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Chapter 1 Complaint

The green tiles of the palace city were covered with white snow, the lake surface was frozen, and it was so foggy that it was difficult to see the distance between the sky and the water.

A touch of bright red gauze moved slightly with the wind, covering the slender dancer. The white and greasy skin released a burst of spring light during the movements. Suddenly, those pair of watery eyes cast a startling glance, which was like the world between heaven and earth.

The most stunning.

Ding, ding, ding.

The beautiful woman's jade-like ankles were tied with golden bells by the domineering ruler, and there were several ambiguous red marks, which were decorated like fallen plum blossoms, making people's hearts sway.

The man who was drinking the wine narrowed his eyes slightly, laughed, and suddenly took action, holding the beauty in his arms, slipping the heel of his palm into the red gauze, and grabbing Hao Bai's wrist.

"Don't..." The beauty's eyes were filled with tears, and she tried to break away in fear, begging for mercy in a pitiful voice, "Go back, go back..."

Although there are gauze curtains around the pavilion, it is still outside, how could...


The man sneered. He was obviously used to plundering. He stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to strangle her throat, but stopped, and instead pressed the back of her neck, roughly leaving a fingerprint mark.

"I can't learn well."

His voice was very soft, like a lover's murmur, with a venomous tone, blocking that unflattering little mouth like punishment.

The sound of tearing yarn is crisp and clear, the ringing of golden bell is ethereal, urgent and messy...

Ahaya frowned, opened her eyes suddenly and woke up from a coma, breathing rapidly, but she saw only an empty patch of white snow in front of her eyes.

She looked around. Kneeling in the snow, she looked up and saw the familiar plaque with the word "Shen Mansion" engraved on it. She felt in a trance.

While in a coma, she actually saw things that she had actually experienced in her previous life.

Those memories were like knives and axes, leaving clear imprints on her mind.

She, Ahaya, was the most noble princess of Beirong. When the prime minister rebelled, her parents were killed. The treacherous official claimed that her parents died of a sudden illness, but in fact secretly murdered her and her younger brother.

She and her brother had no choice but to flee, but were separated on the way and lived in Daxu, where they were separated again on the way.

After being separated from her younger brother, her personal maid Liu Nu was injured while protecting her and was defiled by the second young master of the Shen family. Not only did she not seek justice for Liu Nu, but she was treated as a dancer by the Shen family and sacrificed to that

A notorious tyrant——Xie Jie.

Not a wife, not even a concubine, just a canary to ravage at will - a plaything.

She had no status and could not even protect herself. When her brother was disemboweled and his intestines were disemboweled and hung on the city wall for public display, she could not even collect his body.

The country is ruined and the family is ruined, so he can only end this ridiculous life by self-immolation.

She closed her eyes tightly to expel the strange feeling of humiliation from her body, and could barely suppress the sneer on her lips.

Fortunately, it seemed that even God felt sorry for her and allowed her to come back again.

She was reborn after Liu Nu was defiled, but this time she still failed to save Liu Nu and save her from misfortune. She had to kneel down and beg in front of the Shen Mansion again.

But at this time, she had not yet been placed under house arrest in the Shen Mansion, and she had not yet met the tyrant—Xie Jie.

Ahaya slowly opened her eyes, raised her head, and stared at the closed front door of Shen's mansion.

But this time, she must rewrite the fate of her previous life and never let herself make the same mistakes again!

She wants that aloof tyrant to bend down for her, wants the Shen family to pay the price for humiliating Liu Nu, and wants to save her younger brother and avenge her country.

"Hey, you're awake? I'm going to do something nice and find a basin of hot water to help you wake up."

The servants guarding the door noticed her movements and saw her kneeling in the snow waking up from a coma. They laughed and teased her: "Don't use your brain. What is the identity of the second young master? Let alone playing a slave. He is a real person." Even if you play to death, no one will dare to care about you even if you kneel until you die!"

Others laughed loudly and said deliberately: "Didn't I give you a white steamed bun as compensation? The money and goods are clear! You kneel here, what if you dirty the way of this man?"

Every word of the mocking words in my ears echoed in my memory.

Ahaya gritted her teeth, raised her head coldly, glared at them, her eyes slightly red.

She will never forget the way Liu Nu was thrown back into their small yard, covered with bruises and dying.

That's a real person!

They were the sisters she had grown up with, but in their mouths, they were only worth a white steamed bun!

But it is no longer possible to expect the Shen family's conscience to find that it is impossible to severely punish evildoers. She has already tasted the bitter fruit of innocence once in her previous life.

How ironic is it that the victim dies in pain on the hospital bed, the one who redresses his grievances ends up with a false accusation, and only the one who commits evil goes unpunished?

"The law of heaven is clear. If the Shen Mansion doesn't give it, someone else will naturally give it."

Ahaya twitched the corners of her lips and stood up unsteadily. The lack of food and water for several days had made her voice hoarse, but she did not stop her determination.

The Shen family covers the sky in Wancheng with one hand, but at this time, there is another person in the city who the Shen family cannot afford to offend.

That person is also her target, Xie Jie.

She glanced deeply at the door of Shen's Mansion, a cold light flashed in her eyes, walked a few steps quickly, and left in the snow amidst the jeers of the servants.

At 3 o'clock in the morning, in front of the official office in Wancheng, a pair of plain hands pulled out a wooden mallet from the stand and hammered it hard against the red lacquered cowhide drum head.

Boom, boom, boom.

Three drums sounded, and when Deng heard the drums shaking, the whole city was in motion.

The woman was dressed in plain clothes, with a full head of black hair tied up with a branch of red plum. A few strands fell loosely, making her face that could not find any flaws look even whiter.

Ahaya took a deep breath, Qingyue's sweet voice was full of grief and anger, and she cried blood every word.

"If a citizen girl has been wronged, she dares to file a lawsuit against the Second Young Master of the Shen Mansion!"
This chapter has been completed!
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