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Chapter 153: Yuan Kingdom, Temujin, a million army knocks at the gate

Da Qin!

Xianyang, the capital of the country!

A horseman rushed in from the east gate, shouting all the way.

"Emergency at the border!"

In Xianyang City, everyone is in danger after hearing the news.

"The border...is in an emergency? Has it been reported back to Xianyang City? How many years has it been since there was such a thing?"

"What kind of army can allow Pegasus to break into the capital of Xianyang?"

"It seems that this time the other party has a lot of background! How will our Majesty respond?"

"Your Majesty destroyed the six kingdoms and established the Qin Dynasty! Nothing can be done to your Majesty! Just rest assured!"

The people of Xianyang were all talking about it.

Zhangtai Palace!

Tan Ma flew into the palace and knelt down on the ground with a plop.

"Your Majesty, Temujin of the Yuan Kingdom led an army of one million yuan to attack the Great Sanguan Pass on the western border of the Qin Dynasty!"

Zhao Gao, who was serving on the side, was shocked and the jade pen in his hand fell to the ground with a bang.


Ying Zheng looked sideways and frowned slightly.

Zhao Gao knelt on the ground with a plop and begged: "I deserve death for my sin, please forgive me!"

"Get down!"

Ying Zheng's face remained unchanged and his words were cold.

Zhao Gao had to leave quickly in small steps.

"I understand! Go down!"

"No, Your Majesty!"

Tan Ma slowly exited Zhangtai Palace.

In Zhangtai Palace, only Ying Zheng was left alone.


The brush in Ying Zheng's hand fell on the table.

Ink stains scattered, contaminating a large piece of silk.

"Go, let Wang Ben and Meng Yi come!"


Outside the palace, the young eunuch responded and quickly went to Meng Mansion and the Prince's Mansion.

Half an hour later.

Meng Yi and Wang Ben appeared outside Zhangtai Palace together.

The two of them waited eagerly for orders outside the palace and spoke together.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty, Meng Yi!"

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, please see me!"


Ying Zheng's voice remained the same as before.

Calm and sophisticated.

Even though his brows were burning, he didn't panic at all.

Meng Yi and Wang Ben had already found out the situation on the road.

Both of them were extremely horrified by the fact that Temujin of the Yuan Dynasty commanded millions of troops to knock on the door.

An army of one million is enough to shake any country.

The Yuan Kingdom was very powerful in combat.

Emperor Temujin of the Yuan Kingdom was a king on horseback.

I heard that Temujin personally led the army and wiped out dozens of countries over the years.

And those countries that were eliminated also became part of the Yuan Kingdom.

Now the territory of the Yuan Kingdom is probably twice that of the Qin Kingdom!

Not even twice as much.

With a million troops, I'm afraid they are rushing to completely wipe out the Qin Dynasty.

Meng Yi and Wang Ben looked panicked and walked into Zhangtai Palace.

The two entered and saw Ying Zheng practicing calligraphy.

"You are here?"

Ying Zheng collected his thoughts and put pen to paper.

I saw the word "国" written on the silk!

Wang Ben looked tense and asked: "Your Majesty, now the Yuan Kingdom has sent troops to invade the country! What should the Qin Dynasty do?"

"Wang Ben, please don't be impatient!" Meng Yi saw the word '国' and his panic calmed down a little. "Your Majesty wrote this word with a calm heart and a moderate strength. It shows that Your Majesty has a countermeasure! May I ask, Your Majesty, what should I do?


Ying Zheng's eyes were as sharp as a falcon, and there was a bloodiness of the old Qin people in his eyes, and he said: "Fight!"

"War?" Wang Ben frowned and calculated secretly, "Your Majesty, the traitor Chen Sheng and Wu Guang in Daze Township have not been wiped out yet. The Xiongnu, Donghu, and Yuezhi in the north are eyeing them. There is also the land of Baiyue in the south, waiting for the opportunity! Now we are ready to fight,

It is not a good policy to shake the foundation of the Qin Dynasty! It is a good policy to follow the advice of Wei Chen and send envoys to negotiate peace!"

"Wang Ben, what are you talking about?" Meng Yi saw a slight change in Ying Zheng's expression, and immediately understood that Ying Zheng was angry, "As a general of the Qin Dynasty, this is your opportunity to kill the enemy and make achievements. How can you take the lead?"

