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Chapter 194 Leading the army to kill, a large number of glory points are waiting


Suddenly, Fusu was seen taking the lead, rushing out of the city gate like a shooting star.

Yang Zaixing, followed closely by Ran Min.

Behind the three people were soldiers from the Beiwei Army and Hanwu Iron Cavalry soldiers.

Although the total number of soldiers in this charge was only 20,000, their combat effectiveness should not be underestimated.

Even though there were still 4 to 50,000 Yuan soldiers remaining, the Yuan army was shot by giant crossbows and fled, leaving them with no ability to resist.

Fusu led his army to attack, just to get glory points.

Also in order to kill the Yuan Emperor Temujin.

If you can kill Temujin, you will definitely gain a lot of glory points.

A mere third prince is worth half a million glory points.

Temujin, as a generational hero, must have greater value.

The army rushed out of Dashan Pass.

Running across the battlefield littered with broken limbs.

The iron hoofs were dyed red with blood.

The damaged corpse became even more fragmented under the iron hooves of the war horse.

The scene became more terrifying and bloody.

Fusu's army is like a messenger from hell.

At this moment, we are crossing the bridge between the world and hell!

At the same time, the Suzaku Divine Crossbow on the Dashanguan City Wall did not stop, but aimed its crosshair farther away.

Shoot enemies further away.

Above Fusu's head, giant crossbows flew past one after another, bursting out with violent bursts of sound.

Blocking out the sky and the sun, dyeing the whole world red.

It's a morning full of hope.

It was also a morning full of carnage.

Fusu galloped up his horse and caught up with a small group of soldiers from the Yuan Kingdom who had become separated.

Without any hesitation, he swung his 'Cold Dragon' spear and killed this small group of Yuan soldiers.

As for Ran Min, Yang Zaixing, and Fu Su, they asked them to lead their large armies to pursue and kill them elsewhere.

The Yuan army has been defeated. Why should we unite to pursue and kill the defeated army?

Spreading the chase can clean up the fleeing soldiers of the Yuan Kingdom more cleanly.

However, just as Fusu was preparing to pursue him elsewhere, a group of thousands of Yuan soldiers rushed out from the mountains ahead.

They weren't too panicked.

It should be because there was a Yuan general commander among them.

When these people saw Fusu alone, they all showed murderous intentions.

Especially the general at the head raised his weapon and came to attack him.

"Qin's dog, die for me!"

The general of the Yuan Dynasty had a stern look, a tiger-like body, and a pair of venomous snake-like eyes.

The look in his eyes was as if he wanted to eat someone.

He raised his weapon and attacked Fusu.

He galloped up his horse and whipped his horse, wishing he could kill Fusu immediately.


Fusu raised his spear and blocked his attack.

The general of the Yuan Kingdom also had two brushes. If one of his moves was blocked, he would not panic, but he would change his hand and use another move.


But this move was still blocked!

Dozens of fierce attacks were all resisted by Fusu.

At this time, General Yuan Guo felt a little angry inside.

But Fusu is only one person after all.

Immediately, the Yuan general raised his weapon and roared: "Kill him!"

After giving the order, Yuan soldiers swarmed forward.

But before they arrived in front of Fusu, they saw Fusu galloping up and suddenly jumped up when he was still about three feet away from the Yuan Guo general.

The body feels like flying in the sky.

The speed is very fast, and it starts like a catapult.

This caused the distance between the two sides to shrink rapidly.

In an instant, Fusu was seen raising the 'Cold Dragon' gun high above his head, drawing a perfect arc in the sky.


General Yuan Guo quickly grasped the weapon with both hands and raised the weapon horizontally above his head.

A dull voice sounded.

I saw General Yuan Guo's weapon broken into several pieces, and a line of blood spread from his head.

Until the abdomen.


Suddenly, the body of General Yuan Guo exploded and scattered.

Scarlet blood flowed like a fountain.

In the blink of an eye, the ground was covered with red dots left by blood.

The ground is in mess.

Horrible, shocking.

All the soldiers of the Yuan Kingdom immediately stopped and looked at each other.

"The general...is dead? The general was beheaded by him? Just like that, the general died tragically in his hands?"

"What kind of monster is he? Why is he so vicious? The general was still alive and kicking just now, but now... his body has exploded into pairs of broken pieces of flesh! How miserable!"

"I don't want to end up like the general. I don't want to die! If you fight him, you will definitely die! I don't want to die!"

"Who will save us? We don't want to die! What happened to us today? Why do we have to spend a day as if we are being stared at by the god of death?"

"It's so scary, it's really scary! Whether it's the spear falling from the sky or this guy, it's too scary! Is this the strength of the Qin State? Isn't this combat power too heaven-defying?"

"Please, please let us go, we are willing to work as cattle and horses for you! I just ask you to let us live!"

"Let us go and let us serve you..."

The remaining soldiers of the Yuan Kingdom seemed to have found the survival code, and they all knelt on the ground and begged Fusu for mercy.

However, although Fusu was kind, he was only kind to his friends and the people who were loyal to him and served him.

As for his enemies, Fusu was not a kind person.


A dazzling offensive!

Blood flew everywhere, and broken limbs were scattered like snowflakes.

The soldiers of the Yuan Kingdom wailed in pain.

But they didn't have the slightest chance to resist.

Under the absolute disparity in strength, they were like a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

No matter how much you resist, it is unnecessary.

A moment later, Fusu, holding a blood-stained ‘Cold Dragon’ gun, stood on a pile of broken limbs and corpses scattered on the ground.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a Yuan Kingdom general, and you will be rewarded with 200,000 glory points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a hundred generals of the Yuan Kingdom, and you will be rewarded with 500 glory points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing one of the 500 Lords of the Yuan Kingdom, and you will be rewarded with 2,500 glory points!"


Electronic alerts sounded frequently in my mind, and my glory points increased accordingly.

In this wave, nearly 350,000 glory points were gained.

The feeling of harvesting glory points is really as good as the feeling of killing enemies.

Although they all knelt down and surrendered.

But will surrender make the crimes they committed disappear?

Absolutely impossible.

Now that you admit your mistake, pay the price for it!

"call out!"

With a loud whistle, Fusu's mount was seen trampling on the corpse from a distance.

Blood was scattered along the way, and the broken limbs were trampled by iron hooves, making a crunching sound.

It was originally just a yellow gelding, but after going through this journey, it turned into a 'sweat-blooded horse'!

This is real ‘blood’!

I just don’t know if the essence of this mount can change after such a period of ‘baptism’.

Can a yellow gelding become as powerful as a bloody horse?

Maybe it's possible!

Before the horse could stop, Fusu jumped up as soon as the horse passed by.

Immediately he landed on the back of the war horse.


With the loud sound, the war horse galloped away into the distance.
This chapter has been completed!
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