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Chapter Thirty-One: The Death of Shen San

The next time Ahaya saw Shen San was in the private cell of the Shen family.

In the gloomy and cold underground, only the burning torches emitted a little light, illuminating the cold torture instruments with dried blood stains hanging on the wall. Occasionally there were some with special shapes and suspicious flesh foam.

Shen San was thrown into the innermost cell, huddled on the sand in the corner in embarrassment, with a few mice occasionally scurrying around, but he remained motionless, as if dead.

"Wake up!"

Jin Wuwei, who came in with Ahaya, had a cold face and kicked the cell door hard, causing him to open one eye.

"Can you open the door and let me in? I have a few questions to ask him."

Ahaya pinched her cloak and frowned slightly.

Jin Wuwei hesitated: "Girl, this is a bit dangerous..."

"I will be careful." Ahaya sighed, her tone firm and unquestionable, "What's more, he doesn't have the ability to do anything to me, does he?"

Just now he was far away and didn't notice it. Now that he was closer, the pool of blood under Shen San's body was too conspicuous.

He was hastily wrapped in a linen garment, which was obviously put on temporarily because she wanted to meet someone. There was no good piece of flesh exposed on his body.

Jin Wuwei laughed a little sarcastically, speechless and didn't know how to refuse.

This is naturally against the rules, but this girl has obtained His Majesty's blessing...

"Open the door." Aheya said firmly, "Your Majesty has given Shen San to me."

She watched Jin Wuwei reluctantly hand her the key, then breathed a sigh of relief, then calmly persuaded the person to stay away, and then slowly entered the cell.

"Who are you?" Shen San raised his head from the ground with difficulty and looked at her, with a bit of hope in his eyes.

Apparently, he heard what she said.

Unfortunately, not only was she not the one to save him, she was even——

"The person who killed you."

Ahaya spoke coldly.

She squatted down and looked at Shen San's appearance, and her mind couldn't help but flash back to his high-spirited appearance in the previous life.

The Shen family in the previous life had a few more years of good life by dedicating her to Xie Jie.

This Third Young Master Shen is worthy of the blood of the Shen family that flows in his bones. Just because there is another Shen Second who is suppressing him, he is worried and takes out his anger on the Beirong people.

In those years, the Beirong people in Wancheng lived worse than dogs.

But now he fell into her hands...

Disgust and murderous intent flashed in Ahaya's eyes, her face was cold, and she asked: "What benefits has the Prime Minister of Beirong promised you to help him do things?"

"You want to kill me, but you still expect me to give you news?" Shen San stared at her and suddenly laughed loudly.

The young man's face was covered in blood, showing a strange distortion.

"There are different ways to die."

Ahaya looked directly into his eyes, slowly raised her lips, and spoke in a light tone.

"Like Ling Chi, like cutting out the bones, like... pushing you to the people in Wancheng and letting them decide how you die."

"What do you think of this idea? Shen San, how much virtue have you accumulated over the years, is it enough to seek a quick death?"

She spoke sarcastically, not hiding her murderous intent at all.

"You don't behave like this in front of the Dog Emperor." Panic flashed in Shen San's eyes, and he managed to maintain his composure, mockingly, but not quite confident.

"Didn't your Shen family claim to be loyal ministers before they were executed? How could I have the same attitude towards my enemies and towards His Majesty?" Ahaya rolled her eyes, stretched out her hand and pressed on Shen San's wound, "Be honest. Don't make me do anything more."

She was not afraid that anyone would tell Xie Jie these words. Based on her understanding of Xie Jie, he would not care about her other side.

What's more... shouldn't a tyrant be paired with a demon concubine?

"You..." Shen San gritted his teeth, looking at Aheya's eyes filled with hatred, as if he wanted to eat her alive.

"Tell me." Aheya sighed, adding a pinch of salt to his wound, "Tell me, the Shen family can still keep a whole corpse, otherwise where can the headless corpses of the clan find their way to hell? "

"You!" Shen San struggled with hatred, but Aheya pressed him back against the wound. His face turned pale, and his forehead was covered with painful cold sweat, "Don't even think about it..."

"I heard that there is a kind of criminal method, which is to beat a person until the skin is bruised, and then sprinkle honey water on the wound. Within a short time, the wound will be covered with insects and ants... It is painful and itchy, and it can make life worse than death."

Ahaya lowered her eyes and spoke coldly, threateningly.

She doesn't like these criminal laws, but she has no extra sympathy for her enemies.

As far as Shen San is concerned, it is just a matter of trying what he did with the Beirong people on him.

Shen San obviously knew what the scene was, he almost vomited, and there was fear in his eyes.

He looked at Ahaya's cold side face, and an idea suddenly came to his mind.

She really can do it.

"I said……"

Shen San is not a tough guy, otherwise when the Shen family was killed, he would have been the one leading the cavalry on the street.

What's more, he had already told Xie Jie once under severe punishment about these things. There was no need to suffer again for the sake of the Beirong people.

He shook and spoke slowly: "The prime minister of Beirong promised to give the land fifty miles outside Wancheng to the Shen family in exchange for the Shen family's cooperation in hunting down the royal family who fled Beirong in the territory of Daxu."


Ahaya closed her eyes. Fifty miles of land was not much, but it was her Beirong land.

He was sent out so lightly.

She could barely suppress a sneer, clenched her fists, and her eyes were filled with chills: "What else? Have you found it?"

"No, no..." Shen San was startled by her somewhat distorted expression, and continued after a while, "The person he mainly wanted to find was the prince of Beirong... but we searched for a long time, and there was no one in Daxu." No trace found."

Even if there is no news, it is also good news.

Ahaya pursed her lips, breathed a sigh of relief, and suppressed the worry in her eyes.

The fact that the Prime Minister of Beirong could send cavalry to help the Shen family shows that the Shen family is still useful. He must have found no trace of his younger brother.


Ahaya sighed and asked a few more questions related to Liu Nu to conceal her purpose, then slowly stood up and looked at Shen San condescendingly.

"You seem to be of no use." There was an obvious coolness in her voice. Her eyes passed over the wall of torture instruments. When she saw Shen San's fearful eyes, she suddenly smiled.

It turns out that a person who is aloof and regards human life as nothing more than a piece of grass will end up in such embarrassment and fear when he falls into the mud one day.

"I don't want to kill you, that would dirty my hands."

She spoke slowly, staring at Shen San, looking at him as if he was relieved, blinking, and sentenced him.

"I'll give you to the common people in Wancheng." She smiled, watching Shen San's expression freeze instantly, and the curve of his lips widened even further.

Obviously, he knew exactly where he would end up, and that was enough.

Ahaya turned around and slowly walked out of the dungeon, leaving behind Shen San's desperate curses.

Outside the dungeon, under the night sky, Xie Jie stood with his hands behind his back, bathing in the moonlight, waiting for who knows how long.


He called out, his tone inexplicable.
This chapter has been completed!
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