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Chapter 178: Attack on Tiandu Mountain at Night!

That night!


The moonlight was hazy, as if covered with a layer of butter paper.

It's dim, but it also tries to emit a little light.

End of October.

The night is getting colder.

There are neither frogs nor cicadas on the leaves.

There was a rustling sound in the jungle again.

Either a small cowering animal or a reptile.


Suddenly, there was a dull sound of horse hooves coming from the ground.

Although the sound of horse hooves is dull, it does not spread widely.

Because every horse's hoof is covered with coarse cloth.

Although wearing coarse cloth cannot completely isolate the sound, it can effectively reduce the sound of horse hooves trampling.

There is another strange thing. Two red cloth lanterns are hung in front of each war horse.

Although the lantern has not been lit yet, it looks particularly strange.

There is a sense of déjà vu, as if a sinister soldier was taking advantage of the situation.

The number of troops is not large.

There are only more than 7,000!

But, this one...

The combat effectiveness of these two armies is very strong.

Because they are Hanwu cavalry and Beiwei army!

Moreover, the supreme commander of this army is Master Fusu of the Qin Dynasty.

There are also two direct commanders, Yang Zaixing and Ran Min.

The martial arts and physical fitness of the three of them are all above the first-class level.

Even though he knew Tiandu Mountain was a bait, he was still fighting the bait.

Go ahead to dangers.

This afternoon, Fusu also asked Ren Xiao to make more than 7,000 masks immediately.

The mask looks like a ghost.

The army put on masks and looked more like Yin soldiers taking advantage of the way.

The army went straight to Tiandu Mountain.

Tiandu Mountain!

The place where the right army of the Yuan Dynasty was stationed.

Two hundred thousand Yuan Kingdom troops were stationed here, creating a formation of three palaces and six battalions.

If you want to attack, you must attack layer by layer.

No matter which level you attack, you will be attacked by other camps.

The general of the Right Army of the Yuan Dynasty was also a well-known general.


Known as one of Temujin’s ‘Four Mastiffs’ in history, he was also a meritorious minister of the Yuan Dynasty!

Subotai's ability is very powerful, which can be seen from the construction of the camp.

The camp was built like an iron barrel and was as solid as gold.

Also combined with the terrain!

No matter where you attack, it will take time and effort.

And if the battle is delayed for too long, it is likely to face the danger of being attacked from both sides.

front door.

Subotai personally inspected.

Behind him were a group of lieutenants.

The soldiers patrolling around will patrol once every time the incense is burned.

There are not only open sentries but also hidden sentries in the camp.

Even inside the camp, there are many traps and ambushes.

What about caltrops, deep pits, crossbows and cold arrows, and spurs...

Everything you need.

"Chief Qianhu, our camp is impregnable. No one can break our camp. Why do you have to patrol it every night?"

"We must not take it lightly!" Subotai frowned, "Today during the day, the third prince O Kuotai was beheaded in front of the Dashan Pass. From this, we know that our opponent has a very strong guy!"

"Chief of the Thousand Households, no matter how powerful you are, you can't break through our camp! You are still too careful!"

"The people of the Central Plains have a saying that is very good, be careful when sailing a ten thousand year ship!" Subotai looked back and stared at the generals, "Qin is different from other countries! Among the countries we have destroyed, which one can withstand a month? And in Qin

The war has been going on for a month, but we haven’t entered Qin’s real border yet!”

"Although we did not enter the territory of the Qin State, we also massacred several villages and towns! The Qin State guards were huddled in the pass, and there was nothing we could do! Whether it was killing the Qin people in front of the pass or insulting the women of the Qin State, you can think of it.

We’ve all done it! But it’s just useless!”

"This is the ability of the general of the Qin Kingdom!" Subotai sighed deeply, "To be able to endure this is really the style of a general! The person who killed the third prince today must have a good background! Have you found out clearly?"

"Reporting to the head of a thousand households, it seems to be Fusu, the young master of Qin!"

"Master Fusu?" Subotai frowned, "It seems that this person will become the biggest obstacle to our attack on Qin!"

"The enemy is attacking!"

Suddenly, a violent roar came from the direction of the front door.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The next second, the sky was filled with arrows, as dense as raindrops!

Arrows flew from outside.

These are not bows and arrows, but crossbows.

Although the crossbow arrows are short, their lethality at close range is extremely terrifying.

Moreover, a powerful crossbow can shoot five or six crossbow arrows at a time.

Loading is also extremely simple.

"Chief of Thousand Households..."

Before the sound stopped, a fierce sound of horse hooves was heard.

The earth trembles with it.

It seemed as if a powerful cavalry was appearing outside the front door.

Subotai's face suddenly darkened.

"What's going on? Since it's a cavalry, why can't you hear the sound at such a close distance?"

"Who the hell is this guy?"

"Go, quickly organize a defense! We must keep the opponent out!"

Suddenly, the wooden door in the distance was blown away.

At the gate of Tiaofei, I saw a horse rushing into the camp like a god.

This man was holding an ice-blue spear, with a delicate face, and his long flowing hair trembling in the wind.

It is hard to believe that this is actually a war general, and he is also the first general to break through the camp.

Subotai was stunned.

He had painstakingly studied the formation of three palaces and six battalions for a long time, but he could not hold on to the stick of incense.

In the past, no matter how powerful the opponent was, they could not break through the three palaces and six camps.

But today...

"Chief Qianhu, please leave!"

"Please also ask the head of the Qian household to leave quickly, we will stop you in the future!"

Suddenly, two generals strode forward with arms in hand.

The two of them jumped on the horses and charged towards the handsome-looking man.

The other Yuan soldiers also reacted at this moment.

One after another they charged and killed the men.

However, the man looked like a god descending into the world, swinging the spear casually.

And used sharp marksmanship to kill the Yuan soldiers who rushed forward.

One, two...


Thirty or forty!

Nearly a hundred!

In a moment, the corpses piled up like a hill beside the man.

The blood flowing from the corpse formed small rivers.

While contaminating the earth, it also flows to lower places.

Wails, shouts of death, and the clash of weapons were endless.

It was as if at this moment, the whole world was dragged into hell by the man.

Horrible, really terrible!

Even the two generals who rushed forward could not survive a round.

I saw two human heads falling to the ground and rolling like balls.

Everyone in Subotai was dumbfounded.


At this moment, he was mounted on a war horse by the general beside him.

The war horses neighed and headed towards the central tent.

At the same time, the other generals adhered to their positions and launched a fierce counterattack against the young and delicate man.

Yuan soldiers came from all directions like a flood and surrounded the man in the blink of an eye.


I saw a more violent stampede coming from the direction of the door.

Ran Min and Yang Zaixing led their troops to attack.

For a time, the battlefield was in chaos.

The flames of war quickly spread and dispersed.

This army was like an extremely sharp sword, piercing the Yuan army fiercely.

The Yuan army suffered heavy losses.


This was just before the Yuan army could react.

At this moment, the number of Yuan soldiers participating in the battle was less than 10,000.

if only……
This chapter has been completed!
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