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Chapter Two Hundred and Seventeen

Following the firm answer, three different interfaces appeared in Fusu's mind.

This split-screen effect is a direct hit.

There are three different scenes, one near Dashan Pass and two other cities.

Before the soldiers appeared, Fusu ordered the six people in front of him to be divided into groups of two and go to Dashan Pass and the other two cities respectively.

As long as these people arrive, except for Yuhuatian who is guarding Dashan Pass, all the other personnel will rush to the city of Fusu.

After waiting for the arrival of Ran Min and Yang Zaixing, you can continue to advance westward.

Now that Temujin has been defeated, even if Temujin cannot be killed, he still has to seize a hundred of his cities!

Until the Yuan Dynasty was beaten and did not dare to move eastwards, it would be difficult to have a chance to breathe!

After the six people resigned, the three interfaces that appeared in Fusu's mind also changed.


Almost at the same moment.

The three originally empty scenes were suddenly filled with tens of thousands of soldiers.

The scene was so shocking that all the birds and animals within a ten-mile radius were frightened and fled in all directions.

The momentum that appeared caused a strong wind that swept across the world.

The strong wind swept away, and the three hundred thousand soldiers opened their eyes together and immediately went to their respective cities.

Three hundred thousand troops, a mighty force.

The flags covered the sky, and the sound of footsteps was like muffled thunder.

The rising dust covered the sky and blocked the sun.

Wherever he went, animals fled and birds spread their wings.

Of the three cities, only Dashanguan responded fiercely.

Ren Xiao, who climbed onto the city wall, saw the flags fluttering in the distance and the dust covering the sky, so he quickly beat the war drum himself.

The dull sound of war drums spread to every corner of Dashanguan.


There are less than two thousand Qin soldiers left in Dashan Pass.

Even though Ren Xiao still wanted to resist, he was... powerless.

Just when Ren Xiao felt helpless, Yuhuatian asked the soldiers of the Beiwei Army stationed there to open the door.

Ren Xiao looked tense and shouted angrily: "Thief, you are so desperate for survival, are you worthy of Mr. Fu Su or worthy of the Qin Dynasty?"

Yuhuatian looked up at the city wall and saw Ren Xiao's ferocious face, staring like a fierce god.

However, suddenly, Ren Xiao's expression suddenly changed.

From Yu Huatian's cold eyes, Ren Xiao seemed to see the person who tortured him a few days ago.

Could it be...

The surprising discovery made Ren Xiao lose all his temper.

Because at this moment, not only Yuhuatian, but also the soldiers of the Beiwei Army who stayed behind were also looking up.

From the eyes of these soldiers, Ren Xiao could not see any hope.

There is only... despair.

Give the enemy despair.

Maybe if you don't go according to their wishes even a little bit, they will... use their swords against you.

However, at this moment, the army in the distance was approaching.

Ren Xiao's expression was tense. Although he was afraid that Yuhuatian would kill him again, he still reminded him softly: "If the enemy attacks Dasan Pass, it will be the people of Daqin who will suffer. The young master has benevolence and righteousness. When he sees the people of Daqin being massacred, he will definitely

I won’t let you go, right? I hope you can think twice!”


Yuhuatian snorted coldly and immediately stood up straight.

It's like waiting for something.

The army in the distance was getting closer and closer, and Ren Xiao had already made up his mind.

If there is anything wrong with Dashan Guan, put all the blame on Fusu.


The army in the distance came to the city gate, but they all stopped.

The leader walked to the suspension bridge, clasped his fists and cupped his hands and said: "Mr. Factory, following the Lord's order, we will work together to guard Dashan Pass!"

"Lord? Collaborate in guarding?" Ren Xiao repeated these two keywords in his mouth and looked at the army in front of the suspension bridge.

The total number of people in the crowd may have reached 100,000.

They work together to guard Dashan Pass...under the Lord's order?

Their lord is the same as Yuhuatian's lord, they are both... Master Fusu?

Master Fusu actually has an army of hundreds of thousands?

Ren Xiao's pupils expanded rapidly and his expression was horrified.


Yuhuatian only spoke one word and looked very cool.

He turned around and walked towards the city, letting a hundred thousand troops follow him and enter Dashan Pass one after another.

Ren Xiao and all the Qin soldiers on the city wall all expressed heartfelt sighs.

"Are these all Mr. Fusu's troops? There are too many of them!"

"I can't see the end at a glance. I'm afraid there are a hundred thousand people here, right? Mr. Fusu actually has a hundred thousand people?"

"Actually, I have already guessed that when the young master entered the city with less than a thousand cavalry, he must have been the vanguard! Now these 100,000 people are the large army of Mr. Fu Su!"

"If these troops had arrived a few days earlier, would the Yuan army have been defeated more quickly? Mr. Fusu is really too fierce! He dared to attack the million-strong Yuan army before the main army arrived!"

"Brothers, where do you think Mr. Fusu is now? Why didn't I go with Mr. Fusu? I was so stupid!"

Everyone was talking a lot.

Ren Xiao's face turned pale, and the little Jiujiu in his heart was completely gone.

Witnessing Fusu's strength and army, Ren Xiao's heart was already shaken.

Whether the road leads to darkness, or whether to abandon darkness and turn to light, and rein in the precipice, has become a question that Ren Xiao needs to consider clearly in his heart.

At the same time, the other two cities also welcomed 100,000 bronze horse troops.

The moment these soldiers entered the city, Ran Min and Yang Zaixing ran wildly outside the city like wild horses and rushed towards the city where Fusu was.

No matter whether the army behind him can catch up.

The six people they had just recruited were also divided into three groups, each heading to three cities.

That afternoon.

Li Jing then gathered the remaining troops of Tang State, bid farewell to Fusu, and headed east.

Because he had not yet received permission from the emperors of Qin and Tang, Li Jing's marching route was very strange.

First go north, then east.

First, it borrowed Daoyuezhi, then Fusu's land in northern Xinjiang, the Xiongnu, and Donghu, and then entered the Turkic territory, and finally turned south and entered the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

This road will not only cause unnecessary troubles with many countries, but the journey is still very long.

But Li Jing was determined to leave this place after eating the weight.

Even if he traveled thousands of miles to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures like Tang Monk, he would not hesitate.

Fusu didn't try to stay either.

Li Jing staying here is a hidden danger after all!

Because he and his generals and soldiers were not under Fusu's command.

If they switch sides and attack, won't Fusu be attacked from both sides?

It may even give the enemy an opportunity to form a "cooperation between inside and outside".

Moreover, Fusu is now powerful enough, and he is confident that he can drive Temujin to an end with his own strength alone.

As for Li Jing, it’s okay not to stay.

It is even more impossible to persuade him to surrender.

When Li Jing's army had just withdrawn from the city, Ran Min and Yang Zaixing came with their army and marched into the city in front of Li Jing and the generals.

Every soldier is brave and high-spirited, like a group of arrogant and domineering men.

As if to say, 'We can still do it without you, even better!'

Seeing Ran Min and Yang Zaixing leading the army, Hou Junji thought of a strange idea. He came to Li Jing's side and said softly: "These two guys led the army into the city. Do we have to defend the other two cities?"

Empty? Why not, Marshal, take this opportunity to capture two cities?"

This chapter has been completed!
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