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Chapter 16: The Battle Is Over, Flying Over Yanmen Pass

The sky was dark, but thousands of torches were lit in the canyon, shining like bright stars.

The dark red firelight illuminates this canyon full of carnage.

Corpses were piled on top of each other, scattered all over the place.

Ferocious, terrifying.

Broken limbs and broken bodies were hung on every stone and covered every inch of land stained red with blood.

Worn armor and chopped weapons have long lost their edge and become tattered and can be seen everywhere.

The breeze blew, blew, and comforted the bodies lying on the ground.

Strange sounds resounded throughout the canyon, like howling ghosts, howling apes, and howling wolves.

It makes people's hair stand on end and sends chills down their spine.

This is a war!

There will be blood and slaughter in war.

Every soldier who dies has nothing to blame.

Even if they are intruders, they will pay the price with their lives.

As for the heroes who surrounded the territory, they should not be blamed.

They are heroes, heroes who protect their homeland.

Finally, Meng Tian ordered the battlefield to be cleaned.

Worn armor and incomplete weapons can be recast into brand new armor and weapons.

But the dead can only slowly lose their flesh and blood on this land and become white bones.

All the soldiers of the Qin Dynasty were cleaning up the battlefield, and Meng Tian wanted to find the young master Fusu and report the damage and gains.

But Fusu could not be found.

A bad premonition suddenly arose, and just when Meng Tian was getting angry and nervous, one of the assistants informed Fusu where he was going.

As early as the moment the battle ended, Prince Fusu led the strange heavy infantry towards Yanmen Pass.

Yanmen Pass is the gateway to the north of the Qin Dynasty and must not be lost.

Originally, this was the belief of all Great Qin soldiers.

Because this battle was won, everyone was immersed in the joy of victory.

But Prince Fusu was able to keep his head clear during the great joy, which surprised Meng Tian.

When he learned that Prince Fusu was heading to Yanmen Pass to recapture Yanmen Pass, Meng Tian immediately organized a cavalry force of about 10,000 people.

He personally led them and headed towards Yanmen Pass in a hurry.

Half an hour later.

Meng Tian came to Yanmen Pass.

There was no trace of Young Master Fusu and the heavy infantry along the way.

Each soldier in that army wore about 60 kilograms of equipment, so the marching speed should not be fast.

Moreover, the cavalry led by Meng Tian was already lightly armed and moving as fast as possible.

Logically speaking, with Meng Tian's speed, he should be able to catch up with Young Master Fusu.

But the truth is exactly the opposite.

No trace of that troop was seen along the way.

On the other hand, the road was wet by rain, leaving puddles and puddles.

It felt like it had been trampled by countless people.

All the way to the gate of Yanmenguan City.

Just in time, the young master Fusu beheaded the thief general.

The thief fell to his knees, looking horrified.

But Young Master Fusu didn't hesitate at all, he raised his sword and swung it down suddenly.


The long sword drew a cold curve of light, and then cut off the thief general's head.

The head falls to the ground and rolls several times.

The scarlet blood stained the ground with plum blossom-like marks.

The sharp sword was not stained with any blood.

At the same time, the Hun flag was also thrown off the city wall.

The flag was destroyed, announcing that Yanmen Pass, which had been lost for half a day, was back in the hands of Da Qin.

Although Yanmen Pass was lost for half a day, it was exchanged for the blood of one hundred thousand Xiongnu soldiers.

It’s worth half a day!

Fusu stood on the city wall, his slightly narrowed eyes as sharp as an eagle's.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing an enemy general. You will be rewarded with 10,000 glory points."

The cold electronic sound sounded in his mind, and the corners of Fusu's mouth curled up slightly.

But he didn't show much joy.

Instead, he looked back and stared at the blood-stained city walls and the blood-stained soldiers.

If the whole world cannot be unified, this kind of battle will continue endlessly.

How many people paid the price for the war?

The reason why Lao Qin has been passed down for generations is that his greatest achievement was to end the war-torn Warring States period and unify the six countries, so that the people of this land would no longer suffer the slaughter of war.

The best way to end the war is to eliminate the opponent's ambitions and eliminate the opponent's vitality.

Only in this way can the world be united and there will never be peace.

War can only be stopped by war!

If the chaotic war era cannot end in our generation, it will harm our descendants and make our descendants pay a heavy price for the war.

There are no peaceful years, but there are people who bear the burden and move forward.

The best way to protect Da Qin is to eliminate all enemies of Da Qin.

Today the Xiongnu lost an army of 100,000, which can be considered a serious loss of vitality.

Why not take this opportunity to lead the northern expedition and wipe out the Xiongnu in one fell swoop?

Let the Qin Dynasty no longer be intimidated by the Xiongnu?

Having made up his mind, Fusu turned around and looked at Gao Shun and the other soldiers.

"Thank you for your hard work! But our battle has only begun now! I hope you can recover from your injuries and recover for half a month. I will personally lead you on the Northern Expedition!"

"Northern Expedition! Northern Expedition!"

Gao Shun raised his arms and shouted.

"Northern Expedition!"

"Northern Expedition..."

Thousands of soldiers trapped in the camp spoke in unison.

The loud voice seemed to want to break through the dark sky and reach the sky.

The majestic mountains and rivers are unstoppable.

This roar seemed to vent all the anger that had been suppressed for decades.

Under the city wall, more than ten thousand people led by Meng Tian were stunned.

The loud and powerful roar immediately aroused the emotions of the soldiers.

His heart was surging, and his blood was boiling like boiling water.

"Northern Expedition! Northern Expedition! We must also follow the Young Master in the Northern Expedition!"

"Wherever the young master goes, we will go! Great Qin has such a young master, we are really lucky, and Great Qin is lucky!"

"It was my fault in the past. I misjudged the young master! I originally thought that the young master was weak and a weak, sour scholar who spoke of benevolence, justice and morality. I didn't expect that the young master is a reputable and bloody man!"

"This is the son of our Great Qin! Our Great Qin slowly grew from a remote and small country, wiped out the six countries, and established the Qin Dynasty, relying on several generations of wise kings!"

"Young Master is such a hero, I look forward to Da Qin reaching a higher level!"

"The Qin Dynasty is mighty, the young master is mighty! As a soldier of the Qin Dynasty, I am very proud!"

The soldiers' blood boiled with enthusiasm, and they raised their weapons and shouted.

Meng Tian, ​​on the other hand, frowned and pressed his hands against the tiger's mouth to stop his boiling emotions.

Northern Expedition?

Leading the Northern Expedition?

How can we leave Yanmen Pass without His Majesty's order!

Yanmen Pass is the gateway to the Qin Dynasty and must not be lost.

After the passion, Fusu ordered the battlefield to be cleaned.

While the soldiers were sweeping the battlefield in full swing, Fusu retreated as if he had succeeded and went to the tent under the city alone.

Back at the camp, Fusu couldn't wait to ask about the system.

System, how many glory points do I have now?

"Ding, reporting back to the host, you currently have a total of: 139,500 glory points!"


Did you earn nearly 140,000 glory points in just one battle?

This is too much!

This time the Xiongnu army only numbered 100,000, but the number of glory points earned was as high as 140,000.

This chapter has been completed!
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