cry of an oriole and suddenly his eyes sharpened.

Ahaya observed his expression from the corner of her eyes, and her heart skipped a beat, and she had an inexplicable premonition.


Suddenly, a cold light appeared, and a masked man suddenly jumped out of the forest and stabbed Ahaya with a sword.

Ahaya's mind went blank, and before she could react, she was pushed away.

"His Majesty!"

She opened her eyes suddenly, watching the sword pierce Xie Jie's arm, her pupils narrowed slightly.
This chapter has been completed!
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