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Chapter 10 Infinitely High Loyalty, Five Thousand Fallen Faction Sergeant

The Huns had an army of 100,000.

And none of them are good.

If they are beaten anxiously, they will definitely be more ferocious and cruel than tigers and wild beasts.

This will be their only way forward.

Generally speaking, although this road is quite narrow, only about two feet wide, if you want to stop the 100,000 Xiongnu army, you can't stop it without 20,000 people.

The forced Huns army will inevitably turn into a savage beast by then.

The best way to stop the scourge is to be more ferocious and ruthless than the scourge.

The trapped camp is a very powerful force.

Even in the Three Kingdoms period when heroes gathered together, Gao Shun, who died early, left a brilliant mark.

Especially the trap camp he led.

Moreover, Fusu also wanted to know whether the legendary trapped camp was cavalry or infantry?

"Representing the host!"


Suddenly, the earth shook and the sky turned dark.

Looking up, I saw that the sky was densely covered with rolling dark clouds.

The strong wind howled and blew through the canyon, making a sound like a horn.

On both sides of the canyon, rocks slid down, raising a cloud of dust.


A thunderbolt pierced the sky, and a flash of light flashed across the dark sky.

The momentum is overwhelming and makes people shudder.

At the same time, deafening sounds of fighting resounded in the canyon.

It seems that the ambush has already begun.

The sudden change in the sky just now was the beginning of action.

Suddenly, Fusu turned around and looked to his side.

At some point, a general appeared beside him.

This man's complexion was sallow, a tuft of beard stuck to his chin, and his eyes were as sharp as a falcon's.

He is of medium height, not too tall or too tall.

He is wearing heavy black iron armor and a red helmet on his head.


Gao Shun knelt on his knees, cupped his fists and cupped his hands.

"General Gao Shun, I pay my respects to my lord! I am willing to go through fire and water for my lord, even if I die!"

The loud, steady voice made Fusu's heart surge.

Gao Shun is a loyal general.

Even if Lu Bu betrays him, he is still willing to die for Lu Bu.

Although Lu Bu was brave, he was brave but lacked strategy. The real reason for his defeat was the scarcity of loyal and brave generals.

If he could treat Gao Shun kindly, how could he die in Baimen Tower?

"General Gao, please get up!"

Gao Shun stood up, and suddenly, he saw countless soldiers trapped in the camp appearing behind him like ghosts.

The wind is blowing, and the dark clouds are over the city!

If it's at night, it won't scare people to death.

These are not ghosts, but 3,000 trapped camp sergeants.


Fusu took a deep breath and stabilized his body and mind a little.

Suddenly, a translucent interface appeared next to Gao Shun.

Fusu had also seen the same interface next to Meng Tian.

This kind of interface can only be seen by Fusu alone in the whole world.

Name: Gao Shun










Skills: "Military training--the proud master", "Marksmanship-just master it with ease", "Riding-just master it with ease", "Archery-just master it with ease", "Formation-enter the palace"...

Check the various values ​​​​of Gaoshun.

Fusu was ecstatic.

Although the various numerical values ​​are a bit different compared to Mengtian.

It can only be regarded as a second-rate mid-to-upper level.

But the key point is not his numerical values, but the skills he mastered.

Technique, that is, skill.

The first tip.


The proficiency reached the level of a master.

The command is also as high as 94!

Although the military force is only second-rate and upper-middle-class, the command is firmly in the first-rate.

No wonder Gao Shun was able to train an army like the "Trapped Camp".

In the future, when recruiting new soldiers, you can hand them over to Gao Shun.

If he starts training, firstly, there will be no need to worry about the recruits rebelling, and secondly, the recruits' abilities can be greatly and quickly enhanced.

Although the troops exchanged by the system are indeed awesome, they cannot be exchanged all the time!

If ordinary young men can be trained into an army that will frighten the enemy, that will be the most powerful pillar of a dynasty.

Loyalty ‘--’ indicates invincibility.

In some games, only the monarch’s loyalty to himself is ‘--’!

And Gao Shun's loyalty actually reached '--'!

In other words, Gao Shun will not betray him no matter what.

And his ambition is 0!

Meng Tiandu is still a little ambitious. Although the value is only 17, isn't his ambition growing little by little?

But Gao Shun had none of it.

Superimposed with the "Supreme High" loyalty value, even if the old Emperor Qin or Meng Tian betrays him, he will not betray him.

It is so reassuring to have such a general.

Although Gao Shun is given as a ‘novice gift pack’, this gift is very powerful.

We like it too.

In the future, other generals will be drawn, whether they are purple cards, orange cards, or red cards!

All very exciting.

Their loyalty and ambition should be the same as Gao Shun's.

If you could recruit...Yuan Zuozong and exchange them for the Snow Dragon Rider, wouldn't you be invincible?

It becomes easy to master the technique and destroy all nations in the world.

In addition to Gao Shun, there were three thousand soldiers trapped in the camp behind him.

The mystery is solved!

It is not the cavalry that is trapped in the camp, but the heavy infantry.

His body was covered in heavy armor and he was holding a spear.

Even his face is covered with a mask made of cold iron.

It looks like it gives people a chill in their hearts.

Who dares to be his enemy?

Although they are heavy infantry, they are selected from the Xiliang cavalry and are also good at riding and shooting.

As long as they are given war horses and take off their heavy armor, they can also charge and kill like cavalry.


Three thousand people are far from enough.

System, exchange all glory points into ordinary soldiers trapped in the camp!

"Ding, the host currently has 4210 glory points. It takes 2 glory points to redeem an ordinary soldier from the trapped camp! Host, you can redeem a total of 2105 soldiers from the trapped camp! Do you want to redeem it?"

What's the point of not giving up?

Only when one 4210 leaves can we gain thousands of ‘4210’!


"Ding! We are exchanging the host for ordinary soldiers trapped in the camp!"


Suddenly, a thunderbolt flashed across the sky shrouded by dark clouds!

The bright white light made the dull earth shine for a moment.

The thunder was so deafening that people dared not stare.

Even if there are thunder and thunder and dark clouds, there is no guarantee of rain in the arid northwest.

Perhaps this is a symphony to mourn the enemy!

The corner of Fusu's mouth curled up slightly. At the same time, the number of sergeants trapped in the camp had reached 5105!

Although there is no comparison between 5105 and 100,000, it is a trap.

The battle in the canyon has reached a fever pitch.

The Xiongnu army gradually lost the attack and headed towards the mouth of the canyon.

The earth shook, and stones the size of fists trembled and danced on the ground.

From time to time, soil falls from the cliffs on both sides of the bank.

If there is a rolling stone, it is not necessary to use swords to solve the problem.

However, we were short of time and could not prepare a huge number of rolling stones in time.

As for the trees, don't even think about them.

Looking at the past, everything except the Gobi is grassland.

Where did the trees come from?

In the distance, huge waves of dust rose into the sky, and the Xiongnu vanguard army was already coming to kill them.


Fusu suddenly raised his spear, his eyes as sharp as a falcon.

Stare ahead.

The Xiongnu army rushed in like a scourge.

Five hundred meters!

Four hundred meters!

Three hundred meters!

Fifty meters!


Fusu raised his spear, spurred his horse and whipped his horse, and rushed out first.

Riding in the lead, like a wild beast.

This chapter has been completed!
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