Are you afraid of the enemy? Your Majesty, I suggest a war! But with the current strength of the Qin Dynasty, it is difficult to resist the Yuan Kingdom alone! But as long as we unite with the Tang Kingdom in the east, we can fight against it."

"Unite the Tang State?" Ying Zheng's expression did not change, "Meng Yi, even if the Tang State agrees to unite, how can I safely send troops? The Tang State is in the east, and the Yuan State's army is in the west! When the Tang State sends troops, it will inevitably pass through the Qin Dynasty! By then, the Tang State will send troops

With one counter-attack, we are approaching Xianyang, the capital of our Qin Kingdom! Wouldn’t I become a trapped beast in prison?”

"Your Majesty, the Xiongnu, Yuezhi, Donghu and other countries can also send envoys to unite!" Meng Yi was heartbroken and sighed softly, "As long as you send an eloquent envoy to tell the pros and cons! 70% chance

The opportunity will convince them to send troops to jointly attack the Yuan Kingdom!"

"No!" Wang Ben raised his eyebrows with a cold expression, "Your Majesty, the Qin Dynasty and the Xiongnu, Yuezhi, Donghu and other barbarians are sworn to be incompatible! How can we unite them? Your Majesty, I am willing to lead the army to Dashan Pass to resist

The Yuan army!"

"Your Majesty, we still need to discuss the matter with the General before sending out the army! Why don't Your Majesty summon the General Wang Jian into the palace?"

"Old General Wang is both wise and brave. He is sure to win every battle. He is the pillar of the Qin Dynasty!" Ying Zheng's face was cold, and a strange color flashed in his eyes. "But General Wang is old and frail. He has made outstanding contributions to the army of the Qin Dynasty all his life. I want to

He enjoys his old age in peace! As for commanding the army, isn't there any other general who is worthy of the important task?"

Meng Yi rolled his eyes and immediately understood what Ying Zheng was thinking.

Wang Jian is indeed the pillar of the Qin Dynasty.

But now he is old and sick.

I'm afraid I won't be able to withstand the fatigue of traveling and traveling, as well as the harsh weather and environment at the border.

If Wang Jian encounters an unexpected incident on his way out of the army, not only will he not be able to help Da Qin, but it will even cause Da Qin's soldiers to lose their fighting spirit.

Today's Wang Jian can be regarded as a double-edged sword.

Used appropriately, it can certainly help Da Qin tide over its difficulties.


If something unexpected happens, it will inevitably accelerate the unfavorable factors for Da Qin.

After thinking for a while, a figure flashed in Meng Yi's mind, and he immediately cupped his fists and raised his hands, saying: "Your Majesty, I have a candidate for you!"


Ying Zheng turned to look at Meng Yi, already knowing in his heart the candidate who Meng Yi was about to speak to.

And this candidate is also the best candidate in Ying Zheng's heart.

"Who is worthy of the big job?"

"Master Fusu!"

"Fu Su?" Ying Zheng's expression suddenly changed, but he was cold and a little relieved at the same time, "Fu Su is weak, has no strategy, and has no ability to lead the army. Let him lead the troops to fight against the Yuan Dynasty! I'm afraid I owe you a lot.

Consider it!”

"Your Majesty, what you said is wrong!" Meng Yi slowly raised his head with a determined expression, "Young Master Fusu killed hundreds of thousands of Xiongnu troops in northern Xinjiang and established unparalleled achievements. Your Majesty also heard about it! Young Master is not what he used to be. Today, Young Master

His talents are enough to defeat the Yuan Kingdom’s one-million-strong army! I hope Your Majesty will use the young master! Let the young master go to Dashanguan and defeat the Yuan Kingdom’s one-million-strong army!”

"That's right! Your Majesty can use Young Master to support Su!" Wang Ben looked excited, his eyes were blazing, "Now Young Master is in the north, only a thousand miles away from Dashan Pass in the west! Young Master can definitely send his troops south and enter Dashan Pass.

, fight against the Yuan army!"

"Alas! Since both my dear friends believe in him so much! Then let him go!" Ying Zheng sighed softly and turned his back to the two of them, "In order to order Fusu to march south, how many troops, horses, food, and supplies does he need?

, I will give it all to him! As long as he can defeat the Yuan Kingdom! I will make him the crown prince, and he will inherit my throne in a hundred years!"

"Your Majesty is wise and mighty!"

On the same day, the envoy who delivered the message left for the north.

But Zhao Gao and Hu Hai in Xianyang City seemed particularly panicked.
This chapter has been completed!
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